Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Sep 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928 PAGE FIVE 'Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. ASHBURN Ashburn, Sept.' 18. -- Mr. and Mrs. Mac Burroughs and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Burroughs and fam- ily vigited Mrs. M. Burroughs' sis- "ter at Highland Creek on Sunday. Success to all the scholars who are taking part in the fair at Brook- lin this week 'Mr. Duncan Loggie of Maple Creek, Sask., held a sale of forty- two Western horses on Mr. Walter ull"s farm two miles west of "here on Saturday, and all the ani- mals were disposed of under the rsuasive powers of Auctioneers ing and Ted Jackson. It 1s . peported that they averaged eighty five dollars which is a very fair price for horses at this season of the year. Miss Bernice Goose "friends fn Utica last week. Robert Duff and son were suc- sessful in receiving the following : prizes on their horses at Oshawa Fair last week: Pure Bred Stal- lion, two-year old and under, first; Filly or Gelding, two-years-old, first; Filly or Gelding, three-year- ald. rirst; Filly or Geldive, cne- year-old, first. Some of these horses were prize winners at the Canadian National Exhibition where there was larger competi- tion, visited MYRTLE Myrtle, Sept. 18 --Mrs. Roy Mac- Cann, of Dearborn, Michigan, spent a few days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rodd. Mr. Bert Donnelly, of Tweed, vis- ited friends here on Sunday and at- tended Sabbath school and service when he lived here a few years ago he took an active part in all branches of church work and a visit from him is always very welcome, A number of the farmers from here attended the sale of Western horses at Mr. Walter Trull's farm west of Ashburn on Saturday and it was a good sale, all the animals be- ing disposed of under Auctioner George Jackson's hammer. Mrs. Will J, Cook visited for a few days last week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Beadle, of Toronto, Mr. Andrew Lawrence, of Weston, is spending a week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C Lawrence, prior to returning to his studies at the College of Pharmacy, Toronto. 3 : Mr. George Collier is moving this week to Raglan where he has en- gaged with Mr. Charlie Luke to help in the mill, The Church Board have called a bee for Thursday and Friday of this week to do some repairing around the parsonage. ; The potatoe harvest is now on and there is a splendid yield, but- the prices are not very encourage: Congratulations to Mr. Will J. Cook who was so successful with his team of three-year-old colts at Osh- awa fair last week, receiving first prize on them in the harness and in the class of best draught mare or gelding in harness but not hitched he got first and second. Mr, Cook left on Monday with them for Oak- wood where they will again appear in the show ring and from there he goes to Lindsay where it is hoped he may again bring back a goodly number of red ribbons, Mr. G. W, Koad and son were also successful in receiving the fol- lowing prizes .on their horses and colts at Oshawa fair, Class colt or filly foal, second; brood mare with foal at footsin carriage class, first; foal of 1928, first; filly or gelding, one year old, second; filly or gelding two year old, third; pony class, filly or gelding one year old, first. This is a splendid showing from this stable and this with Mr, Cook's success makes the neighborhood justly proud of the splendid exhibits from here, a a hy REPAIRING WATCHES 1 OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal awa Railroads, 10 King St, W, and Osh- Phone 180 NEW COATS It is to The Fair where fine quality and value are taken for granted, that smart women come for their fur trimmed cloth coats. Sketched, Burgundy suede cloth. The "FAIR" RAGLAN Raglan, Sept 18.--Mr. and Mrs. Will Finley returned to their home in Dundalk after spending two weeks vacation with her sister Miss Susie Bray. Mr. Harry Blanchard, spent the week end with friends in Toronto. The children are showing a big exhibit at the School Fair at Brook- lin this week. We hope to see them return with a quantity of red tick- ets. Mr. and Mrs Lang and Mr, George Lang and daughter Irene, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Albert Slutes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Street, Miss Beulah Dring of Toronto amd Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd McKee of Man- chester were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dring. A number from here attended a weiner roast at Mr. Browells of Columbus on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rahme and family and Mr. Walter Slute of Burketon, visited at Mr, Albery Slute's on Sunday. Our community was well repre- sented at the Oshawa Fair last week. Mr. J. E. Nottingham has return- ed home after spending the past few months with relatives in Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans and fdm- ily visited with relatives in Cadmus on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Pogson of North Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powell. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Moon and children Billie and Dorothy visit- ed with his parents at Seagrave on Sunday, Rev. 'R. J. Merrian will take charge of the anniversary services at Scugog on Sunday. Service will be held at Raglan on Sunday after- noon #t the usual time and will be in charge of the Scugog pastor. Mr. and Mrs, N. Hughson and Miss R. Brent visited in the city last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett and twin daughters Shirley and Muriel and Mr, and Mrs. Noah Luke of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Luke on Sunday. Mrs. May of Goodwood is visiting her daughter Mrs, Andy Pilkey, Mr, and Mrs, Josh Evans and family recently visited at Clarence Cooks, of Prospect, Mr, and Mrs, N, Hughson spent Sunday with his mother at Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon and family and Miss Rose Brent visited relatives in Fenelon Falls, on Wed- nesday, KEDRON Kedron, Sept 18.--Mr. and Mrs, Leroyd Tennyson of Rio De Jan- eiro, Mrs. Charles Werry, Miss Audrey Werry and Mr, Meredith Moffot, Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, H, F, Werry and family on Sunday, Misses Lorraine and Jean Love, spent the week-end with Miss Ferne Ledgett, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. 8, Conlin, Wiss Marguerite and Mr. Fabian Conlin spent Monday in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, FP, H, Crossman spent a few days at Nessleton, Mr. and Mrs. William Hephurn, Miss Luella and Mr, Arthur Hep- burn visited in Toronto recently. Mr. Alymer Tennyson, of Torons to, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr, H, F. Werry, Miss Allie Wood has returned to her home in Orono, Mr. and Mrs, N. Gimblett and children, Raymond and Margaret were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Thom- as Gimblett, Maple Grove, on Sun- day. Mr. Ross Lee and Miss Mildred Cole were among those who took in the week-end trip to Muskoka. Silo filling is the order of the day in this district, Miss Kathleen Conlin, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs, S, Conlin, Mr. Albert Luke, Mr. Alymer Tennyson and Mise Bernice Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKes- sock, Solina, on Sunday. Mrs. McAdie and Miss Hislop, Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr, William Hepburn on Friday, sl a Mire W. N. Hoskin spent 8 ay w r. and Mrs, Wes Wood, Orono. osley Mr, Alymer Tennyson and Miss Bernice Werry were the guests of Miss Audrey Werry, Oshawa, on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langmaid and Mrs. Garbutt, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. E. Mountjoy last week. Miss Nora Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pascoe, Solina, on Sunday, Miss Ruth Cole left on Monday S/isrnoon bid Toronto, where she rain for a teacher | - mal School, "the Nop At the time of writing, Frank Baty, Brooklin, Bg ing nicely, lag 1 Mr, mproy- after his accident. CLAREMONT Claremont, Sept. 15.--Mr. Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, who has been spending his holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. Readman has re- turned home. Miss Annie Baldson of Port Credit is attending the Continua- tion School here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Rawson and | children of Toronto spent a day recently with friends in the vil- lage. Mr. Cecil Slack who has been in poor health for some time fis giy- ing up farming. The farm has been leased to Mr. George Middleton who will take possession fin the Spring. A new cement sidewalk is being constructed at North Claremont. The work is being done by Mr. A. Mantle and will be much appreci- ated by the residents of that part of the village. Mrs. A. J. Chandler who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beal has returned to her home in Toronto. a Miss Stuttaford our popular high school teacher, spent the week-end at her home in Ashburn. Miss Mabel Mclellan of the Richmond Hill High School staff spent Saturday at the manse, We are pleased to state that Mrs. Richard 'Ward who has been seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Burkett is able to be up again, . The Horticultural Society are ordering a large supply of bulbs for fall planting. Members wishing bulbs who have mot already sent in their order kindly do so at once to the Secretary or president of the society, Mr. W. J. White of,Mrougham has purchased the farm formerly owned by the late Mr. O. C. Ben- nett, Mrs. Bella Forgie of Toronto, spent a few days last week in the village visiting old friends. Rally Day Services will be ob- served in the Sunday School of the United Church on Sunday the 23rd of September. A good pro- gram is being provided and a cor- dial invitation is extended to all. Come and bring your friends, Mr. and Mrs, Kilpatrick of Brampton have returned home af- ter a pleasant visit with their som, Mr, Ben Kilpatrick and Mrs. Kil- patrick. The Women's Institute will meet on the 19th of September at the home of Mrs. George Richardson. A good program will be provided by the members of the Altona Branch the guests of the after- noon. Those wishing to attend are asked to meet at the home of Mrs, Joseph HKvans, Members are re- quested to bring dishes, The Misses Frances and Margar- et Lamond of St. Thomas and Mr. Gordon Lamond of Oshawa visited on Sunday last with the former's cousin, Rev, A, MacLellan, Mrs. Chas, Carscallen of the On- lario Ladies' College, Whitby, re- turned missionary from China gave an address in the United Church on Sunday morning under the auspices of the W.M.S, The services in the Baptist Church were conducted on Sunday last by the Rev, T. F. Best of the Baptist Church, Whitby, Rev, Best. preached two very inspiring! ser- mons which were much appreci- ated. We are pleased to report that Miss Dorothy Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Widmer Miller, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in St. Michael'n Hospital, Toronto, is making fav- ourable progress toward recovery, V¥hat might have been a very serious accident occurred one day last week when the truck owned by Frank Barclay and driven by Mr, Derusha crashed into Joe Ward as he was making his rounds of the village with the milk. The buggy was completely demolished, the milk spilled out on the ground, Fortunately Joe escaped with noth- ing more serious than a sprained wrist and a bad shaking up, Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold 1s guaranteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back, It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases, Hem-Rold is a harmless tablet that removes hlood congestion in the lower howel--the cause of piles, It brings joyful re- lief quickly and safely or costs nothing. Jury & Lovell and drug- gists everywhere sell it with this guarantee, It pays to buy Coal, Flour and Feed from G, S, WHITE North Oshawa, Phone 1003M COAL-- Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard --83 Bloor Street, E, | Orders Promptly Delivered that are different 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone 788W Disney-Cott | | #7 Coline se Phone 1082 | Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 188 "a a) » LR) | NSN) vrlA 4 dr DSB weed ( Q Special Purchases Make Possible These Unusual Values For Friday and Saturday Watson's Silk Stripe Vests and Bloomers Colors, orchid, mais and peach. Sizes small, medium, large. Factory clearance of a regular 59¢ quality. on Sale for 29¢ a Garment small, medium and large. Hyloom Silk Princess Slips Deep double shadow-proof hem. Substandards of our regular $2.25 quality. Colors, helio, peach, pink, white, mais, powder, jade, grey and sand. Sizes A 'special purchase of 10 dozen garments, on Sale at $1.39 The Popular, Sunburst Skirt at a very Attractive Price Made from all wool albatros and flannel, in a full sunburst pleat. Colors, navy, rose, sand, red. Sizes 14 to 20, $4.50 Special i vivoa cveivey A Special Showing of Corsage Flowers For coat or dress wear. Values up to 65¢. On sale for 25¢ EE ER RR RE BI Silk and Wool Dress Fabrics for Sunburst Skirts A very fine quality in a good range of popular colors, width 36 inches, Reg. $1.25, On sale for Reg 3a © 60 New Neckwear---Lace Collar and Cuff Sets In a special offering on Friday and Saturday, A showing that repre. sents many of the daintiest and smartest early fall styles, Values up to $1.25, On sale for 59¢ NO - STEELS NO = BONING NO = CLASPS NO = LACING NOT~ RUBBER WASHABLE with everything that is new, CREE ER TE NI NI) WITH BRASSIERE TOP See the New Coats, New Dresses and New Hats while selection is complete \ CRC 2 NK ZZ IZ 72 2 JZ ZZ J Zn aX ZK 7 2K 20 OC | ICC JOC ZZ I I J ZK AK JK A UA RC) I I I I BK VK Ti\W ..Jere's a bell that lS a belt! 18 yearsina | of Je se golden wheat '.a fuss, no trouble, wide Goodyear the Aberdeen ing or valves here is the our engineers start first with elevator : A. moving a of Canada ng pant oe ' no repairs, not the slightest indication of a breakdown. That's the record of a 500 foot long, 42 inch ly Conveyor stationed in vator near Midland. What a grand performance for this veteran! Whether it's transmission belts : the Job o be RN -- done--then they produce the equipment to doit. Think what this policy means in help. '3 ing you solve any plant problem you may Simply ask Goodyear to send a man to discuss it with you, Address the nearest The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, of Can ada, Limited, Halifax, St. John, Quebes, Montreal. Ottawa, Toronto, London, Fort William, W| Saskatoon, Calgary, ' A Goodyenr means Good Wear, GO BELTS ODSYEAR PACKING VALVES have involving industrial rubber goods,

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