Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1928, p. 16

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1IMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928 FAIL IN EFFORTS PAGE SIXTEEN ATTEMPTS TO AROUSE INTEREST IN CHINESE WAR Belleville, Oct. 11.--Recelving a y morning from sion of the document and said it was given to him by Mr. Hearst in the Hotel Grillon during the recent FqurwenT | EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS BABY BITTEN BY LARGE RAT; RECOVERY DOUBTFUL Picton, Oct. 11.--The family of John Carey, of Picton suffered the experience of their lives, when they were aroused from their slumbers by the erying of their fhree weeks' old baby. Mr. Carey, on jumping out of bed, turned on the light and was shocked to see a huge rat leap from the baby's cot. Examination of the baby reveal- de that the rodent had badly bit- ten the car, cheek and head of the tot, leaving its head and face cov- ered with blood. Dr. Whiteman was hurriedly called in and rend- ered all assistance possible. It is not known yet if the child will recover. Yuren OTTAWA BOYS ARRESTED STEALING CARS Brockville, Oct. 11.--A Chevro- let roadster, stolen Tuesday after- noon at Barriefield by three Ot- tawa boys, was recovered here yes- terday morning when they aban- doned it and stole another Chevro- let, owned by James Sheridan, 74 Victoria avenue, which was also subseqeuntly recovered near Ben- nett street when the boys jumped out and "beat it'? on .fobt as they were pusued by Sheridan in the Barriefield car, Mr, Sheridan re- ported the occurrence at police headquarters and Sergeant Arnold Edwards and Constable James cap- tured two of the boys near the Ontario * hospital while the third was corraled by Mrs. H, F, Van Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South |slaughter, Dusen in the same vicinity, and brought to the police station. LIBERATED BY GRAND JURY MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE Peterboro, Oct. 11.--Wesley De- vall, held on a charge of man- was liberated by the grand jury at the fall sessions of the Supreme Court of the County of Peterborough Tuesday after- noon, when "A No Bill" was re- turned by that body after hearing Crown witnesses for almost three hours. At 2.40, the Honorable Mr. Justice Rose had completed his charge to the grand jury and they were marshalled by Sergeant John Deannard and Constable Gordon Puffer to the grand jury room. There, along with Crown Prosecu- tor Irwin Hilliard, K.C., of Morris- burg, they interrogated five Crown witnesses. When Mr, Hilliard re- tired, they considered the evidence submitted to them for almost half an hour, and then returned to their seats in the court room, with their verdict of "No Bill." BODY OF SECOND VICTIM PICKED UP BY STEAMER Kingston, Oct. 11.--The steamer Waubie, on its way from Cape Vin- cent, N.Y., to Kingston, last night, picked up the body of a man be- tween Long Point and Bear Point, off Wolfe Island. The body was brought to Kingston, but has not vet been identified. It is thought that the body may be that of John Arroway, of Oswego, N.Y., who with 'John Copping, of Rochester, N.Y, were lost on Lake Ontario last week. The body of Copping was picked up near Picton on Fri- day afternoon last. Copping left Picton with Arroway, last Thurs- day, in "The Wasp," a hydroplane type of speed boat, bownd for Os- wego. The boat, it is stated, car- ried fifty bags of ale. Waterous-Meek, Limite Ltd, = = = = F. Flintoff & Sons =~ Cleve Fox Hardware W. J, Trick Co,, Ltd, Carew Lumber Co, - Insulating Air Cells! SANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITER Fireproo For Sale By McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Oshawa Lumber Company ~ Write for Free Booklet, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment," con. ining interesting In for math on an ome p gwi G , R bots rn Pri " allboard d = Oshawa, Ont, = = Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, - Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont. Corbyville to the effect that a man was standing in the middle of the road at that place, flourishing a gun and threatening people, Pro- vincial Police in the persons of In- spector Lougheed and Sergeant Clarke hastened to the sceme. On their arrival, they found the man to be Edwin Lorne Mitchell, late of Moncton, New Brunswick, who had as his only weapon, a large sized toy revolver with which he was intimidating the citizens of the village, When questioned re- garding his actions, Mitchell ask- ed, "Didn't you hear about the war in China * Mitchell was very talkative about his abilities as a detective, and there is little doubt that that he is weak minded. He was formally charged with vagrancy, and will very likely be confined to some in stitution soon where he will be looked after. FINED FOR WOUNDING LAD WITH SHOTGUN Deseronto, Oct. 11.--Magistrate Bedford, of Deseronto, fined Geo- E. Vanderwater, of Marysville, $20 and costs in Police Court on Tues- day, on a charge of wounding a lad by the mame of John Fitzger- ald, with a shot gun. It appears that four young lads, Edward Keat- ing, John Fitzgerald and George Osborne, along with apother young- ster under sixteen years of age, had visited Vanderwater's farm with the intentions of stealing watermelons, but the farmer had been in wait for just some such enterprise and had fired at the fleeing figures with a shot gun, loaded with bird shot. Some of the shot struck young Fitzgerald on the forearm, wrist and hand and Dr. Cronk of this city removed several of the B.B.'s fronyr the wounds at the Belleville Hospital, Vanderwater pleaded guily, and the four youngsters who were charged with theft were remanded for one week. At the present time, young Fitzgerald has quite recovered and apparently is suffering no ill-effects from the gun-shot wounds, SUES FOR $4,000 FOR INJURIES RECEIVED Peterboro, Oct. 11.--Four wit- nesses gave evidence Tuesday af- ternoon at the fall sessions of the Supreme Court of the County of Peterborough before the Honor- able Mr. Justice Rose, in support of Mrs. H, Rattan, the plaintiff in the civil action for $4,000 brought against Nigel O'Conor Fenton and his mother, Mrs. Annie Sophia O'- Conor Fenton, of Norwood. The action arises out of an accident in the village of Norwood .on the night of October 29, 1027, when it is alleged by the plaintiff that she was knocked down by a car driven hy Nigel O'Conor-Fenton, and owned hy his mother. F. D. Kerr, K.C.,, and V, J. McElderry, K.C., are acting for the plaintiff, and W, F, Huycke and G. O'Shea, of Norwood, are representing the defendants, The aceldent occurred near the intersection of Victoria and Well- ington streets in that village ahont 9.00 p.m: Mrs. Rattan was in the hospital for several weeks suffer- ing from a dislocated knee-cap and two broken ribs and today she has to use a crutch in walking, HAMILTON "PANTS" BURGLAR IS QUITE AN ELUSIVE MAN Hamilton, Oct. 11,--The 'pants burglar" and a screeching locomo- tive on the C.N.R, line near Cope- © rs N The W.J. Trick Co. Limited Is In A Position to Supply "SCRANTON" COAL Also Coke and Wood Phones 230 157 Albert St. LOUNTS HIGH GRADE EQUI MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLY SERVICE town gave the police a crowded hour last night. The whistle on the locomotive became 'stuck down", as the railway men stated, and it blew for almost an hour before the engine could be backed to the roundhouse in the Stuart Street yards. Some one informed the police that a mail robbery was being enacted, and that the train crew was employing the whistle to bring aid. Scores of citizens became fright. ened, and then that 'pants burg- lar" began to appear. Actually, he was seen in forty different places in almost as many minutes, One call came from the southwest, how- ever, which looked promising, and the police went there on the run, As several plainclothesmen were searching backyards and prying into dark corners with flashlights, no less than four other residents of the neighborhood phoned police headquarters, and, breathless and hysterical, said "that man was prowling about in their back- yards," They knew it was he bha- cause he had a flashlight, they said. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Regular meeting of Council was held on Saturday, October 6th, with members all present, Reeve C, A. Wight presiding. Minutes of last regular nmreeting were read and approved. N. I. MacNachton, County Clerk gave notice of the admission of Mrs, Laura Lawson to the Oshawa General Hospital and Viola Mur- duff to the Toronto General Hospi- tal, J. Y. Kellough, Department of Agriculture, Port Hope, made a request for grant for the Junior Farmers' Association to provide for prizes at the Annual judging com- petition to he held in Durham County. The sum of $10.00 heing granted, W, I. Ker', K. C., Clerk of the Peace, Cobourg, gave a statement of the number of grand and petit jurors to be selected for the year 1929 for the Township. Wm, Leask, Taunton, asked for rebate of taxes for 1928 owing to his barn being destroyed by fire in September last. Laid on table for further consideration. Nathan Byers, Fnni:killen, was granted a sum of $16.00 for re- building sidewalk in front of the Byers store property. S. R. Hart & Co. Ltd., Toronto, acked the privilege of supplying Assessment and Collectors Rolls for year 1029 similar to those furn- ished for 1928. Clerk was author- ized to order the same, Treasurer acknowledged recelnt of $3.00 from Adam Sharp for rent Road for 1927, and L. T. Pascoe, Taxes 1927, $17.51, Orders were drawn on Treasurer Nathan Byers, 50 per cent on ce- ment sidewalk, $16.00; Wesley Oke, Sidewalk Enniskillen $22.44 T. H, Richards, Salary and Office. $109.70; 'T, H. Richards, Road cok struction, $220.60; T. H. Richards. Road maintenance, $659.21: T, H. Richards, Cement Bridges, $1004. 88; S. A. Northcott, Sheep Inspec- ton, $5.70; W. R, Allin, Salary 8rd quarter, $175.00; M, A, James and Son, Printing and Ady. $26.95; K. Winterburn, Sheep damages, $8: Thos Baker, Sheep damages $18; John Hills, Sheep damages $25; Hugh Annis, Sheep damages $40: { J. Y. Kellough, Grant to Junior farmers' $10.00; Edith V. Scobell, Collector's Bond. $15; F. G. Kers- ake, Wor in Park, $18.75; W. R. estlake, Advance T, 8. 8, 8. Ni 1, $100. 5.5.8 Mo ouncil adjourned to We Hoy. 2 1928, at the Braerdey clock p.m.--W, R. > ship Clerk. Allin, Town EE -------------------------- The meat-grinder need not be confined to meat. It makes splen- did bread crumbs. Dry the stale bread in the oven and then put through the grinder. Put a little box of lime in the damp spot in the cellar or larder. The lime acts as a moisture ab- sorber very effectively, MAN IS SURPRISED--- EATS ANYTHING--NO GAS "As soon as I ate I was in misery I tried Adlerika, and to my surprise it ended the gas entirely. I eat anything now."--T. M. Schlabach. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Act- ing on BOTH upper and lower bow- els, it removes old waste matter you never thought was in your sys- tem. Let Adlerika give your rear ach and bowels a REAL cleansing and see how much better you feel. It will surprise you! Jury & Lovell, Druggists. ~ TO EXTEND STRIKE "IN AUSTRALIA Carters' and Drivers' Union Refuses to Join in the "Dispute Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 11.-- Efforts of the central strike com- mittee to extend the strike of wa- terside workers to the carters and drivers were -unsuccessful today. Seventeen hundred members of the carters' and drivers' union. at a mass meeting here, decided not to join the dispute for the present. The federal council of the cart- ers' and drivers' union will be con- vened at the earliest possible mo- ment and the policy of the union decided. No matter what decision is reached by the federal council, the meeting today made the stipu- lation that the waterside workers' federation must first take a secret ballot on the question of resuming work. Representatives of the central strike committee present at to- day's meeting and a hostile recep- tion. More han two thousand volun- teers worked on twenty-two over- seas vessels today, HEARST REPORTER IN PARIS IS QUIZZED Questioned in Connection With Naval Accord "Secret" Note Paris, Oct. 11.--Harold J. T. Horan, Paris correspondent of the Hearst Universal service, was stop- ped by an agent of the Surete Gen- erale while driving on the Rue de la Paix, Monday, and detained for questioning most of the afternoon in connection with the publication hy Hearst newspapers of Phillippe Bertholet's 'secret' note on the Franco-British naval accord: Ac- cording to Horan, at the end of the questioning he was given his choice of a promise to leave the country before Thursday or being formally taken into custody on a charge of having had a secret state document in his possession. He signed the promise to leave the country, While Horan was at the prefee- ture of police, representatives of the American Embassy here went to the Foreign Ministry in his he- half. According to authoritive re- ports, this action was taken on ad- vice from the State Department at Washington that Willlam Ran- dolph Hearst, head of the Universal Service, had assumed personal re- sponsibility for the publication of the document and had informed Secretary of State Kellogg that Horan had cabled it as a news dfs- patch only upon his orders. Horan sald during the question- ing Monday afternoon he made no attempt to deny having had posses- visit of the publisher in Paris. CODFISH SOUFFLE One can of prepared codfish cakes, 2 eggs, 1 cup green peas, drained of juice. Mix the codfish cakes with the 2 egg yolks with a fork until fluffy, add green peas and stir lightly again, then fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a well greased baking dish and bake in a hot oven about 30 to 35 minutes, Serve immediately. MALLET COA Phone 2560 SERVICE That Satisfics ------ niicHA BLMAN Visnidd "nlarats and re- Pianos. 80 Simcoe Street North THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 'tt $4806°° 1.5. The Living Reem Medel, the result of threequarters of a century of plane making, The Williams Piane Co., Ltd. Established 1849 A ------ a i -- 1928 Chev. Coupe Phone 251 1928 Chev. Sedan Oshawa, Canada Good Values Buy your Coal from the breakage. Dixon Coal Co. All Coal thoroughly screened and loaded on vehicles for delivery with electric automatic loaders to avoid Phone 262 DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL 'Solvay Coke" Forked to Insure Cleanliness Gen. Motors Wood Bone Dry--Speaks for Itself - Jeddo Coal The Best the Mines Produce QUALITY AND SERVICE ASSURED DIXON COAL CO. in Cars That Have Been Driven Very Small Mileage 1928 Chev. Coach 1927 Chev. Coach 1927 Chev. Sedan The above cars look and run just like new cars, Terms to Responsible People ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Limited Whitby, Oshawa =» FOS. MILI SONS Possess a perfection of line which distinguish them uncertain origin, from others of It is for this reason that if you have the intention of buying a Hudson *Seal Coat--or any other fur for that matter--it is of the greatest importance that you examine our new styles which are designed after the most recent and most exclusive models created at Paris and New York. We insist on the fact that every one of our Coats is created to give not only the most luxury, but also the most comfort and service, which only qual ity in the smallest detail can assure. OUR PRICES compare more than favor- ably with those of coats of uncertain style and dubious quality, PHONE 1000

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