THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1928 Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the eco- 'operation of its readers in contributing items to this lot many fine gifts. The evening was spent in an enjoyable manner, after which lumeh was served by the hostess, Among the out-of- town guests were; Messrs. S. Laz- arus, M, Kertzer, A. Goldenberg, S. Kertzer, Mr, and Mrs. Lazarus, and Misses I. Kertzer and 8. Goldman, all of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Safe, Misses A. and 8. Safe, Messrs. 'Ben Safe and 8. Springer, of Belleville, column, Send in a posteard or phone 35, Miss Irene Hearns has beem ting her parents in Trenton for few days. L } - Miss Cicely Hancock, formerly Port Hope, has taken up resi: mee in this sir, Messrs. Wilton and Clayton Wan- naker, of Picton, spent the week- with friends here, « % 3» Mr. and Mrs, Everett Fitzgibbon d son, Herbert, are visiting the hrmer's parents in Belleville, * % 3 Mrs, Helen J, Ketcheson, of lleville, is spending a few days h the city, the guest of her niece, rs, Herbert White, Burk street, * Ll Messrs, J. McLaughlin, B, Fost. Ilr, 1. Thomas, C, Ross and C, Bls- te, spent the week-end in Lind- * » * Mr, and Mrs, H, McDonald and ughter, Marjorie, were guests of Cir, and Mrs, E, Perry, Lindsay, on | Baturday, * * * Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Smith, Burk Peet, have returned from spend- | @lospital, is spending her vacation i@pith her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bohn Stewart, Hastings, * b Mrs, Stewart Lee and Mr, BEd- Bard Chapman were attendants at fhe marriage of Miss Margaret pennan, to Mr, Lea Millan in Gan- poque yesterday morning, § & few days with friends In pton, $ ¥ % Miss Effie Stewart, nurse-in- ning at the Oshawa General LEE J Mr, B, A, Broom spent the week- d with his parents in Lindsay, or to leaving for Flint, Mich, ere he will attend the General otors Technical School, » * : Miss Gladys Morris, Colborne treet west, was hostess at a bridge t the Golf Club Friday afternoon honor of Mrs, Harold Coppin nd Mrs, Max Evans (nee Kathleen ftchell), The tastefully arranged table was presided over hy Mrs, eGillivray and Mrs, Ford, Cha al Miss Anne Dime was the "raison 'etre' of a birthday party held her home, 81 Bond street, Sat- rday evening, The house was irettily decorated with the season's lowers and vari-colored streamers, iss Dime was made the recipient The Oshawa guests were: Misses Jean Ennis, Shirley Weiss, Eva Davidson, Helen Berg, Gertrude Smith, Annie Collis, and C. Rubin, Messrs, H. Swartz, B, Engel, M, Berg, M. Swartz, B. Collis, J. En- nis, H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A, Swartz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Crozier and Helen Daugh- tery, Weddings MILLAN=--BRENNAN A pretty wedding took place at St. John's Roman Catholic Chureh, Gananoque, Monday morning at 8 o'clock, when Margaret, daughter of, Mr, and Mrs, Michael Brennan, of Gananoque, and sister of Mrs, Stewart Lee, of this city, became the bride of Mr, Leo Dennis Millan, son of the late Dennis Millan and Mrs. Millan of Kingston, The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, wearing a becoming gown of Morocco brown crepe ro- main trimmed with chiffon velvet, and hat and shoes to match, She carried a bouquet a sweetheart roses and lily of the valley, The ceremony was performed by Rev, Father Hanley, assisted by Rev, Father Carty and Rev. Father Mar- tin, Miss Catharine Brennan, sis- ter of the bride, wore a gown of gold lace and sand georgette with hat and shoes to match and car- ried pink roses. Mr, Rupert Millan, of Kingston, attended the groonr, During the ceremony, Mrs, Sand- ford Delaney sang "Ave Maria," and Mrs, Stewart Lee, Miss D, Hef- fernan and Mrs, Delaney sang a trio, "Jesus, Jesus Come to Me." The ushers were Mr, Joseph Dupuis of Toronto, and Mr, Edward Chap- man of this city, Mrs, Brennan, mother of the bride, wore black satin with flesh colored georgette, while Mrs, Millan, mother of the groom, wore black velvet and a cor- sage houquet of violets, Mrs, Stew- art Lee, sister of the bride, wore black crepe romain with steel head trimming, The wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride, after which Mr, and Mrs, Millan left on a motor trip to New York and Atlantic City, On their return they will reside in Kings- ton, PROMOTIONS AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Monday was observed in the Christian Church Sunday school as Promotion Day. This Sunday schoal is almost completely graded and use closely graded lessons in all but four . They thus make careful pre- paration for their exercises. They have gates with fence extension erected across the platform, and yes- terday they were beautifully decorat ca 1 ih autumn leaves and flowers. As the boys and girls are about to be promoted from one department to another, a boy and girl representative of the department to which they are going take their place behind the gates, and the teachers to whose clas- ses they are going stand behind them on the platform, Those to be pro- moted then take their place in front of the gates and answer the questions asked of them or perform the part assigned to them, ¢ gates are t! ot opened, and to the accompaniment singing they pass through the gates after being given their promotion certificates by their former teachers, to be welcomed in turn on the plat- form by their new teachers who then lead them to their new place in the school. During this week the teahcers are all asked to visit their new scholar in their homes, and at least three of the departments give parties to their new members. Thursday afternoon irom 3 to 3 the Beginners and Cradle Roll members and their mothers are to be entertained in the church. Dur- ing a part of this period the mothers are to be addressed by Miss B. E, Harris, child welfare worker of Oshe awa. After school on Friday the Primary boys and girls are to be similarly entertained, and on Satur- day afternoon the junior boys and girls, Then on Sunday next the week culminates in Rally Day exercises, The United Church program is being used at that time, but instead of an address being given the teachers mect their new pupils in the first lesson of the closely graded series, Thus the Sunday school is seeking to be as efficient in teaching religion as the week-day school is in teaching liter. ature or mathematics, The school room was so crowded yesterday for the exercises that in some instances it was difficult to carry on the movements of promo- tion, but every group did its work well and teachers and pupils feel that they are off to a great start for an. other season's splendid work, SIMCOE UNITED Y.P.L, HAS SOCIAL EVENING A helpful and enjoyable evening was spent by the Simcoe Street United Church Young People last evening, The devotional service, which opened the meeting, took the form of a discussion on "How Christ Met Life's Problem", whieh was opened by Rev, Harston., Sub- jects similar to this are being dia- cussed weekly and they are promis ing to become more popular as the winter season approaches, The in- struction period on the tople "Prayer was ably discussed hy Mr, H, Knight, Miss C, Stinson and Mr, R, Herrancourt, The opening number on the musical program was a cornet soln by Mr, Dempsey, followed hy an instrumental selection hy Mr. Holt. Miss V, Langmald and Mr, Boady contributed two solos, The young men of the league opposed the young ladies in a bible crossword puzzle, The entertaining evening was concluded by a sing-song, "Amazing --so many women must learn this from others" writes a Toronto hostess i : 2 i : 5 I 23% iI Eig¥ 1 thoroughly, 3 gr sip cf get oAade io Canadas TEX The New Sanitary Pad which deodorizes PAGE FIVE The next regular meeting will be held next Monday the Su School and the execu- tive will welcome any young man or woman who wishes to attend. CALVARY BAPTIST Y. P. MEETING The regular meeting of the Calvary Baptist Young People's Society was held last evening with 23 present. Miss Scolt was in the chair, Following the hymn Mrs. Reddick led in prayer, after which Mr. Beck favored with a solo, Mr. Dansey, a recitation, Miss Fleming and Mr, Beck a mouth organ and guitar duet which was much ap- preciated, After these items and the calling of the roll Mr. McCrum, the ker for the even 2 on "The Home of the Soul." Thia was much appreciated, The "home" of both the "saved" and the "'un- saved" soul being vividly depicted to us. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Richards, a = KING STREET Y.P.L. HOLD FALL RALLY League Will Attend Y. P, Association's Convention at : Newcastle in Body The Young Peop :'s League of King street Unite. Church held their Fall Rally last evening with nearly 100 members and friends preseal. A new installation and registration system was introduced for the league members and was conducted by Rev. C. E. Crags. Previous to this time there had been no roll of members kept so last evening the members the league enrolled, There were more than seventy names signed to the roll call, While the members were signing their names a sing song ip service was con- ted by Meredith Moffatt, presi. Household Hints If you are trying to change a gas mantle and are afraid of it break- ing, try passing a hatpin through the loop at the top and gently dropping the mantle into a glass tumbler with the pin resting across the sides of the glass. One's closet can be kept much more meticuously it a slanting six inch board is attached along the edge of the baseboard for a shoe rack. A shoe bag on the inmde of the door of the bedroom closet will also prove a wonderful help in keeping the closet more orderly, Besides both these methods keep the shoes in much better condition, When the winter approaches and it is without doubt, the house should be made cheerful to detract the attention from the gloominess of the out-of-doors. Flower pots painted a lacquer ved are a big addition. A red firewood basket or waste paper basket is another cheery note, You aen clean and polish gilt frames with a cloth dipped in the water in which onions have been bolled, Polish with a little chlor- ide of soda, A chilled tomato salad that Is really a surprise is one filled with very fresh cottage cheese and nuts, Serve with mayonnaise, Raw meat will keep fresh much longer if you rub salt over it or wipe it off with a solution of vine- gar, You should wash just before cooking. When airing winter things that have hezn stored, put them on the line right ou their hangers with a clothes pin snapped over the line on either end to keep the hangers from slipping, Cubes of summer squash, par- boiled, are delicious baked in a casserole covered with hot tomato sauce, bread crumbs and a dash of butter, It the decorative cork of the "ae: um bottle has hecome hroken or hardened, a large plain cork that fits well will answer the purpose, If you are inclined to leave pack- ages, hooks and umbrellas around promisenously, why not see that they are always tagged with your name and address, so that if they are lost you stand some chance of them being returned? If your are shopping write your name and ad- dress on your package as soon Aas purchased, To avoid those squeaky, sticky casters before inserting them dip the shanks Into vaseline and then slip them into the legs of the furn- fture. You will be surprised how easily and quietly you ,can move the heavy pleces around, HARVESTERS POOL SAVINGS AND BUY SECTION OF FARM Winnipeg, Oct. 1.--Two British harvesters who came to Canadas six weeks ago have adopted the Do- minion as their home and will re- main in Western Canada as farm owners, having bought a section of land with the proceeds earned while working in the harvest fields, The men are Jack Wilson and Fred Wells, both of Durham, Eng. They accomplished the jump from 'harvest hand to farm owper by ling their money earned while ryesting and buying a quarter gection of land from the farmer for whom Wilson hed worked. The men had $225 apiece, and the sum needed. to procure the land was $450. They immediately gave their wages to the farmer spd pow Wilson fs leaving for England to bring beck bis and Wells' sweetheart, and will gettle down In Canadas to become Canadian eitf- zens, - Arathor British harvester, Tho- dent of the League, After which arrangements were made for the league as a body to attend the Osh- awa-Cobourg Young People's As- soclations at Newcastle, October 15. As many as can arrange it ave at- tending in the evening, while it 18 probable that delegates will be present at the afternoon session, Dr, Carter of England is to address the meetings, It was also arranged for delegates to attend the Lav- men's Convention in Massey Hall Friday, Saturday and Sunday, At the coclusion of the business meeting Miss Annie Caverly gave a plano solo and Mr, Millard spoke to the assembly, Mr, Millard spoke of the necessity of knowing It -- ------ Store Open All Day Wednesday Our Annual Fall Sale of Window Shades Commences Tomorrow 50 Dozen makers, seconds, mounted on strong spring roll. ers. Standard size, 36 x 70 inches. Good Opaque Shades in white, cream or green, Sale price 69c each Best Oil Opaque Shades in white only, Sale price......... 98c each We all have abilities for some thing and it is our mission in life to as. rertain to what extent our abilities may be employed and then adjust ourselves and our lives to this man- ner of Mving, The meeting was closed in the usual manner, Fashion Notes This season Londen is showing The grey fur smart, paticularly krimmer, cont is extreme of Kkldskin ¢ The modernist note is seen RB tie newest woolens which have d8- onal stripes. The recent London Fajon ghow emphasizes the use of lve: jumper suits with lace insertions, toast lightly, shreds of onions, parsley and chill peppers, oysters, and bits of buttér, salt and pepper and grill until Serve at once with wedges of lemon and parsley, and 1 1-8 cup® sugar, the mixture until it is thick. Seal it In sterilized bottles or jars. over it and cook until soft adding a pinch of salt, Beat the whites of 2 eggs stiff, turn over them the boiling tapioca, beating all the time. Add 1 cup sugar, the grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, Serve cold with whipped cream, Jur Daily Recipes OUCUMBER JELLY Jielly salad flavored with chop- pe/cucumbers is exceptionally good wen chopped corn and pimento at added, DEVILED CRAB MEAT 1 cup chopped crab meat, yolk of two eggs, 1-4 cup finely chopped mushrooms, 2 tablespoons cherry wine, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 table- spoon finely chopped parsley, 2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste, 2-3 cup. white stock. Make a sauce of butter, flour and stock. Add yolk of eggs, season- ings (except parsley), erab meat. Cook three minutes, add parsley and cool, Put mixtures on shells or ramekins, sprinkle with stale bread crumbs, mixed with a little butter (melted), Bake until erumbs ara brown, CHILI SAUCE . 24 medium sized tomatoes, 2 green peppers, 2 red peppers 8 onions, 1 quart vinegar, 8 table- spoons sugar, 4 teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon ground allspice, 4 tea. spoons whole allspice, 1 large stick cinnamon 1 1-4 teaspoons mustard, Blanch and slice the tomatoes; chop the onlons and peppers, Combine the ingredients and cook OYSTERS AU GRATIN Cut thin slices of bread to fit in- ividual dishes or ramekins and Place in the dishes (heated) butter generously, and tiny Cover closely with choice edges curl, SILVER CAKE Cream together 1:2 cup butter Adl 1 tea- teens combined with woo/fab- rics, A small leather case thalooks as if it might contain keygdollar bills or cards really doegold a comb, a brush and a mirrg It Is adorable, coming in a viety of colors that harmonnize ith any spoon almond flavoring and 1-2 cup milk, Sif: (ngether 2 caps flour, speck sat, 2 teaspoons bage ing powder ani ad first to mix. ture, Lastly, fold in four stifily beaten egg whites, Take in loaf tin in mod22ta oven. The epg yolks can he mada into & sold cake, Always Keep Cuticura Preparations On Hand 'The Soap, because of its absolute purity snd emollient properties, is unsurpassed for every-day use, Assisted by Cuticura OfMmtment it does much to keep the skin snd scalp healthy, Cuticurs Shaving Stick handbag and is extrem Dpracti- eal for the girl who hamot sue- cumbed to the urge for ng locks. -- t Paris dictates the rufe for the fall modo, and rvufflepre to he hours, makes shaving easy for tender-faced men, Cuticura Talcum is the ideal toilet powder, Each Fool Mall. Adlrery Covasalan Denet: ' bo, Ltd, Wesios. Vrice, Soap foe, Omi ment §0c, Teleum be Cuticnrs Shaving Stick 28¢. LEMON TAPIOCA PUDDING Soak 2 tablespoons of pearl aploca in 1 cup of water three Turn 1 pint boiling water stressed for all occasig. As the season advances the ffles have the one common dencinatnr --ex- alted chile; hut it ts ident from the multiplicity of iations in- cluded in the mid-.Ason collec. tions that they lack: least com- mon multiple. Thals while the medium of ruffles 3 sald to be three there may he!Wer or more without sacrificing one iota of smartness or incurtg the opprob- rium of over-dressf: All sorts of nelties seem In demand, especiallpy the younger set, so that suederims, odd com- binations of furshd smart mani- pulations of sis are quickly snapped up. Th'iohnny" eollar is more popularhan it has ever been and the siight, upstanding type Is also wellked. In dress- fer coats, the Qen Anne and oth- er large colla that stand out from the face'® selling well, it is noted, and th the fluffy furs and the flat tp #re fa demand, The blouse tan afternpon en- semble is of B-shell satin with curved bands! the crepe side of the materio] 823 to give a cut- away effect a to fashion wide op- en sleeves, ; A sumptys black crepe frock that is topp bY an ermine trim- med black at has a four-inch belt. of. erpe, with a rich, erys- tal buckle. Flat fursre used this fall like fabrics.) onde summer erming makes ¢ sall back apd front yoke, a Mt» standing collar, cuffs and beikfr a black trorsparent afternoogrort:, and soft envelope the moment There is new line fn hats, ac- df fth avenue authority. set back a little fur- the fore- Ah. .TD AUTHO;S & CC TRU ES ye ORORTO 200 YEARS OF EXC Ny o delightfully refreshing= they said 200 years ago - ncn" ---------- iy ater CW TRTEN WWW v---- *There's naught like a cup of Fry's for refreshment after the shops, my dear," they said in the long ago. "It does buck ome up" -- "Just the thing after a hard day or a strenuous game," they say today, Such have been the comments on Fry's Cocoa for centuries -- from women in many countries = J. 8. Fry © Sons (Canada) Lisnited Montreal, and beanches. THE OLDEST COCOA AND CHOCOLATE HOUSE IN THE WORLD Ea a