PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1928 Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The. Times invites the co- operation of its readers fa contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. Mr. P. Clancy: spent the week- end with friends in Kingw Whart. i * Mr. W. F. Manuel has entered school at Belleville, : * * % Messrs, B. Cooper and W. Cooper were guests of friends in the city Sunday, ia * Mr. and Mrs. Melville Reid and family of West Huntingdon visited friends in town over the week-end. Misses Marjorie | Blewett and Reta Vokes are attending the Sun- day School convention in Galt. Mrs. L. Johnston 18 visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Lowery, near Mill. brook, for a few days. $$ 5% 0% Miss Trull is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnett, Winterbourne, for a few days. * * 0% Mayor R. D, Preston has re- turned from a three days' trip through the Kirkland Lakes min- ing district. * * * Mr. R. S. McLaughlin, "Park- wood", has returned from a trip on .the Continent. During his so- journ abroad Mr. McLaughlin at- tended Motor Shows in Paris and London, * Mrs, G. D, "Conant entertained a few members of "The Chuckles of ' 1929" at her home last evening after the final showing of the revue, Miss Marie Johnston has com- pleted her training at the Hospital * for Sick Children, Toronto, and is A wonderful complexion can be yours, by using this smooth, fragrant face powder. Ask your druggist or write for free sample, FACE POWDER COLD CREAM VANISHING CREAM CHAMBERLAIN LABORATORIES Dovercourt Road, Taronto -------- at the home of her pareats, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Johmston, Athol street east. Fn LJ Miss E. Morrow of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. James Crow- ell, North Oshawa. . Mrs. James Crowell, Messrs. Will and Lewis Crowell and Mr. | and 'Mrs. W, Goodchild and family spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Dor- land, Toromto. * % % Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Fletcher, Mrs. C. I. DeGuerre, Mra. William Petre and Miss Emily Watson are |attending the Sunday School con- vention, which is being held in Galt, Mra, Fetcher will address the children's workers, * Mr.! Hays, Superintendant of the A. W. Butler Co,, entertained a number of children last evening at a Hallowe'en party at 318 Athol street. The guests included: Gladys Britten, Jean Miller, Ethel Griga, Margaret Rice, Laura McKay, Mary Bowles, Kelih Goodman, Lloyd MacNally, George Bakegeorge, Wil- liam Pipher, Arden Hartman and Bud Bowles, * % Dr. and Mrs, Grant Berry had as their guests last evening for the closing performance of the Hos- pital revue: Mr, and Mrs, A, Shore, Mrs. W, Davidson, Miss 1, Davidson, Mrs, J. P, Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bruder, Mrs, Robert Berry, Mr, and Mrs, MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs, Elliott, Mrs, Nerrin, Miss Ruby, Berry, Mr, James Quarring.on, Mr, Joe Quarrington, Mrs, Bedgegood, Mr. Frank Barber and Miss Eileen Weycott, all of Toronto, *¥ % % Mr. Clayton Neil is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R, Bennett, Port Hope. Miss Kathleen Northwood of Toronto, whose marriage to Mr, Clayton Blair Edmonson, of this city, takes place at Grace Church- on-the-Hill on November 17, is being much entertained. Mrs, Rob- ert Watson of Toronto {is enter- taining at a tea in her honor Fri- day; on November § Mrs. Leonard Bailey is giving a tea and Miss Marjorie Kingsmill and Mr, Jack Kingsmill are entertaining at din- ner that evening for Misa North- wood and Mr, Edmonson, Mrs, Cameron Chisholme, Miss North. wood's sister, will hold a hridee- tea for her November 8; Miss Kath- leen Hughes, luncheon and bridge November 15, and Mrs, W, Geikie, Simcoe street north, aunt of Miss Northwood, is holding a din- ber for the bridal party November 6. MASQUERADE DANCE On Monday evening the St. George's bvanch of the Anglican Young People's Association held a Hallowe'en masquerade, social and dance, There was a large attend- ance and the evening was enjoy- ably spent. Music was supplied by Johnnie Watson's five plece or- chestra, The A.Y.P.A, wishing to add to their present membership, invite all the young people of Oshawa to attend igeir meetings, which are held every Monday evening in the Centre street parish hall, The pro- grams have been arranged for the coming season by the executive, under the leadership of E, Jeffries, The Charm of Chic The fascina'ion that a chic and smart appearance confers, sug- gests a hat that is stylish, colorful and modish, Our selection of hats in Felt, Velyet or Metallic represents the utmost in style and value, Felt Hats at $1.98 and $2.98 Metallic Hats at $2.98 and $3.98 LITTLE HELERN OF W.A, HOLD ANNUAL PARTY On Thursday afternoon, October 25, St. George's Parish Hall was the scene of an enjoyable and hap- py party when the Little Helpers of the Women's Auxillary were given their annual treat. The lit- tle guests and their mothers were welcomed by Mrs, A. C. Kinnear, who is in charge of that depart- ment of W. A, work, During the afternoon the children joined in various games after which some of the older ones entertained the audience with recitations, Each child presented its mite box and all joined in their mem- bers' prayer. Canon DePencier -- 00000 ©00000000000000000 oman Look Stylish Most looking women know simple ways to make last season's things . this styles, of stylish to season's them have learn. can transform a dress or blouse, or coat, by the guick magic of home tinting and dyeing. With true, fadeless Diamond Dyes, anyone can do this successfully, The "know-how" is in the dyes. Diamond es don't streak or spot like inferior dyes. New, fashi ts ar like magic over the out-of-style or faded colors, Tinting with Diamond Dyes is easy as bluing, and dyeing takes just a little more time, Only Diamond Dyes pro- duce perfect results. y have been per. fected by over 50 years' experience. Insist fy on them save "Color Craft," >. big new book of dollar- say hints, will sent you FREE, Write Mae Martin, Diamond Dyes, Windsor, On- tano, ed how easily they BETTY LOU SPECIAL Permanent Wave $5 Get an all Steam Wave, Special for a limited time only, Expert finger waving also. coool MABMARTIN 'was present and spoke to the child. ren of the importance of children's work. Their offerings go towards work among children in foreign fields, as well as to assist in bring- ing Sunday schools to the less fav- ored parts of our own Dominion) He especially urged them to make an effort to atttend the services of the church. The children were served ice crram and cakes while the mothers enjoyed afternoon tea. This being the third birthday of the Little Helpers in St. George's, the tea table was centred with an attractive birthday cake on whilh three candles burned. The mem- bers®of the Sr. Branch of the W. A, assistel Mrs Kinnear in serving tea and looking after the guests. Tathiee CHIC SIMPLICITY You'll like the chic simplicity of Style No. 261 in front and back panel effect, which gives trim slender lines, so much desired in press for all-occasion year. The separate side sections, kilted to give graceful flare to hem, are also stitched part way to secure flat hipline. The becoming neckline is comfortable and youthful, Style No, 261, designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Inches bust, will be found extremely easy to make. Black lustrous erepe sat- in, Normandy green flat silk crepe, blue-violet crepe Elizabeth, navy blue wool crepe, black sheer velvet printed rayon velvet, patterned wool jersey, plain jersey in Autumn leat brown shade with brown vel- beige and brown coloring, are fash. fonable combinations, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully, : PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find Please send patterns listed be- Bose boote deeded, CW) NAC Ch Province Price, 20 cents each. stamps or coin. carefully. Send Wrap coin 20 2 2 20 8 20a an Je Je a Jee ee de aaa Jee ean Ja ae Je aan J Jae 2a) FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH T0 DO HER WORK taking Lydia E. Pink. or nye Phone 2968, at 86 Simcoe St. N., over Orange Hut Al ll vet trimming and sheer tweed in LADIES' AUXILIARY CANADIAN LEGION HONOR MRS. KELLAR Presented With Hand Bag on Eve of Her Departure for Toronto The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadidn Legion, B.S.L., Post 43, held a sogial evening in their club rpms last night. The evening was spent in games and community singing. It was with regret the members of the Auxiliary heard that Mrs. L. Kellar, a valuable member and zealous worker for the cause of the Legion, was leaving soon to make her home in Toronto. Mrs. W. Collins presented Mrs. Kellur with a handbag and Mrs. G. L. Gay, pres- ident of the Auxiliary, read the fol- lowing address: Mrs, L. Kellar, Dear Comrade: We, the members of the Ladies' Auxillary of the Canadian Legion, B.S.L., Post 43, hear with regret the news that you are leaving us to make your home in Toronto. We feel that we cannot let vou go without some little recognition of your help and service while with us so we ask you to accept this handbag as a token of our regard for yoy. It is our earnest wish that God will bless you, prosper you and grant you and your family the best of heedth in the coming years. Signed on behalf of the Ladies' Auxiliary, G. L. Gay, president. Mrs, Kellar thanked the members known Asam tus are by teas. wn--a fact which oy Red fact whichenpioins s0 become gonular in Canada. , For com of Assam teas, which accounts for its dis tinctive quality and Every Teciage guaranteed. for the gift, after which supper was served. YOUNG PEOPLE OF CITY WILL GATHER TOMORROW NIGHT Simcoe Street United Church to Be Scene of an at Home Preparations are practically com- pleted for the At Home in Simcoe Street United Church tomorrow night in connection with the Young People's Week observance in this city. With memories of the successful at home last year in St. Andrew's Church still lingering, {all of the young peaple's societies in the city are expected to have large representations at the gath- ering. The rally tn King street United Church Monday evening, at which about 500 young people were pres- ent, brought togetuer members of each of the societies of the city to hear the chaienge of Rev. L. R. Ballantyse of Orillia. Osha- wd's Young People's Union led the way, a year and a half ago, in the organization of similar unioms im cities throughout Ontario, Mr. Bal- lantyne reminded his audience, but there was much work to be dome by these organizations im service to their community. N A nominating committee was apointed to choose a slate of of- ficers for the Union for mext year, their report to be presented to the fourth quarterly meeting in De cember. Tht committee is Rev. 'W. P. Fletcher, Fred Riling, J. C. Anderson, Stephen Saywell and Miss Evelyn Massey RIGHT BOOKS ARE HOME NEED Create Bond of Sympathy Between Members of Family Books, the right books, are as necessary to the well dressed home as are the right gloves to the well dre:sed woman. The idea of books as family possessions has been neg- lected in favor of the idea of them as personal possessions. Mother keeps her books in her room, per haps, and father keeps his in his den, and sister keeps hers in her Hbrary, which with its various tast- es is often a thing of fragments never appreciated in toto. The environment of no two per- sons can be ahsolutely the same, in the nature of things, but farriliarity with the same books creates a bond The breakfast any ome can get Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Gon, Ld. that few others can. Mother can be more intimate with her son Bob if she has read the books that lie on his night table, She can laugh with him over Milt Gross, sympathize about all his vicarious experiences through the medium of books. The rest of the family can do the sam? and make a more completely unil- ed, more ideally "family" group. But as long as books are secre gated, as long as all the family is not represented in the !Mbrary or living-room of the house, this ideal cannot be accomplished Father's Anatol France, son's Gals- worthy, mother's Cabell, sister's Bromfield, in proximity to each other, mean to the guest that here is a family of varied tastes, but a family sympathetic in their con- with him in his Conrad, talk to iim |. sideration of each other g-- in short, an ideal family, whom any guest is proud to visit, | 'I ---- Transparent velvet in we lovely Wwood-brown shades, black and num-~ erous tones of blue, trimmed with real lace and colored crystal 'orna- ments fashion charming afternoon frocks and ensembles in the form- al or informal styles, JUST ARRIVED New Evening asd afternoon Dresses. Come and see them. FASHION SHOPPE, OSHAWA 81 Simcoe St, 8. ere gr _ APS changing times, slices, Owned by 1873 The (9 Shaped and Baked to meet Present Day Requirements That's the NEW Bamby Loaf! Canada's best-liked bread improved to suit the Ne > nh NN -- ses Nees, ee 4 \ «ANS - oh NL The new improved, shape cuts daintier, more inviting slices that are just the size to satisfy--neither too large nor too small, Gives you EXTRA SLICES, too--6 of them! Fewer of these annoying "left-over" half The flavor of Bamby Bread is finer than ever in the NEW loaf, More milk and sugar have added to its rich creaminess. Try a NEW Bamby Loaf today. Ask the Canada Bread man to leave it with you, If you prefer to telephone call Oshawa 2420 CANADAGSBREAD" COMPANY Albert " Math at Oshawa New loaf of Tha a - ae . SS NW Neva A SCC SaaS TY Sha See -_---- i - ~. £4 8 v 3 Aan \ Ng $e AN ea =.