Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Nov 1928, p. 12

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r-- X Press) Lon fo 3--""Modern__Prob- lems of the Church" is the title of a ee aon Hall, Oxted, Who Pa Bishop Barnes of Birming- ham is proba ny he at odernists. leader of A Anglican m Phd, by A certain to arouse widespread. sion, though Dr. Major does mot en- er into sion on the Virgin irth or Resurrection. His views on ese subjects were the cause of pro- josie by Jiscount Hali tan and She s adherents in cl ners Mr. pn an official speaker at the recent annual Congress at Cheltenham. 3 however appeared at and his remarks were gece! entire respect. hPa A Transformation Concerning the opinion which is often heard nowadays that religion is "nigh unto vanishing." Br. Major . ing o transformation, for religion or passed through many stages. "This thought then," that the prob- lems of the Church today, and the contreversies they excite, are pot the death-struggles of a doomed - muniea bat the growing pains a vigarows and comparatively youthful rehgion, underlies my treatment of them." he writes, : On the subject of Re-Union Dr. Major says economic rather than strictly religious reasons voiced the call to re-union in the colonial churches. "The advent of Biblical criticism, which dissipated the Protes- tant ideas of Biblical infallibility and Biblical authority, weakened enor- mously the position of sects which largely owed their existence and sys- QO] nv Woman Carn Any Woman Look Stylish 000d? MAEMARTIN, 000 Most stylish looking wo men know simple ways to make last sea. son's things con. form to this sea- son's styles, Thousands of them have learn- ed how easily they can trans- form a dress or blouse, or coat, by the quick magic of home tinting or dyeing. With true, fadeless Dia- mond Dyes, anyone can do this successfully, The "know-how" is in the dyes. Diamond Dyes don't streak or spot like inferior dyes. New, fashionable tints appear like magic over the out-of-style or faded eolors, Tint. ing with Diamond Dyes is easy as bluing, and dieing takes just a little more time, Only Diamond Dyes produce perfect re- sults. They have been periected by over 50 years' experience, Insist on them and save disappointment, "Color Craft," my big new book of dollar- faving hints, will be sent you FREE, Write : ae Martin, Diamond Dyes, Windsor, On- ario, JURY & LOVELL'S EXCLUSIVE OI'TICAL PARLORS Scientific Examination o! the eyes by experienc! Eyesight Specialists, Phone 28 or 20 dispreed 10 think that it is under- | I have the Christian Church governed absolutely by a single hierarchy, an the infallible head of that hierarchy the most influential potentate in the world, would be as fatal to demo- cratic ideals as it would be to Chris- tian ideals. 1i achieved, such Xunion would be followed by a condition, Fl tion which would steadily in- vade every tent h. ha ad this slaguation would certain - lowed by violent disruption of the reunited Ch In discussing educational of the Church Dr, ior Temata; nels is no more i the failure ot radional Christian teaching to win intelligent and en- thusiastic support, or ind any support at all, than the large admix- ture of falsehood in traditional Chris- tian teaching. The young, particularly are repelled by this element of false- ood; it leads them to distrust and ¢ may make al- not," urch. reject the whole. A lowances; youth wi NELCHETT ADNIRES PROSPERITY OF U.S. British Financier Sees Or ganization of World in Three Economic Units London, Nov, 83--Organization of the world into three vast economic units was perdicted by Lord Mel- chett, British financier and indus. trialist, upon his arrival at South. ampton Wednesday following a tour of America. These units, he said, would probably be the United States of America, the United Econ- omic States of Europe, and the Brit. ish Empire, "It this is fulfilled," he said, "It will be on a totally different basis and atmosphere from those of 1914, Industrially, politically, and finan- cially the tendency will be toward co-operation." Expressing his admiration for the American prosperity, which he said would endure, Lord Melchett declared that it is based on two fae. tors as follows: "One .1s the very large amount of money earned during the war at the expense of Europe whieh was to .enahle America to remodel her old plants and build new factories, The other is the great produetivity of the American workman, hased partly on the greater use of mech- anical power and partly on the fact that the American employers are not afraid to pay high wages." F. P. DAY TO SUCCEED DR. C. A, RICHMOND Schenectady, N. Y., Nov, 8, -- Frank Parker Day, Canadian war veteran, author, and professor of English at Swarthmore College, is expected to be named successor to Dr. Charles Alevander Richmond as president of Union College at 8 meeting of the hoard of trustees next Saturday. Dr. Richmond re- signed several months ago, effee- tive at the appointment of his suc- cessor. Professor Dav served for five years. with the Canadian army over seas and rose to the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel. pain. But i's just as important to know that enuine Aspirin, The name x. If the name Bayer it js not! Headaches are the pain that goes with tis promptly relieved, pivven durcclions, Get Bayer is on every dispelled by them ; even neuralgia, neuritis, and Aspirin--at tablet, and on it's genuine ; and if it doesn' i A are The USHAWA DALY LIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1920 SWINDLER GANG OF NEW YORK HAS NOW DISBANDED Society Crooks Found the Law Closing Tightly Avound Them .Y., Nov. 3--Three i ietly f Park A tly from a Park Avenue hotel at idnight looked hastily up and dn the treet » see A ey were ed, an a cab for the Conti Station. _ This marked the break-up, temporarily, at least, a few nights ago of one of New York's most successful gang of society swindlers. ; A prominent New York business man had dropped a check for $47,000 in an "innocent" Roker game aboard a liner Tecently docked. Through the efforts of a local detective Agency e check was returned to him. Al Ll the matter did mot come openly to the attention of the ce, the gang's operations are blocked for the time being, Two fled to Mon- Yicaland two others ae aboard the estic_en route to France, Plausible W. L. Jennings, alias Lawrence Parker, alias Edwin A. James, de- scribed as one of the handsomest and most plausible of high class con- fidence men, received .the check for $47,000. During a few days after the liner docked his companion, a former Ziegfeld Follies girl wand a beautiful blonde, bought thirty-eight dresses and three coats in the best New York shops. Jennings always drives his own Packard, and is said to be a member of some excellent clubs, Soon after their arrival in New York the swindlers observed they were being watched, Finally Jennings and his companion, fearing exposure, jumped to Montreal, Tracked to one of the finest bmtels there, they were confronted by a detective, It was impossible to call in the aid of the police, because the client feared ex- posure as much as the gamblers, ds on the Table The detective laid his cards on the table. He admitted this. But he said! "I'll have my men shadow you for weeks, The reputable bank has al- ways closed your account, If I warn this hotel, you will be put out. I've got your record and know all about you, I ean hinder your opera- tions for weeks" In face of this threat, $47,000 didn't look so hig. The check was passed back to its owner and torn up, QUEEN VIGTORIA AND $225,000 WiLL No Distribution Until Her Descendants Are All Dead London.--1Is it possible to trace ail the living descenuants ol wueen Us Children Cry "for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby is fretful, No sooner taken than the little one is at case. If rest- less, a few drops soon bring com- tentment, No harm done, for Cas- toria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doc tors' word for that! It 1s a vege- table product and you could use it every day, But it's in an emergency that Castoria means most, Some night when constipation must he relieved--aor colic pains-- or other suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, un- opened, to make sure there will al- ways be Castorla in the house, It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it, > ~ 7 {Lc AeA CASTORIA RUTH FAILS TO REVIVE STRICKEN TRAVELLER Sioux City, Towa, Nov. 3.--Babe Ruth, home run king of baseball, made a futile attempt to revive Charles H. Tate, Sioux City salesman, on a train near Sloan, Iowa, Wed- nesday night, Tate was stricken with a hemor- rhage and died despite an hour's at- tempt by Ruth to revive him, Ruth was on his way to Denver. . The Family Herald and Weekly Star with its wonderful improvements is now regarded as the great Agricultural Paper of Canada and the Family Circle's best magazine, -- aa (Continued from Page 9) 10.45 WCFL (484)--Chicago. FL Enter. nn 3 RD Ra leh Over wiz N.Y. Vl EO Sgr WOWO (229)--Ft. Wayne. Music. nas STR ans Paul. Sy Wik | Kaas ir. Bion WON (ae--Chicago, Louie's Five. M Concert FR a-- 12 mid KO ¢ Song Paint. i ¥)--Hollywood. Wuclitees pro- OA (26)~Denver, io a NORRIE, TRE KFi (469)--Los Concert or chestra. 7.0 mI fics x om Mio Tours: RS CABS Moke 2k WSAI (%1)~Cinci. Business talk; ev- WAR = Auane Address by W. 2.18 WM (37)--Nashville. Talk by J. D. 7.2 han )-Ft. Wayne, Safety wn NA, VR, Wl TOC (5) Daveapmit. Address" by Ea ics CTS 2.95 WHK (265)--Cleveland, Museum of 245 NBC ystems Physical Cult i mi ] ye Wen ww, feu: Tony's Scrap WEAF, WLIT, WLS (35)--Chicago. 9.00 NEC System: Cam; sfoech by Nevhert, Hoover a to, Cal.: 0 NE SS Eres se tem: Campa 8 y Gov, Al E. Smith. from New York: ¥iz and chain. Columbia Chain: Pr Hungry ram: AN, Political WMAQ, WOWO WSPD, WICC, WHK, 11,00 KYW (526)--Chicago, News flashes, Al dR Chicas, "Amos and Aad H LW, WDAF, KSTP, KPRC, a" WHE, WLBW. (39)---N.Y. Dance. (¥0)--Kansas City. Susny pi " 11.00 NBC om: Sho Tat miss: Kro\ KFL, KF Rosie. CFCF (411)--Montreal Jack Denny. Wey 6) -Fhila. Orchestra. FLA (517)--Clearwater. WHAM (280) Rochester. Sax Smith. HK (265)--Clev Club. ¥ we (22)~Newark. Hotel Astor. WPG (273) --Atlantic City, Silver Ship- WRVA (250~Richmond. Hotel Rich- 11.10 WNAC (461)--Boston. Palai Or. ¢ is Li 11.30 WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Doc WTMJ br shard Dance. 10.48 bat i WSPD, WGBS' WDAF a =p VSS rt Sa HE foliage and flowers of Summer teach men to adorn their characters with gen- erous smiles as well as acts of kindness. Our Service of Sincerity is one of dignified charm and gracious harmony, 'Experienced, personal attention to every detail, DISNEY-CCTT Funeral Home 87 Celina Street, Oshawa (416)--Chi "rr ~~ EE = mn 12.45 a.m. Nighth. 19 KNX (37) Hollywood, Hotel Ambas- 8 if. KYW (526)--Chi "Insomnia Club" bm 1928.) I or ~~ rrr ee, BRAKEMAN IS KILLED BY TRAIN Montreal, Nov. 3.--Cut in twe by a moving freight train at the Sherwin-Willlams railway siding Phone 1083 Wednesday night, the body of Al- fred Gravel, G3-year-old O.N.R. yardman, was taken to the city morgue last night. A jury under Coroner Prince investigated his death Friday. From the information furnished by Captain Lawton to No. 9 sta. tion, Gravel, who lived at 134 La- prairie street, Point St. Charles was standing on the Sherwin-Williams loading platform on Atwater aven- ue at Centre Street when he tried to jump aboard the train as it pass- ed him. He was unable to nraintain his precarious grasp of the {ron rungs and slipped to the track he. neath the wheels, His body was cut REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPROIALTY If your Watch fs not giving satisfact! make ft tell the correct time 3 We an a a D. J. BROWN THB JEWELER Ofticlal Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal awa Rafiroads. " on 10 King 8, W, Phone 180 500)~Hot Springs. Newscasting 1.30 am, KGO (38))--Oakland, Alask news flashes. DANCE TO THESE 7.00 pm, WBZ (333)-Springfield, Mass. ert Lowe. WSB (476)--Atlanta, Harry Pomar, 7.15 WWJ (353)--Detroit. Shelby orchestra. 8.00 KYW (526)--Chicago. Studio orchestra, CFCA (357)--Toronto, Novelty orches. WGY (380)--Sch dy. h H WMAK, WPAP (34)-N.Y, Roseland orchestra. 8.30 NBC System: A, & P. Gypsies: WEAF, WTAG, WGY, WWI, WOC, WEEI, WCSH, WGR, WSAI, WHO, WTIC, WLIT, WCAE, WGN, WDAF, WIAK, WRC, WTAM, K5D, 9.00 CKGW (312)~Toronto. O'Keefe's Sparklers. KFAB (319)--Lincoln, Orchestra. KOA (326)--Denver, Orchestra, WBBM (389)--Chicago, Dance. WCAH (24)--Columbus, Dance orches, WHN (34)---N.Y. "Joy Way," 10.00 WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Marylanders. waz (333)--Springfield, Mass, Trouba- Qurs, WENR (288)--Chicago. Dance. WLS (345)--Chicago, Intemational re: vie, 10.15 WMCA (370)-N.Y. Rainbow Inn, 10,30 Columbia Chain: Captivators: WOR, WCAU, WNAC, WEAN, WMAK, WCAO, WAIU, WKRC, 9.30 UNBE AM nN Laying Mash "Since using your SUNBEAM LAYING MASH, my egg production, William Park, Vineland, Ontario, writes: health of birds and hatchability could not be better. From De. cember, 1087, to September, 1088, the production has been from fifty to eighty per cent, from both my Barred Rocks and Leghorns, I have had no cases of rupture and sickness is unknown, Hatches ability was seventy per cent, and for some hatches--over eighty per cent, My five hundred birds pay me better than anything else on the farm, Keep your feed as it is and you will have everything else beaten," DISTRIBUTOR COOPER SMITH COMPANY STANDARD MILLING CO. of ( EGC Er I OO SNP VV WMAQ, WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, victoria? , And will it be harder to trace her living descendants In «usd than in 19287 These questions were raised in a lawsuit over a curious $440,000 will in the Court of Appeal. Wiliam James Villar, of "aunton who died in 1026, inserted a clause residuary estate to continue unti 40 years after the death of the last survivor of the lineal descendants of Queen Victoria living at the time of Mr, Villar's death, Three sons and a daughter of Mr, Villar claimed that this pro- vision was void and that th re was an intestacy, It has already been held in the Chancery Diyision that the clause was pot invalid, 190 Descendants Now Sir Thomas Hughes, K.C., for the fonr children, said fa 1922 the living descendants of Queen Vic- ria pumbered about 120 and they were scattered over a large part of the world, It would probably be impossible 100 years hence to prove that all the descendants of Queen Victoria were dead. In any case the cost of proving it would be enor- mous, Lord Justice Lawrence: It would be easy to ascertain who are de- scendants of Queen Vietoria liv- ing to-day, Sir Thomas Hughes disagreed. They must be, he sald, legitimate descendants and there would have Hal rsd RA 7 ws marriages bad been morganstie, People of royal origin were mot nite of the same conspicuous pos- BR to-day, and thelr {identity might be lost ussing the appes! the Mester of the Rolls said period of des- triction, inconvenient though ft might be, did not offend against any canon of law, It might be that 100 years hence there would be a certain number of problems associated with births, marriages, and death to be faced. but that was a matter the Court was not entitled to take fmto cop- sideration. The difficulty was mot roan. urt could mot by reason of sympathy with the te make a new will and say testa- [tor ought not to have imposed suc), 2 problem on posterity, TRAMWAY STRIKE IN N.Y. ENDS QUICKLY ul. {ET w ended before it really re Fo hn when some of the strikers' demands were conceded. The strikers had asked a wage increase and railroad workmen had threatened a sympa- eth ne ete cme mn we in his will creating a trust in his | And Help BUILD Up Our Shopping District Every Dollar Spent Out of Oshawa Helps to Create Opposition to Your City Just Phone 2520 and & driver will call, Oshawa Laundry And Dry Clesping Oo, Mill Street Oshawa DRY CLEANING If you want your clothes clesned so they will look like mew, phone PARKER'S Cleaners snd Dyers King Street East Phone 785780 PROPERLY Oshawa Helps Oshawa

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