IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. SEFIEMBER 26, 1928 The ARCADE Limited Simcoe St. OSHAWA Store Hours: 9 am. to 6 pm, Saturday: 9 am. to 10 pm, Presenting the Season's Smartest Models In a Great Event J{UNDREDS of coats purchased by our buyer last week and offered for the first time tomorrow. A sale achieved by a tremendous purchase at great sav- ings. Coats for every occasion from the trig sports coat to the semi-formal afternoon coat. Grouped in four Different Prices $19.50 An Exceptional Selection of the Finest Materials LL the materials that Paris favors for winter, 1928, are to be found in this ereat coat event tomorrow! Mate- rials that are soft to the touch and flattering to the women that wear them! Imported fabrics in new and novel de- signs with just a hint of the modernistic. Beautiful Fur Trimmings N EVER have we seen such lovely furs on coats at this price, Cara- cul, kit fox, skunk, badger, lynx, Per- sian lamb, and leopard are generously used on collar and cuffs, the collar sometimes extending to the hem. Truly a superb selection! Many New Details Add Interest D ETAIL is gverything on the newest coats and these are no exception. Seaming in new and novel ways--the princess suggestion is apparent in some of the fitted models--a hint of a waist- line is seen in others of these fine coats. A Sale You Will Never Forget ~~ Choose from a Wide Assortment of 1928 Models! Department Second Floor The ARCADE Limited