AE WSHAWA DAILY 1IMED, 1 UESDAL, oi" lEMbo. THOMAS W. WHARTON Representative Phones: Office 587; Resi- RESIDENCE AND ENTIRE CONTENTS ARE DESTROYED Home of Samuel Myshth, Bowmanville, Struck By Lightning Bowmanville, September 11--Struck by lightning during last night's elec- trical storm, the residence of Samuel Nyshth, Scugog street, was complete- ly destroyed with all of its contents. Mr. Nvshth's mother suffered some- what from shock as a result of the bolt, but the three occupants of the house, Mr. Nvshth, his mother and his sister, Mary, escaped without further injury. The work of the Bowmanville fire department, who responded in force to the call for aid, together with the assistance of neighbors, saved the barn and other outbuildings, but it was impossible to save any furniture, about $75 in cash was burned in the blaze, The house was oi frame con- struction, and the loss is estimated at $3,000, partially covered by insur- ance. On account of the scarcity of water and also of the fact that the house and barn were joined by a lean-to shed, a hard fight was to save the other boldne: "of the shed was torn and with Water from es on the operty the re department was rt in checking the spread of the flames. Realizing that the first meant a loss to Mr. Nyshth of almost ba a en- WHITBY Representative James Holden ° Phone House 15 Ogice 434 jire assets, several citizens, headed by Deputy-Reeve W., H. Carruthers, this morning started a subscription in an endeavor to furnish the family with clothing and other necessities. Bowmanville, Sept. 11. -- Ap- prehended last night, two youths are being held here un charges of escaping from St. Joha's Training School, Mimico. The two boys give thelr rumes as Harry Bard- wich, aged 1%, and Pat Prookley, aged 16. The hoys wera found at the C.N.R. station by Constable Walter Hall. They admitted that they es:a;¢G Yesterday from Mim- ico. Tt l= lelicved that they rode freiglts from "oronto ta Dewmaa- ville. YOUNG BRITISH M.P. DIES HAD BRILLIANT WAR RECORD London, Sept. 10.--Major Paul 'Kenyon Slaney, Conservative mrem- ber of the House of Commons for Tavistock since 1924, died today at the age of 32 years, He served throughout the war, being men- tioned in despatches and gainihg the Military Cross. After unsuc- cessfully contesting the seat in 1923, Major Slaney was elected with a majority of 1,272 over his Liberal opponent in a straight fight in Tavistock in the last gen- eral elections. own motor cars lubrication. omy WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION of ECONOMY ? We approached three men who if, in their opinion, there was such a thing as economy in motor car The MISER said: "Economy? Certainly there i is such a thing as econ- in motor oils. and asked them Would I buy CASTROL? should ° say not. I can buy oil that costs far less. How is my car running ? It isn't running. It's out in the shed. The engine seized up last week, - Costs too much to drive a car anyway!!!" The PROFLICATE sald: "Economy? * Where have I heard that word before? Why bother? Motor oil only costs a few cents anyway. I just drive up to any old garage and say 'Fill her up with oil, Jack." How is the engine running, do you say? Well, I've only had her six months and I'm thinking of trading her in for a new one, She sounds like a cement. mixer." The THRIFTY MAN said: "Do I use CASTROL? Most decidedly] Every thinking man does.§ It sate about 10c a quart I get twice, often't ut mes the mileage. With the Ione £3tho sved by using ASTROL last year I sent =| DRIVER OF TRUCK - I5 REMANDED ON | BAIL OF $1,900: Joseph Rouszac, Driving a Party of 18 Russians, Ap- pears in Whitby (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 11--Joseph Rousz- jac, aged 46, Greendale avenue, Mount Dennis, Toronto, driver of the truck, containing a party of eightaen Russians, which upset in the ditch on the Rigen highway near Dun- barton hotel, Sunday night, was re- manded on bail of $1,500 when he ap- peated before Magistrate Clarke, of ickering, last evening to face a charge of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor and a reckless driving count. He will appear in court again on Friday, at 7.30 o'clock. When the truck left the highway it turned turtle with the result that all its occupants including several small children, were injured Rouszjac's arrest followed investiga- tions by Provincial Traffic Officer Hilliard and County Constable Ches- ter who arrived at the scene of the accident shortly after its occurrence. Speaking to he Times yesterday Constable Hilliard described the inci- dent as the one of the worst in his several years' experience in policing the highways. Difficulties were aug- mented by the fact that all members of the party were so confused that they could not recount in English their version of the accident. None the less the two officers rendered great assistance in rendering first aid and in removing the more seriously hurt to hospitals at Oshawa and Toronto, The police are included to discount the theory that the truck was forced into the ditch by a "hit and run" motorist, They claim that there was ample evidence of driking and Rousz- jac's brother, another occupant of the truck, will be charged with be- ing drunk in a public place, GET HEARING TODAY , (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 11--Frank Foley, local highway service station opera- tor, charged with being drunk in a public place and obstructing a police officer, will appear before Magistrate J. Willis in police court this after- noon. It is understood that Foley has engaged legal services and will resist the charge, LABRADO RNATIVES STRIP WRECKED SHIP Montreal, Sept. 10.--How na- tives of the Labrador coast carried out a midnight raid on the 8,000 ton freighter Queen's County, which was wrecked on the rocks of Egg Island on August 18, swarme- ing about the disabled craft in 50 small boats and removing every- thing of value, was described today at the hearing before Captain L, A, Demers, Dominion Wreck Com- missioner, Evidence was given by Captain Johannessen and Chief Of- ficer Fridtjof Bjorstad, The ves- sel, operated by the County Line, and owned in Bergen, Norway, is a total loss, they declared, and rapidly breaking to pieces. Ac- cording to their testimony, the aec- cident was caused hy exceptionally strong currents, and they advised the necessity of a lighthouse in that vicinity. Two members of the crew left on hoard to guard the wreck stat- ed that during the night, the Queen's County was surrouunded by some 50 small boats and they were made to stand by while every- thing of value was removed, in- cluding 1,000 tons of flour. The two men sald they escaped to a lighthouse tender and returned later with assistance, whereupon the marauders disappeard. Ship's instruments, furniture, carpets and supplies were removed by the raiders, it was stated, and considerable damage caused to equipment which they could not carry away, Captain Johannessen sald he had notified the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries, DAILY AIR MAIL SERVICE WILL BEGIN THIS MONTH Ottawa, Sept. 10.--While actual dates are not definite, it is prob- able that a daily domestic air mail service between Montreal and Tor- onto will be inaugurated on or about September 21. On the same date, according to an announce- ment from the Post Office Depart- ment, the new flve-cent Canadian air mail stamp will be available to the public at all eity post offices in Canada, The first international air meil service between Canada and the United States will be in- augurated on October 1, on which BURGLAR ACTIVE IN HAMILTON CITY || cotaone Ae Toke to 430 Police in Checking Robbery Epidemic Hamilton, Sept. 10.--Again select- ing a widow's apartment, Hamilton's oth burglar stole several hundred of jewelry during the dain and this time the south-west end was chosen. Police officials to- night confirmed the report but de- clined to furnish particulars stating that the had r d that her name and address be withheld from the press. The officials are not pleased with the publicity which has been given the activities of the burglar. It was explained that they fear the daily accounts of thefts will influence the marauder to leave the city. If the activities are not made known the mystery man will continue here until he is caught, it is believed. The last victim awoke this morn- ing to find that her bedroom window had been opened and when closer ex- amination was made it was found that every room in the house had been visited and the contents ran- sacked. Rings, etc, worth several hundred dollars, were taken. The in- terior of the apartment gave evi- dence that the visitor had taken time in sorting the goods and selecting practically everything of value. Yet the occupant slept during the whole procedure, Apartments are being regularly vi- sited now and the midnight prowler has eluded capture, despite the fact that special squads of cycle officers and plainclothesmen have been on duty for several nights. The change from the southeast to the southwest end indicates that the canny thief has found the police net tightening in on him in this area. Police also admitted that on Sep- tember 1, ¢he home of A. E. Baker, 108 St. Clair avenue, was entered. The "pants burglar" was responsible for this job for he took Baker's trou- sers from the bedroom and removed $61 from the pockets. The trousers were found on the front lawn by the milkman at an early morning hour, Whether or not the "pants burglar" has started a series of jewelry rob- beries from apartments is an angle which is puzzling the police. The be- lief is held, however, that the "party burglar" who waged a successful campaign a short time ago, is operat- ing again. The theory is strengthen- ed by the fact that the burglar is able to scale walls at dizzy heights to reach bedroom windows. The only description to date is that from Miss McDougall whose apart- ment was robbed during the week- end. She was awake when the room was entered and watching the man but was too frightened to sound the alarm. She said the burglar was six feet in height and slipped from room to room without making a sound. A general appeal for co-operation with the police department was is- sued to citizens today. Special of- ficers are being kept on duty at head- quarters and residents noticing sus- picious characters are asked to notify the police immediately. One man writes complaining that nothing tastes as good as it used to. He's growing old; it's a sure sign.--Owen Sound Sun-Times. | "Ne otice 1 to Betty Low's Patrons--- Anyone requesting the services of Mrs. Allen, come in this week as she will be away the week following. Betty Lou DISPLAYS MONEY KILLED SAME NIGHT Austrian Robbed of $600 While Body is Hidden Under Grass at Falls Niagara Falls, Ont., Sept. 10.-- The body of Joseph Sabo, Falls View, was found in the bush near Montrose this afternoon with two bullet holes in the head. It is believed that Sabo was murdered and robbed on Thurs- day evening last, when he was last seen. That evening he had been paid and is sald to have had $600 which he had been flourish- ing before other Austrians at Falls View. He was missed from his boarding house that night, and the finding of his pay check today started extensive search. One of the searchers saw a shoe' apparently protruding from the ground, and on investigation found the body of Sabo beneath fresh. marsh grass, which had been placed over him. The hands of the dead man and his coat were over the head and the ground showed that he had been dragged 200 feet from the roadway. The pockets had been turned inside out and all valuables and money tak- en. A bicycle which Sabo had been riding was found near, also con- cealed. The back of it had been smashed and the theory is that the murderer or murderers smashed the wheel to give the impressiory of a motor accident. Coroner Thompson opened an inquest this evening, and after the body had been viewed the inquest was adjourned until September 24. Sabot had been employed at the carborundum plant for seven years and had an excellent character for industry. No clue to the murder- ers has vet been found, but the provincial police are investigating. Our ambition is to have money enough to use a dollar bill as a bookmark, sort of careless-like.-- Sault Star. What more Beautiful as a Gift? = TmosE who seek a remembrance sure to give keenest delight, our sug- (gestion is celebrated COMMUNITY PLATE The Tableware of Distinction Here are appropriate gifts galore--exs quisite Comvect Service Pieces, gorgeous spoons, knives and forks, small complete sets and larger ones -- silverware indise pensable. And in giving Communrry Pras you are dealing in terms of lifetime pervice and setiebocsi BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner | REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the, correct time Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal D. J. BROWN THH JEWELER and Osh- awa Railroads, 10 King St. W, 7 MADE N Cw | A SOLD THE WORLD OVER FERRER BLL BOF ar FAH) MPT 33 Their eS George V and Queen Mary visit Moffat' Exlibit an Vo British Industries Fair Birmingham England %, HEIR Majesties paid Canadian Industry a gracious compliment by to see the Moffat exhibit of all-Canadian made Electr ic Ranges at the Br sg from a pddiontly arranged Foute h Industries Fair, You can see the same range of designs as those admired by the King and Queen, in die Ynding Bléstcie a? any Hydro Shop in Canada, Over 93,000 women the world over are enjoying the pleasure and profit of Electric Cooking and Baking on & thes oo you cannot see a Moffats Electric Range in yous district, write us for full particulari and we will sand Moffat, them to you. i, boy Dk 2 summer cam Pp." date the initial flight will prob- ably take place between Montreal and Albany, N.Y. MOFFAT CMade in Canada MOFFATS LIMITED In the Interests of Economy Use CASTROL MOTOR © I -------- LONDON FLIER STILL LEADS Rock Springs, Wyo., Sept. 10,--~ William Drury of London, Ont., maintained his lead in the inter- national air derby from Windsor, Ont. ,to Los Angeles when he land- ed at the Rock Springs airport at 2.21 p.m, today, Pink Capsules Jo Indigestion [THE SIE DS0 Co TORONTO Sold theWorld over a TP Moffats Electric Ranges For Sale by the ELECTRIC SHOP Simcoe Street North « Oshawa, Ontario