Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1928, p. 6

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£08 SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY IIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 128 a Woman s Daily Interest | SOCIAL. and PERSONAL 'The Times Tavites the co- 'operation of its readers in eontributing items to this 'column. Send in a postcard or phone 36. Miss Thelma Foote is visiting friends in Deseronto. * % % Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frager have moved to Oshawa and have taken up residence at 340 Simeoe street north. The many friends of Mrs, Caverly regret to hear that she * again confined to her home and wish her a Speedy recovery. * Baroness Kort entertained at a tea and shower in honor of Miss Kathleen Lee of Toronto, whose marriage takes place October 6. * * % Mrs. (Rev.) Charles E. Cragg is receiving at the King street par- sonage Friday afternoon from 3.30 to 6 and in the evening with Rev. Mr, Cragg from 8 to 10. * * Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cowan of Gladwin, Michigan, returned home yesterday after spending a few days with their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krantz, 13 Elena street. They were accom- panied by their son, Mr. Delwin Cowan of Flint, Michigan. the gratefully soft light For Beautys Sake Use Edison Mazda Lamps In fairness to yourself and your boudoir you need Edison Mazda Lamps can give you, EDISON MAZDA AEE ENECCERETR LAMPS that only Inside Frosted wie Afternoon tea was served at the home of Mrs. Marke, 89 Roxbor- ough avenue, yesterday afternoon for the Daughters of England. The tables were decorated with flow- ers. Mrs. Oake, assisted by Miss Kingsley, poured. There were about 50 guests present during the afternoon. Mrs. Kelly was - the winner of the cushion, which was worked and donated by Mrs. Marke, and Mrs. Murray held the lucky number for the bedspread, donated by Mrs. R. Gutsole, and worked by the Daughters of Pugland. - A IE of interest takes' place this afternoon in Montrea® when Gerda, daughter of the late' Mr. Alan Parsons and of Mrs. Par- sons, Montreal, becomes the bride of Captain A. J. Thomas, son of the Right Honorable J. H. Thom- as and Mrs. Thomas of London, England. The ceremony is being performed in Christ Church Cath- edral, Montreal, by Very Rev. Dean Arthur Carlisle. Mr. Erie A. Par sons, brother of the bride, will give the bride in marriage, while Mrs. Leonard Reid. sister of the bride, will be matron of honor. The bridesmaids are Misses Dor- is Thomas, of London, England, sister of the groom, Constance Dawes. Magdeleine Hebert, Gert- rude Dick and: Dorothy Benson. Mr. Charles Hebert will attend the groom and Messrs. Jacques Hebert, George Younger, W., R. G. Holt, Roy Dillon 'of Ottawa, Lloyd Par- sons, brother of the bride, will act as ushers. . x Miss Katharine Hezzelwood en- OVALTINE REDUCED OLD PRICES 60c, 90¢c, $1.50 NEW PRICES 850c, 75¢, $1.25 Karn"s Drug Store We Deliver Opp, P, O CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT ¥ Quality Counts" Your nearest Dominion Store carries two mottoes--~"Personal Serv- ice" and "Where Quality Counts," Purchase your next supply of groceries from a Dominion Store and you will realise how faith- fully these mottoes are carried out, You will he agreeably sur- prised, too, at the Great Savings you can make in purchasing your grocery needs from "Canada's Largest Retail Grocers," TWO MOTTOES all $s 8 CROWN cor BEEHIVE BRAND CORN SYRUP = 31: Aunt Jemima Flour (Buckwheat) 22° Pancake 17e Maple Syrup Pint Bot. 33¢ Pure Honey No. 5 Pail 67¢ IXY YXE BISCUITS Uneeda Package 6-25 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO soup ror 2, X- ROLLED OATS RICE Blue Rose WHITE BEANS § Ibs. for 25¢ » 3 ibs, for 25¢ 3 vs. for 20¢ EE SEC IITIG [2 PINK SALMON - - Tall Tin 19¢ SHRIMPS Wet Pack Tin 21¢ Candy Special CrystalCreams 1.2 5¢ Canadian New CHEESE ih, 28e¢ Tasty BREAD "Loat e TEA Biend 1. 79° Blond Ih. 69. | sor 59: [sien D.S.L. Bulk ib, COFFEE Blend » Tin !i-1b, Tin 59- 33. Bt - 1. 855¢ siend - 1-45 TI Xr rrr rr xrxxx@ MM SLICED PINEAPPLE - Tis 14e 'Y SWEET CORN Clark's PORK and ™ STELNA CORNED » 2 Tins 285¢ BEANS Tin 23¢ BEEF Tin 23¢ HEINZ KETCHUP Lorge 2 Je Bore 6660000000000 0 660CEGGGG6 Stacia dha a slight reduction in "SALADA TEA A Tea of Finer Quality fra he mode posse tertained at a party in honor of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Hezzelwood, at her home, Albert street, last evening. There were sixteen guests present and the evening was spent in bridge. The prizes were won by Mrs. L. R. Luke for high score, and Mrs. F. L Fowke, who held the lucky num- ber. Mrs. Hezzelwood was pre- sented with a bouquet of carna- tions by Mrs. 'G. Henry and the address, composed by Mrs. Edith Park, was read by Mrs. W. T. Hen- ry. . * of the vicinity were. entertained yesterday by Mrs. H. J. Davis, Mary street, in honor of the eighth birthday of her son, Cecil. * = Nine children * % * The members of the Lend a Hand Club held a corn and wein- er roast at "Cedar Vale." the sum- mer home of Mrs. L. Disney, vice- president of the Club, on Monday evening, Although a large bon- fire aided in keeping the guests warm it was found necessary to complete the program indoors. *® The president and directors of the Regal Bakeries in Toronto and Oshawa gave abanquet in honor of their salesmen at the Carls-Rite Ho- tel, Toronto, last evening. There were seventy guests present which includes the following from Osha- wa: Messrs. Marshall, Beck, Jones, Goulding, Danzey, Martin, Beattie and Graves. The addresse of the president and directors comprise the intellectual and social side of the program. Weddings ' FARLEY--CAIRNS ' The marriage was solemnized in St Gregory's Roman Catholic church at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, of Mary Agues, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cairns, 741 Rowena street, to James E liner Farley of this eity. The marriage was performed by Rev; Father Bench, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a white satin gown, trimmed with silk lacc Her veil, worn cap fashion," was caught at the side with orange blossoms and she carried a shower of pink sweetheart roses, carnations and lily of the valley. Miss Edith Cairns, twin sister of the bride made charming bridesmaid - in a ycllow georgette frock with hat to match and carrying a bouquet of ycllow roses. 'I'he groom was attended by Mr. Harold Badour of this city. Af- ter the ceremony a reception wus held at the home of the bride's par- ents, where a wedding breakfast was served. Mrs. Charles Cairns, mother of the bride, received the guests in a becoming gown of navy crepe trimmed with heige. Following the reception Mr, and Mrs, Farley left on a motor trip to points west, and on their return they will reside in Oshawa, The bride travelled in a navy blue georgette frock, with hat and coat to match. MISSIONARY TELLS OF WORK IN CHINA oo -- Rev, George Bell of the China Inland Mission, who has spent some years in the far north-west of China, was the special speaker at the monthly prayer meeting of the China Inland Mission last night, The meeting was held in Calvary Baptist Church and there was a good attendance, Mr, Bell showed some interest- ing lantern slides, many of them among the Tibetans in both Kan- Su and Tibet on which he hased his address. Jome idea of the re- moteness of the rgeion in which Mr, Bell, along with his brother and their wives labored, and the difficulties of travel, may be gain- ed from the fact that the party journeyed 25 days by mule litter and an additional five days through the mountain passes on ponies, to reach their destination. Rev. PF. Dickie, also China Inland Mission, acted as chairman and read interesting ex- tracts from letters recently rer ceived from China telling of the work there. BUTTERFLY SALAD Cut slices of pinapple in 2 even pleces and lay on lettuce leaves so that they are opposite the way they were before cuttipg. Lay one ston- ed date between them and stick two cloves in the date for "eyes", Cut stuffed olives in slices and Jay on the pineapple for spots on the butterfly's wings. Put a spoon of mayoppaise at one side, NEW MARTIN NOW PLAYING DEADMAN'S CURVE COMEDY -- "Ladies ferred" Last Episode--The Scarlet Ww. Pre- #17 girls was so surprise birthday* | | of the | SPLENDID PROGRAM FOR RALLY DAY AT CEDARDALE CHURCH Rally Day of the Cedardale United Church was observed Sun- day afternoon in the Sunday School with a good attendance of teachers, scholars and visitors present. The Rally Day program was followed and the story "Christ of the Andes" was given by Margaret Henderson, followed by an illustra'ed address by the pastor, Rev. G. W. Irvine, The evening service was one of gpecial interest. Two numbers were given by the choir. Rev. N, Bowles, missionary of the United Church to China, gave an interesiing ad- dress dealing with his éxperiences in China in the past twenty years. At the close of the service the members of the Highway Travel- lers, C.G.1.T. group presented the Pageant 'United for Service", The following is the cast of cnaracters: First Herald, Helen Branton; Sec- on Herald, Ethel Reece; Splrit of Canada, Ruby MacFarlane; Spirit of the Church, Margaret Hender- gon; Symbols of the Flag, Agnes Murray (red), Millie Hester (white), Sailie Matthews (blue); "For", Kathleen Liddle, Rlsie Gled- hill; Children of the Nations (Ser- vice) China, Edna Andrews; Japan, Sadie Harland; India, Olive Jack- son; Africa, Lydie Malel; Canadian Indian, Margaret Wilkins; New Canadian, Katharine VanLeusen. The pageant was well presented and carried a fine spiritual mes-age as the aim and ideals of the United Church of Canada, Fine Concert On Monday evening the Sunday School with Myr. H, B. Nelson in charge, assisted by Mrs, Frank Bright g an entertaining cons cert, The program was as follows: piano rolo, I'lorence Leavitt; read- ing, selection, from the ""Habitant" by Drummond, Mrs, (Rev.) G, W. Irvine; duet, Mrs. Lappin and Miss Ruby McFarlane; violin solo, Mrs. A. E. McFariane; vocal solo, Rev G. W. Irvine; song in costume, Muriel McKinstry, 'd MeDon- ald, Mary Jeanette Irvine, Kathleen Liddle, Vera Andrews; sole, Mrs Hulbert; piano solo, Mrs. Frank Bright; solo, Miss Arnold, The pageant as presented by the C.G.IL thoroughly enjoyed Sunday evening that they repeated it by request Monday evening and it was well received again, ve Whitewash * the ing of wooden window hoxes before ing with soil to precerve the and keep out insects, the fills | boxes ide LEND A HAND CLUB BOOSTS FUND FOR CHARITABLE WORK Pleasant Social Affair Tues- day With Mrs. R. Weir as Hostess The regular meeting of tha Lend a Hand Club was held on Tuesds® evening at the home of Mrs. R. Weir, Athol street east. President 1. Spencer convened the meeting and conducted the regular routine of business. . After the meeting supper was served in the dining room, where the tables were tastefully arranged and decorated with autumn flowers. The hostess was assited by Mrs, Branton. The proceeds of the meeting go towards the club funds of which a great deal is used for charitable purposes. Mrs. B. Rall entertained with piano selections and N. R. Weir gave several vocal solos, The Lend A Hand Club wil} meet again on November 6 at the home of Mrs. I. McDonald, 879 Robson avenue. Fashion Notes Black is usually popular for hats this season, although all tones of brown, from light tan to dark brown, are important, Wine tones shading into reds are creating a great deal of interest while dark hunter's green and Madelaine blue complete the range of colors which are expected to prove active. Tafeta is used in a number of chico tea gowns and informal cos- tumes for the house. In these biue is the Paris season's color. From one prominet house comes a long graceful gown of pale sea-green chiffon, with slip-on sleeveless coat of ultramarine blue moire. This is a model that is somewhat taflor- ed in type. This is the sort of dress that answers the requirements far an all-year-round informal costume. -- Another taifeta gown of a fus- sier style is in turquoise blue made with pinked ruffles covering its slip frock from the hips to the tip of the fan-tail train. The ruffles in rows follow a lifted line in front and are drawn to one side to be caught with a clasp of turquoise set in silver. This model is so dainty and so picturesque that several tea gowns have been made after its pattern. The latest colors for them are orchid, pink of every tone, green, yellow and the pastel shades. A necklace and brooch of flat omer EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Auther of The Eyes ia Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Eye Care and Eye Strain o Disney, Block pposite Post ce i= PHONE pi. 151s "PAINTED POST" | Also | Comedy and CUTICURA. HEALS LARGE PIMPLES Caused Itching Burning, Also Disfigurement, "My masrey by ini hie dy pe 4 size, Some were large, hard and scaly, while others were just red and festered. They caused an itching, burning sensation, also disfigure- ment, ** After using scores of remedies for over two years, with but little results, I sent for a free sam do of of Cuti Soap and Oi 80 pleased with the results that 1 1 purchased more, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and ons irs bo 2 Sr, Os was completely 4 W., E. Blackburn, 20 Bellevue Ave, Toronto, Ont. Use Cuticura to clear your skin, SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE, AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal Belts Styles for Fall Scarcely two of these stunning coats are duplicat- ed---each is smart in its own fashion- able way. Coats with great collar: and cuffs of fur, with interesting back treatments-- every detail of cut, material and finish reveals the higher prices for which they were originat- ed to sell, It is son. ness. fail, \ You Cannot Go Wrong if You Se- lect Your Coat frocks for fall that give them the charm them as successes of the new sea- circular jabots, give them the dash of new smart. planned to provide women with the very type dresses they will want for See Our New American Samples Fashion Shopp 84 Simcoe St. South The N west from Our Stock the fascinating details of the of femininity and stamp The lovely little pleated and ruffles and pleats This event was specially in Ladies' Frocks - THE -- Opp. Pp $ | EA ------------ SPEAKER TELLS OF AFRICAN CUSTOMS S-------- The members of the Women's Missionary Society of Simcoe Street United Church were addresseq at their opening meeting yesterday afternoon by Miss Garrett of To- ronto, who has travelled extensive- ly throughout Africa. She spoke to the society on the geography, reli- gion and people of that country. Miss Garrett spoke in an interest- ig And animated manner and re- vived the interest in the "Land of the dark man" declaring that It was incredible to those who have ( Mrs, in a civilized land, that people liv~ ing in any country of the werld could hold such beliefs as some of the inhabitants of Africa hold in regard to religion and medical matters, Miss Carrett made clear the necessity of introducing eivil. ized ideas into Africa by meaps of missionaries, The old and new members of the society, who were present, were welcomed by Mrs, E, A, Everson, Mrs, A. W, Harding read a reli- gious leaflet on the snligct of 'The Present Day Need or peneving Prayer." Miss Jean Keddie and Mrs, W, A, Hare centributed a vocal duet, followed by a solo by R. L. Gray, wear with evening gowns. A set of them look particularly attractive on a gown of tolle trimmed with wide | brown-yellow ribbon in a large bow and looped streamers placed at one | topaz set in silver are presented for (Genuine amethysts set in slender lines of silver with a pendant and {several drops attached form anoth- er necklace and a cluster brooeb, These are shown especially for the evening gown of the new noncrush- side of the lower edge of the bedice, |able velvet in heliotrope, fully----always When you the proper under control, HAMILT ot A Quick Fires» and a Lasting One EASE OF CONTROL MAKES HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE MOST SATISFACTORY Coke, make sure that it has to burn economically and health. Coke that is too porous sianply busms furiously and goes out Hamilton By-Product Coke is specially made for home heating. Ta demity wl foe whe sclenific ally correct, Bute lati widivut sole #% gos 10 4 Fe ht Pw daa, Furthermore, Hamilton By-Product Coke saves 35¢ on every dollar spent for fuel. on (5 apap] H M. FOWLDS & SON AUTHORS [RA o*) GEN) 35S CHURCH ST. TORONTO McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 110 KING STREET WEST

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