Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Oct 1928, p. 9

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCIOBIR 12, 1928 PAGE NINE SHITH STARTS OUT "ON SECOND TOUR formal Raleigh, the capitals of Virginia snd North Cawlina, told the people of Dixie that all sections of the country "belong to the 'one great big family of States 'that wake up the greatest nation in the world." Big Crowds . Passing through the two South- orn States on his second eampaign tour in his fight for the presidency. Governor Smith found large and enthusiaistic crowds to welcome him at almost a dozen cities and towns. He conferred on his special train with the Democratic chief- tains of the two States, including vernors Byrd, of Virginia, and cLean, of North Carolina; Sen- ator Glass, of Virginia, and Josephus Daniels, of Raleigh, form- er Secretary of the Navy, and ré- ceived from them reports that im- dicated a satisfactory political sit- uation. Hoover Works on Speeches Washington, D.C., Oct. 12.--In the seclusion of his study, Herbert Hoover worked today upon the he is to make at Boston and New York on his visits there during the next two weeks. The Republican presidential can- didate for the first time since he opened his personal headquarters on Massachusetts Avenue let an entire week-day pass without put- ting in his appearance there. While he was pondering ~ the phraseology of the two addresses final arrangements were being made at his headquarters for his Boston trip. Accompanied by members of his family and per- sonal staff and a corps of news- paper correspondents, the nominee will leave for the New England metropolis Sunday night at 11 o'clock. INSTAL STREET LIGHTS Residents of Gibbons street may now boast of street lights for the full length of the streét. Employes of the hydro-electric were on the job all day yesterday mounting "goose-neck" standards on poles placed at regular intervals and the fllumination was supplied for the first time last night. SHOES 31.05. Sale price. 9ar98 Strong Work Boots, Panco sale Price o.oo. $3.49 CLOTHING Blue Melton Coats, Appolla lined. Reg. price $30.00, Sale Price . $1 4.95 are offering you. pa i Very Special .... 32 Simcoe St. South Our money raising sale still going strong--Read care. fully the following specials for Friday and Saturday. Come in and be convinced of the values we SS SR i A hc HS Saturday Only Ladies' Hose at 8.30 a.m, to be sold for = Ladies' Broadcloth Bloomers and Slips. 49 c SIRE WENN o RANE Bes reReee Leader Dry Goods Store _-- Blue Serge Suits, smooth cloth. Reg. price $25.00. Sale i a $14.50 tee ee UNDERWEAR Fleece Shirts or Drawers, Heavy Weight Sale price Penman's Fall Weight Com- srs. speci... $1.50 Phone 740 Firestone Rubber Co. Employee Tells of Merits of Nu-Erb Relates How It Ended Stomach and Kid- ney Disorders and Rheumatism Scores of well known Ham- jlton men and women continue daily to tell of the wonderful good they have obtained through the use of the new herbal medicine, Dr, French's Nu-Erb, One of the latest of these is Mr. John G. Waddle, 245 Victoria Avenue, North Hamilton, Ontario, who is em- ployed in the tire department of Firestone Rubber Company. "For years food that I ate would sour and form a gas in my stomach so badly that I was afraid to eat anything but the lightest of foods. Even with light foods I suffered constant- ly with gas formation in my stomach that felt exactly like a lump right in the pit of my stomach. My kidneys troubled me a lot, I had an aching pain across my back all the time. My bowels were very irregular end as a result of these troubles I became badly run- cown in health, "Since taking Nu-Erb I sm feeling like a different person. It has put an end to the indi gestion and gas formations in my stomach. I can now eat things that I wouldn't dare touch before and bave no Ld trouble aftes, My kidneys give me no trouble now, The pains have left my back, my bowels aré regular every day and I can truly say that I am feel- ing better in every respect than I have for many years, I am glad to say a good word . for this medicine and can highly recommend it to others after what it has done for me." Dr. French's Nu-Erb acts on the stomach, kidneys, liver and bowels in a perfectly natural way causing them to cast aside their sluggishness and perform their work as nature intended. It will drive accum- ulations of poison waste mat- ter from your system, which it allowed to continue js so often the cause of rheumatism and neuritis, Nu-Erb is pleas- ant to take and as it contains only pure herbs, roots, barks and leaves it is perfectly safe for young or old. Karn's Drug Store is the only place in Oshawa where Nu-Erb may be purchased, Go there and let them explain to you, the merits of this remark- able medicine, ' SIX AIR COMPANIES MERGE IN CANADA E. W. Beatty May Head the $30,000,000 Cor- poration New York, N.Y., Oct. 12.--Inter- Provincial Airways, Ltd., of Ham- ilton, Ont., has purchased the en- tire capital stock of six air trans- portation companies with an aggre- gate value of $30,000,000, the in- vestment securities firm of Charles J. Swan and Co., announced today. The absorbed companies were Canadian Express Ltd., Internation- al Airways, Ltd., Canadian Air- ways, Ltd, London Aerial Trans- port Co., National Airways of Can- ada, and Border Cities Aerial Transport, Ltd. The combined organization, which it was sald may be headed by E. W. Beatty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, plans to give air transport service between Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit, and between various Canadian cities, the announcement said. The project was financed pri- vately and no public offering of stock is contemplated. AVIATOR PASSES CAR-DRIVING TEST Lindbergh Only Grins When Inspector Orders Stop by Hydrant Mineola, L.I, Oct. enely over the hazard of two fire- plugs and was in possession today of a motorist license good in New York State. famous flier awaited his turn for the driving test necessary before an operator's license could be ob- tained here, in front of the Colonel, was sur- prised when she whisked along only 50 feet and received an "ok." from the inspector. He had noticed Lindbergh behind her. * The inspector rode with Lind- bergn for a short distance and abruptly ordered him to stop. The Colonel looked to the right ana saw he was abreast two hydrants He grinned and eased the mach- the plugs. Chief of Police A. W. Skid- more ,at Narsau headquarters, ask- ed Lindbergh if his getting a 1i- cense indicated he was going to make his residence there, ' "It's a nice country," was all he offered. TEAR BOMBS FOR vasion of United States Bad Men Windsor, Oct. 12. --Complying | with a request made hy. Chief Con- stable Mortimer S. Wigle of Wind- |} sor, the Police Commission has di- mission to order a supply of tear bombs for the department. partments {in United States and Canada, will be used to deal with desperate criminals, the chief said. Chiet Wigle told the Commis- sion that American had men seem- ed inclined to think that the hor- der would prove a happy hunting ground for them, and that he want. ed to be prepared to repel the in- vasion, SCOUTS TO ATTEND BRITISH GATHERING Ottawa, Oct, 12.--At a co r- ence Wednesday of Boy Scout nies missioners of the various provin- ces at Dominion headquarters of the Boy Scouts Association it was decided that Canada would be represented next summer in the gathering of 30,000 Scouts brought from all over the world for the great jamboree to be held near Birkenhead, England, to mark the 21st birthday of scouting, Plans were made for a minimum of two complete Scout troops, the final size of the contingent to de- pend upon the number of boys it was possible to send from each Province, Magnesia Best for Your Indigestion Warns Against Doping Stomach With Artificial Digestants Most people who suffer, either occasion- ally or chronically from gas, sourness and indigestion, have now discontinued disagree- able diets, patent foods and the use of harm- ful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artificial digestants, and instead, follow the advice so often given in these columns, take a teaspoonful or four tablets of Bisurated Magnesia mn a little water after meals with the result that their stomach no longer troubles them, they are able to eat as they jpirase and they enjoy much better health, hose who use Bisurated Magnesia never dread the approach of meal time becouse they know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can be obtained from any good drug store, will instantly neutralize the storaach acidity, sweeten the stomach, pre- vent food iermentation, and make digestion easy. Try this p'an yourself, but be certain to get Bisurated Magnesia especially prepar- ed for stomach use. WITH FALL RIGHT HERE, NEW CLOTHING, NEW HATS, NEW FURNISHINGS, IN THE CORRECT STYLES ARE OF FIRST IMPORTANCE IN OUR PLANS AND IN YOURS. HERE THEY ARE, FRESH AND ATTRACTIVE, AT THE LOWEST PRICES 12.--Col. | R Charles A. Lindbergh passed ser-|§ Appearing quietly' in line, the|® A nervous young woman parked |g CARTWRIGHT'S FOR VALUES THAT OVERSHADOW ALL OTHERS IN COATS-SUITS-HATS YOU HAVE SEEN IN YEARS. "Small Profits" "Quick Returns" Our policy is "small profits and quick re- turns"--one price--and the highest qual- ity for the closest cost to the customer. It is the 'brass tacks" way of merchandis- ing today and the sound method by which men in business can survive-----succeed and expand trade. Last week we told you we priced our merchandise for quick turnover which is another way of saying "selling for less in order to sell more." After all it is the true story of successful trading-- reorganizing the "counting house' --regu- lating production--grading down the cost without sacrificing quality and value. We have found the way and our new stock of men's and boys' sui's, overcoats and furnishings marked at thee "turnover prices' will verify what we claim. Solent. TURNOVER BUYING--TURNOVER SELLING--IN CLOTH. ING MAKE POSSIBLE THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. BUT COME IN AND SEE THE GOODS. eh MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS New Models -- New Cloths -- Wonderfully Tailored Suits, Beautiful Tweeds and Worsteds $25 Here are Models for the Tall, Stout or Regular. Type of Man In the Season's Best Cloths $29 PLENTY OF PURE WOOL BLUE SERGE. SUITS A COLLEGIATE MODEL IN THE FINEST TWEEDS AND PATTERNS FOR YOUNG SUITS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY FABRICS AND MAKE ine to a stop a safe distance from |i THE WINDSOR FORGE {| Chief Prepares to Repel In- k rected the secretary of the Com- | These bombs, which are already || carried hy quite a few police de- |} NEW FALL HATS EVERY MAN WILL LIKE AT A SAVING FROM $1 TO $2 SHADES $18 PEARL, BROWN, GREY, COCOA SHAPES ROLL BRIMS, SNAP BRIMS, WELT EDGES PRICED AT 9:95 $395 5495 A Super.value at $35 Quick Returns 5 0 Emall Profits Again | 1 4 : Actual Savings TOPCOATS Again $2450 f SELLING UNDERWEAR FOR LESS -- STANFIELDS! PENMANS! Stanfield's Underwear $2 'TRU-KNIT' COMBINATIONS $1.39 Penman's Underw Medium Fall Weight Combination in pure white color, A Special at .,........, iri $2.39 Natural shade Winter Weight Combi- nations in spendid wool mixture A fine White Underwear in good win- ter weight. A real quality $3 85 J garment A fine blend of Australian Wool of even texture, making a soft, warm garment Penman's best quality Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Sizes 321084. .... ...iorvcsiviions 89¢ OPPORTUNITIES IN MEN'S AND BOYS FURNISHINGS MEN! We made a Special Purchase of 200 Suits of Underwear. Come Early for This. Boys' Merine Combinations =" $1.29 * ---- Boys' Fleece Combinations ve $1.18 Boys' Fleece Shirts and Drawers ,,,, 69c¢ A ear Penman's "95" Natural Wool Combi- nations. A very warm, comfortable Underwear. $4 29 * virinres 1) $5.00 quality Penman's *'95" Shirts and Drawers, very popular Underwear Has warmth without weight $2.39 Penman"s and Mercury Merino Com- binations. Natural shade. Special price ,.., , Penman's and Mercury Merino Shirts and Drawers, natural shade. ALORS: vs vis sirirrrsinsciin . 89c Penman s fine quality Fleece Lined ombinations. Winter weight ,... oon $1.58 Men's fine Broadcloth Shirts in plain White, Blue, Tan and Patterns $1 5 A regular $1.05 quality .... '] 9 $2.00 quality Men's Cap, new Fall shapes, satin lined, season's best patterns ,, $1.39 Men's Pyjamas, best English "Jama" Cloth, A 'regular $2.50 and $1 95 $8.00 quality, Special ;,.... ° Men's Pure Wool Cashmere, wool rib, snd fancy silk and 2 pairs $1.00 wool Sox ...,.,. Boys' Pullover,, Crew Neck and Coat Sweaters in pure wool, values $1 95 . to $3.00 ' . Boys' Wool Worsted Golf Hose, with 75¢ fancy colored top bands. Sizes 6% to 10, Special ,......... Boys' New Fall Caps, small larger boys' shapes, All new and patterns, 89¢ Men's Lisle Elastic Garters, A regular B50c quality, Guaranteed every 39¢ MEN'S ODD TROUSERS, $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95. "BOYS BLOOMERS AND KNICKERS, $1.69, $1.95 Men's and Boy's Wear Formerly Detenbeck's Ld

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