Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1928, p. 20

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PAGE 1 WEN) ee -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1940 T= COUNTIES TO HAVE EXHIBIT AT ROYAL FAIR Cobourg, Nov, 8.--The counties of Northumberland and Durham will again have an apple exhibit at the Royal Winter Fair in Tor- onto. The exhibit is now being arranged by W. H, Smith, agri- cultural representative at Bright. on, and J. G. Kellough, agricul- tural representative at Port Hope, CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY ' HAS ELECTION AT KINGSTON Kingston, Nov. 8.--Children's Aid Society elected these officers: President, Dr. E. C. D, Maccallum, M.D.; Vice-President, Mrs. A. S. Clark; Second Vice-President, Mrs, Perry Mahood; Third Vice- Presi. dent, A. H. Fair; Secretary, W. A. McIntosh; Treasurer, Lieut-Colonel T. Ashmore Kidd, M.P.P, SEYMOUR TWP, MAN SEY JUDGES CATTLE IN N.S, Cobourg, Nov. 8.--Alex. Hume, seymour Township, left on Monday for Nova Scotia, where he will act as judge of Ayrshire cattle at the Amberst Winter Fair, Mr. Hume, who is widely known as a success- ful breeder, acted as judge at the Provineial Fair in Halifax in Sept. TWO MEN ARE SENTENCED IN THEFT OF SEVEN SHEED Belleville, Nov, 8.--Joseph Wil- lett, Actinolite, and Albert McCaw, Madoe, appeared before Magistrate Casement yesterday, charged with theft of seven sheep, the property of James Trudeau, Hungerford Township, Willett pleaded guilty, and McCaw was found guilty. Both were given one month in jail and ordered to make restitution and pay costs amounting to §87 each, The money was paid. PRIZE ORATORS R IN COMPETITION Lindsay, Nov. 8,--This after- noon and evening at Fenelon Falls the boys and girls who won in the public speaking contests at the ru- ral school fairs in Victoria County, will appear in a chamrplonship pub- lie speaking contest and the win- ners will have a chance for the pub- lic speaking championship of On- ONTARIO NEWS tario. There are two classes, jun- ior and semior. The juniors will start at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the seniors will begin at 8 o'- clock in the evening. The best speaker among the juniors will re- peat his or her speech in the even- ing. . PROMINENT ORCHARDIST PURCHASES NEW FARM Cobourg, Nov, 8.--D. J. Gibson, a prominent orchardist and farmer of Clarke Township, has purchased the R. L. Osborne farm, on the boundary line between Clarke and Darlington. There are fine build- ings on the farm and an up-to-date water system, ° MAY LOSE SIGHT OF RIGHT EYE Belleville, Nov. 8.--Geo, Nunn, Station street, was Tuesday after- noon the victim of a painful acel- dent which may result in the loss of his right eye. Nunn, who Is a welder by trade was working at the Howard Brothers Welding Company on Pinnacle street, and was attempting to break some sticks over an anvil, when a splint- er flew into his eye, He was taken immediately to Dr. Chant, who found that the cornea had been punctured, and that it was quite possible to lose the sight altogether, Mueh of the liguid 'w= the eye had been drained out, but the attending eyesight specialist stated yesterday that unless the eye becomes poisoned, there is a good chance of saving it, COBOURG OFFICIALS SILENT ON CHARGES Cobourg, Nov, 8,.--The only echo yesterday of Tuesday's sensa- tional intimations by Mr, Justice W. E. Raney, regarding alleged tampering with jurors called for attendance at the Fall Assizes of the Supreme Court, came at ad- journment of yesterday afternoon's sittings when His Lordship deliv- ered an unusually' emphatic warn- ing to jurors acting in the trial of John L, Corkum on a charge of criminal negligence. ha Justire Raney made no refer- ence to his remarks of Tuesday when he intimated that Crown of- Ea ~MOVED~- THE UPTOWN OFFICE OF THE SESsniooioio bho 39} Simcoe St. The new location is a part of the office space formerly occupied by the Service Cleaners and Dyers, In buying trom the Oshawa Fish and Poultry Store, my 20 years' experience as a buyer and Fish Chef is behind every purchase, Quality is higher than price and is cheaper than the lowest priced inferior article, Phone me at any time, Advice on the delicious lake and sea foods willingly given, To make your Thanksgiving Dinner a success I have picked the finest poultry in Ontario and as usual my prices will be as low as.good buying will allow me to sell, LAKE TROUT KING OF LAKE FISH Place Trout in pan, Now place strips of good fat Bacon on Trout, Cook ten minutes, Now place all around trout mashed potatoes, Give whole another 10 minutes cooking, Can be served with parsley sauce or drawn butter, Lake Trout 24c¢ Ib. Try an Atlantic Mackerel for Supper English Baked Mackerel--Place as many Mackerel as required in deep pan, parts mixed, add whole spice, desired, or cold. Put in good hot oven, Now half cover with water and vinegar, equal 2 t {| full cut Cook 20 minutes, of serve hot ATLANTIC MACKEREL, 2 LB, 25¢ Again These Low Chicken Haddies Boiling Cuts Cod Sea Herring Fresh Fillets Prices s+. 14c Oshawa Fish and Poultry Store W. JONES. * o Canadian tuberculosis specialists representing every province in Can- ada, who returned to Canada Mon- day, November , on the White Star liner Calgarie atfer an 11 week tour of Europe during which they studied methods of fighting the dis- ease at some of the leading institu- tions in the different countries. Among those in the party are, bot- tom row, left to right, Dr. D. A, Stewart, Manitoba Sanitorium, Dr. E. N, Coutts, Kitchener, Ont., Dr. J. H, Holbrooke, Hamilton; Dr. C. D. Parfitt, Gravenhurst, Ont; Dr, H. A, Farriss, St. John N, B.; Dr. Robley Browne (ship's surd geon); Dr. F. L, Phelps, St. Agathe, P. Q% Dr. R. J. Collins, River Glade N. By Third row: left to right; Dr, D, A. Carmichael, Ottawa; Dr. Har- old Parsons, Toronto; Dr. W. J, Dobbie, Weston, Ont.; Dr. BE, §, Harding, Montreal; and Dr. R. E. Wodehouse, executive secretary of the association, Ottawa, Back row, left to right: masters Robert and George Wodehouse, Ot- tawa; Dr. G. C. Brink, Toronto; Dr. A. S. Lamb, Victoria, B. C. John Hundecad, representing the White Star Line; Dr, T. M, Sieniewicz, Halifax, N. S.; Dr. P, 8. Campbell, Halifax; R. Harris, purser of the Calgarie; Dr. B, H. Hopkins, King- ston, Ont.; Dr. A. B. Alexander, Winnipeg; and Dr, W. B. Kendall, Gravenhurst, Ont, ficlals had been informed of alleg- ed attempts to influence jurors, and both Crown and defence counsel were similarly silent regarding the charges, It was expected that some reference might be made when the jury in the Corkum case was being called but none develop- ed. In dismissing the jurors for the night, Justice Raney reminded them of their duty and spoke em- phatically of the dangers of treir discussing the case at trial with outsiders or even among them- selves, He urged them not to lis- ten to the opinions of others in connection with the case nor to form any conclusions until they had heard all the evidence to be placed before them, Crown Prosecutor C. M. Garvey, Toronto, and Crown-Attorney W, F. Kerr, K.C., declined to discuss the jury tampering allegations yes- terday, SENSKTIONS ARE EXPECTED SOON IN POLICE PROBE Amazing Revelations Made By Many of the London Constabulary London, Noy, 8--Sensational de- velopments are looked for from the investigations Scotlands Yard detee- tives are making following allegations of bribery and corruption made against the police of a certain West End division in London. The inquiry has been going on for some time in the utmost secrecy, only specially-selected officers being en- gaged. Even these officers in many cases do not know the full nature of the work they are undertaking. A mass of amazing information re- garding the operations of certain people in the west end over a period of years, has come'into the possession of the authorities and is to be acted upon, A uniformed police constable of the West End was suspended from duty on .Friday and ordered to report to the disciplinary board of Scotland Yard on Monday to explain certain grave charges brought against him, The inquiries have not yet heen completed. Scores of persons have been interviewed and _ questioned, policemen from the West End hay- ing spent several hours at--Srothand/ Yard, in most cases making voluntary statements regarding the allegations. The suspension of the constable follows the dismissal a week ago of a sergeant of the Vine Street Station for failing to satisfactorily account for the origin of large sums of money in his possession and for associating with undesirable characters. BASKET BALL RULE DEALS WITH FOULS New York, N. Y. Nov, 8.--Al- though not going so far as to re- striet the dribble to a single bounce |an action' which was taken last year and then rescinded after storm of controversy, the new basketball rules for 1928-29 have considerable to say about regulating this spec- tacular feature of the game. A new clause is added (Rule 15, Section 9, under the head of per- sonal fouls) which reads. "A player shall not hold, trip, charge or push an opponent wheth- er or not either player has posses- sion of the ball. If a dribbler charg- es into an opponent, or makes per- sonal contact with an opponent. without an apparent effort to avoid such contact, a personal foul shall be called on the dribbler. "If, despite the dribbler's effort to avoid contact, personal contact ensues, either player, or both, may | he euilty, but the greater responsi- i | . bility is on the dribbler if be tries R 2 dribble by an opponent who is in his path." This is designed to "emphasize the responsibility of the dAribbler » ,in connection with the fouls result- ing from the dribble." says Oswald Tower, Andover, Mass., official in- teroreter of the rules. IMPERIAL BRITAIN DESIRES LIBERTY High Commissioner Outlines New 'Philosophy of Empire" Ottawa, Nov, 8. -- A warm wel- come on behalf of the Canadian people was given to Sir William Clark, first British High Commis- sioner to Canada, and Lady Clark by the Canadian Government at din- ner Friday evening, over which presided Right Hon, W. L, Mack- lenzie King. Most of the Cabinet Ministers and all the members of the Supreme Court of Canada were present, also Hon, Richard B, Ben- nett, Leader of the Opposition; Sir Robert Borden, members of the Senate Hon. William Phillips, United States Minister and Consu- lar representatives of foreign coun- tries. Displaying the fruits of his train- ing at Eton and Cambridge and the breadth of his experience in the British Permanent Civil Service, Sir William Clark, in a speech mark- ed by sagacity, subtle humor and the command of clear and persua- sive language, passed in quick but comprehensive review the develop- {ments intra-Imperial relations cul- minating in the appointment to Canada of a High Commissioner from Great Britain. "The British peoples," said Sir William, "may fairly claim that they have evolved a philosophy of Empire which places our Common- wealth in a wholly different cate- gory from other great political ag- gregations of the past, Liberty is its fundamental principle, its essen- tial aim, Each Government pur- sues it within its own borders; it is the ideal of his Majesty's Gov- ernment in Great Britain in the exercise of their responsibility for that part of the Empire which is still held in trust, And in the aut- onomous group the principal has been carried to its logical conclu sion, each member being, and in- tending to remain, a free unit, self- contained and self-controlled, but through mutual co-operation, through common allegiance to the Crown, a unit in a greater unity," / In addition te the development along constitutional and political lines there was a recognition hy Great Britain, said Sir William, of a wide and fruitful field of co- operation in the economic sphere in matters of trade, finance, migra- tion and the rest, "all rich in pos- sibilities, all interlocking one with the other." Referring particularly to the question of immigration, Sir William said: "I am sure of this, especally after the Prime Minister's emphatic assurance in Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds 30 Days Or Money Back Real pharmacists and chemists ey- erywhere know that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain just the proven essential ingredients that increase weight, create appetite, build up the power to resist disease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women. So now men and women who keep up with the times are taking Me- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets-- rich in health building, strength cre- ating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. So why not start today? Why not fill out those deep hollows in neck, cheeks and chest? Why go om through life with sunken cheeksand narrow chest when you can take ad- vantage of this straightforward of- fer, Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. And bear this in mind, if they don't help you in that time your money will be refunded. 60 Tablets 60 cents--Econ- omy Size $100 At Jury & Lovell and T. B. Mitchell, and W, I{. Karn, and druggists everywhere, lot that eloquent speech of his two or three weeks ago in London, that it fs as much the desire of Canada to see a larger proportion of her immigrants come from Great Bri- tain as it is our desire to send them to her. With that spirit on deed be easy to attain, CZECHO SLOVAKIA TO GET ACROSS TO SEA AVS SIR M. CLARK i= Hae, "lo wa in- Berlin, Nov, 8.--Following five years of negotiations, the draft of the agreement between Czecho Slo- vakian and German representatives on the unlimiting of the free zones of the Port of Hamburg was begun Tuesday. A lease was contemplated hy Czecro Slovakia under article 363 the Versailles treaty, giving Czecho Slovakia direct access to the sea througn Hamburg, The agree- ment probably will be submitted for approval to the two govern- ments by January, Great Britain, Czecho Slovakia and Germany will meet to make official final deels- ion as provided in the Versailles treaty, NOEL MORRIS FIRES SUICIDE SHOT AFTER TANNHAUSER OPERA Descendant of Vanderbilt Follows Young Uncle's Example LAST ENTRY IN DIARY Locks Himself in Bathroom and Sends Bullet Into Brain New York, Nov. 8.--The suicide of Noel Morris, 24-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hennen Morris and a descendant of Commodore Vanderbilt, who shot himself in his parents' home at 19 East Seventieth street after returning from Wed- nesday night's performance of "Tannhauser" at the Metropolitan Opera House was similar to the suicide of his uncle Francis Morris, then 16 years old, in Hanover Ger- many, it has been learned. Noel Morris' body was found locked in the bathroom Thursday afternoon with a bullet from a .38 calibre revolver in his brain. A note inserted in his diary head *"Oect- ober 31-<Closing entry," closed with the comment, "Tannhauser was not brave enough to stick it out, but I am." The reference was to Tannhauser's failure ta kill him- self after the death of Elizabeth as he had planned, Ploughs Into Brain, Dr. Benjamin Vance, assistant medical examiner, after an autopsy on the hody at Hornthal's funera] parlors, 507 Lexington Avenue, said that the bullet had entered the top of Morris' head and ploughed into the brain, He had evidently held the revolver in both hands over his head and pulled the trigger, Funeral services were held Sat- urday morning at 10.30 o'clock! in the Madison Avenue Preshyter- ian Church, with Dr, Henry Sloane Coffin, a relative, officiating. Bur- ial was made in Woodlawn Ceme- tery. Entries in his diary previous to the final one headed 'October 31-- closing entry," typed neatly when he returned to his home after hear- ing Maria Jeritza in Wagner's opera "Tannhauser," indicated that he had been in state of worry and was morose, Companions of Morris told detectives that he had heen of a nervous temperament and preceding his suicide he was especially dissat- isfied with life, Impressed by Beauty In the final addition to his diary he had written that he had had breakfast with his brother Larry, lunch with a second cousin, had AN 2% 7, Pianea. The Reem Hs fit, Metot, J, regis plane making, The Williams Piane Co., Ltd. Oshawa, Canada Established 1349 THE JOHNS PIANO COMPANY 80 Simcoe Street North "le Phone 251 dined at the Union Club and them The rendition of the opera ime gone to the Metropolitan with a |pressed him by its beauty and prey friend. ed on his mind, he wrote. Phone 262 DIRECT LINES Buy your Coal from the TO Dixon Coal Co. crnrRaL All Coal thoroughly screened and loaded on vehicles for delivery with electric automatic loaders to avoid breakage. 'Solvay Coke" Forked to Insure Cleanliness Gen. Motors Wood Bone Dry--Speaks for Itself Jeddo Coal The Best the Mines Produce QUALITY AND SERVICE ASSURED DIXON COAL CO. Wagstaff"s Mixed Cut Peel, Fancy Blue Rose Rice Bovril, 4 oz. bottle For Delicious Pud Eatonia Baking Powder, No Alum, 16 oz, tin ....... Eaton's Fiavorings and Colorings, for pastry and candies Wethey's Evaporated Mince Meat, pkg,,..........o. ssreisrerens Valencia Raisins, Ib, ......., Thanksgivin On this important occasion and t matter of food plays a leading EATON GROCETERIA 52 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Week e days that follow the role! More than eyer you'll be wanting goods of quality, and because of the A. greater variety self service, Take advantage of d, you'll appr the y of the many exceptional every-day values here, as well as the big specials for THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE this week 120, hE nn: TAR TITRE I Del Monte's Sliced Peaches, No, 1 Tin...................., Healthful Palatable Beverages For 'Winter 30 4 08, DOWIE.........o0n000isre00virrrrirrne tresses 65¢c CHOICE PICNIC HAMS, 4to061lbs, Perlb, .......... s 22¢ C. and B. Walnuts, 10 oz. French 12 02.: ..... C. and B, White Onions, 10 0z............0........43¢ Abc 17¢ Crossed Fish Sardines, 2 tins............000r0000..31€ 10¢ | Campbell's Soup Asst, (Except Chicken) 2 Tins 25¢ Aylmer Brand Diced Carrots 11c Tin California Spinach 2 Tins 19¢ Cream of Wheat 24c Pkg. Salad Dressing Powder 9¢ Pkg. DELIVERIES Leave daily at 930 am. 11 am, 2 pm. and 439 pm. and at 9.30 am. 4.30 pam. and on lam, 2pm, 6 pm, EATON GROCETERIA OPERATED BY #7, EATON Ct NOV, 9 to 15 INCLUSIVE dings and Pastries Molasses Snap) Biscuits nnannnnnnins 146 Garden Gem Currants, Ib............... I I He ie 16¢ nein Ie 198 9 am. to 6 pm. Daily Including Tiny and Saturday

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