Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1928, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1928 WITCHES FEATURE ENTERTAINMENT Hallowe'en Festival at Whit- by With Students in a Merry Mood (By Staff R ) Whitby, Oct. 29.--The merry spirit of Hallowe'en, symbolized by hob- goblins, witches and black cats, was well manifested at the annual Hal- lowe'en Festival of the Ontario La- dies' College, held in the spacious college assembly hall Friday even- ing. The night was sacred to car nival and fun and the students of the college afforded delight to the large audience in a huge rectangle about the assembly hall, The space within was reserved for the actors in the festival, who in varied pag eantry, ranging from the beautiful to the comical, provided a difficult task for the judges of costumes, Amateurs Only Dr. C. R. Carscallen, principal, es- plained that the pupils themselves had arranged the program and he cautioned the audience not to expect anything serious. He introducel the chairman of the evening, Rev. Jas. Sanderson, of Whitby, who as son of the first principal had always taken keen interest in the institu- tion. Rev. Mr. Sanderson stated that as a descendant of one of the founders of the college it gave him Experienced Millinery Sales Girls wanted. Good position of responsibility for the right person. ) Dorothea Hats LIMITED 3 King St, E, farmers, witches and scarecrows. The variety of beautiful costumes was quite in keeping with the set- ting, for the whole college through the activities of the art class had been decorated in orange and black, with witches and blazing pumpkin heads, while a queen of witches guarded the gigantic staircase in the main entrance hall. The audience could but admire the panoply and sympathize with the judges. A pleasing program was given, the first number being a fine piano solo by Miss Francesa Grace. Four juniors, representing four little long- tailed cats, three white and one black, performell an amusing and skilfully executed dance in the most approved feline fashion, Miss Lulu Golden, who was dressed to repre. sent Radio Station C.F.C.A, contri: buted a splendid vocal solo, Two members of the dancing class danc- ed a clog dance prettily and were succeeded by two more dancing pu- pils who performed a charming plough dance, The Golliwog dance was neatly executed by a comical black-face who combined grace with acrobatics, Two clowns gave a graceful interpretation of a clown dance. Pretty Playlet The efforts of tne puplhartists were much appreciated and received hearty applause, The dramatic class then came in for its share of praise when with every member of the class included on the cast it per- formed a delightful playlet entitled "St. George," written by J. M. Crum, The parts were well taken and the performers demonstrated that they wera acquiring much useful hnow- ledge in the art of the drama, As the jester sang in the prologue, the play included a king and queen, a fair princess, knights and ladies, men-at-arms, a mayor and burghers, a flery dragon and finally the hero, good St. George, The theme dealt with a kingdom plagued with a dragon, whose unsatiable appetite would not be satisfled unless he was given the princess to devour, The [ beast had slain many bold knights, aco a 8 N S\N Cen as i 1 The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity. Secure your CONGER COAL now while best services are available, Concer Lemen Coas. Co. Liven, J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687.W ng ng T Es yoke style. Children's Flannelette Nightgowns Made of fine White Flannelette, high neck, Sizes 8 to 14, for, each ........00ven0s .19¢ RRR aeroplane ing the caption "O.L.C. Spirit of 1928," received the prize for the most original turnout. Two black scarecrows of the battered broom- stick type, Miss Marion: Strong and Miss Audrey Steinkoff, won the prize as the most comical pair. The award to the most comical group went to Miss Mary Arnold, Miss Lil- lian Arnold, Miss Dorian Graham, Miss Vivian Davis and Miss Mar garet Woods who operated an amus- ing contraption which might be termed a horse-drawn Toonerville trolley, Miss T. Arnold, as a giant knitting bag received honorable mention for the most original cos- tume, The festival was brought to a close with the singing of the college song, "Dear Old Trafalgar," and the National Anthem, HOCKEY TEAM FOR WHITBY IS LIKELY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 29.--The question of a hockey team for the 1928-29 season is looming large in the field of local sport. Last winter the town was represented by intermed- fate and junior O.H.A. teams, Both outfits were able to provide some good games at the ice palace and there is no reason why they should not do better this winter, In times past Whitby has boasted many a good O.H.A, team aad the sport has always found a good follow- ing here. One of the chief support- ers has been Sheriff J, F, Paxton, who is still prominent on the OH, A, executive, Although there is a likelihood that . Oshawa's O.H.A. teams will play their games at Burns' Arena, on account of the destruction of the Motor City's rink by fire, last summer, the arena management promises to give the local teams every consideration in practices and games, WHITBY IS WHITE WITH FIRST SNOW (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Ost. 29,--Whitbhy was visited by a snow storm last night which gave the town the appear- ance of winter with the first snow of the season adorning streets, lawns, trees and housetops, Al- though the storm was lookeu upon with little favor by those who must think of the added expense winter brings to the family budget, the presence of the white blanket on the ground this morning brought great joy to the children, CURRIE-PRESTON CASE LISTED FOR HEARING TODAY Toronto, Oct, 29,--Appeal of the $500 libel verdict which Sir Ar- thur Currie, wartime commander of the Canadian Corps, won at Co- bourg last Spring is listed to com- mence today at Osgoode Hall, Two separate appeals are enter- ed, one by each of the two defend- ants in the original action--W, T. R. Preston, writer of the article in which Sir Arthur was pilloried, and F. W. Wilson owner of the Port Hope Guide, in which paper the article appeared, Both appeals" will be heard at once, It is expected, Regent. One Day Only Wednesday, Oct, 31st Mat, 2.80, evening 7.15 Victor McLagen and Louise Brooks 'A Girl in Every Port' Hallowe'en Party on the Stage at 9.00 p.m, entitled "PUMPKIN CENTRE" BEGULAR PRICES SCHOOL PUPILS ARE ENTERTAINED Are Admirable Hosts at St. Paul's Lecture Room lecture room was a gay spot on Thursday evening when the Jun? for Misslonary Society entertained the high school, public school and ing school who attend St. Paul's colored lanterns,, quantities flowers and the. various orange and black Hallowe'en decorations, The supper table was particularly gay with candles, bowls of mari- golds, pretty dishes of orange and black candies and baskets of rosy apples. Dr, Best acted as chalr- man, The program opened with a nromenade which rot the company well mixed up and from then on every one had a good time, A "cop" in the person of Gordon Abernethy, was on hand to see that eaeh one did his part. Stunts Put On There was a chorus by the C.G, I.T group which was well sung, followed by a piano solo by Don Williams. Two stunts were put on by the public school teachers, The first was impersonations of varl- ous historical characters and as they apepared the audience were asked to write down who they rep- resnted, Their second stunt was a ball throwing contest for the boys and girls, One of the lads from the Training School did some clever stunts with a rope and Mr, Cunnincham showed twa reels of moving pictures showing Niagara Falls in its winter garb, Awarded Prizes Mrs. J. W, Morrison sang two solos which were much enjoyed and Miss Kathleen Hall gave ¢ reading which created much merri. ment. During the program those in costume were asked to parade before the judges. There were many clever impersonations and it was no easy task to decide on th® prize winners, However, they fin- ally awarded, the, lady's prize to Miss Bunner, faultlessly ~otten up as a "black eat" and the gentle- man's prize to Russell Hayes. a typical **hobo," Little Miss Helen Williams as a "wee witch" was also given a prize, Bountiful Supper A bountiful supper of hot beans, bred and butter, doughnuts, pumpkin tarts and coffee was serv- ed, after which Dr, Reaman moved a vote of thanks to th Soclety for the pleasant evening's entertain. ment. This was seconded by Mr, Henry of the High School staff and Miss Greta Wickett of the pub- lie school. Dr, Best in accepting it also thanked those of the guests who so generously provided most of the progras, Mrs, D, Morrison, Mrs, Best and Mrs, C. A, Cawker provided music for the promenades, The jolly evening was brourht to a close by all singing "Goodnight Ladies." ENTERTAINS AT (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Oct. 29, -- Mrs. J. Clark Bell entertained at a charm- ing dinner-bridge, Friday evening at the Balmoral Hotel, Mrs, Bell received at the head of the stairs, wearing a black georgette gown, heavily beaded in silver, with sil- ver shoes and stockings. Covers were laid for about one hundred and twenty-five at long tables prettily AT BOWNANVILLE Junior Missionary Society Bowmanville, Oct. 29.--S8t. Paul's boys' training school staffs, toge- ther with the boys from the Train. church, at a Hallowe'en party. The room looked lovely with the Hans: 0 A DINNER BRIDGE Manning, Among the out-of-town guests at Mrs. J. Clark Bell's dinner-bridge on evening, were Mrs: Morphy and Mrs. (Dr) B. J. Hamlewood, Oshawa, Mrs. Moorhead, Mrs. John Hyde and Mrs. W. 1. Mactavish, To ronto. I'| MISS E. CATHERWOOD VISITS BOWMANVILLE (By Swaff R ) Bowmanville, Oct. 27, -- The Park: side girls, Toronto, paid a return visit to Bowmanville Friday evem- ing, Oct. 26th, and bowled a team in Martyn's Bowling Alley. Among those to accompany the team were Miss Ethel therwood, world's champion high jumper, and her sis ter, After the games the viuitors were entertained by the Bow. ville team at the home of Miss Una Allin where a good time was en- joyed by all. Following were the teams: -- Toronto 1st 2nd 3rd D. Robertson .... 185 160 J. McMurray .... 218 287 M. Ferris ...... 192 274 A. Crepps ...... 129 199 L. MeMurray .... 165 1711 Bowmanville U. Allin ...... we 138 H. Thickson .... 161 174 150 139 184 18 150 126 158 197 176 M. Martyn . W. Varcoe CARS COLLIDE Bowmanville, Oct. 29.--An ae cident occurred Friday morning at the corner of Church and Division streets when a car being driven south on Division street by C. BE. Rehder 'collided with a car going east on Church street driven by C. A. Bartlett. The latter car was struck in the centre, turning it completely eround and smashing the running-hoard, mud guards and backwheel. The Rehder ca: was also considerably damaged. Mrs. Rehder was in the car with her husband. but, fortunately, no one "was injured. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Bowmanville, Oct. 29.--The fol. lowing announcement from an Ot- tawa paper will be of interest to Bowmanville residents, the bride- to-be being a niece of Mrs, H. Burk and Mrs. C, B, Kent. "Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Brown, Ot- tawa, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Helen Gor- ley, to Clarence Church Rome brough son of Mr and Mre, J. E, Rombrough, marriage tn take place early in November." BOWMANVILLE ITEMS Mawmanville, Oct, 29. ---Miss Nellie Burk, elder daughter of Mrs. H, Burk. Centre street, who for the past two years has heen dietician at the Jeffery Hale's hos- nital, Quebee City, hrs res!7ned her position and accepted the position of dietielan at the Oshawa hosnl- tal and will commence her duties there apout November 1st, The High School Board is busy these days looking at plans ana snecifications in connecton with the new High School which is to be built in the near future, At the regular luncheon on Fri- day, the Rotarians had as their guests the First Bowmanville Troop Boy Scouts. At the conclusion of the regular business meeting. C. E. Rehder, chalrman of the Boy Scouts Counell, took charge. A Union Jack Flag presented to the Scouts by Dr, Brenton and J. Haz® zlewond was received by Seout Master Fred C. Palmer in a few well chosen words, Smith Pergu- son, who has resigned as assistant Scout Master, a'so Brenton Hazzel- wood Junior, a former Troop lead- er, were presented with Scont "Thanks" hadges. Harvey Join® was made assistant Scout Master. Arthur Patton, Scout Field Secre- tary, Toronto was also u gnest and nresented the badges won by the Boy Scouts at the Bowmanville camp this summer, CIRCUS SANDWICHES Put squares of bran bread together with a filling of chopped dates and cream. On top of each sandwich put a small portion of frosting. Before this hardens affix to it an animal jeracker in an upright position, Wonderful! Wonderful! The results obtained by our methods of handling family wash are nothing short of marvellous. A glimpse of our 'folding tables, where the bundles of wash are neatly pack- aged to be retumed to MONTREAL NAYOR MAY BE CENTRE OF COURT ACTION Recent By-election in St. Mary's Riding Has Produced Some Hard Feelings Montreal, Oct. 29.--Liberals are threatening to arrest Mayor Camil- lien Houde, Conservative victor in last Wednesday's by-election in St. Mary proivacial riding, and an amused Montreal is sitting by to see whether the mutterings come to anything. The Taschereau men cannot get over the thrashing the Mayor gave their candidate, Ald. Ernest Lang- lois, in last Wednesday's St. Mary provincial by-election, especially as the returning officer announced His Worship's majority has gone to 780, and that Ald. Langlois was heaten even in the ward he repre- seats in the city council, to Court Matterings about hauling the Mayor to court for conspiracy follow en the early morning raid on Ald. Langlois' committee rooms, in connection with which four men pleaded guilty to breaking and entering, and three pleaded not guilty, The Liberal threat is based on statements alleged to have been made by the arrested men, But the Conservatives are de- fiant, They say that, even before the election, some Liberals were boasting that the Mayor would be iramed one way or another, just to disqualify him for years and thus banish him from the legislative field, in which he is decidedly vu- welcome to the Taschereau Gov- ernment. Muttering Threats The Houde camp is also mutter- ing its threats. There are whispers that the raid on Ald. Langlois' committee room brought to light 1,600 little envelopes each contain- ing a name of an alleged telegraph vote, There are accusations of lists of dead and moved persons being found, The Conserva.ives promise Montreal that ,if the Liberals de try arresting the Mayor, there will be a flare back worth witnessing, Meanwhile, the fight is switch ing to the city hall, There the council will meet on Wednesday, and debate is expected on 4 motiun of Ald. Leon Trepanier, leader of the council, which would precede a request to the Legislature to amend the city charter to kill the double mandate, so that nei.her mayor nor aldermen can holag elect- ed or nuominated office in any other political body, while sitting in council. ' PASSEGOR DIES IN AUTO CRASH Frederick Carroll Dies In- stantly--Driver is Not Seriously Hurt Simcoe, Oct, 29.--Frederick Car- roll, aged 30, of Tillsonburg, lost his life in a motor accident on the Centre Town Line of Walsingham on Saturday night when the car in which he was a passenger crash- ed into the concrete abutment of a steel bridge. The driver, Maxwell Barrett, of Tillsonburg, who escap- ed without serious injury,, has been placed under arrest on a charge of manslaughter and was admitted to bail in the sum of £10,000, Provincial Constable Wood of Simcoe has the case under investi- gation, but declined to reveal any details as to the cause of the ac- "IDEAL cident. The car, a McLaughlin dster, was evidently proceeding north of Walsingham Centre, in South Norfolk, when it crashed into the bridge. Carroll was badly injured and was rushed to the of- fice of Dr. Reid of Port Rowan, where he died almost instantly. CHAIRMAN LIKELY TO RETIRE Montreal, Oct. 29. -- L. B. Cor- deau, chairman of the Quebec Li- uor Commission, will shortly tire, acording to veports here, will be succeeded by Jules Desmar- als, K.C., at present chief attorn- ey of the commission. Mr. Cor- deau has been president for the past five years. 1% cups brown sugar, 34 cup ef butter, 1-2 cup hot water, 2 eggs, ¢ cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 pound dates, 1 pound walnuts, pinch salt. GARAGE DOOR SALE Last opportunity at these money saving prices, 20 pair 7 ft, 6 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. x 13 in. Pine....$10.00 26 pair 7 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. x 13} in. Pine $12.50 18 pair 8 ft. O in, x 8 ft. 0 in. x 13 in, No. 1 Pine $15.00 32 pair 8 ft. O in. x 8 ft. O in. x 1% in. Spruce ....$8.00 12 set triple doors, 8 ft. x 8 ft. or 7 ft. 6 in, x 8 ft. $13.00 Let us quote on your storm sash and combination doors. SALE CLOSES 12 P.M,, NOVEMBER 2nd COLLEGE WOODWORK TELEPHONE 2053W If your Watch 1s not giving awa Rallroads, 10 King St. W, make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal and Osh PT TRTTrE satisfaction we can repair and OUR SPECIALTY Nu-Erb Brings "If I could only tell others who suffer, about what Nu- Erb has done for me, I know that they would be convinced that it is no 'ordinary' medi- cine," said Mrs, I. M, Forest, 147 Mary street, Hamilton, On- tario who is a well known and popular lady, "For a long time I had been suffering severely with stom- ach and kidney disorders, In- stead of digesiing as it should my food soured and formed a distressing gas from which I could get mo relief, There was always a dull aching pain across my back, which I be- lieve to have been caused by my kidneys, for they disturbed me often through the night and rheumatism set all through my joints and muscles, They were so stiff. and sore that every move brought severe pains. My liver was sluggish too and I was troubled contin- ually with constipation, *#The wonderful relief that Nu-Erb has given me after many other medicines failed can hardly be told in words, Since I 'have used this medicibe my food digests without sour- Well Known Hamilton Lady "Now Feeling Fine" She Says Declares That Everyone Who is Not Well Should Know About This Reliable Herbal Remedy 5d | | B i L] neanmn tv Ne ing or forming that distressing gas. My kidneys give me very little trouble now and my liver and bowels are more active and regular than they bave been for years. I shall always be glad to tell others of the wonderful work of this medi» cine, for I can surely sympath- ize with sufferers from these troubles," Persons who take Dr, French's Nu-Erb say that there is nothing like this pure herb and root preparation to put a stop to such misery and suf- fering, It affords quick relief from indigestion, gagsy, sour stomach, dyspepsia, billious- ness, dizzy spells, headaches, backache, frequent urination, rheumatism, nervousness, cons stipation and many other symp- toms of sluggish action or in. activity of the stomach, kid- neys, liver and bowels, It con- tains mo iron, mercury, nar. coties or other harmful salts or drugs, Nu-Erb is being specially in. troduced in Oshawa by Karn's Drug Store, next to Post Office, Go there and let them explain to yon the merits of this re- markable medicine, the various homes, will gladden the heart of any good housewife--just as it does ours. We are proud of the work we do and our constantly increas- ing list of steady custom- ers proves to us that we have achieved a wonder- ful success. We have five different services, us explain them to you Phone today, arranged with beautiful chrysanthe- mums and gladiolus. After dinner the guests repaired to the living room where bridge tables had been arranged and where a pleasant game was indulged in for the rest of the evening. Mr, and Mrs, W. I. Mactavish and Piles Go Quick Piles are d by rl of blood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause, That's why salves and cut- ting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid, 8 harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affecfed parts, Hem-Roid has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thousands of Pile Sufferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell Hem- Roid with this guarantee. Ladies' Winter Weight Vests Cumfy Cut style, short sleeves. A good weight for present wear. Special, each NEW MARTIN MON., TUES. and WED, 89c¢ Bread & Pastry Flour Poultry Supplies \ WONDERFUL PICTURE "WILD GEESE" Also Comedy and Fox News Regular Prices Ladies' Bloomers Winter weight. 'Elastic knee and waist, Bll sizes. PBI .... ives siivinprsivinsiien 69c Children's Fleece Lined Under Waists A well made garment that will give every satisfaction. Sizes 18-24, Each . tion | HOGG & LYTLE, Limited 54 CHURCH STREET PHONE 203 W. A. Dewland, Limited PIP

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