Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1928, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1928 Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Sept. 11. -- Borne-- To Mr, and Mrs. George Dennis (Lillie Stonehouse) in the Oshawa General Hospital, on Sept. 4th, a som, (Melvin Henry). Con- gratulations. Meet your friends at the Oshawa Fair, ' Miss Connie Fletcher, Brockville, is a guest of Mr. G. H. Robinson, for two weeks. The many friends of Mrs, J. Luke will be sorry to hear of her illness. All wish her a speedy ve- covery. Glad to report that Mr, E. Pas- eoe has recovered his car which was stolen from the Park at Osh- awa-on-the-lake. No great damage was done to the car, though the "rug was taken. Master Ross Allan is a guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mra, Thos. Oke, Harmony. Master Allan Brash, Oshawa, is a guest this week at the home of G. H. Robinson. Mrs. BE. Pascoe, Messrs. Harold and Eli Pascoe recently motored to Shannonville and to Picton to see the lake on the Mountain and over to Wellington to the Sand Banks, Recent C.N.E, visitors were: -- Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pierson, Miss Connie Flet- cher, Mrs. G. H. Robinson, Mrs. J. Preston, Miss Ruby Preston, Wiss Annie Cole, Mr. Sam Preston, Mr. W. Hoag, Master Frank Hoag and Baron Korff and children. Recent guests at the home of Mrs. E. Pascoe were: Mr. and Mrs, Will Forrester, of St. Catharines and some friends from Detroit. RAGLAN Raglan, Sept, 10--Mr. and Mrs, Everett Luke, and Mrs. Mrs, Noah Luke, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Wm. Lukes. Misses H. Pierson and T. Turn- ér, of Toronto, were week-end guests of the former's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gay and family, of Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce and family, of Lyndonville New York,. Mr, Freeman Pearce, of Niagara Falls and Mrs. Wm. Essery, of Courtice, were recent visitors at Mr. Albert Blutes. Mr. J. Weldon, of our village TIME TABLES wr SEER TE TAME, 3 in effec ol sm, Sunday, April 29. 1926, £ West 5.48 a.m. Daily, 6.23 a.m. Daily, 8.40 a.m, Daily except Sunday, 31 p.m. Daily, 34 p.m. Daily ex Sunday, 10.05 a.th. Daily. 2.04 pm, Daily except Sunday, 8.03 p.m, Daily except Sunday, 11.10 p.m, Daily, 12.09 a.m. Daily, 3 All times shown above are times trains @epart from Oshawa Station. CNR, TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 9, 1928 » All times given are Standard not Daylight Saving. Eastbound 8.23 a.m. Daily except Sunday, .58 a.m, Sunday only, a.m. Daily. 7 p.m. Daily except Sunday. p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily except Sunday, .42 p.m, Daily. . p.m. Daily except Saturday. 000 in SE 8 N wo a J AD BEDS oy 09 a.m. Daily, .28 a.m. Daily except Sunday. .20 a.m. Daily. 0 a.m. Daily except Sunday. On ne oh ee ove we BRNRER ge ° HH Hi ses § He seolone PERRERES SERRE t FRFRRRRREE 8 3 8 553 : 8 & ' oe 1118113 444 1111 ] fees if WEEE 4 EeseEse ' a 1 FRRRERE [i | iv is | ( will take charge of the Harvest Home services at Bethel, on Sun- day Sept. 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dring, spent a few days in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Finley, Miss Hazel Finley and Mr. Leak, of Dun- dalk are spending two weeks vaca- tion at Miss Susie Brays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nottingham, recently visited at Mr. Shunks, of Seugog. Miss Rose Brent, spent Sunday with relatives in Port Perry. Miss Madeline Vallant, of North Oshawa, visited her uncle, Mr, B. Rahm recently. Miss Hazel Grose, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squelch vis- ited relatives in Orillia rec2ntly. Mr. George Thompson, of Toron- to spent the week end with his mother here. Mrs. Albert Slute, spent a few days with her brother Mr. Ed, Lang, of Toronto last week. Mr. Charlie Fox, of Taronto, visited at C. Brawns, over Sunday. COURTICE Courtice, Sept. 11--Mr. and Mrs, Albert Rundle, attended the Ex. last week and spent the week-end with their son Mr. Elmer Rundle Torento. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickell and babe, Detroit, returned home after a week visit here and Mrs. Ken- neth Courtice accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Miss Bernice and Master Jack Maxwell visited at her mother's, Mrs. El Oshorne, Sunday. Several from here took in the Ex on Saturday. On Thursday a great many from this neighborhood attended the School Fair at Maple Grove and pronounced it a good Fair although the exhibit was not as large as us- ual. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Norman Downs on the arrival of a daughter. We welcome to our community, Miss Spence, teacher at No. #4 school who comes from Millhrook. Sunday services were good. In the morning our Pastor Rev, J. H, Stainton preached a very force- ful sermon on the text "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap," found in Gal, 6, 7. During the service, Mr. Jas. Hancock, sang a solo in good voice, The Sunday School session in the afternoon was fairly well attended, In the open- ing session, Miss Lyla Oshorne, Toronto gave a very interesting Missionary address. In the evening our pastor contin- ued the series of sermons preach- ing on Pilate erucifying Jesus, At the close of the sermon, Mrs, Stain- ton sang with much expression "What would you do with Jesus?" Services next Sunday as usual mor- ning and evening, Our Women's Missionary meet- ing is postponed fromr this Thurs- day and will be held next Thursday Sept 20, at the home of Mrs, Ar- chie Muir. Do not forget the date, 1 (1927) Essex Coupe Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 0 Prince 8+, Oshawa hope 11tv tes I8 Cimcoe Sirest South V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 13} Simcoe St. S. Phones 1198W--Office 1858J --Liesidence W. A HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hund-eds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Facitic:: Lenses EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Bervice Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office COLUMBUS Bd, Columbus, Sept. 11-- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and baby Lor- raine, of Kedron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Pascoe, Quite a few from here went to the barn fire at Wm. Leask's Taunton, on Monday night. Miss Ella James of Solina is vis. iting at C. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murison and Stewart spent Sunday with rela- tives at Claremont. Quite a number attended the shed raising at the church on Mon- day and were successful in getting it all raised before the rain. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashton, of Tor- onta are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ellins. Mr. E. Copeland, of Toronto visi- ted for a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. M. Doolittle. Mrs. Somley, Mrs. Sutherland and boys of Utica called on Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Sutherland on Sat. urday. Miss Beacoke, of Blackstock vis- ited her sister Mrs. F. Tarves this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Tarves spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Blackstock. Miss Beatric Ross has returned home after visiting relatives at Pickering for a few days, Mr. and Mrs Walter Parrinder and children of Brooklyn spent Sunday at W. Bromell's. Miss Irene Brown, of Oshawa, visited her grandmother Mrs. Gar- fit on Sunday. Mr, Wiliam Grant, of Port Perry Lspent Sunday with his mother, Mrs, W. D. Dyer. Mr, J. Bromell, spent the week- end with friends at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Wilson, Mr. H. L. Pascoe and Mr. M. Doolittle, has returned home after spending the past two weeks at the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto. t Mr. and Mrs. J. Hislop and Jean visited in Toronto on Saturday. Quite a large crowd gathered at Mr. L. T. Cook's and listened to the swimming race broadcasted from Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Cook has a new Erla machine installed which gave a good clear report. We understand he has the agency for this machine, - HAMPTON Hampton, Sept. 11.--The Young People's League meeting Sept. 7. was in charge of the 1st vice presi- dent, Miss Norah Horn, Meeting opened by singing several hymns, after which Rev. Bick lead in pray- er. The lesson, Mark 14. 32 50 was read by L. Horn and Miss Mary Peters had charge of the Devotion- al. Mrs. John Colwell, Jr., pre- sented the tople,. "When defeat is Victory" meeting closed with a fit- ting hymn and the Mispah benedic- tion. Arrangenfents were made to ab- | serve floral night next week. We | welcome everyone who is interested to come and bring bouquet. Miss Marjorie Martin, Bowman- | ville, was at home on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess and son, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. Martin's, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allin, visit- ed with the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Allin, Nir. Harley Hayes, Detroit, Mrs. Jas. Gregory, Mrs. Ed. Goodman, Oshawa, Mrs, Albert Stainton, and son Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Johnston, Toronto, recently visited at C. W. Souch's. Mrs. Geo. Edger, and daughter and L. ness men of the city have launched out into the real estate business this week, forming a new company. Insurance, mortgages will which they occupy the offices which have been used by Stobie, Forlong and Com- i pany, brokers in the Everson Block | King street east, Rosena, Courtice, visited at H. W. Wilcox's last week. Miss Minnie Horn, visited Mrs. Luther Hooper, Tyrome, and at- tended the school fair om Monday, Miss Evelyn Tink, Solina, Sun. dayed at her grandmother's, Mrs. Thos Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, and Mrs. Bond, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at S. Kerseys. Quite a number have dug their potatoes, and find them to he a god crop, and better quality them last year. Mr. S. Allin, Bowmanville, visit- ed his sister Mrs. Jas Wakely on Monday. Mrs. W. Cunningham and baby, have returned home, to Cameron, after a pleasant visit with her mother Mrs. Grace Clatworthy. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Clatworthy, Oshawa visited relatives on Sun- day. A heavy thunder storm, accom- ! panied with much rain, passed over {our village on Monday. Although it threatened all the aftérnoon the storm didn't come this way, until about seven o'clock. The rain was welcomed by those of the farmers who have found plowing rather hard work. LAUNCH NEW REALTY FIRM IN OSHAWA Messrs. F. CO. Lett, F. E. Halli't Nichols, well known busi- loans and discounting be other lines will cater, They will the latter com- OPPORTUNITY : $30 i] oN with all conveniences, Oak floors, chestnut trim. Price only $4,500, A.C.LYCETT 25 King St. E. Phone 295 "ROOF LEAKING?" Well Just Call HAYTON, THE ROOFER He'll fix it Get an Estimate 185 Arthur St, Phone 1643W PHONE 716J ! W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer | Loans, Insurance Collection I and Real Estate ons 846 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa || 3 and 4 roomed apartments, heated, hot water, electric refrigeration, stoves, wafl- ers and dryers. Use of laundry. Immediate posses- Ya. Rents from $45 to 75. Heated office in Disney Block--opposite Post Office, Immediate possession, DISNEY PHONE 1650 RRC ET-------- to G.M.C. Paved Street. $4,600, $500 cash. Bal. ance $40 per month, Why not own your own home? Jones' Real Estate pany moving to new quarters in| the same building just off their for- | mer location. Cor, Bond and Simcoe Sts, Phone 2667 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St, West a Sephones 572, 22:: ight Calls 510, 156, 2468F ELLA CINDERS--Back to the Broom UBLIC I SALLY BRARY Whe EMELOYMEN WITHOUT HERE 77 / --_-- Oatiing! GOES i | i! VERY WELL-- I will E YOU AS ONE ASSISTANTS! COMMENCE 8 UP! TEN LLA A WEEK! OU 0000000, oO $ OF My YOU MAY SWEEPING | COMFORTABLY RS THOSE OS J NN IT can MANAGE. TO STARVE ON WAGES | Eh. By Bill Conselman REPEATS frseLr IT REVERSES \TSELF IS _1& THE SAME RE | BOUGHT and Charlie Flumb y NOT ONLY Reg. U.S. Pw. OF, Copyright 1928, by Metropolitan Newspaper Service By Geo. McManus DAPDY- | MADE SOME BISCUITS AND COOKED A NICE CHICKEN NOW YoU GO RIGHT IN AND SIT DOWN AT THE WOW=-BY GOLLY- THAT CHICKEN MUST HAVE LED A TOUGH LIFE AN' THE BISCUITS ARE A RECIPE FOR CEMENT-I'LL HAVE TO EAT IT ALL 90 AS TO NOT OFFEND DAUGHTER Rt N 00: ¢ "© ) | f BET HE WISHES HE HAD HALF OF WHAT You , HAVE EATIN [iT 12 SIR. | JUST SAW A POOR HUNGRY LOOKIN' MAN PASSIN' I'LL. HALF OF 17? BY GOLLY-) WisH HE HAD MAN 15 THE "TENDERFOOT ' AMONG ANIMALS, TOMMY , SO IN VERY ANCIENT TIMES HE BEGAN TO FASHION SOME SORT OF FOOT COVERING FOR PROTECTION. ) | 2), E3HOTHER ODD SHOE STILL IN USE 15 THE WOODEN SHOE CUT OUT OF A SOLID PIECE OF 00D AND WORN BY THE PEASANTSIN HOLLAND AD OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE, ---- A SHOE OF THE MIDDLE AGES TWO KINDS OF ROMAN SANDALS -- hy W-- {5 EARLIEST FOOTWEAR WAS THE SANDAL AND IT 15 STILL WORN IN MANY PAPTS OF CHINA, INDIA, AND OTHER EASTERN COUNTRIES, SINS AND SOFT SKIN BOOTS ARE TODAY MADE AND WORN BY THE ESKIMOS AND THE INDIANS. ARRIVED UNDER CONTRACT TO MAKE SHOES FOR THE PILGRIM COLONY. © 1928. by King Features Synducate. SHOE WORN BY THE UPPER CLASS OF INDIA. RD,A SHOEMAKER, Inc. Gasat Briain rights reserved E --- D0 YOU KNOW WHO STARTED NO, 1 SPOSE IT WAS ANOTHER ONE OF IT THREE AND BE SURE THANKS A LOT, MAC - WiLL You PL THIS DRESS TO MOTHER AMD ASK HER IF TDHELL SHORTEN INCHES AROUND 7 To T™E OFFICE TOMORROW 5 AS ILL NEED IT - TILLIE THE TOILER--She Breaks Her Record TAKE] AND BRING *T =O | WIHY DON'T YOU MARRY SOME NICE FEL) HIKE MAC AND HAV A LYTLE HOME OF YOUR OWN INSTEAD OF LWING ALONE IN a -------- SAYS TO TILLIE. AN APARTMENT I) KNOW IT, MAC - IF SAID IT ONCE VNE SAID IT i A HUNDRED TIMES To HER | BUT SHE CAN'T SEEM To SEE NE "T

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