Bond Building, ua Temperance Adelaide 0107, H. D. fveaidder, vepre- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1928 rr sot wh TT ------ DR. LANGSNER » Few men about whom as little is really known have been able to hold the limelight as long as Dr, Maximilian Langsner, For a man of whom the authorities of his "home town"--Vienna--say they have never even heard, he has been doing very well, indeed, Only the Ontario Government appears to be a little cool, And then it is only with re. gard to finances, Attorney General Price and his deputy and staff seem disposed to be friendly toward the mysterious "doctor," perhaps thinking of the possibility of "en. tertaining angels unawares," but when it comes to money---not so good, Anyway Dr, Langsner says the absence of co-operation from the Province is not go- ing to stick him and he is now away on a lec. ture tour raising the necessary "jack" to . successfully complete his Sherlock Holmes stuff, And here's wishing him success, With the exception of the guilty parties, it is safe to say no one has ever been very well satisfied with the conduct of the Small case, There. fore, if Dr, Langsner can by occult powers or just plain common sense help to unravel the mystery we hope no one will get in his way, WHO IS TO BLAME? What is described by those who know as "the worst crash in years" has occurred in Toronto in the failure of the Manufacturers Finance Corporation, The company appears to have been operated chiefly for the pur. pose of discounting notes obtained from pur- chasers of pianos who made their purchases on the "easy-payment" plan, There is said to have been a very close relationship be- tween the Finance Corporation and the Am- herst Piano Company, a manufacturing con- cern, and the Ontario Piano and Music Co,, a selling organization having incidentally, a branch in Oshawa, : The heads of the Finance Company and the selling agency, respectively, have been arrested on charges of theft or something + equivalent, Money for the purchase of the piano notes from the associated companies was obtained from the public by the sale of bonds--bonds that were certified by a reputable trust com- pany and which anyone might have supposed would be a safe investment. It now devel- ops, however, that renewal notes which merely replaced others that should have been cancelled, were used as a basis for some of these bonds, Thus the same security was made to serve twice, or possibly three times, The wonder is, as expressed by the legal secretary of the Attorney General's Depart- ment, that the trust company did not more closely examine the paper when it was pre- 4 § OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 194% 2 jeri of the latter are poor people unable to stand the loss, All because of a combination of dishonesty and apparent carelessness, CHURCH SELFISHNESS Rev. H, E, Wintermute, speaking at the Ontario and Quebec Association of Baptist churches at Hamilton, told the delegates that too much selfishness was apparent among church members today, He believed that fine edifices for church buildings were quite all right, but feared too often that a degree of selfishness entered them, and that the business of sacrificing was not uppermost in the minds of the people, Mr, Wintermute is qualified to speak on this matter, having spent some years on the mission field, re. turning on furlough, and in order to keep his salary from bearing too heavily on mis. gion funds, he occupies his "time-off" by do- ing pastoral work, People like to go to a comfortable church, where things are well arranged; they like good music, well performed, Fond of com- fortable seating, they do not always welcome an intrusion of strangers in their pet seats, Of course, we'd be generous enough to grant that they are going through all these ges- tures in an effort to worship Almighty God, but at the same time they like to do it in very comfortable quarters, - It this were not 80, So much money would not be poured into cities that now have more than enough seat~ ing capacity for all who attend divine wor- ship, Nor would the workers in foreign fields and home mission fields find themselves living from hand to mouth and making con- stant appeals for help to carry on their work, EDITORIAL NOTES The man who kicks about the food at home usually is afraid of the waiters in restaur. ants, Most large fortunes have been made on things nobody would miss if they did not ex- ist, The cheap cars now give everything one might desire except the impression that one could afford a better one, ~ Bit of Verse | IF I WAS PAW! If I was paw and paw was me, Gee! what a great thing that 'ud be! I wouldn't whip him just 'cause he Went sneakin' off sometimes to fish; And if he'd druther play than go To school I'd say "All right," and oh, But wouldn't he have good times though With everything for which he'd wish! CONFUGAISH CHINA BECOMING LIST AS RELIGON Modernistic Nationaliom In fluencing Teachings of Great Sage Nanking, China, Oct. 31.--Con- fucianism, under the Nationalist regime, has lost its last claim to be the state religion of China. The Nanking government has de- ereed that nothing be done to pre- vent veneration to the memory and teachings of the great sage, but the old influence of Confucius has crumbled under the weight of mod- erniatic nationalism, This summary of Nanking's at- titude toward ancient faith and code which has moulded Chinese thought and conduct for more than 2,000 years was given by a descendant of Contuciua who is also « member of the Nationalist gov. ernment, He is Dr, H, H, Kung (Kung Hsiang-hsi of the seventy. fifth generation in direct line from the Sage, whose Ohinese name was Kung Fu-tzu. Dr. Kung, alumnus of Oberlin and Yale universities, is minister of industry and commerce and, while proud of his Confucian lineage, is a Christian. "Many persons, especially abroad, erroneously ive of AGRICULTURAL LIFE ZONES ARE Will Be Practically Advan- tageous to Agriculture-- Latitude and Altitude 2 Washington, ..C., Oct. 31.--For many practical advantages to ag- riculture, the bureau of biological survey is classifying the distinct belts of plant and animal life on the North American continent, as affected by latitude and altitude, The old geographical divisions of torrid, temperate and frigid zones, authorities say, no longes are specific enough, There are 7 natural life zones spanning the continent in varying and fantastic shapes. A understanding of these sones is expected to result in a knowledge of the average climatic conditions of any part of the coun- try and the adaptation of certain crops and livestock, or other im- dustry, to natural influences. In agricultural regions it is often important to know what fruits or cereals or vegetables will give their best returns in a certain valley or section of the country where long tests have not been made. With a working knowledge of the gone in which the lives, the farmer can drop the struggle against mediocre production and turn his efforts to Confucianism as a religion," said Dr, Kung. "Confucianism actually is a code of philosophy, a standard of ethical conduct for which no claim is made of divine or super- natural sanction, However, the pol- fey of the Nationalist government is complete religious freedom and toleration, and we shall do nothing to interfere with those who still worship Confucius, "Certainly we shall do nothing to cast disrespect on the memory of this great man, who 1s venerated as the Great Sage, and teacher of the Chinese people." BULL FORCES'CLOSE GAPS IN RANKS New York Exchange Has Been Ruled By Most Powerful Campaign New York, N, Y.,, Oct. 31, -- The "bull" forces of the New York Stock Exchange, which during the past four years have conducted the most powerful campaign in the his- tory of the market, for the first time find themselves with a gap in their ranks--a gap which as gsea- soned warriors, however, they are quickly closing in. This first break' occurred when John J, Raskob, former General Motors finance chairman, recently left the field and gave to the press a decidedly bearish statement, say- ing that stock prices had far out- run demonstrated values, dividends and earning power, Mr, Rashoh had been previously regarded in Wall street as a prominent leader of the campaign. Leadership of the "hull forces is generally attributed in Wal Street to a group of operators, *'n, iliarly known as the "hig ten' bu. actually numbering 25, The suc cess of this group has been largel) due to their concerted action w' combined resources probahly sur passing any that have ever heen at the disposal of a single group oper- ating in the market, Members of this group are cred- ited with having amassed tremen- dous fortunes in the market. Head- ing the group Is Arthur W, Cutten of Chiearo, who made and lost sev eral fortunes in grain hefore eom- ing to Wall street to try his hand at stocks. unlike many traders, he does not participate blindly In market operations but frequently employs a staff of engineers and accountants to check the informa tion he has received from official sources. William C, Durant, who has been pratically "broke" at least twire in his meteroric career and each time accumulated a larger fortune than before, probably fs the most snectacular figure in the group. His operations have heen conducted from a hospital bed, from ships at sea and by trans-Atlantic telephone trom Peris. His son, Clifford, has been closely associated with him, Mr. Durrant is reported to have made a huge fortune in moter stocks, and curiously, the bulk of it in the common stock nf the Gen, eral Motors corporation from which he was ousted as president, Michael J. Meehan, who hegen his business career as & clerk In 8 theater ticket agency, is the only pecies which, adapted, will have an advantage from the start. The fact that the life zones are not uniform belts across the con- tinent is readily explained by the effects on climate of varying alti- tudes, slope exposure, or the vary- ing angle of the earth's surface to- ward or away from the warming rays of the sun, varying degrees of humidity, prevailing winds, charae- ter of soil or soll cover, and many other factors which tend to raise or lower the average temperature of the ground level. Change of altitude, or base level, is the strong- est modifying factor and often ear- ries a zone a thousand miles or more out of its normal line. For that reason an Arctic life zone may he found far from the polar re- gions, ! PERSISTS HE HAS A CLUE TO SOLVING OF SMALL CASE Winnipeg, Oct. 81.--The Winni- peg Tribune carries a statement purporting to come from Maxim. illan Langsner, in which the '"'mys- tery solver" says: "In two weeks the world will have all the facts in the Ambrose Small case." He added that he had several agents working on the ease in Toronto, They had been thus employed for some months. It was two months ago that Langsner gave an interview in Cal- rary, caving he would produce the skeleton of the murdered Small in a month, In Toronto, the authorities did not apparently take the man ser- fously though he h2d several inter- views with the higher police offic- fals concerning the Small case. To the Tribune he spoke bitterly of Toronto police officers refusal to offer him expense money for his work on the Small case. He claims to have spent $4,000 in the investi- gation, 10 BE MARKED NICKEL OWNERSHIP TRANSFER PENDING Practically Decided Plan Will New York, Oct. 31--As a prelim- inary to the vropesed merger with the Mond Nickel Comrany, Limited, the International Nichel of New Jersey took steps to-day to trans- fer ownership of its properties to the International Nickel Company Limited, of Canada. Tha New Jer- sey ny is a hording company, oweing all the stock of the Canad- ian company. 1 The plan, which has deen virtu- ally agreed upon, calls for the con- solidation of International Nickel and Mond Nickel properties. It is expected that Intarnatiomal Nickel of Canada will be the agency through which the merger will be accomplished. Since International Nickel and Mond Nickel control more than 90 per cent of the worid's supply of nickel, merger of the two through an American unit might conflict with the United States anti-trust laws, it has been pointed out unofficially in Wall street. It is planned to recapitalize In- ternational Nickel of Canada in such a way as to provide for the ex- change of one share of its 7 per cent. cumulative preferred stock for each share of 6 per cent. non- cumulative preferred of the New Jersey company and six shares of no-par common of the Cy nadian Company for each share of ne-par value common of the New Jersey company. The plan from the point of view of the stockholders, is the equivalent of a six-for-one split- up of that company's common stock International Nickel of Canada, which will become the parent com- pany, has agreed to make the ex- changes on the foregoing basis, subs ject to the plan being declared op- erative, it is understood. SELECT OTTAWA FOR MEETING OF PRESS CONGRESS San Francisco, Calif, Oct. 31.-- Robert Bell, president of the Press Congress of the World, today an- nounced that the next session of the Congress will be held at Ottawa, Ont,, in July. 1929. Bell, Netw Zealand pub- lisher, is in San Francisco on a visit, Oshawa Hranch 1, W. JOYUE, MGR, Phone 2821 you want comfort plus 35% fuel saving? Stop the heat from leaking . through your roof, TEN/TEST Insulating Building Board is made for this purpose. OSHAWA LUMBER CO,, Limited Oshawa, Ont, teon RA, N, THIS WEEK AT THE Jexa# DRUG STORE WHAT IS A Rexall ONE. CENT SALE? 1% 2 0 where Thursday---Friday---Saturday Just a few of the Bargains you should not miss you buy an item at the regular price, then another tom of the 2 for D1 25¢ box Riker's Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tabiets, 2 tor 226 25% 50s Bomhi) Took Br vob Rexall ori ot woo 2 we 31.01 50c bot. Syrup of Figs 2 oy S51 and Senna 2 a 51 pronrinent member of the group who is a member of the Exchange and conduets his operations direet- Iy trom the floor, He is one of the youngest and biggest floor traders in Wall Street. His greatest sue- cess has been in stock of the Radio Corporation of Ameriea, in which be is 8 specialist, and which has otted him a fortune of several ailljons, ' I'd let him stay up late at night, And then I'd go ahead and light The gas for him because he might Bump into chairs or things, you see I'll bet he'd be that glad all day, With not a thing to do but play, He'd haft to yell, he'd feel so gay, If I was psw snd paw was mel sented as security, True, there appears to have been deliberate and wilful wrongdoing on the part of the officials of the companies that have failed, but it is hard to see how the trust company can escape all blame, Surely, the public has a right to assume that bonds certified by a reputable trust company sre at least honestly issued and actually have behind them in kind and extent the security that they are supposed to represent. There is an interesting sidelight on this matter, that may be worth noting, Kittle straws show which way the wind blows, The selling methods of the Ontario Piano and Music Co,, one of the companies involved, and which operated a branch store here, whose president is being held on a serious charge, resorted to a form of puzzle adver- ind Goa Liver Batra 2:or 5lc apa y a irr Stor 12D 2 for 36 85c Letter Size Writing Pad 2 for 16 A laxative 50c tin Rexall Eczema Ointment 50c Klenzo Tooth Brushes 15¢ pk, Le Clair Linen Finish Envelopes 26c tin Rexall Orderlies. 86¢c jar Mustard Ointment for chest colds 2 for 36 $1.26 36c tin Klenzo Magnesia 2 36 2 26 Dental Powder for » for ». Beef, Iron JURY AND LOVELL and Wine Kis £5 ie JRonall Diusg Store Fron is "8101 If I was in his place, I'll bet That everything he'd want he'd get; I guess he'd think that he had met The kindest paw he ever saw; But still 'm glad that I can't be My paw and that he isn't me, Because if I was him, you see, Then maw, she wouldn't be my maw! ~Onlooker in St, Thomas Times-Journs) Rexall conhbrm MELOIDS Say to them that are of a. fearful Best for all throat irri- heart, Be strong, fear mot; behold, tations, Regular price our God wil come and save you.-- 25e. Sa. 19 an A PRAYER--Be Thou our strength, 2AOF ;10srnss 26¢ Lord, that we may lead others un Thy strepgth. en ye the weak hands, the feeble knees.