Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1928, p. 2

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THE QR fe betas dalaiais MBL vr nas Clin a wey A ead Suburban and District News Solina, Aug. 2). -- Mr. and Mrs. jos Kelvin, Oshawa, Hazel, Osha ; at WoT. Baker. Mrs. ickett, Toronto, at Mr. A, i . : Vi and Mrs. ohn Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, at Brooklin at- Mr, Edmund Tinks funeral on M a Mrs. Dan Vanderhoef and doveier, Margaret, Detroit, at Mr. WwW. T Taylors. a Bak 4 rs. John Baker an EY i, Mrs. rT. Ey Tom at Bobcaygeon. ier and Master Tom remaining for a week, Messrs. J. and A. Abrams at Brook- with their sister, Mrs, Garfat. r, and Mis. McKessagk and Miss Margaret at Bobcaygeon, re Cecil Bush and Arthur Blanchard at Bobcaygeon. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson with Solina friends. : ig L. C. Snowden with Mrs. Thos. Baker. Yih Vera Baker with Mrs. Geo. Taylor Hampton. Mrs, L. C, Snow- den, Maple Grove. : Miss Marion Richard, Shaw's, a Miss Helen Baker's, : : Mrs. Gibbons, Toronto, with Miss Irene Argue. : Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Miss Doreen and Mr, Isaac Hardy at their brother's funeral at Lindsay on Thursday. Much sympathy is ex- 'pressed for them. COLUMBUS Columbus, Aug. 20.--Mr. Ross Mu- rison, of Madoc, and Mr. McCoy, of Belleville, spent Sunday with the former's pareats, Mr, and Mrs, A, Murison. Mrs. John James has returned home after spending the past month {with relatives in Detroit, Mich, Master Howard and George Vice, of Oshawa, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. C, Vice. : Mr. and Mrs, Stephenson, of Pick- ering, visited their daughter, Mrs, Henry Wilson, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robinson and children, of Montreal, are visiting re- latives in Columbus and vicinity. Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellens visited their daughter, Mrs. A, Cook, at Brooklin, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murison, Miss- es Bessie and Anna Murison, of Stuoffville, and Miss B, Murison, of Goodwood, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, A. Murison, Miss Frances Hayes has returned home after spending the past week with relatives in Toronto, Rev. A. E, Tink and Rev. E. Tink have returned to their homes at Wantoma, Wis, and Chicago, Illin- ois, after spending the past few weeks with their sister, Mrs, E, Webber, The carpenters are at work at the new enclosed shed at the United Church and expect to have the rais- ing in the near future. r. Charles Holman a new gene tiac sedan. Mr. John Bromell t the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs, Blight, of Fenelon Falls, vis- ited her daughter, Mrs. W. Bromell, one day last week. At the ball game here on F night between a team from the M.C. and our local boys, our boys were defeated by a large score. More practise boys will even that up. Miss Mildred Webber is visiting friends at Sunderland, Ontario, Mr. Alden Hudson, of Toronto, called on Mr, and Mrs. W, Richard- son, one day this week. Miss Marion Brent, of Port Perry, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, John Stone, this week, Mr. A. James, of Detroit, Mich, and Mr, Sheridan, of Torento, spent the week end with the former's mo- ther, Mrs, J. James. Miss Rosena Gulls is visiting' this week with relatives at Toronto, We are pleased to report that Mr, James Westlake who had his arm severely gut in a motor-accident when visiting his parents at Beaton, a few weeks ago, is doing nicely, We hope to see him soon able to get back to his work. We are glad to report that Mr, Roberts is able to be at home from the hospital again after his operation for appendicitis and is doing nicely, The church service on Sunday morning was conducted by Mr. John Yule, of Oshawa, Next Sunday there will be no service here but the fol. lowing Sunday Rev. Mr, Clugston, who is now spending his holidays at Meaford, will be home and will con duct the service at the usual hour 11 am, Miss Ethel Holman has returned to Toronto after spending last week with her aunt, Mrs, Phoebe Holman, Mrs, G. Hayes left on Thursday for a few weeks' visit with friends at Rochester, SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Aug. 20.--~The Lawn So- cial held under the auspices of the Girls' Club on the lawn of Mr, James Harding on Wednesday even- ing of last week, was attended by most of the younger ones while a few of the older ones who still feel young enjoyed a very sociable even ing together. The event of the eves ning that drew the largest patronage was the fortune teller, Madame Zel- la, direct from Sunnyside Beach. To some she gave hope for the future with a long life, successful in love, and the accumulating of great wealth while to others a rather hilly and rocky road to find the rainbow end, The usual games were played, fol. - « and lasts until Sat, Now For Three Days of Exhilarating Buying Our First Annual 07 Discount Sale Starts Tomorrow Morning night at 10 p. m. It includes all lines of merchandise in the store, excepting specially priced and nationally advertis- ed g Now is the time to buy Housefurnishings, Fall Dresses, Fall Coats, Hose, Lingerie, Gloves, Acces- sories of all kinds, It also includes all lines handled in the Basement Gift Shoppe, W. A. Dewland Limited 48 8.8.58 as aunt, Mrs, Roy Scott, during the past week, Mr, Ellis is relieving agent at the C.N.R. station during the absence of Mr, and Mrs. Dance, who are on their holidays. Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Woolridge, Mr, and Mrs Malcolm MacMillan and Mr. Frank Smith were visiting in Kirkfield on Sunday. A good number turned out on Sun- day to hear Rev. Mr. Elliott, of Port Perry, who had charge of the service in the of our pastor, Rev. Mr, Davidson, who is on his holidays. Mrs, Fred Skerratt, of Toronto, who has been visiting at the home of Mr, C.. W, Clarke's for the past two weeks returned home on Sunday, Konqratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Mark (nee Miss Helen Mac-| T! Gregor), on their recent marri secret like this is too good to keep. Rev. Norman J. Woon and Mrs, Woon, of Hudson, Mich, former residents of this place are spendin their vacation among relatives an friends, Mr, and Mrs. Woon were welcome visitors to our Sunday School last Sunday, when Mr, Woon gave a short address, stressing the value of the rural church and Sun. day School to a community, The choir of the church of which Mr, Woon has charge are broadcasting over WOWO the second Sunday in September, Those having radios will no doubt be interested, Zion, Aug. 20--Mrs. Jas. Cameron and Mrs. Russel Stainton visited Mrs, ith Markle at Courtice recently. Mrs, Will Stainton, of Buffalo, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, Jas. Stainton, Misses Marion and Jean Balson are spending their holidays with their sister, Mrs, Leslie Hoskin, e. A Mr. H, Curtis and Miss Mildred, | d of Warkworth, Miss Margaret Purdy, Colborne, were at J. W, Balson's re- cently, and Mr. Curtis bought J. W.'s how flock of Oxford sheep, and Mr, Phil's truck driver came for them, e also hought some shee Messrs. Alf. Ayre and Harold Skin- ner of Tyrone. Mr, Anson Balson accompanied them home and has since gone to Napanee Fair, Mr, and Mrs. McMaster and Miss Annie spent Monday in Toronto. Misses Flossie and Lillian Ball, Ux- bridge, are holidaying with their uncle, R, W, Ball, Misses May and Dora Ball, acconn panied by their cousins, are taking a motor trip to Collingwood, on Georg ian Bay, to visit relatives, Mr, S. A, Northeott is the busy man these days with his thresher, as so many want half day jobs to make room for the remaining crop. Miss Ruth Northcott, Toronto, is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Lucy Northcott. What might have proved a very serious accident haphencd last Thurs- day evening when Mr, Roy Thornton was coming home from work from Oshawa, As he was nearing the C.N.R. crossing north of Courtice he lost control of the car, and it Jumaed down in the valley between the rail. ing and the fence on the west side, Logue's derrick from Harmony was called, and it took ten men to get the id out, Fortunately no one was urt, Mr. and Mrs, W, W, Glaspel, in company with Mr, and Mrs, George Hilts, Runag were recent visitors at Mr, G, H. Mark's of Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Trick and Miss Evelyn visited at Mr. Jas, Cameron's on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Osh- aws, spent the week-end at J, W. Balson's. i . 7 Ms RAGLAN 'Raglan, Aug. 20.--~Messrs. Arthur Lawton and Charles Fox, of Toronto, were recent visitors at Charlie Brawn's and A, J. Grose's, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Knapp and family, of Burketon, spent Sunday Pith her brother, Mr, Frank Notting- am, Miss Pearl Taylor, of Burketon, is spending two weeks' vacation at Mr. G. Brent's, Mrs. Frost and Miss Rhoda Frost ATCM, of Norwood, were recent guests of Mrs, Wm, Avery, The garden party which was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr George Wilson was a great success, The tables were laden with all good things with which to satis- fy the inner man, The program was held under the management of the Macgreror Concert Bureay, Al and Bob Harvey, Ever teady Battery Boys. They were assis by Bert Letch, eouelian, Ais goss gil Bregor, ist, a iss Jean Simp- son, soloist. All who were for te enough to hear this concert ri it to be the best of the season. The Myrtle boys journeyed over and played a friendly game of softball with our boys which ended in 2 score of 5-1 in favour of the visit- ing team. The total proceeds for the evening amounted to about $240, Miss Lorna Evans has been spend- ing a vacation with her sunt in Lindsay. v ad Miss Marion Brent, of Port Perry, visited at Mr. G. Brent's last week. Misses Twila and Thelma Turner and Miss Hazel Pierson, of Toron- to, spent Sunday at Fred Pierson's. Miss Nina Armstrong, of Toronto, is visiting at George Wilson's, Our girls suffered a defeat at the hands of the Columbus girls in a game of softball last Thursday eve- from and Mrs, Norman Hughson t Sunday with his mother, at €. r. nd Mrs. Roy Brawn, of Osh- awa, visited relatives here on Sua- Ross Fox and Miss Bertha day. Mr. Wallis, of Toronto, were n Sun . Next Sunday ser- vice will be held in the afternoon and ba be in charge of Mr. J. Weldon, Miss Doris Bray spent a few days at > Jack Blight's of Brooklin, re- cently, Mrs, T. Taylor and daughters Ev- elyn and Jean, of Burketon, visited at Mr, G. Brent's; Mr. and Mrs, J. T Evans and fam- ily visited relatives in Lindsay re- cently, Mr, Noah Luke, of Toronto, visited Bt patents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Luke, r. Charlie Harnden, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother here, Master Frank Pierson is visiting in 'oronto. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Aug. 21.--Two splen- did services were held here on Sun- day afternoon, The church service was the first of a series in prepara- tion for those who are going to join the church this fall, Rev. Ir. Whiteside, who has been holding evangelistic services at Courtice dur- ing the past two weeks was present and preached a very impressive ser- mon, using a chart to illustrate his talk. Nard very nicely rendered a solo, It is expected that Mr. White- side will be present with us again next Sunday afternoon and hold a similar service. We hope to see an extra large congregation next Sunday afternoon, Miss Margaret George, Erie, Pa, is visiting her niece, Mrs, Sam Snow- en, Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. T. Smith and son, Mr. Roy Smith, Willowdale, called on her brother, Mr, Chas. Oxford, on Sun- ay. Mr. and Mrs, Lou Hockin, Misses Eileen Hockin, Vera and Etelka Trimble, at Mr, George Garret's, Oshe awa, on Sunday, . Miss Dora Eames, Bowmanville, has been visiting with friends in this community, Mrs, Munday is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lockhart, Niagara. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Snowden and Mr. Chas, Snowden motored to Tor- onto on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, ibert Allen, Town, visited her sister, Mrs. Chas, Hone on Sunday, fi Mrs, Samis has been enjoying a pleasant motor trip to Exeter, Miss Elsie Samis has been visiting friends in Toronto, A corn roast was held on the school rounds on Frday evening. uite a i number of the young people were present, Various games were enjoyed, after which an abundance of corn was served, ASHBURN Ashburn, Aug. 20--Pleased to re- port that little Douglas Ashton has sufficiently recovered from his opera- tion for appendicitis in the Port Perry Hospital to be able to return to his home here, Much sympathy is felt for the Tink family in their recent bereavement of the death of their father, Edmund Tink, in his 83rd year, Deceased was a much respected citizen of this neighborhood some years ago, having lived on the farm which is now own- ed by My, Fred Taylor on the town line north. He is always remembered as an ardent church worker and a kindly neighbor, Mr, John Miller was in the States last week acting as judge as the Aur- ora fair, Rev, W. B. and Mrs. Mitchell have returned from a pleasant vacation near Rice Lake. . Rev. Mr, and Mrs, Haig and daughter, of Agincourt, were visiting old friends here during the week: Mr, Haig has taken charge of services at Cobourg for two Sabbaths, Mrs. A. B, Fisher, who has been spending her vacation with her son and daughter here has returned to her home in Toronto, Miss Dorothy Miller has returned from a pleasant holiday with Burling- ton friends, Those who attended Raglan garden party on Wednesday night of last week report it the best of the sea- son, Mr. Bob Robinson left the latter art of the week in charge of a car ad of sheep which a California buy- er has b t from Mr, John Miller, The shower during the earlier part of the week helped to make the ground much easier for ploughing, TO INVESTIGATE FOBAGE CON. DITIONS A botanical survey of parts of Wood. Bufislo park, near Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, will be made this summer by officers of the Nations! Museum, Ottawa. The forage plants and range conditions in certain areas of the park will' be inves with the co-operation of the North West Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of the Interior, which administers this ares. BUFFALO AT ELK ISLAND | Elk Island nations! park is a re- servation for the preservation and propagstion of the buffalo. Seven bundred and twenty-six buffalo are now in this park, together with a number of mule deer, elk, and moose, YOUNG COUPLE = IN SUICIDE PACT Woodstock, Aug. 21.--Victim of an alleged suicide pact, Gertrude Yelland, 20-year-old Ingersoll girl, met her death by chloroform near Woodstock during the hours of last night, and her companion in the al- leged plot, Robert Childs, son of Ald. Fred Childs of Woodstock, 1a seriously ill from the effects of the drug. According to the police, Childs and the girl had been keeping com pany, and went out motoring last night. This forenoon, after 10 o'- clock, Childs staggered into his home in this city in a dazed condi- tion. His father went outside to the car, and found the girl's dead body crumpled up in the back seat. is Opened. The Coroner was summoned 'and an inquest was ordered, The in- quest opened this evening, when the imquest was adjourned until Thursday evening. post mortem examination will be held. According to the story given to the police by Childs, the couple had intended to marry, but his peo- ple had raised objections, They therefore decided to commit sui- cide, and he secured the chloro- form at local drug stores, Last night they drove out to Bowe Hill, not far from Woodstock, and there the chloroform bottles were open- ed. The girl apparently died from the effects of the chloroform, but Childs regained consciousness this morning, He drove the car back to the city, collapsing on his arri- val at his home, Star Hockey Player. The case has created a sensation in Woodstock on account of the prominent position of the lad's fa- ther, and the fact that he is well known as a star hockey player, having played for Woodstock's O, H.A. junior team for some years, He is 20 years of age. Childs has not been taken into custody by the police, hut will probably be able to testify at the inquest, WOMEN TO APPEAL SENATE DECISION Will Ask Privy Council to Define "Person" in the B. N. A, Act Edmonton, Aug. 21. -- Women of Alberta will make application to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council for leave to appeal from the the recent decision 2 the Supreme Lourt of Canada to the effect that a woman is not a "person" within the meaning of the British North Amer- ica Act and not eligible for appoint- ment to the Senate of Canada, Magistrate Emily Murphy, who is one of the Alberta appellants in the case, has announced that counsel had been authorized to make this applica- tion for leave to appeal, Referring to recent dispatches from Ottawa to the effect that provision would be made at the next session of Parliament for the amendment of the British North America Act so that women might sit in the Senate, Magistrate Murphy expressed her "heartiest appreciation of the Gov- ernment's desire to right this mat- ter." "The Government had informed the appellants they would not oppose the application to the Privy: Council, which was not meant to interfere with the "means devised by the Can- adian Government but is taken in order to obtain definitely an inter- pretation of the word 'person' jn section twenty-four of the act," (3 RESCUED IN # SANDY HOOK BAY Motor Cruiser is Burned to the Water's Edge-- $s Explosion # New York, Aug. 21.--Eleven men and two women boats in Sandy Hook Bay late Mon- day after they had leaped from a burning motor cruiser. The vessel was water's edge and nearby boats failed to identify it. The fire was started by an explo- sion of unknown origin and the flames quickly attracted the attention of other vessels in the bay. Three of them sped to the rescue and picked up the men and women who leaped into the water. Those rescued were landed at vag- fous piers by different vessels and the charred hulk of the cruiser was beached at Fort Hancock. Four men's watches of gold and platinum and two large diamond rings were found in the hulk by coast guard inspectors. Tenders For Coal Tepders will be received by the undersigned until § o'clock p.m. Monday August 27th, for the supply of: 50 tons Vinton Soft Coal, delivered at City Hall, Sim- coe Street North 40 tons Anthracite Cosl, (egg size) delivered at City Offices, 106 Simcoe Street South, . F. E. HARE, City Clerk. the jury viewed the remains, and || Meanwhile a || were rescued by ||| burned to the | me ih et PHONE 1000 ,/ OSHAWA, ADVANCE SHOWING of MODEL FUR COATS FOR THE NEXT FOUR DAYS ONLY Chapel Seal, Plain, Very Chic. Priced at $79.00 Grey, Squirrel, Trimmed, Chapel Seal Priced at $97.75 Also a Full Assortment of Electric Seal Coats with various trim- mings. Moderately priced for this Special Sale. Muskrat Crepe, Lined, Spec- ially Priced at $135.00 Beaverine Buckrebbic A Coat That Will Give You Ex- ceptional Wear $79.00 Extra Qualify Hudson Seal, plain and trimmed. It would be to your advantage to examine this assortment, Jap. Mink, Persian Squirrel, and Raccoon also on display, $5.00 Will Secure any of the above coats on Our Easy Payment Plan. HT NR - NN ® ARNON Estimates on Restyling your old coat will be given wi pleasure, This is your opportunity to trade your old coat in on a new coat, 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. saving on "all coats TTT GT AEE

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