Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX {HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 19%. Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERS ONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. Mrs. Robert Wilson, Kingston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Gowan, Elgin street. * * * Misses Lela and Madeline Davies of Toronto were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Dell, Simcoe street north, over the week-end. * * * Miss H. Sothia of Cananogue fis spending a week with Mrs, Peter Gallagher, 18% Simcoe strect south. * Mrs. A. E. Alloway of Brantford fs visiting at the home of her son, Mr. A. R. Alloway, Simcoe St. North, * * * Mr, Basil McPhail of Port Hope is spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Mc- Phail, North Oshawa, ¥ ® Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lafess, Col. borne street, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, DMePhail, North Oshawa, over the week-end. * 0% Miss Agnes Coold ville is spendinz a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W, Goold, Oshawa Doulevard. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McRae and baby Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Monro and family of Torontn were the guests of Mrs, McRae's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McPhail, North Oshawa, over the week-end, * * * Mr. and Mrs. James H, Morris of Drummond Township, Perth, On- tario, announce the engazement of their eldest daughter, Anna Eliza- heth, to Mr, Clarence Wilfred Fen- ton, of Oshawa. The marriage will take place quietly in October, * w * N * # of Walker- The Junior boys and gir's of the Christian church were entertained Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5.30 by the teachers, Misses Opal Stey- enson, Mildred DeGnerre, Nattin Petrie, Mrs. VW. Petrie and Mr, F. Riding, assisted hy Mrs. W., DP, Fletcher and Mrs, H. Kelly, The afternoon was spent in games and songs, which were dire-ted hv Mr, Fred Riding. whila Rev. W, P. Fletcher and Mr. I. Bennett en- tertained the guests with stories, The Sindav School was decorated with Hallowe'en decorations. # * * Among the Oshawa peonle at- tendinz the wedding of Mr, Merlyn Xennedy, Phm, B.. to Miss Ruby ¥rances Sherwood, which took sist place in Toronto Saturday mora- ing were: Mr. and srs, T. G. Ken- nedy, parents of the groom, aud Master Paul Kennedy, brother of the groom, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Stal- ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. I'rick and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. @. B. Mota- ersill, Miss Maud Mothersill, Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. S, J .Babe, Mr. W. E. Bab, Mr. W. B, Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Stalter, sister of the groom, of Omemee also attended. Weddings Hl ld KENNEDY--SHERWOOD A pretty house wedding took place Saturday at 11 o'clock at the nome of Mr, George H. Sherwood, Scarboro road. Woromto, when his unly daugh.er, Ruby Frances, became the bride of wmerlyn raul Kennedy, V'hm, B.,, elder son oi Mr, and Mrs, T. G4. Kennedy, 97 Alexanura street, Oshawa. The house was prettily decorated with lerns, gladiolil and asters and the ceremony was pertormed by Rev. Dr, Hincks of High Park Avenue United Church before a bank ot au- tumn flowers, Miss. Mary Jackson played the wedding march and the young couple were unaiiended, the bride was lovely in a gown of ivory transparent ve.velr, maue Period style with a skirt drooping slightly on one side and wore a bandeau of orange blossoms in her hair, Her bouquet was a show- er of Sweetheart roses, orchids and lily of the valley. After the cere- inony a wedding breakfas: was served. The bride's table was taste- fully decorated with sweetheart roces and lily of the valley in a pink color scheme. Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy left on a honeymoon to Montreal and cities in Quebec and on their return will reside in Toronto, The bride travelled in a poudre blue georgette and velvet frock, and velvet coat trimmed with grey squirrel. She wore a hat tc match and grey thoes, hose and gloves, Mr, Kennedy is a former Oshawa boy and has many friends in this city, He was educated a the Oshawa High School and served his apprenticeship as druggist in Thompson's drug store. BAPTIST Y, P. U. The regular mecting of the Bap- tist Young Pcoples' Union was held last evening, After the business ses Canadian Home Missions, stressing the fact that prayer as well as finan- cial help would go a long way toward the greater success of home missions, The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction, BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE MEET The regular meeting of the Cal- vary Baptist People was held last evening with Frank Boyce presiding, There were twenty-one members pre- sent. The devotional service was conducted hy Miss Annie Tate, sion Miss A. Morrison spoke. on the | 50 Following the roll call Mr. F. Dan- zey gave a piano solo and Mr. Dol- son, the speaker of spoke on "God's kindness and our own." Mrs. Reddick closed the meet- ing with prayer. PARISH HALL WILL BE OPENED ON SUNDAY NEXT Special Services at Christ Church, With Noted Preach- ers Officiating The new Parish Hall of Christ Church, corner of Mary and Hill- croft Streets, will be opened by special services on Sunday, Oct. SL Rev. H. ¥. D. Woodcock of Christ Church, Deer Park, Toronto, will preach it the 11 o'clock service, Rev. D. B. Rogers, secretary of the 8.8. work of the Anglican Church will give an address at a special gervice for young people at 2.30 p.m. and Rev, R. A. Armstrong, Kditor of the Canadian Churchmen and Vicar of the Church of the Re- deemer, Toronto, will preach at 7 p.m. Lay Corner Stone On tae day belore turday, the 20th at p.m., the corner s.one will be laid with fitting ceremony by the Ven. Archdeacon Warron. Addrecses will be given by visiting clergy and laymen and & supper will be served imniediately atter in the new Parish Hall. by tle ladies of the Women's Auxtliary, HARVEST SUPPER AND CONCERT ARE VERY ENJOYABLE The Ladiz;' Auxiliavy Trinity Church ueld then Thanksgiving supper and last hall wes tuliy decoraicc tuoles were well arranged, The proceeds from the cupper, which were gratifying, are to be used in conneciion with the building fund ol the new church, The concert per was under the Walter Jackson, crgani Trinity Church and was a The Program The following pre Song, "Mountain sie Holloway; song, fiold To Love", Mr "The Swallows' wrdson; Holy harvest concert taste- of even, following the sup- direction of W. of. Holy Luecesy, am was given: Miss Kl- "To Have, To Jack Byons; Miss id. 807, he Whisper- ing Hope', Mics Millicent Elston; Lkumorous monologue, "I Do Like an kgg For My Tea, W. L. Baker; gong, "Archibald", Mr. Gibbie; monologue, "And Yet Don't Know", Mr, N, Merrick; forte solo, Master Russel J violim solo, "Humoreske' Kinder; trombone selection, "The Vorld Is Wai ing for the Sunrise', Mr, J, Lee; muiical trio, Messrs, Jackson, Nobhin and Dolly, In every the artists pleased the audience such an extent that "Yonea", 1 case to Says the woman Personnel Manager in a large office "I warn every woman I employ" Realization of this unconscious offensé distresses many women, Now such of- fense is unnecessary, This remarkable sanitary pad deodorizes the world of business, in society, women often find themselves em- at certain times, Sometimes cant keewiag Why, sciousness follows, Make-shift efforts to counteract the difficulty seldom succeed. Now a discovery made in Laboratories ends all these fears and worries, Science has dis- covered a Way tO COUDteract a serious offense. they offend without knowing Kotex | Kotex now completely deodorizes Kotex has brought a new idea of fem- inine hygiene to women all over the world. Ia the past ten years they have learned new comfort; new ease-of- mind through this sanitary protection, Now, after years of work, & process has been perfected that completely completely, ad are Because corners of the rounded worn it may DALLOWer ~ to suit needs, It is easily is neces makes it softer fo WARY { Sh Deodorizes oo vind 4 other importst features: L1=Softer A dor ends chafing; plisble lia let absorbs as £0 other 3=Deodorizes-safely. thoroughly, br new aod exclusive paieaisd 4~Adjust it to your weeds; filler may be m thioper, ) DALLOWEL 45 ; and S~1It is easily disposed of; a "i vo KOTE X The New Sagitary Pad which deodorizes piano- | YOUNG PEOPLE OF ST. GEORGE'S ARE WELL ORGAN Meeting The Anglican Young People's Association of St. George's church held the opening meeting of the sea- son last evening in the Parish Hall, Centre street. Canon dePencier con- vened the meeting and presided dur- ing the clection of officers. The officers for the ensuing year are: honorary president, T. B. Mitchell; president, E. Jeffrey; 1st vice:presi- dent, V. Burr; 20d vice-president, B. Stacey; 3rd vice-president, Missy Queenie Jeves; 4th vice-president-- Miss Olive Redman; sccretary, Miss Violet Watson; treasurer, Fred For- ham; chairman of the education com- mittee, R. Terrctt; chairman of the | missionary committee, Miss K. Lack; Vel rman of the social committee, H. | Meadanald, After the clection of officers cach | received his badge of office, which | was presented by the rect J. Lee entertained the ruests desing sunner with 2 Trombone sole. The remain- der of the evening was spent in danc- Our Daily Recipes TCM 2 pound lemon and strains to each pi orange juico, ad clear and thick necessary add cake coloring | trac ive color. | NY HONEY e, oes and the rind ! orang:e, cooked | 1 pound of sugar | o tha lemon and cook until it i like honey, If few drops red make it an at-| a ov 2 a to | PINEAPPLE MARSHMALLOW | SPONGE | Cut 12 marshmallows in quarters | {and place in deep earthen dish, | | Then heat 2 cups of erushed, cen- ned pineapple and pour over the | marshmallows Place In an fice box until the marshmallows are |gnftened, about 24 hours. Serve {with sponge cale. | . APPLE CORN MUFFINS | Sca'd 2 cups of cornmeal with [hoiling water, add 2 slightle round- the evening, | they were required to give encores, [ing tablespoons of flour and milk, [enough for a rather thixic batter. Add 2-2 eup of brown suear, stir in 2 teaspoons bakine powder then add two cups of diced tart | apples. Half fill the buttered muf- fin pan and hake in a qnick oven, CREAM OF CORN SOUP 2 cups grated fresh corn. 4 enps | mills, 1 tablespcon hatter. 1 tables ipoon flour, 1 teasnoon salt, 14 tea- snoon pepper. Boil eorn and milk slowly for ten minutes. Add butter and flour which have been rubbed tozether. Boil 10 minutes more, stirring eonstantly., Season. Serve immediately with a dash of paprika and chopped parsley atop of each serving. BUTTERSCOTCH PIF This is enother recine for hutter- seotch ple, slightly diffarsut from the one printed in this column be- fore. Heat 1 cup sweet milk, and 1 cup brown sugar, Add yoke of 1 egz well heaten and a pineh of salt, Also 2 tablespoons of flour | dissolved in 4 tablespoons cold wa- | ter. Cook until thick and add 1 ianlespcen of butter and a little | vanilla. Turn into a baked crnsi | and use the whites of tha ecg for | meringue. Del'cious when whip- | ped cream is ou top. SOUR MILK CHEESE Use whatever milk is avai'able, | heat it in an enamel saucepan to | about 100 degrees Fahrenheit and | stand it in a warm place for an! hour to separate. Pour into a cheesecloth and hang it where it | can drip all night, In the morn- ing heat the contents of the cheese- cloth thoroughly and energetically and flavoring according to taste with onion or celery salt, finely chopped chive or onion juice and cool on the ice, It can he cut In- to strips when cold and served on crisp lettuce leaves or mixed with | thinly sliced olives in bisenit or | brown-bread sandwiches, or con- bined with 2 nut salad. i For the last mix 1-2 cup mix- | ed olives, a grain or two of pap- | rika. some chopped salted nuts and | a cup of cheese, well creamed with a little butter. Mold into smooth round balls, set on a bed of lettuce hearts and serve with mayonnaise or French dressing. SN 1 24 §) S oY | S WE MAKE D TRUSS AND GUARANTEE SECURELY. EXAMINATION FRE! We 1alize in ABDOMINAL BELTS AUTHORS £€ COX. LTp 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO Officers Elected for Ensuing Year--Dance Features First ST. PAUL'S JUNIOR MISSIONARY BAND PLANS A PARTY Will Held Hallowe'en Enter. tainment at Bowmanville for School Pupils Bowmanville, Oct. 9.--The regu- lar meeting of St. Paul's Junior Missionary Society met at the home of Miss Jean Ramsay, Mon- day evening, a large number being present. The president, Miss Ed- na Jewell, was in the chair. The meeting opened with devotional exercises, Miss Olga Tod read the Scripture, Miss R. Perey led in prayer and a!l joined in reciting the Lord's Prayer and the singing of two hymns. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, also letters of thanks from mebers 1of the society who have been ill and to whom fruit and flowers have been sent. Hallowe'en Party 'A good deal of the evening was taken up in making plans for the Hallowe'en party which the society is giving in St. Paul's lecture room for School church, also boys of the same age the Training St. Paul's bovs fronr who attend the from the Sunday School, together with the staffs from the training school, public and high schools. Musiial Program The program was under the di- rection of Mrs. (Dr.) Dest and Miss R. Perey, and the first chapter of the new book, which is to he taken up, "In Great Waters," was to have been read, but on account of the business part of the meeting tak- ing up so much time, it was decid- ed to leave this till the next meet- ing. Miss Helen Yellowlees sang a solo which was much enjoyed, and a contest prepared by Miss Harvey, was enterzd into with zest by the members. An unexpected and agreeable surprise was furnish- ed by Chas. Heal who sent ths so- ciety a box of delicious bonbons and chocolates. Refreshments were served whieh brought to a close a splendid meeting, See the Newest Styles for Autumn in Ladies' Coats at FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, §, P'hone 3083W ANGLICAN YOUNG PEOPLE INSTALL NEW OFFICERS Plan Debate at Bowmanville on Influence of Press and Pulpit Bowmanville, Oct, 9.--Installa- tion of officers of the Anglican Young Peoples Association was held at St. Johns Parish Hall on Monday evening. A fair attendance made the proceedings more inter- esting and much encouragement was felt as to a successful season, The following officers were install- ed by Rev, R. Shires: President, J. Gunn; Vice-President, C. Brunton; Secretary, Miss A. Lamb; publicity secretary, Miss Bounsall; treasur- er, Mr. Ormiston, The president welcomed the fol- lowing new members: L. Francis, E. V. King, C. R. Ashley, Miss E. Cale, Mrs, Cale, Miss A, Walmsley, Miss A, Nokes, Miss E. Gray, A Jackman, Miss Margaret Colville, and Miss Muriel Taylor. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the secretary gave a brief account of last year's activities. Rev. Mr. Shires announced that Sam Wilson will give an address on Wednesday, November 12, The membership fee was placed at 50¢ for the first month and 10c for each month following. An ideal membership card has heen issued combined with the official program. Members weré asked to note that on October 22, a debate will be held in the parish hall, the subject being 'The press exercises greater. influence than the pulpit in the world." Mr, Brunton will take the side of "Thhe Press," and Miss Steadman, "The Pulpit." Each member is expected to speak ahout three minutes for either the press or the pulpit. BROWMANVILLE PERSONALS Mrs, P, Trebilcock and Miss Mar- garet Trebilcock, have gone to Peterbora for a short visit with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hambly, Miss Marion Pickard, was with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Pleck- ard, for the week-end. Mrs, Wm, Bain, of Toronto, is heref or a short visit with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. son, Wes, of Toronto, visited with Alex Haddy and | RED Red Rose Orange Pekoe is Ls In clean, bright Aluminum TEA isgdood ted the best tea you can buy Mr. and Mrs, J. Infantine have gone to visit relatives in Buffalo and other points, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Souch, Osh- awa, spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clayton, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred MacTavish and scn, Ian, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manning, Church street. John MecConnachie, Orillia, has been in town for a few days, the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Spen- cer, Concession street. Rev. A. M. McConnachie, ville, occupied Paul's church on was home for the Miss Elsie Mrs. W. J. Bragg | Montreal, Mrs. McKay, Florence Reid, is | | Misse 8 Spring- the pulpit of St. Bragg, visited witlt her parents, Mr. and Sunday. Miss Carrie Painton, of Whitby, week-end. of Toronto, , Elgin street. Miss Agnes Haddy, of Toronte, spent the week-end with her pare ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. (Rev.) R. Bilkey and grand- daughter, Miss Pauline Bilkey. of were in town Monday, the guests of Mrs, Mrs. A, E. McCready, Silver street. F. A. Haddy, J. Fleming and of Regina, nee the guest of the Allen Beech avenue. EI = REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal awa Railroads, 10 King St. W, WATCHES If your Watch is not giving satizfaction we can repair and and Oczh- Phone 189 Cuticura Soothes Burning Aching Feet Bathe the feet for several minutes with Cuticura Soap and warm water, then follow with a light application of Cuticura Ointment, gently rubbed in, For tired, hot, irritated feet this treatment is most comforting, Cuti- cura Talcum is cooling and refreshing. Samriy Bach Pree by Mall. Address Canadian Depot : "Stenhouge, Ltd, Montreal." Price, Soap 2c. Uint- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knight, for the week-end, ment 2 and §0c. Taleum 25e, [- Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c¢, FAVOURED BY JMART WOMEN STYLE NO 102 x J ig Service weight to the narrow hem The slenderizing SLIPPER HEEL', which deceives the eye in a most fascinating way, creates slimmer, trimmer ankles and continues the illusion of slimness up over the kuee, : #The Origioal Pointed Heel Made in Silk Hosiery Canade--Trade Mark Registered se

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