-- PAGE TEN --- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, 'BETHESDA Bethesda, Sept. 8--Mr. Harold Hoar, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid T. Hoar, Miss Férguson has returned from a Dleasant summer vacation. Miss Berta Cole and Mr. Doughs Cole were in Toronto last week vis- iting their sister, Miss Winniired Cole, and attending exhibition. Mrs. P. H. Werry, Misses Marion 'and Helen Werry visited the form- er's sister, Miss Hooper, of Toronto. Mrs. Ethel and Mr. J. R. R. Cole visited Mrs. Tamblyn and attended * exhibition. ting Mrs. Stutt and Mrs. T. Powers of Orono, were week wl Bests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. i spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allin, of Newcastle. Miss MacKenzie, of Toronto, { Visiting Mrs. Ronald Scott. Mrs. Tod and Miss Olga Tod vis- ited at J. R. R. Cole's on Thursday. Mrs. Robson, of Toronto, is visit- her daughter, Mrs. Wallace is . Miller. ! delivered a very Miss Cole and E. B. Cole spent a few days in Toronto last weck. Rev. J. R. Trumpour, of Tyrone, fine address on . Sunday morning. i : Church and Mr, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley on their recent mar- riage. ALMONDS Almonds, Sept. 14--Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reynolds, of Toronto, visit- ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Osburne. Messrs Peck of New Liskeard vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Loach, Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacCarl and children, Miss Lois Balsdon, Milton Balsdon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Gregory, of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Cephas Osburne and ghildren were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Stork, of Pick- ering. A large number from this vicinity attended Oshawa fair on Thursday and report a good showing in all class and plenty of attraction. Mr. Fred Rowe and family are moving to town into their new house which is nearing completion next week, The farm has been sold to Dr. McQuay, of Toronto, who will move in shortly. The funeral of Thomas Wood on Thursday afternoon was largely at- tended. Rev. Mr, Richards, of United Best of Baptist TIME TABLES CPR, TIME TABLE, New Schedule lg, taking effect 1201 am, Sunday, April 29, 1928 West 5.48 a.m. Daily, sa a.m, Daily, am Daily except Sunday, © 4.85, p.m. Daily, 7.4 pm. Daily' exc Sunday, ng 10.05 a.m. Daily. 2.04 p.m, Dail' except Sunday, 8.03 pa, aily except Sunday, 11,10 p.m. Daily, 1200 om. Daily. All times shown, above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station, CNR, TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 9, 1028 ] All times given are Standard not Daylight Ving. thound 8.23 a.m, Daily except Sunday, 8.58 a.m, Sunday only, .59 a.m, Daily. p.m. Puy except Sfinday. p.m. Dai p.m, Daily' except Sunday, p.m. Daily 09 p.m. Daily except Saturday. p.m. Daily. a.m, Daily. tn aad -- aa ---- OO, MA N= OTRO eh 8 es a.m. Daily. a.m, Daily. a.m. Daily except Sunday. a.m. Daily. a.m. Daily excepr Sun p.m. Daily except Suni p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily. p.m. Sunday only, p.m. Daily 'except Sunday, ¥: - zac pages Sa Whitby, Qshaws, rg wmenville web" i iiteoue i 3 Leave ySoing Arrive Pawman. Oshawa Hospita) 15 8.m. 7.05 p.m, 7.25 8.m, 7.2 a.m. 8.10 a.;n 8.25 a.m. 15am. 11.00 3.m 1 sm. 1.0 a.m *1210p.m 12% p.m. 12.809.m Biz mE EE p.m. .20 p.m. £4.10 p.m. 425pm. 43pm ih p.m. 5.10 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 40 p.m. ®5.15 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 6.45p.m. 7.00 p.m, 7.40 p.m. 8.00 p.m. M¥pm. 9.10pm. 9pm. 9.40pm. 10.10p.m. 10.30 p.m. Wopm UXpm 1.50pm. Going East » Arrive y Bowman. Nam 650am, 7.20 5.00. 7.3) p.m. 8.20 a.m, 8.558 m 8.30 a.m. Hd am. 1005s m. (v} a on Hionm p.m. 15 p.m. SSpm, 2 k 20pm. 335pm, ~ 40pm 3.45 p.m. Arr.4.00 p.m, Bom 46500 5 p.m. 50pm oo 71 om. sos p.m. 40 p.m. pm. om. 20 p.m. om room Spm ii m 048 pm. p.m. NeOpm Lom bm 12 » Phone M2 Prince Street church were present and took charge of the funeral service. The pall bear- ers were: Messrs Charles Fothergill, Hugh Jeffery, Arthur Holliday, Frank Puckrin, Joseph Ashby, Leo Webber. Interment was made in the family plot at the Union Femeteny, Oshawa, The Ladies' Aid are making ar- rangements to have the interior of the church papered and painted and will be re-opened with special anni- versary services. Particulars later. ZION Zion, Sept. 14.--Our school carried off several prizes at Hampton School Fair. Among the prize winners were Miss Mary Cameron, first on sweet corn and third on apple pie. Miss Eileen Stainton, first on carrots, first on salpiglossis, first on school lunch, filth on plain cake, second on maple cream. Miss Marguerite Martin, first on maple cream. Miss Vera Fisher, filth on sweet corn. Miss Marion Balson, fifth on serviette, sixth on parsnips. Master Luther Pascoe sixth on sweet peas, third on Plymouth Rock cockerel, fifth on pen of Rock chicks. Master Harvex Balson second on Plymouth Rock cockerel, second on Plymouth Rock pullet, fourth on pen of Rock birds. Master Gerald Balson, second on African Marigold. Master Gordon Fisher fourth on market lamb. The school won third place in the parade, fourth in phy- sical culture. Miss Pearl Flintoff was director from our school. There were any more exhibits taken to the fair which did not get a prize. The day was lovely and the crowd was large, and altogether the fair was a very great success. The Women's Association met in great numbers at the home of Mrs, Murphy on Monday, when the meet- ing was opened by the president in the chair. Hymns were sung and prayers offered by scveral members. Mrs. Percy Langmaid read the les- son, after which quite a few respond. ed to roll call by a selection on flow- ers. Mrs. J. W. 'Balson and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe were appointed to attend the Layman's Convention in Toronto Massey Hall the first week in Octo- ber. It was also decided to have our chicken pie supper on October 9th, but later we have found out that King Street United Church, Oshawa, had chosen that date, so therefore, we will change ours to Friday, Oc- tober 12th, hoping it won't inconven- ience anyone. Particulars of concert later. Mr Nu pay and daughters and Mrs. H, Flintoff served a deli- cious je i Miss Elva Pascoe has taken a posi- tion as book keeper at thy Hamp- ton Creamery, but we are *glad she will be home as secretary of the Sunday School cach Sunday, Monday night everyone was ter- ribly upset over the disastrous fire of Mr. Will Leasks' barn. The whole countryside was lit up and many peo- ple went to the fire. After the storm on Monday night the people of this neighborhood gath- ered at the home of Mr, Delbert Flintoff and family who are soon to move from our midst to the old Jesse Trull farm, near the lake. We are very sorry to have them leave us, but Mr. Walter Trull (whose father, Mr, Thos, Trull owns this farm) is coming to make his home here. They were presented with three very nice chairs hy the Ladies' Aid and community. The girls, Mahel and 1 (1927) Essex Coupe | Chadburn Motor Co, HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 0 Prince 5t-, Oshawa "hone Litw I} Zimcop Street Sopth ' V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 1% Simcoe St. 8, Phones 1198W--0Office 1858) -- Residence W. A.HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hund-eds of people weal with utmost comfort Hare's Fa:ltle: 5 Lenses For Better Values DIANORES Burns' Jewelr 7. Store. 28% Simcoe 8; § Casb or Terms EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes 'n Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office Pearl, were givem very pretty pur- on} by their S. S. class. Miss Reta wa given a Bible by her S. S. class aster Clifford Johns (Mrs. Poy son by a former marriage), was given silver cuff links 'by his S. S class. Miss Norma Glaspell has been hostess to two corm roasts lately at her home, when her class of little girls and Miss Doris Stamton's class of little boys met together for ome and the young people another night had a good time at her home. A great many from this district attended Oshawa fair. Among the ex- hibitors were F.. B. Glaspel and Sous, Tracy Glaspel, Russell Robbins, Jas. Cameron and Sons, J. W. Balson and Sons, Elmer Wilbur and Son, Anson Balson and Al. Ayre are at Peter- boro' this week with sheep and poul- try. SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Sept. 13.--The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Stew- art McCoy on Wednesday afternoon, Quite a number were present, also several visitors. Arrangements were made for the bazaar to be held in November. The Aid is doing good work along church and missionary work and should be encouraged in every way. Mrs. A. Orchard gave a missionary reading that was very in- teresting and helpful. Lunch was ser- ved at the close of the meeting. A birthday cake was served by one of the members, which was 'also another member's birthday. Making the after- noon long to be remembered. Mr. Roy Scott and Mr. Frank Smith were in Linlsay on Tuesday evening on business. The heavy thunder storm of this week did a lot of damage to several places, blowing down buildings and orchards being destroyed, which will add to the scarcity of apples. We sympathize with those having losses | especially at this time of the year. and Mrs. Bert Dowson, of Prince Albert, spent Sunday at the home of the latter's paremts, Mr. was not as large as it might otherwise |pu have been. The exhibits were im place by 10.15 an after which the jydgiug €O d. Soom after noon the out and- Mrs. H. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John Shortt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shortt motored to To- ronto to attend the exhibition. Mr. Wm. Keen is home from To- ronto. Mr. Keen has expected a po- sition down east and intends leaving in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pridham, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mark om Sunday. Mrs. Harry Bennett who has spent several weeks with her driends, Mr, and Mrs. A. Orchard has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tamlin, of Lind- say, spent a holiday with his sister, Mrs. Norman Eagleson, before leav- ing for their new home in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep visit- ed with friends at their summer cot- ge on Scugog Island one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin and two children, Olive and Dorell, spent the week end in Toronto, visiting the exhibition and taking in the sights of the big city. Mr. I Iwvin is improving his pro- perty by a new wire fence. \We all like keeping up with the Jones'. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and family spent Sunday at Sutton, the guests of friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker at- tended the decoration services ut Pleasant Point on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. Gillis, of Woodville, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Eagleson last week. Mrs. I. Irwin and daughter Sina, accompanjed by her mother, Mrs. John Wannamaker, went by bus to Port Perry recently. Mrs. Wanna- maker going on to Toronto to visit friends and «sce the wonderiul ex- hibition The Annual Rural School Fair was held at Greenbank tember 11. Tl on Tuesday, Sep- ie weatherman, not fav- by fire which is very discouraging, | oring with ideal weather, the crowd door Shend 3 began. The junior and senior rooms of Greenbank, the Sammt- field and Victoria Corners school took part in the parade and physical ex- ercises. Greenbank senior room ob- tained first prize, Saintficld second and Greenbank juniors third. Then followed the races which were not completed because of the heavy shower of rain which caused the pu- pils to flee for shelter. One con- testant only, Nora McMillan, Green- bank, entered into the public speak- ing contest. The temt was opened. Prize winners irom Seagrave public school as follows: Norma Moon, 3 firsts in running and a second in J-legged race. Allan Mark, third in leap irog. Frank Harding, "second in horse back race with Robert Pickard. Fernie Moon, second in running. Norma Moon, first on potatoes (Poole), "elma Chilvers fon hon asters, open class. Chris and Robert Vicsara i Pal ana lie writer has not feaructd We he pe these children will be encouraged in their work and make these fairs a success. PEETUNRW Eye Care Eve Strain EYE PROTECTION (Copyright 1926) By C. H. Tuck, Opt.D, Part 5" The base of this growth is to be found on the white or the conjunet- iva of the eye and may at first only appear to be thic kened red- dened vessels forming to a tri angle in shape later becoming more thickened and taking on the fatty formation also and then extend- ing slowly and closel yadhering to the eyeball. This growth may be | removed without danger at any | time before it encroaches upon the | | pupil, but after the pupil is once | PAIR SENTENCED encountered its removal will leave a scar that is likewise a detriment to vision. If allowed to assume some greater size before removal the re- moval may easily be the cause of other eye affections necessitating the use of glasses. 1 may also add that the removal of this growth is not possible by any tramsiemt who may call at your house expecting to extract same and them pass on. Where your eyeS are concerned the best attention available is none too good. (To be continued) AT MONTREAL FOR ROBBING TORONTO CITIZEN Montreal, Sept. 13.--Antoine La- chance and Germaine Lebrun, con- victed by Judge Lacroix today of brutally beating and robbing a To- ronto citizen in am apartment on Dorchester street last Tuesday night, were sentenced, respective- ly, to 18 months in jail and 6 months in the Women's Hou'e of Correction. George Reilly, Torom- to, the victim, was robbed of $20 and a gold ring, which was found on the man's finger when he was arrested on Wednesday. The money was found on the woman's person. Money to loan at 6% per ceug, first mortgages. J H R. LUKE Phones: 871 931; 687W. = ¢ MARCONI SHOP The Best in Radios Kingston Rd. West Maple Leaf Business College | | Mundy Bldg., Oshawa Our Enrollments Continue to increase WHY? | | If you cannot call and see us, write or phone 3095 for information | | about our Day and Evening classes. R. C. ASHENHURST, PRINCIPAL | ELLA CINDERS--Our Style Show "Tre GOWN SHOP WHERE ELLA WORKS 1S HAVING A STYLE SHOW TODAY-- + LOOK THEM OVER, GIRLS / emt by Meuopolian Newspaper Service TTY By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb THESE MQDERN SLAVES OF FRARLON CARRY LIGHT BURDENS-- THAT! MEN DON'T HIDE Bins WOMENS SKIRTS ANY MORE-- D BE MAGICIANS IF THEY GOULD! wee YOU BUY CLOTHES LEFT IF You DID | BRINGING UP FATHER I'M AFRAID | CAN'T GIT PAST MAGGIE WITH Ins PACKAGE OF JOE THR My "iNOW: © 1928, by Int] Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. | ALWAYS LIKE A CORNED BEEF SAND WICH BEFORE GOIN' TO BED I KIN EAT ONE TONIGHT WITH OUT BEIN' INTER- RUPTED- By Geo. McManus Eat S5eL, HEAVEN S, HAT PACKAGE o0F THE WINDOW- IT MAYBEA BOMB! td TELLING TOMMY THE GREGOR/IAN CALENDAR 8 DATED PROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. SH HASHANAH WHICH 1S THE HEBREW NAME FOR THE NEW YEAR 15 THE BEGINNING OF THEIR RELIGIOUS YEAR, B3HE JEviiSH CALENDAR 15 DATED ~~ from THE = CONSIDERE mn 3760 YEARS AND 3 MONTHS BEFORE CREATION WHICH IS D TO HAVE TAKEN PLACE -- Lhd THE MONAMMEDAN CALENDAR DATES PROM THE FLIGHT OF MANONET FROM MECCA JN 622 AD. THE BEGINNING yl THE CHRISTIAN ERA. SEPTEMBER 15,1928 IN OUR GREGORIAN CALENDAR IS THE FIRST DAY OF TISRI OF THE YFR 5689 IN THE JEWISH CALENDAR. Cnet Briton rights says JHE oe IA ARE YOU DOING, TOMMY ) - TM JUST WISHING MY JEWISH FRIENDS A HAPPY NEW YEAR -Pi1a- a © 1928, by King Features Synducate. Inc. BE DOT Vik S LL AR ENGHTY/- SIX CENTS ¥ orem Mrtan rights reserved P40 1528 by King Features Syndicate, GEE. ) LIKE YouR LATTLE APARTMENT TILE - IT SURE LOOKS COSY By Russ Westover von TOET. THE = DINNER Wi WHILE