Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1928 PAGE NINE ) C "where , Mr. SSLEIED SE uger ~~ ~~.meets TION eller "sso ews gt v «A ed fog! racties of . Phone 4, G. Conant, AF. Annis, BA. pr FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notamy Public Convey- an Money to loan. Third floor 'few' Alger Building. Opposite Office. Phone 2996. (att) Music AR LYNDBE, V L er {Hambourg Conservatory, ronto) pupils prepared exams, awa, M coe St. North, Phone 3714. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, DT a putable Companies. (118-th z N. SINCLAIR, RG BANK rce Building. (116-1yr.) H P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- Public, - cer. Money to ce Ring St East, Oshawa. Phone - Residence phone 837. 1 ers, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ete. Office over Standard Bank. trance Simeoe St. Phone 13. J. rierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and Douglas, barristers, solicitors, conveyancers, notaries publie, Money to loan. 2 King St. B, Phone 940, 2454. D. A. J. Swanson, F, G. McKenzie, 8. B. Douglas. hs (130tf) LOUIS Ss. HYMAN AND COM: 'pany, Barristers, Money to loan. ver Dewland's Store, 168 Simcoe street north, Phone 67, residence 1865W, (tf) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR: '{stefs, etc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg, opposite post office, Phone 1614. A. J, Parkhill, A. W. S, a (49t1) Medical -- DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- clag, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. clal| reference to maternity work and: diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience, Office and residence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cof, Brock) phone 303. : (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and rest ene, King St. East, corner Victoria 8t, 'Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office ani residence, 97 Bond Hast, Phone 1166. DR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian' and Surgeon, special attention ven to X-ray work and Electro copy. Office, Disney Block. Phone $060. Office open § a.m. to 9 D. m. -Residence 161 King East, Phone 2416, (tr) DR. C. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence 556 Simcoe St, N. Phone 2416. (Aug, 8-Nov, 8) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Dru Store each Saturday, from 1 till p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments maye be made at drug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) Dental » IPS, DENTIST, OF- 1 5.1. PHILLIPS Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr, DR. D. R, DAVIES, DENTIST, oF- fice in Alger Bldg., opposite Post Office. ' Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for extractions. Evenings by ap- pointment, Phone 231. (12tf) RH. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST, Dy over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54, DR. L. EFUB ELL, DENTIST, trous oxygen gas for Ly Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 1§ Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957, Evenings by appoint- ment. (July 9tf) W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE LM Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780, Residence. 669. 66-tf DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 87 King street east, Alger Bulld- ing. Phope 2860. Evenings by appointment. (July 25-Aug. 25) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE gonwlt R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. our insurance wants att to and your interests 11-1yt) ¢. i. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO ST., District Kepresentative for the Great West Life Assurance Oom- pany. Phone 1365). (Feb. 1-1yr) INSURANCE ----- OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) Money to Loan LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4. (756-tf) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor ears, See Swanson, German and 'deKensie, 2 King St. B. 144tt) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans Rrra h Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Alger Bldg, Phone 1614, (40tL) Building Supplies FOR SALE--CEMENT BLOCKS. sand and gravel, Qnality guarun- teed, Good loam for lawns, W, Bor- rowdale, Phone 1618, (89tf) Watch | \ A [+] T Wear LL] a i Uy te Transportation COWLE'S CARTAGE & TRUCK- ing Service, '66 Park road south. Prompt service. Furniture moving a specialty, Phone 215, (July 21-Aug. 21) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling. Phone 924 and 2692F, Smith and Cox. COLE CARTAGE and . 6 t. West. e trucks prompt service. oving van storage warshouss equipment. transf to and from all s. (64-tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance movifig, 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 2850. (oot) H. RODMAN, CARTAGE AND trucking service, furniture mov- ing, cinders and gravel, Phone 2380. Apply 165 Elliott avenue, (Aug. 14-Sept, 14) Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--1}§ conte per word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart-| ment. ee WANTED--BY PARTY WITH new truck, loads to and from Toronto, 25 cents per 100 lbs, or $4 per ton. References, Box 86, Oshawa. (42-e) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Permanent wave, speclal $7.60. Marcelling, finger waving, 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2968. (97-1) CINDERELLA DRESS BHOPPR, 153 Simcoe St, 8. Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; eveniags by appointment, Phone 2879. MARCEL AND CURL, 60 CENTS. 45 Albany street, or phone Irene Robertson, 1444J. (Jly 31-Aug. 31) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS: ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beeeroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-tf) WATBSON'S HAIR DRESSING Parlours will he open for marcel. ling, water waving, finger waving. Phone appointments 2653, (Ape. 18-Sept, 18) GRAVEL, DIRT AND CINDERS ON dump truck to rent by hour, Phones 274J--1666J, (May 18 tf) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics, Old floors fin- ished like new, Screen windows, combination doors. General con- tracting, B, W, Haynes, 161 King St. W, Phone 481, Residence 180 ra (133te) CHAMBERLAIN METAL WEATH- er strip for doors and windows, Guaranteed to stop all draughts, cheapest and best on market, Estimates given free. Phone 1587F, A, Morgan, 311 Division St, or write J, H., Vance, 773 Aylmer St, Peterboro, (Jly. 31-Aug. 81) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629, (66-t2) C, S, DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically eated, Dominion roment ) eiagiaary. 34 Brock St, Phone (131-tf) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money, Ectimates free. G. A. Constable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 15065J. (66-tr) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND sanded, filled, waxed and polished, Verandahs and garages built, Phone 2177W, (July 28-Aug. 28) Painting and Decorating HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished completely with sanding machine, Satisfaction guaranteed, Give us a trial. Sylvian and Ste- vens, 164 Alice street, Phone 2619W, (Aug, 16-Sept, 16) R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, ete. Twent years' experience. Prices right. Wor guaranteed. 151 Huron street, Phone TW. (45 tf) , DECORATING, paperhanging, painting, Work guaranteed, Estimates given, Phone 942W, 135 Brock east, (148tr) OSHAWA PAINTERS, (MYGLAND & Lindstad,) first clags work and pure materials used. 14 Nassau street, Phone 1495W. (Aug. 18-Sept. 18) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East. bulance. Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King street east. Phone 210]. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOM& 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner Bruce street, Ambulance. Phone 1082, (96-11) I-- A Architects F, C. HILL, Books RO0BERTSHAW"S NEW LENDING library. Books always coming in. Come in and look them over, (July 27-Aug. 27) Taxis SOUTH END TAXI SERVICE, 738 Simcoe street south, Prompt day and night service, Local and long distance, Phone 1581W, Lorne E. Dervent, (Aug. 4-Sept, 4) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26-tf) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEw laid eggs, delivered anywhere th city, Phone 896, (23-tr) FOR BALE--BABY CARRIAGE. Lloyd Stroller. good as new, Ap- ply at 91 Burk St.,, Oshawa. (30tf) COMPLETE BED FOR SALE, 352 Jarvis Street, (42d) FOR SALE--RANGE NEARLY new, Jones Avenue, (42d) SAXTONETTE TREASURE Stove, four lid, warming closet. Phone 1581W, (42¢) REPEATING [47 00 ALARM CLOCKS, large size, $5.50, guaranteed 12 months, = One dollar secures de- livery, balance payable at 50 cents per week. O .H. Dell, 26% Sim- coe south, IPhone 1656, (Aug. 18-Sept. 18) ALL KINDS OF lumber, doors, windows, -new doors, garage doors, plumbing, lath, Must be sold at low price, Apply 80 Ontario street, (42-c) KITCHEN CABINET, SINGER sewing machine, dresser, one bed, draw couch. Apply 332 Kingsdale Ave. Phone 1387], (41-1) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE-- mattress, all sizes, reg, $18 at $10. Iron beds, steel springs, new felt sliding couches, new mattress, $7.50 Child's cribs with new mattress, parlour suites, sideboards, exten- sion tables, kitchen tables, dress- ers and washstands, chairs, rock- ers, Morris chair, baby buggy, leath- er couches, cook stove $8. Lawn mower, kitchen cabinet, centre table, high chairs, Apply 17 Prince St. (41c) PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD goods, comprising in part, two Wilton rugs, one Wilton runner, one desk and chair, refrigerator, gas stove, hall seat and mirror, kitchen table and chair, water power washing machine and wring- er, bridge lamp and shade, gem jars, and numerous other articles. Also 1928 Buick sedan in perfect condition, $1,350, 169 Centre St, Phone 840W, (42-a) BECOND HAND Auditing and Accounting C. A. KINNEAR, LICENSED CUS- toms broker, auditor, and account- ant, 306 King St, West, Telephone 689, (Aug. 16- Sept, 16) Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) C. C. STENHOUSE ~ GENERAL architectural Second Royal Bank Building. Phone 149, Res. phone 909). (8-tf) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTARIO Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 25327 or 2644, : (89t1) Window Cleaning WA WINDOW CLEANERS OSHA 1 House work and floors $olished, screen and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 2129F, pr aaa Woodworking ARD, REAR 442 KING 2364). We specialize 'A. BLACKBURN, CONCRETE contractor. Specialist in concrete floor work. Gravel, sand and cin- ders, ete. Hauling terms moderate. Address, 547 Mary St. Phone 2376W. Oshawa or 2570 Egling- ton Avenue, Toronto, - (Aug. 3-Sept. 3) (ate architects. THOMSON & JOHNSON, ASSOCI- E. Elliott, Associ- ate Heating Engineer, Simcoe St. south, over Felt Bros, (Aug. 15-Sept. 15) Auctioneer Motor Cars FOR SALE, FORD TOURING CAR, bargain. Apply 151 King St. W. (41-c) FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN, GOOD condition, cheap. $100 cash takes it with license ready for the road, Apply 159 Elliott Ave., after 6, (41c) PHONE 716), W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, We can seil your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario. (20tf) iF YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING to have a sale this fall come and see me and arrange for the dates. Terms satisfactory. All phone calls receive prompt attention. E. J. Pomeroy. Call between 6 and 7 in the evenings. Phone 1013M. (Aug. 17-Sept. 17) DRESSMAKING DONE, PLAIN sewing No. 4 Buena ""ista Park, off Park Rd. N. (Aug. 10-Sept. 10) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal ires for sale. g Tire Jamieson Broa 438. FOR SALE--A 1927 Model Ponti- ac Landau Sedan. Only run 8,000 miles. Everything in first class con- dition. Phone 253J. (42b) FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN SE- dan, Cheap for cash, Apply 148 Conant Street. (42a) Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER--AGE ABOUT 23, knowledge of payroll work requir- ed, must be keen, apply Employ- ment office of the W. E. Phil- lips Company, Ltd.' (42tf) Auction Sale MONDAY, AUGUST 27th--AUC- tion sale of 25 fresh cows, Hol- steins and Ayrshires, the property of Gifford Bros, lot 5, B.F., East Whitby Tp. Sale at 2.30 p.m., day- light saving time. See bills. Wm. (sf) | Maw, auctioneer, (42-45) Help Wanted--Female WANTED, EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework. Excellent pay for the right person, Apply 627 Simcoe St, s. (42¢) GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. Apply 435 King St. E, Phone 275656W. (40c) WANTED AT ONCE---TYPIST, correspondence from Ediphone records only. Apply W. E. Phil- lips Co., Limited, (3y-tr) MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 20 Royal Street. (42¢) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-- Steady employment. Apply 5 King St, E. Phone 1380. (42b) Phogriad, Wanted to Rent For Rent Keal Estate for Sale STORE T0 RENT--NO. 9 SIMCOE St. South, Oshawa, now being er larged and improved. Apply to G. D. Conant, 7% Simcoe St. 8., Osh- awa, (33tr) LEAL ESTATE--UBHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to suit you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-t1) FOR RENT--2 OFFICES, 8x21, and 13x21. Heated. Anderson's Clothing Store. (38-1) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE, two rooms reserved. Apply 656 Simcoe St. N. Phone 24185. . (40c) FOR. RENT--4 ROOMED APART- ment, unfurnished, kitchen, with sink, wired for electric stove. Few minutes from Motors. Apply 67 Patricia Ave. (40-c) ROOMS TO RENT--2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, unfurnished, reasonable, Close to Motors, etc. 238 Dearborn avenue. (40-¢c) TO RENT--LARGE FRONT room, warm, Two ladies or gentle- men. Single beds. Breakfast if de- sired. Phone 799W. 20 Maple St. (42¢) 1 FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Phone 2836J. (41-¢c) FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISH- ed front bedroom. Suitable for business lady or gentleman. Brealk- fast if desired. Garage accommo- dation. Phone 1782F, (41-0) FURNISHED ROOM, BOARD OP- tional, suit two lady teachers, pri- vate home, hot water hLieater, close to North Simcoe, and High School. Apply Box "L" Oshawa Daily Tmes, (42h) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, Suitable for light house- keeping. 146 Tylor Crescent, (42-¢) UNFURNISHED ROOMS 78 Gladstone Ave. (42-c¢) TO RENT---A SINGLE ROOM, $5 a week. 246 Court St, (42h) THREE to rent, UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Two upstairs, large living room, downstairs with use of kitchen and separate gas stove, Phone 811W, Cor King and Division streets, (42-bh) FARM FOR RENT--160 ACRES Lake Ontario frontage, adjoining Oshawa. Buildings in good con- dition. Immediate possession for fall plowing. C. J. Stone, 74 Yonge St., Oshawa. (42-c) TO RENT----THREE ROOM FUR- nished apartment. All conveni- ences. Private entrance Use of phone, Apply 97 Colborne 8t. E (42¢) GARAGE TO RENT. 143 OSHAWA Blvd, Phone 2898W, (41-b) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent on bathroom fat Near Motors, Phone 2699J. (41-c) FOR SALE -- $6,000, WHITE Brick house on corner lot, six rooms, large sleeping porch, two verandahs, all conveniences, stucco garage, paved driveway. Three minute walk from General Motors. Good for private family or rooming house. Apply to Arthur Peacock, corner Athol St. and Ritson Rd., one block south of King St. Phone 588. (19tf) FOR SALE--5 ROOMED RUG- brick bungalow, new last summer, all conveniences. Price $3800. $200 down, Apply Box "U"" Oshawa Daily Times. (42¢) PAY NO RENT $35 PER MONTH for 24 months pays for home on Dearbourné Ridge the best sub- divison of Oshawa. % of a mile west of water tower, Ask for Tear the builder. (33tf) FOR SALE--AN EXCLUSIVE 7 roomed brick house at 166 Simcoe street north, with brick attached garage and paved driveway. This house of every convenience is in perfect condition with No. 1 hard- wood floors throughout and oil heating system, The lot 60 by 150, has plenty of flowers and shrubs and altogether this house is a most desirable location. Apply J. D. Rutherford, 61 Prince St. Phone 2746, (42-c) PRICE $5,300. $800 DOWN, buys new solid brick home, six rooms and hath, automatic electric water heater, fixtures, laundry tubs, ete, 29 Buckingham avenue. (41-e) FOR SALE-- BUILDING LOT ON paved street, Phone 401F, (41c) $2,600 BUYS A DANDY 5 RROM- ed bungalow in west side of city that will give your eyes a treat, while $4,600 is the price of a love- ly 6 roomed modern house on Agnes street that you certainly ought to see if you are looking for a real good buy. Bob Holden, 92 Simcoe street north, Phone 37T1W, (42-h) Position Wanted WANTED -- HOUSEKKEEPING position in good home, where child is not objected to, Experienced, Apply Box 61, Bowmanville, Phone 363, (41-h) Automobile Répairing WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL kinds of automobile repalr work, specializing in brake setting and relining. Six years' experience at brake getting in G.M.C, Sugden and Bowen, corner of Wilson Road and King street east, corporation limit, , Phone 2389W, Aug. 14-Sept, 14) FOR RENT--FURNISHED rooms, suitable for light house- keeping. Very central. Immedi- ate possession. Rent reasonable. 12 Athol St. W, (42-c) TO RENT--FIVE ROOMED FUR- nished cottage at Caesarea to rent, Phone 979W. (42-b) FOR RENT---ONE FURNISHED bedroom. Breakfast {if desired. Phone 1234W, (42¢) BED- BED SITTING ROOM AND KIT- chenette furnished to rent. Apply 1856 Simcoe St, N, Phone 183F, (42¢) 3 ROOMED FLAT TO RENT--IN new house, hardwood floors, Apply 317 Gliddon Ave. (42e) TO RENT--THREE LARGE UN- furnished rooms, hardwopd floors, white enamelled trim, light, heat and water, Apply evenings 636 Bomerville Avenue, (42c) TO RENT--LARGE NEWLY furnished and decorated front bedroom. Very central, Two light housekeeping rooms downstairs and bedroom if desired. Possession October 15, Box "H" Oshawa Daily Times, (42b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Apply 140 Albert Street, (42b) EE A IIE TET Lost and Found Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, Close to Motors. $7 per week, 280 Haig St. (42¢c) TWO GENTLEMEN BOARDERS wanted, willing to share large room, Home privileges. Apply 185 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 2015W. (42¢) BOARD AND ROOM FREE PARK- ing place, single beds, good board. 23 William street east, (41-1) ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD, suit two or three single men, Near G.M.C. and Fittings, Phone 2509J, (42-c) ROOM AND BOARD, 352 JARVIS Street, (42¢c) Money to Loan MONEY LOANED ON FURNI- ture, automobiles and first mort- gages, Phone 607. (42¢) Situation Wanted LADY EXPERIENCED BOOK- keeper and stenographer requires position of trust. Box "M' Oshawa Daily Times. (42h) Help Wanted--Male YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR night work. Apply Alger Press Limited. (42-2) LOST--GREEN CANOE, MARK- ed "W", also varnished row boat, No. 10. Phone Barnhart's, 2220W, Reward, 4 (40-¢) WANTED TO RENT---SMALL house or downstairs apartment. One child. Apply stating rent and all particulars to Box Q" Oshawa Daily Times. (402) WANTED TO RENT--SEVEN OR eight roomed house by September 1. Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (42¢) Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL PER- s.nal Greeting Cards, best value ever shown. Easy to sell. Regal Art Company, Manufacturers, 310 Spa dina, Toronto. WIDOW REQUIRES BOARD AND room for herself and little girl. Party to take care of child during day. Box "N"" Oshawa Daily Times. A (420) LOST--BOSTON BULL, Black and white, on highway be- tween Whitby and Brooklin. Re- ward. Wm, Hangs, Manilla. Phone Manilla Central. (394) LOST--$10, BETWEEN CROM- well Ave., and Park Rd. N. Leave at 256 Cromwell avenue. Reward. (41-¢) LOST--LADY"S GOLD WRIST watch, between Albert and Post Of- fice. Leave at Times Office. Re- ward. (41e) LOST--BABY GOCART AT HIGH School grounds, Saturday after- noon between 8 and 8 o'clock. Finder please call 216 Alice street or phone 1778W. Reward. (41-tf) LOST AT MUSSELMAN'S LAKE Sunday afternoon, small size brown leather Suitcase, containing Camera, Running Shoes, ete. Ke- ward. Camera much prized by own- er. Write or phone 2428 Oshawa, Lock's Ladies' Wear Store. (42b) MALE, | Masquerade Costumes COSTUMES FOR A RENT---MAS- querade costumes, Phone 1562). (40-¢) Pets and Live Stock 30 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS, April birds, 20 hens year old. Phone 2484J. (42¢) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE three lots on Elgin St., two on Patricia Ave. between King and Colborne. Phone Grover 7351. 24 Gates . Ayve., Toronto. (401) For Exchange WILL DEAL OSHAWA PROPER- ty also western land for Felspar Glass Stock. 262 Haig street. (39-¢) Wanted to Buy HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY quantity large broiler chickens. 44 Simcoe St. N. The Food Shop. BALDWIN APPEALS TO ALL EMPLOYERS London, Aug. 20.--Prem'er Baldwin has decided to appeal per- sonally to 150,000 employers of Great Britain to provide work for jobless miners. The Ministry of Labor announec- ed today that at the Premier's be- hest it was asking each employer to take at least one or two miners or mine boys into some sort of job. The appeal takes the form of a per sonal letter from Mr. Baldwin, 'The announcement said that the Ministry would defray the travel- ling expenses of the men s» trans ferred from the depressed area. MR. TUNNEY TAKES A WIFE (From the Ottawa Journal) When Mr. John Harrison Demp- sey became the husband and devoted slave of Miss Estelle Taylor, movic star, the old-time pugilistic world held its breath. This was so dii- ferent from the matrimonial ventures of the old bruisers who ruled the prize ring in the robust days when prize-fighters were prize-fighters, and when the wife of one of them could sit just below his corner and, when things were going badly, yell: "Hit Yim in the slats, Bob; hit im in the slats." But what under skies and stars are the hard-boiled to say, now that Mr. Gene Tunney, ex-pugilist and pundit, has gone and selected himself a wife from an old million- aire family that is registered in the Social Register? What on earth has the game come to, that this last dis- aster has befallen it? An extraordinary pugilist and chap is this same Tunney. Born, like Al Smith, in little Old New York, rear- ed on its sidewalks, a man who fought in the .war with the marines, and who chopped all the bruiser fighters into obscurity and himseli into wealth, he seems to have mod- ¢lled his life after the precepts of Dr. Frank Crane or Dr. Bruce Bar- ton. At first a skeptical public, wearied by the exhortations and pro- hibitions of the professional pérfec- tionists, found Mr, Tunney too flaw- less Tor consumption. A saccharine- gorged palate revolted. ney had only been arrested a cou le of times for reckless driving, or had been detected in a romance with a cabaret dancer, or had been caught with a pint of liquor on his hip, the fight followers would have linked him with the rest of mankind and certified his title to public esteem, in none of these things. Instead, refused to give a testimonial to a popular cigarette, never patron wordy conflict with a traffic and, worst blow of all, began lectur- ing on Shakespeare, That was the last blow. Mr, Tunney was tricd at the bar of the fight-loving public and convicted of superior virtue -- his popularity waned every time he de- feated some mew, imperfect repre- sentative of weak mortality, And now comes the end. Mr. Tun- ney is to go walking--walking, mark yvou--in Germany with Mr. Thornton Wilder, author of that remarkable book, "The Bridge of San LuisRey," and then he is to come home to marry the heiress of an old American family, After that, we suppose, .a financial career, more wealth, more social influence, literature, affluence. Our hat is off to Mr, Tunney, Men, many men, have risen from poverty to wealth, and carned the world's plaudits, But to rise from poverty, to rise above the environment of the prize ring, to win a million dollars with good stout fists and a healthy body, and to keep a healthy and clean mind the while, loving the highest and the best, winning a girl that, by all accounts, is certainly worth the winning, in more ways than one, con- stitutes a unique, extraordinary and superlative achievement, In all its long and chequered career the prize ring has not seem Mr. Tunney's like, and it will not soon look upon his like again. KINDS OF COURAGE (Can. Nat'l Ry's Magazine) Manifestly there are different kinds of courage. There is the kind that does the unusual thing and which is rewarded by the hysterical mob and there is the other kind which receives no publicity of any sort and which may be the greatest of all. It is the courage which treads the dull round, or does the uninviting task that can endure pain and poverty without muimur and without complaint, but to see and to appraise this kind of courage requires discernment. Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Osse or Club Bag Saywell & Son | { | If Mr, 1 un- | But Mr, Tunney did or was caught | he | ized a | bootlegger, never even engaged in a | officer, | We Repair Anything Bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner EE ------" Ihsney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 : Anniversary Special waisSue 610,00 PETC TTT PPP T PERT) Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver Felt Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South "REGENT TAXI 148 Simcoe St. S. Buick and Pontiac Cars Prompt Day and Night Service Long Distance Trips PHONE 2477 HIRCOCK BROS. Manufacturers of Good Red Stock Brick Prices on Request Phone 28-2, Bowmanville MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you ean not meet your present pays ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pays ments for any term up to twelve months. See Swan- gon, McKenzie & Douglas, 8 King street BE, Phone 940, EQUIPNENT £2 HIGH GRADE EQUIP, MENT KEPT IN PER. FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 82 po Oshawa Agents Lumber an Supplies of All Kinds Sr -- WATEROUS- MEEK LIMITED for STANDARD BRICK Builders'

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