THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1928 \ er ee x Wi Music Box. pacimit. Or w Vio" (5p: an Wes | Tera Music. Melange. Rey 24)--Milw: ( Sage Feature. Wap al NBC 0 Waldorf- As ning 10.10 (220)--St. al, Tite German WEEL, WRC, WCAE, WWI. i a 6.3 WBAL (285)--Baltimore, Dinner 10.15 Wi B (39)~Chicago. Lee Sims, pi- anis 10.3 ig Magnolia Band: 11.00 NBC System: Slumber Music: WJZ, can speech. ella and the Cross-Eyed Bear" WEB (39) --Chicago. Tllinois concert LX pn Mass, Swand| i Ee sD. + Rag can a 'ess. 2 i i 12.45 KNX 337)--H ood. M: (29)--Ft. Wayne. Indian Vil- : WOC, SINE ofly wee } ain NBC Syste Nha Veo 1115 WGN (416)--Chicago. Louie's Hungry | 7.00 KD! SA\WO-E. Pitts. U, of Pittsburgh DANCE T ; Agricul WOW, WDAF, V om, Fie 20 pom, CFCF (411)--Montreal. Rex Bat- i usical . 459)-N.Y. Democrat Sta . AQ (M48)--Chicago. M pot. Wi sox. Whe, oe ate KYW (526)--Chicago. Johnny Hamp, (480)--~Chicago. Recital by Vel- WSB _(476)--Atlanta. estra. RA Cook. RSO. (27 Clarioda. "Sunday "School. | 890 WIM (®0--Milwaukee. MAC. or WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WIR, WWJ (353)--Detroit. Hollywood Friv- WRAR (03) Yankton, Republican Na- 83% » oye (BH-N.Y. Roseland orchestra, 2 S W Hy WEAF, Ly 45 he (476)~ 1.0 (®1)=---Vancouver, B. 1) Whe. Np owt Hour. : BR orate Albu 5 fi Feb ue ho CKCL (517)--Toronto. Feature Winx ¢itA Cie» Moncton. Travel talk. 9.00 WCAH (254 8 int Ch icago. Orchestra music na o FREESE, ad 11.30 a.m. Columbi tional WCAU, Chain: D Committee: WABC, WEAN, par , Pitts. Reyner's trio. ¥4)---N.Y, Concert. 2.15 Wi, RT Chicago 103 NBC Syl Democratic Wz WBZ, WREN, "Chuckle WNAC, 4 " Easy-to-Find " RADIO PROGRAM xo ng, Te Moron We Were ull (19)--Council Blufis. Recorded 0 CROW (312)-- losonto. Morning musi- Whar (300)-Ft. Worth. Moming cale., Li rN (349)--N.Y. Stri x LX it ¥ 0 ting quatiet,, KSPD, WICC, Wi BW 1.00 p.m. RSTP poral "Paul. Republican addres: WW (260)~Hopkinsville, Ky. Repub- an speec WSKC PEsch. pax City, Mich. Republi- can speec 5 KGFX (254)-- Pierre, S.D. Republican speech. KFYR (250)--Bismarck, N.D. Republi. HAYTON Demonstrate a Kolster In Your Own Home. Phone 1648W 185 Arthur 8¢, Of« chestra. Yhap (¥0)--Kansas City. School of Wie 535) Hartford. Bond trio. Chimes. 6.45 WOC Soha AE 500 pm. WBAL RS Bare. . the Air. Cire 12 noon CFCA (37)--Toronto, Musical hall 6.00 WEEI < Boston. 5 (6D -Shenandoab. Farmers' | 15 WMAQ (HO--Chicago. TONIGHT (357) Toronto, Chimes ERTS A oT Ca ville WIBT (3% icago. Va Wor un Home scopomies fg RBC Sytem: Gold Spot Pais: Wiz, 2% eam oa chase. N BER, WHAM, WENR (288)--Chicago. Anna J. Peter WR" DAF, WLW, no W Pes Moines. * Wen (476)--Atlanta. Public Tonight's Best Features 2.9 p- EAO (283)--Columbus, Negro " QR. T ENT BRE stem: Maxwell House program: RT TI Boel Regular Daytime Programs N System--"Tower Health 648 am NBC Sys Sy 3 BAL WEAR, wm. AR et RR ine KER" on-snomanioat, a. 12 mid CNRV @1)~Vasouyss. Comedy, Castle Sand 12.30 am. KFI (469)--Los Angeles. "Cindes- 8 events 2% opsy Turvy music. 9.30 WHR (265)~Cleveland. Morning mu- WOR 22-N 10.00 N BC. Sy i) Mo iz FY KDKA, WHAM, WhZ, R Nw (312)=T News: KFAD (W9)-Lincoln, U. of Nebraska WER (508)--Boston, Anne Piadiord. 11.3% Music. oon coms (389)--Chicago. Luncheon mu. wi (283)--Columbus. Republican committee talk. 8.30 Columbia Chain: )--Columbus. WH (34)--Shreveport. Republican Yoco oS) Mpls- St. Paul "Merry WCFL "ls --Chi "King Bees." 2.40 KTHS. (00) Hat Shi WRVA (250)--Richmond. Conger, -- IAQ (D--Chicago, YMCA. ea a Paul. Moming mwu- Salt, AE NP Morning deve: housek: 11.00 WAAM Bare WE, (428)--Cinci. Women' nu wis (345)--Chicago. Te SY 10.15 abhi 10.30 KDR RE Pitts. SS Paul. Women's Housewives "I Sée by hour; WHAM * (30) ~Rochester, --~Newar WADC FS ai fi, \ ( tr L, (48 )--Chicago, Organ request: WDA¥ (0)--Keamas Ci. Countryside NY. Luncheon m AS oat Baa DA cn Luncheon pagan Farm and i news. aul, Farm WIZ, KW, WE, Wak, WHA Wel, Qs As, WBZ, WhZA, RUKA, Wi KSO (227)--Clarinda. Concert. WEA (492)--N.Y. arhiness Bo Boys. WSBT (400)--South Bend. Si pros ia TAM AM, (400) ~Cleveland, "¥ Minutes 8.00 nc" "System: po Fee Ra T. rusts studio, ein artist Sha nde Sea EATUR LLY at: W WGHP, WMAQ, 9.00 X50 Aan --Cuarinda. The Newsboy. i "EAT National WAG, WKRC, OWO, KMOX, RMRG WSPD, ice, WHEK, wEBw, 10.00 oo (312)--Toronte. "Kroehler Strole rs. F (30)~Kansas a Orchestra, 10.30 WAN (400)--Cleveland. Billy Burton, 11.00 NBC System: Hotel St. Regis Orches« tra: WEAF, WWJ, WHO, (Continued on Page 12) wow, = 68, Weer N A WIA, fy WELT WOU, WGR, ystem: Interwov fin (355 Date. Organ. A a 3 ne 140K a Old time music, Friday's Programs AFTERNOON PROGRAMS ny .m, CKNC (517)~Toronto, Victor Hr, | = WENR (288)--Chicago, Popular music, Th = WGHP (278)--Detroit. Home Hour. WHN (3)--N.Y, State Theatre. p Senis a ' ( Mind S48) Chicago. Artist recital, superb new atrop®, ) wan WO hutreak Rowntree pros Wx (400)--Havana, Vocal, WADC ' (238)--Akron, Akron quartet V BBM (389)--Chicago. Feature concert WCAH (24)--Columbus, Watchtower rogram. VEAL" 261) --Phitg, Felin's hour. WFLA (517)--Cleatwater, Organ. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Orphos program WNAC (461)--Boston, Stung ensemble, WOR (422)--Newark, Lone Star Rang. wowo (229)--Ft. Wayne. Symphony, WTIC (535)--Hartford, Scott's Furriers 2.00 string Wear (492)---N.Y. Parnassus Trio. W (428)--Cinci. Afternoon music, Wok (422)--Newark. Musicale. RST (220)=-St, Paul, Afternoon mat- KFAB (319)--Lincoln. Recorded music, Yalu (24)--Columbus, Good Will 5 CNRA (476)--Mongton Instr WBAP (500)~Ft, Worth, Musicale. ERS VERE tht | ui JS mon, ot WENR (288)--Chicago, Afternoon pros Wi, 3 52 wiza "Whar ie wr HAR, WHAS, WLW, mn (349)--Phila, Tenor, baritone. WIR, WHA WHK (0 Cleveland Honioue: WREN, WMC, WHT, KDKA, KYW, WRHM, WSM. WEA ok Cpcane, Komemakers four | NCE" Noron, Surine program NACE KMA (34) Shenandoah, Trio, ad WOR (422)--Newark. Musical matinee. WENR (28)--Chicago, Opera produe- WOO (349)--Phila, Grand argan, holL, (319)--Council Bluffs, Pianist; vocal, Howe (27)--Clarinda, Iowa, Women's W (526)--Chicago. Women's Hour, WhAL (285)--DBaltimore. Salon orches. WDAF (370)--Kansas City. String trio WCAU (261)~Phila, This and That Re vue. WEAF 50-N.¥, Studia Gotham Trio. WGR (303)--Buffalo. Tea music. WHT, % Vir WHO (535)--Des Moines. Harmonic trio Wia ws wh WJZ (50)--N.Y. Studio program. KORA WOC (375)--Davenport. Home manage. Me ment. WOW (508)--Omaha. Orchestraphone. WRNY (326)--N.Y, Television broad. The lA Musical Scale ! cast, WTMJ (24)--Milwaukee, Studio M d 1 WEAQ (283) ~Columbus (8) [SJ 1 o 8 ! BE ¥ t FEF (411)--Montreal, Es (330)--Saskatoon. Special music, WHAS (326)--Louisville. Studio pro. Wiz (45)--N.Y. Tea Timers. 500 CKRE (1 Toronto. Victor: Hour: Exclusive new wide area horn which WADG CI Abvon" Dinaes concert, WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Musicale, improves tone quality, increases vol. WCFL (484)--Chicago. Twilight orgen ume, and assures greater musical range; The latest Brunswick repro- ducer employing new principles of acoustical science which brings you richer, purer reproduction; Magnifi. cent cabinet in Adam Brown mahog- any or walnut, New Model 7-11" Wita (517)--Clearwater. Organ, ; complete - WGES (242)--Chicago. Composers hour WMCA (370) WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. ture. WIBO (306)--Chicago, Concert orches- tra; vocal, WLS (M5) ~Chicago. Jack and Gene, Wrigley Review: WIZ, Q, KGW, A N.Y. Entertainers, Studio fea: NBC System: program; WCCO WREN, WSB, WMC, WEBC, An Evening in Paris: oy WAR Py WEE Ww WFI, WRC, WOR! WIR, System: w 'CSH, pros Afternoon Special musi. WOWO, KMOX, WM C, Kor ern, WICC, WHK, WLBW. CFCA (357)--Toronto, Musicale. CFCF (411)--Montreal. Studio program, CKCL (517)--Toronto. Musical chat. RRR (476)--Moncton. Piano; vocal. KFAB (319)--Lincoln, Symphony, KSTP (222)--St, Paul, Variety. WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. Howard Melaney the singing fireman, WCFL~ (484)--Chicago, Classical, WDAF (366)--Kansas City. Studio. WLS (345)--Chicago, Little Symphony orchestra, WSAI (361)--Cinei, Musicale, WOS (422) efferson City, musi, WFLA (517)--Clearwater, program, RBC System: Larry Briers' Tuneful Troupe: © WEAF , WOW, WLIT, WRC, WEAR, 'KSD, wocC, WHO, FEI (508)--Boston, Harmony Boys. WMCA (370)--N.Y. Old Roumanian recital. WHAS (322)~Louisville, WOC (375)--Davenport, chestra, WTM]J (294)--Milwaukee. Buddies hour WWI] (353)--Detroit, Tea dance. KFNF (461)--Shenandoah. Music, WADC (238)--Akron, Dinner music; news bulletin, WGR (303)--Buffalo. Dinner concest, WIP (349)--Phila. French lesson. WNAC (461)--Boston, Dinner dance. 5.45 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St, Paul, Women's Cl Club. 6,00 CKGW (312)--Toronto. Twilight music, KOA (326)--Denver, Housewives mat. inee. Studio. Crescent or- ou Navy Day time program, ; WOC (375)--Davenport, Navy Day pro- ram, PG (273)--Atlantic City, Concert or- chestra, WTAM (400) 'Cleveland. Friday frolic, Columbia Chain: Co.: WOR, WCAU, WFR, WM AK, wADC, WAIU, WMAQ, WOWO, WSPD, WICC, WHE, WL BW, NBC System: National Fropicasting and Concert Bureau Hour: WEEI, WTIC, WCSH, WRC, WEA, ASE WHO, WDAF, WGN WTAG, WLIT, WSAI,' woc, WHER: Carlson WBAL, , WL Ww, WSB, ! WFAA, KV0O, W Mi WM, CFCF ' (411)--Montreal. Castrol concert orchestra Little Concert CNRA ire -Moneton, CNRR "ti12)~Regina, Studio program, With these and many other wonderful features, you will be amazed at the high musical value of the new Brunswick Panatrope model 12.8, Other Models from $115. In combination with Radio from $575, Phone 85 Reduced Prices on the new Phone 85 0 REASONABLE PRICES Radio Electric 11 Church Street Phone 2477 MIDDLETON'S TAXI SERVICE m ne cabinet Music from records or from the air-- at command--both at a most moderate .price--. A new Victor instrument--absolutely complete, What ? A new model Victrola with Ortho- phonic type sound box and handsome colored orchestr, Victrola has remarkable quality--and is self-stopping. The new Victor Radio is full size--standard with single station selector just as sold separately everywhere--and it is completely equipped. The New Orthophonic Victrola and the New Opry Electrical Reproducin Victrola are made in a range of beautifu models with or without jo in cabinets Srtistically designed in walnut or mahogany, Whatever Jour musical wants, His Master's _ Voice dealers can fill them with Victor products, Prices from $1400 to as low as : : ; . PY i a Be og rr - Orthophonic Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montres! albums. The New Victor (plug-in) Radio, all its tubes included, (7 tubes and rectifying tube), new Victor Radio Speaker. Al uilt-in together in a new and graceful walnut cabinet--complete with plug-in cord for only $345! Believe it or not, it's true! This wonderful new Victor combination gives you just everything your home needs in music today, All 'your music from one cabinet! Built to the high musicel standards of the Panat rope Federal Announces The New H-Series PRPEREREE Canada's Finest Small Radio at Sweeping New Low Thy Entire 14 Sede NEW REDUCED PRICES Model 5KR - $165, Model 5KRO - $295, THE BRUNSWICK -BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY of Ganads, Limited Ti M = Winnipeg - Calgary - Vans The Larges Organisation of ts kind in the British Empire Federal presents a new achiévemient--the new H Models-- table and censole receivers of remarkable beauty and com- pactness. The Table or Console Model fits into any corner of the room most desirable, The compactness of these models appeals particularly to women. The Console model is provided with built-in speaker speci- ally designed to respond to low frequencies. It is also avajl- able with built-in dynamic speaker. Phone or call in for full details of the new Federal models and lower prices. FEDERAL ORTHOSONIC RADIO, RADIOLA AND THE NEW SPARTON EQUASONNE Also Sold Exclusively by LUKE'S RADIO DEPT. PHONE 78-79 H. E. ARMSTRONG, Sub. Agent 2 Brunswick Panatrope Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St, E. Phone 78- 79 Sold in Oshawa by D. J. BROWN Phone 189 El HIRI AIGA