Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1928, p. 16

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[deer was equaly surprised, and not having much confidence in man, it bstoned sward,fhopped a six- foot fence and disappeared im the distance. Port Hope, oe 25. ~Mrs, XE mer Fairman, King street, Trenton, Ont," Ay an inmate of St. Michael's Hospital, suffering from a fractured skull sustained when she opened the door of the motor car she was riding in on the Kinyg- ston Road, to throw out a lunch . [box and fell out. | weighing 375 pounds fell a victim Police {to the unerring aim of Herbert petty thefts and broken inte many Y CEMETERY §.--Superintend~ ent Beach of Riverside Cemetery got the surprise of. 'his life when he saw a large deer 'breakfasting in \he beautiful city of the dead, The Holmes, of Vemnacher, in North Frontenac, He ran across the ani- mal while on a visit to a farm in the vicinity, and as the farmers in that section carry guns in their travels, Mr. Holmes was able to pour several bullets through the]. gide of the mighty beast. AT HARBORS ASSOCIATION Kingston, Oct. 25.--Kingston will be represented at the Na- tional meeting of the Great Lakes Buy your Coal - from the -- Phone 262 Dixon Coal Co. All Coal thoroughly screened and loaded on vehicles for delivery with electric automatic loaders to avoid breakage 'Solvay Coke" Forked to Insure Cleanliness Gen. Motors Wood Bone Dry--Speaks for Itself Jeddo Coal The Best the Mines Produce QUALITY AND SERVICE ASSURED DIXON COAL CO. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 235, 1928 will attend this im- gathering. It is stated that matters of the utmost importance to the naviga- tion interests will be taken up at this meeting. WILL DIVE TO REPAIR DAM Belleville, Oct, 25.--J., Earl Mec- Queen, who has beem om govern- ment service at Port Arthur and Fort William during the summer, returned home some time ago. ...- McQueen is a diver and today wi proceed to Chisholm's Mills, A he will go under water to repair some damage to the power plant. The suit was taken out yesterday and all will be in readiness for Mr, McQueen to go down when he arrives. WELLINGTON MAN SUFFERS INJURY Belleville, Oct. 25.--Mr, George Carver, Jr, of Wellington, is ly- ing in the Kingston Hospital as the result of an accident, which oe- curred on the steamship "Arling- ton," the boat on which he was employed. At the time of the ac- cident the boat was near Cornwall. Mr. Carver's condition yesterday was reported as much improved. His father and mother, accompani- ed by Mrs, Ogilvie and Mr, Phasey, motored to Kingston immediately upon hearing of Mr, Carver's acci- dent. COBOURG MAN ON TRIAL FOR RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS Cobourg, Oct, 25.--Geo. Pearce, Margaret street, Cobourg, pleaded not gullty to a charge of receiving stolen goods and was committed for trial when he appeared before Magistrate Floyd in police court at Cobourg on Wednesday morning. Accused was represented by A. R. Wilmott, W, F. Kerr, acted for the crown, The charge hinges upon a con- viction a week ago of Thomas Ash- croft who was found guilty of the theft of coal from his employer; R. Hicks, COBOURG BATTERY IN HIGH PLACE Cobourg, Oct 25.--The results of the Canadian Artillery Associa- tion competitions which took place during the summer at Petawawa, Halifax and Sarce rank the 22nd SERVICE That Satisfies Phone 2560 The Arcade Limitec i Look! Just received--a new shipment of Cashmere Hose For the stout ladies, To be had in all sizes and black shade only. Real value, pr. We also invite you to inspect range of sizes and latest shades in the Kayser Silk and Chiffon Hosiery, Value and quality, pair Penman's Extra outsize $1.50 $1.95 Ladies' Hand Bags In the Autumn Shades-- Pony, Circassian, Santune, Sorrell, Black, Grey. A most complete and charm- ing selection of the latest styles and shades in Hand Bags for Milady. Prices range from, each $1.95 to $8.50 THE ARCADE C:-> Motto--Service and Courtesy What makes a hen LAZY? Usually, it's the wrong kind of feeding. Hens need a scien- tifically balanced ration in this season. Give them Ouakes FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH and you'll get more eggs, big- ger eggs, better flavored than you've ever had before, Buy it from us, It's econom. ical because it goes farther, HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED, Oshawa Phone 203 Medium Battery of Cobourg in 8th place. This is a splendid showing for Cobourg when the large num- ber of batteries entered is taken into consideration as well as the training facilities that the larger centres had, and it reflegts a great deal of credit on the mén and the 0.C. Major Cecil Peterson, The competition was judged under 3 heads, gun practice, efficiency of personnel, and general efficiency, CHANGES IN ONTARIO DIOCESE ANNOUNCES BISHOP SEAGER Kingston, Oct, 25.--Changes among the clergy of the Diocese of Ontario have heen announced by the Bishop, Right Rev, Dr, C, A, Seager as follows. Rev, F, Ware, |is transferred from Wolfe Island to Marysburg, Prince Edward County; Rev, F, G, Strange from Westport to succeed in charge of the Wolfe Island parish; Rev, F, D. Douglas from Bishops Univers sity, Lennoxville, to take charge of the parish of Pittsburgh as sue- cessor to Rev, N, R, Burke, who becomes assistant to the rector of St, George's Cathedral, HIGH TENSION WIRES KILL CORNWALL MAN Cornwall, Oct, 25,--~--Armand Jouinette, corporation employee, while working on the roof of the waterworks pumphouse yesterday, was electrocuted when an iron bar with which he was working came in contact with high-power wires, Jouinette with three others was re- moving the old tin roof prepara- tory to a new roof heing put om, Death was instantaneous, Dr, C. J, Hamilton, coroner, was noti- fied and visited the scene and on learning the circumstances decid ed to hold an inquest, The deceased was 48 years of age, He came to Cornwall two years ago from St. Andre Avelin, Que, He 1s survived by his widow and six children, KINGSTON FORMULATES PLANS FOR ARMISTICE ANNIVERSARY Kingston, Oct, 25,--The tenth anniversary of Armistice Day, Sun- day, Noy, 11, will be marked by the holding of a big garrison church parade in Kingston, a spe- cial™service being conducted for the troops in Bt, George's Cathedral at 10.15 a.m, Arrangements are com- plete for the annual Canadian Le- gion memorial service to be held on the evening of Armistice Day in Memorial Hall, The Mayor of Kingston, Colonel W, H, Craig, Honorary Vice-President of the Ontario Provincial Command Can- adian Legion, will occupy the chair, while the principal speaker will be Colonel J. Keiller MacKay, K.C., Toronto, Vice-President of the Ontario Provincial Command, PETERBORE CHURCHES START SERVICES AT 10; $30, NOV, 11 Peterborough, Oet. © 25,--~The need for some arrangement being made to observe the two minutes of silence at eleven/o'clock on Sun- day, Armistice Day, November 11, as decreed by the King was diseus- sed by the Ministerial Association on hearing a letter from the Rev. J. D, Paterson, , All Saints, and St. George's An- glican Churches are having their service commence at 10:30 Armis- tice morning so that they may bet- ter observe the silence and prayer in memory of the glorious dead. It is likely that the other churches will also make some arrangement to have their congregations in place and fnclude the two minutes of silent prayer in their service at eleven o'clock. 2utoo 4 NOVA SCOTIA AN IDEAL PLACE FOR THE WILD LIFE Nr. Forbush Found Ample Material During His Visit There Westboro, Mass, Oct. 25.-- Edward Howe Forbush, former state ornithologist and noted au- thority on wild life, upon his re- turn home here from a visit to Nova Scotia was warm in his praise of the province, Dr. Forbush pre- pared the following article for The Canadian Press relating to his vis. it: A vacation recently spent in Nova Scotia has given me some idea of the country and its people. Only a few large towns were visit- ed; most of the time was spent in the woods and on the waters of the Liverpool chain of Lakes. Nova Scotia apparently thrives under prohibition. We did not see an in- ebriated native son. The woods about the Liverpool lakes are second growth, as all the primeval timber near the lakes was cut long ago, but there is much young spruce there and some tall timber, The Liverpool region is a land of rocks--a glacial moraine--with boulders great and small strewn everywhere, often in heaps. Pro- bably some of these immense mass- es weigh a hundred tons or more, pear like stone walls, Great rocks jut up.from the water, and sun- ken ones menace the cance. Much of the soil is simply, disintegrated rock. In such a country agriculture is much in abeyance and oxen are necessarily the chief beasts, but the main roads are excellent. Our chief interest however lay in the woods and waters, in the fish, the beasts and the birds. The tracks and trails of the moose led through forest and swamp in all directions, and we found many places in for. est-girded meadows where the great animals had lain down to Some parts of the lake shores ap- |a 1aw-abiding people they have in- creased to such am extent that al- though great numbers are killed every year during the opem seuson the supply seems to be well main- tained. Deer also are comomn. We saw only two, but their tracks were very evident. The bounty on porcu- pines had reduced their mumbers and we saw only ome, but there were many signs of them and also those of beavers, and a few beaver houses. Trout there were in the waters in considerable numbers and hi sampled them on several occa- ns, 'As the smoke of our camp-fire * |rose through the trees the moose» birds swooped down to share in our feast. This wel-known bird of the Canadian forest goes by a variety of names in various parts of the country such as camp bird, camp roober, Whisky Jack and meat hawk. It has learned that men in the woods may supply it with food and it will eat anything eatable, es- pecially in winter. It trails the hunter and the trapper and steals the bait from traps. Any small ob- ject left lying around a winter camp soon disappears. Pieces of soap, plug tobacco, and sometimes evén matches are carried off and eaten or stored in some safe place by the camp birds. Some of the In- dians say that it will eat moccas- ins and fur caps. Grouse were very scarce during THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St, N.--Phone 251 our stay. Only one Ruffed Grouse and two spruce partridges were seen, but although practically an mid-September we found in the woods and about the water seventy- eight species of birds, mostly mi- the summer birds had gone after |grating. wy NIGHT COUGHS FAMILY SIZE 75¢ TRIAL SIZE 35¢ PER BOTTLE BRONCHITIS Ad rest. Under adequate protection by VEG Aa Syrup | OPERATED BY #T, EATON Cum 52 Simcoe Street North 'Hallowe'en Prices Good From Oct. 26 to Nov. 1st Inclusive Marshmallow Biscuits Assorted Assorted Sandwiches ,, .,, Pineapple Jams ,,.,.s» Cocoanut Fingers ,,,.,, Wheatworth Biscuits ,,.0v0,,, National Zwieback |, ot PERN, Goods Prices Peanut Brittle, Box ,,.,,.,.., Scotch Mints, BOX s.rrversress Fruit Drops, Box EEE) Toasted Marshmallows, Box .... Eatonia Milk Chocolate Bars, 8 bars 10c Biscuits That Delight Your Palate + +28¢ Ib, +25¢ Ib, 38 1b, atc pkg. .20c pkg, Boxed Candies at Bulk- . 2bc , 28c¢ Hum Bugs, BoX ,.s,0000s sseneer38c y ersssrnnrrenstre ss Bbc +000 BBC Choice King Apples 6 gt, basket , 35¢ Packed fresh from the Orchard, Phone 2400 I you sre umble do Old Time Ginger Snaps 2 Pounds 25¢ 1802 Tin ,..0 v0 sovnns s0ri0s to the store we will be glad to accommodate you by tak- if Jour onder over. the Keep Healthy With Proper Beckwith Brodkfast Figs -In Delicious for Breakfast, Salads or Deserts, 23¢ | Prices Good From Oct. 26 to Nov. 1st, Inclusive Tasty For Party Sandwiches Hellman's Blue Ribbon Brand Sandwich spread, ....0000 8 1-2 02, 18¢c, 8 02, Béc Olive Relish ,,,,, 3 2 0z,, 18¢c, 8 os, 84c Olive Butter , +8 os, 10c, 6 om, 83¢ Peanut Butter, Toy Pall rv.00000v00r,.18¢ Nukraft Cheese, PER: so.v00rr00s0s++ SBC Thousand Island Dressing, 8 1-3 oz,, 18c, 8 oz, 84c Potted Meats, Clark's, in Tins ...+++,,, 8 Tins 280 Cream Cheese, Ingersoll Brand, Med, size Pkg, 2 Pkgs, for setts sentry Cream Cheese, Ingersoll Pimento, med size 2 for 3 Delicious Thirst Quenching Beverages Rose's Lime Juice, 13 oz, size bottle , ,, .87¢ Grape Juice, Welch's, 16 oz, bottle ++, , ,88¢ Grape Juice, 32 oz, bottle ,,,,,s,,,,. 88¢ Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Each ,,,,,.16¢c Orangeade Crystals, 2 Tins for ,,,,,.285¢ Lemonade Crystals, 2 tins for ,,,,.25¢c Eaton's Me Java Coffee, fresh ground PONE sosnre sever srs s00sssreslBE Vitone,,,,, .,,.1+2 Ib, tin, 82¢c, 1b,, BSc Toddy rogrer1B Ib, tin 3883c, Ib, Béc Choice Loin Roasts of Pork, 2 pounds and up 27¢ Loin Pork Chops 2¢ Extra sree Announcement Four and Five Deliveries Daily Deliveries leave the Eaton Groceteria at 9.30 am., || a.m, 2 p.m., and 4.30 p.m. daily; and on'Saturday at 9.30 a.m., 11 am, 2 pm., 4.30 pm. and 6 § p.m. A charge of 10 pus delivmy all {uous yur package) is wade. SHOP EARLY SATURDAY~STORE CLOSES AT 6PM. EATON GROCETERIA OPERATED BY #7, EATON C%up STORE HOURS 9 am. to 6 p.m. daily, Wednesday and Saturday

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