THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1928 \ PAGE FIVE Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mr. Nelson Cheseboro of General Motors Products, St. John's, N.B.y is spending a few aays in tue iy. - * * Misses Gertie Duncan and Claire Kennedy spent the week-end in Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare, Elgin street east, attended the Queen's McGill game in Kingston Saturday * % Miss Esther Lang of Baflieboro is visiting relatives in the city for a few days. %® * » Mr. H. M. Brooks, Masson street, left this morning on a two weeks' hunting trip In Northern Ontario. « % % Miss Margaret Harton of Peter. boro spent the week-end with Miss Anne Anderson, Hillcroft street, It takes only 2 minutes time for LUX to remove perspir- ation--foe to silk--and renew the lustrous beauty of silk, chiffon or rayon stockings Beat remember 13: ONLY LUX CAN GIVE LUX RESULTS Laver Brothers Limited, Toronto ! Mr. Stewart Chapman was in Kingston Saturday, where he at- tended the Queen"s-McGill game. = 2 3» Miss Jean Merritt of Toronto spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. W, Merritt, El- gin street east. * % a Mr, Eric Heary of the University | |jof Toronto spent the week-end | | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Henry, King street east. * » * Messrs. Fred Ball, T. M. Glad- man, Sr, Roy Bond and Justin Rogers left for Haliburton Satur- day on a two weeks" hunting trip. » Mr. Fred Henderson and Miss N. Wooderidge of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Holden, Gibbon street, on Sunday. an Miss N. K. Gough of Fordham Hospital, New York City, 1s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Gough, Albert street, for a month, * % =» Miss Adele Rush of Weston was the guest of Miss Marian Nicholls, Christie avenue, over the week- end. * ¥ § Mr. and Mrs. J. J. English, "'Netherby', were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gammage and Miss M. Gammage in Brougham on Sunday. L LJ Messrs E M, Burke and A. Mountenay left last week' with a party from Toronto on a two weeks' hunting trip in the Parry Sound district, * % * Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Longfield and daughter, Clara, of Hamilton spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Frank Longfield, 48 Hillcroft street. ¥ % Misses Violet Crandell, Rose Reece, Nellie Reece and Martha McBrien have returned from spend- ing two weeks with friends in Niagara Falls, N.Y, and Buffalo. * % » Dr. and Mrs, H. O, Richardson and family of Campbellford, Mr. and Mrs, Melhourne McCarty and daughter, Gwendolyn, of Toronto, were guests of Dr, E, T, Richard. son, Alexandra street, over Sunday. Mr. T Munro Stewart of Glas- gow, who is conducting the ser- vices at the Gospel Hall, Nassau street, this week, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, D, Burchett, Celina street, % On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Ina Follest, D.D.G\M., and a number of the members of the Victoria Lodge, L.T.B. No §&5, were in Bowmanville Sunday, where they assisted the officers of the Con- federation Lodge to confer the White degree on a number of candidates, v 0 The Sens of England held a whist drive on Friday evening in he S.0.E, hall, There were nine- teen tables in play, The ladies' | prizes were won by Miss W, Toye, Mrs. Holder and Mrs J. Robinson, while the following gentlemen re- ceived prizes: Messrs, F. Watson, A. Brown and K. Graham. Mr. H. Cunliffe was awarded the special prize. The prizes were given in the form of vouchers so that the win- neds might purchase whatever they wished. - * - Mr and Mrs. Walter Shipp and little daughter are spending two or three weeks with relatives at the Soo. Mr. and Mrs. "Ww." short, Mrs. Logeman and Mrs, Follest were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dad- son of Bowmanville on Sunday. . - LJ On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Bloomer of Hambton were surprised by about thirty-six Osh- awa friends, who gathered to cele- brate with them their nineteenth wedding anniversary. During the evening Mr. Linton read an address and Mr, J. Wood presented Mr, and Mrs. Bloomer with a Coleman lamp. Mr. and Mrs, Bloomer re- plied in a fitting manner. The mugic was supplied by Mr, R. Wood, violin, Mr. H. Meadows, guitar, and Mr. J. Rotthier of Whitby, traps. Both square and round dancing was enjoyed, The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Smith, Mr, and Mrs, Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Burk, Mr, and Mrs, Alex- andra, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood, Miss H. Doherty, Miss Annie Burk, Miss Ada Bagley, Messrs, McClure, Kier, Grey, Lee, Williams, Kowie, Mr, and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs, Meadows, Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood, Mr. and Mrs, Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Gillis and Mr, and Mrs, J. Rotthier of Whitby. ELECT OFFICERS AT MEETING OF THE KING STREET W.M.S, After a meeting of the W.M.S. of King Street United Church, held recently, the pastor, Rev, Mr, Cragg, occupied the chair, as it was the occasion of the election of officers for 1929, The election resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Parker; first vice president, Mrs, Lyle; second vice president, Mrs, Hugh Murray; re- cording secretary, Mrs, Edgar; cor- responding secretary, Miss Jacke son; treasurer, Mrs, Bird; Chris. tian Stewardship, Mrs, Glover; strangers' secretary, Mrs. Armour; associate helpers' secretary; Mrs. Marlow; monthly literature secre- tary, Mrs, Mikle; baby band super- intendent, Mrs. Thresher; super- intendent mission band, Mrs, Roy Flintoff; press secretary, Mrs, Fer- guson, Mrs. Parker, the new president, asked the Society for their faithful support, The Thanksgiving theme was emphasized in the responsive Scrip- ture reading, while it was further brought to the attention of mem- bers present in a reading given by Mrs. R. G. Fair, Little Miss Joyce Edgar delighted her audience with a solo. Divorce Question The Society went on record as being in complete accord with the resolution adopted by the execu- tive of the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence cof the W.M.S., scoring the 2-4 FR) Os Us RNY 4 ) SZ) 2) A i =) "Gees 0 x CB) 50 Skrip, successor to ink, abolishes pen clogging By s score of scientific tests this new product of ours itself as probably the Brestest improvement for school snd specisl work demonstrates 8 smooth snd brilliant color, yet washes out of clothing easily, Permanent Skrip, for record work, tenaciously holds its legibility. Both flow freely snd evenly st sll times, without flooding, dry quickly on the paper, but will not dry on the pen point or clop the flow, See thet your fountsin-pen is piven s chance to use this prest fluid. Skrip mskes sll pens write better end the Lifetime® pen write best. Try it today. panied ie Wt ii 50% establishes ever made in writin fluids, Washable Skrip At better dealers everywhere HEAFFER' PENS PENCILS SKRIP SHEAFFER PEN CO, OF CANADA, Li , red end black proposed divorce court im Oatarie The resolution read as follows: "Whereas, for 4 t eessions of our Dominion Parliament at Ot- tawa, a bill has been brought be- fore the House, to establish a di vorce court in Toronto, presum- ably to relieve the Semate of work and realizing the establishment of a local court presided over by one or more individuals, is Making 4 vorce much less dificult to obtain than is the case at present, whem an act of parliament is necessary, we, the members of the executive of the Bay of Quinte Conference branch of the Women's Missionary Society, mow in session at Belle- ville, do hereby resolve to place oa record our protest against such a change, wishing as we all do, to preserve the unity and the same- tity of the home." The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Smith. CALL THE MANAGER Customer: Are you sure that this is good perfume? Sales Girl (recently transferred from book department): Oh, yes, madame. Why, its' one of our best smellers.--Passing Show, YOUTHFUL SMARTNESS The shirred panel of plain sheer velvet at the left side of the skirt, attached to hip yoke, creates a de- cidedly youthful effect and coms. bines with three-cornered neckline to carry. out chic one-sidedness, You'll be prepared for any daytime occasion with this charming dress of printed sheer velvet, the season's most popular fabric, Style No, 309 is slender, conservative and smart, and is made with 2 b+8 yards of 40-inch material with 5-8 yard of 27-inch contrasting, 1 1-4 yards of binding and 1 3-8 yards of ribbon for the 3 -inch size, Pat- tern is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, It is also interesting made of lustrous crepe satin, with the hip yoke, shirred panel and hind- ing made of the dull side of the crepe, Crepe Elizabeth in Royal blue, scarlet red dull flat silk crepe, mauve-brown canton fallle crepe and navy blue wool crepe make up beantifullly for all-day wear. Price 20 cents in stamps or) coin (coin is preferred), drei dedi PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshaws Daily Times attern Department Oshaws, Ont, Enclosed find ,....,..,. cents, Please send patterns listed be low; srerertranranrr BIER riveree rereeritesernrey BOR career crrrserrnesvineee BAED rorseree Name Provinee ....ssssssssrsrsrsss Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully, TTT TTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTeeY New Evening and Afternoon Dresses, Come and see them. FASHION SHOPPE, OSHAWA FASHION SHOW 13 INTERESTING T0 OSHAWA WOMEN Fashion Shop Displays Love- ly Models for Fall and Winter The Fashion Shop, 84 Simcoe street south, was bright with au- tumn flowers and gay with music on Saturday afternoon from 2.30 to 5, when Mr. and Mrs. S. A. En. gel, Jr, presented to the women of Oshawa a Fashion Show of the latest fall and winter styles in coatss, millinery and frocks, Vari- colored flowers in large baskets, supplied by Reed's Florist, were ar- ranged in the store. Music was supplied for the afternoon by D. J Brown, : Fall Styles a Afternoon frocks of colors and styles predicted for the social sea- son by Paris and New York fashion houses, were shown by three mod- els. At thia season of the year, when the debutantes are holding sway it is only natural that the evening gowns should have a prominent part, The model with the drooping bouffante skirt of uneven hemline is still featured in any display of evening gowns and the Fashion Shop presented par- ticularly chic models. Sports frocks for the business and school girls are of a variety which makes it difficult: to choose one from the number offered. Tailored and formal coats were smown and both appealed to a vast number of women present, In the miilinery section of the Fashion Show it is difficult to describe the different models since millinery has turned toward {irregularily in materials and styles, In many models the irregular brim is the only trimming on the hat and makes the hat a becoming model by the peculiar way it is cut and shaped, LONDON MAN HEADS ONTARIO TRAVELLERS London, Ont., Nov. i--At the meet- ing of the Ontario Commercial Tra- vellers' Association, John H. Grier son of London, was elected Presi- dent; Andrew Home, First Vice-Pre- sident, and J, H, McGuire, Third Vice-President, Nominated for sec- ond vice-president were A, A, Morri- son and A, 8, Sippi, Nominated for directors were J. C, Doidge, D, §, McGugan, Clarance Atkins, O. H. Gidley, A. 8S, Sippi, C. Stewart, R. McKay, A. A, Morrison, 7, P, Wilson and A, Clark, | \$'21 7 § 25 Beautiful Coats Sample Garments From Two Leading Makers $59.50 Coats that have not been shown anywhere for as moderate a price. luxurious Fur Collars of Bleached Sable in grey and beige colors, or in fine Fox Fur in grey and brown, - Materials are French Broadcloth and Vellabloom, in the finest qualities that money can buy. Colors are Beige, Brown, Navy, Black and Grey. Linings are in brocaded plush with flat crepe in cleeves and at foot, or in a beautiful satin that is guar- anteed for two seasons' wear. Sizes 16 to 42. Regular $69.50 to $85.00 values This is surely an exceptional opportunity for the woman who appreciaies fine mae teriale, fine furs, fine tailoring and finish, dreful identification insures complet: return | "CH{(ERES our 'raw Juateriol as it comes itor's guide explained, p pointing to a ven stack of bundles, "These special ing machines, you see, keep an accurate record of each bundle's various time and labor saving services; one of which is sure to meet your J -- OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING CO. 84 Simcoe St, 8. 456 Coentre Street--Phone 2520