Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Aug 1928, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1928 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS PATIENT DROWNED Lip doy Ag Mrs. Winnifred a son, a patient rom the Ontario Hospital for the a Brockville, since Thursday last, was floating this afternoon in the St. Lawrence off Picking's Point, in the vicinity of the hospital. IN LONDON BOMBARDMENT enant Peter Fair, ton, who i now overseas in the al Air was one of the participants, flying a big aeroplane, in this week's test bardment" of London by a ost of aeroplanes. He is a graduate of he Royal Military College of Can- a Y CANADIAN COWS FOR US.A, A cattle-buyer has been in Peter- boro County during the week pur- chasing pure-bred Holstein cows, which are to be shipped to North Carolina, The cows purchased are for 'dairy purposes, This is but another id of the d d in the Uni. ted States for high-class Canadian cattle, OPERATES ON AUTO VICTIM Some hope is now held for the re- covery of Dr. Eugene Rosewater, of Cleveland, Ohio, who suffered a frac. tured skull when his automobile turn- ed over in a ditch, early Friday morn- ing, near Napanee. In an effort to save his life Dr. L. J. Austin, Profes- sor of Surgery in Queen's University, who is a widely known English sur- geon, performed an operation, remov- ing a piece of bone from the skull, HISTORICAL HOME "Earlbrae Manor," on Earl street, one of Kingston's oldest residences, has just been made into an apart- ment house, but with much o { its old colonial architecture retained This house was once the home of Mrs. Earl, daughter of Sir William John- son, more than one hundred years ago. Miss Agnes Maule Machar, Canadian authoress, lived in it when it was St. Andrew's Presbyterian Presbyterian Manse, and it was the girlhood home of the late Lady Hen- drie of Hamilton at the time of her marriage to John S. Hendrie, who be- came Ontario's Lieutenant-Governor. OFFICERS ELECTED The expectation that hogs will bring higher prices this autumn than they have for some months past is stimu- lating a greater interest in the hog industry in the United Counties of of Northumberland and Durham. Farmers in the latter county have de- cided to hold a hog fair at Orono in October, Prizes totalling $350 are of- fered for exhibits of the best classes of swine, and the object of the fair v WAYS OF.COMFop, FoR A pew ce Breakfast, dinner and supper without the ane noyance of a single fly, FLY-TOX stands as permanen! mosquitoes. t protection against flies and FLY-TOX sprayed in the sleeping rooms insures undisturbed restful sleep, Easy touse oe fragran guaranteed t « + » harmless to people . + « ares Jug oh BRI N, ONTARIO digeston and weak kidneys," said Mr, Earl Garrett, 204% King Street East, Hamilton, On- tario, who has for the past 11 years been employed as night watchman by the Canadian Na- tional Railways at this city. "Food that I ate would not di- gest, but lay like a ball of lead ony my stomach, It would sour after every meal and form large quantities of gas that gave me 8 distressed feeling all the time, I had a dull achng pain across my back, cauged, I presume, by my kidneys, for they were 80 weak that I would have to get up three and four times every night to get relief, In this way I never knew what a good night's sleep was and became very nervous and run down, I tried lots of medicnes, but they did mre no good until I de- cided a short time ago to try the Nu-Erb tonic. Since I have been Kidney Troubles and Indigestion Were Wrecking His Health C. N, R. Employee Tells. How He Finally Got * Relief "For years I suffered from in- | = THE NU-ERB MAN, is to improve and stimulate the swine industry. The following officers have J. Gibson. 3 See. C. Allen, Newcastle. J. Smith of Be- thany was appoited a member of the Grounds Committee. CHILD KILLED Clarence Cooper, aged 2 years and 5 months, son of Harry C , bar- ber, of Cornwall, was fatally injur- ed on Saturday when he was struck by a gravel truck driven by Horace ogsden, of Lancaster. e child ran on to the road from behind a car parked in front of his father's shop, and the truck driver was un- able to stop in time. He pulled up within a truck length. The child was taken to Hotel Dieu Hospital, where he passed away two hours later. The little fellow's mother has not been in good health for some time, and left on Saturday morning for a vacation at Perth, but was summoned home again, Chief of Police Seymour in- vestigated the fatality and decided that it was purely accidental. Dr. Hamilton, Coroner, declared an in- quest to be unnecessary. The child had three sisters and a brother. HARDWARE MERCHANT PASSES After an illness extending over a period of two years, Joseph G. Biggs, commercial traveller of Pembroke, and well known throughout Northern Ontario and the Ottawa Valley, died at his home there yesterday. Porn in Alice Township forty-two years ago, the late Mr. Biggs had lived 'n .Pem- broke about twenty years and was for the greater part of that tine con- nected with the Dunlop Hardware Company and later Cochrane Dunlop Hardware, Limited. Two years ago he suffered a stioke a:J had since not been able to r::ume his work, although le was downtown only a few days before his death. He was prominent in fraternal circles, having been a member of both the Masonic and Oddfellows Orders. Surviving are his widow, formerly Miss Ella McCormack, of Pembroke; one son, his parents, Mr, and Mrs, S. E. Biggs of Pembroke; one brother, S. L. Riggs, of Pembroke, and one sister, Mrs. Brown, of Saake River, The funeral has been arranged to take lace here Tuesday afternoon, with arial in the United Church Ceme- tery. Sproule Stars n Brampton Win Excelsior Veteran Scores Five Goals Against Cellar Occur ants in Toronto Toronto, Aug. 20--Brampton Ex- celsiors gave Torontos the prize drubbing of the season at Ulster Stadium on Saturday afternoon, the 0.A.L.A., senior championship seekers running up a 13-to-3 count, and outclassing a weakened vet- eran, scored five goals, and the Torontos had the time of them lives trying to keep track of this elusive stickhandler, The visitors just about settled the issue in the first quarter, when they counted three times against one goal registered by the locals. In the second session they outscor- ed Torontos by two to one, and in the third they got four goals in succession, their opponents being shut out. The parade continued nicely at a 4-to-1 rate in the final quarter, and the small crowd in at- tendance breathed a sigh of relief when the carnage was over, Torontos -- Goal, Hartford; point, D. Davis; cover, Godson; de- fense, Davies, Topping, Murphy; centre, C. Beasley; home, Powell, Bain and Wurm; inside, T. Davis; outside, Laceby; subus, H. Beasley, Stroud. . Brampton--Goal, Large; point, McLean; cover, Beattie; defense, Burry, Goudie, J. Burton; centre, O'Hearn; home, Worthy, Kendall and Sproule; inside, Jennings; out- side, Gibson; subs, Wilson, Core, O. B. Burton. - Referees--Smity and Harrison. Orioles Furnish Much Opposition Drop Two and Tie One While Montreal Takes Four--Game and a Half Margin Baltimore, Md., Aug. 19.--Four- teen thousand fans sat through two games here today and watched the Baltimore Orioles give the To- ronto Leafs a 7 to 6 beating in the tion and tie the second with the score 1 to 1. It was the largest crowd to see a ball game here in three years. Baltimore and Toronto both pro- tested the opening game, which was a nip and tuck affair, The Birds based their protest on Um- pire Parker allowing "Rip" Collins to relieve Don Songer before the latter had pitched to one batter. Songer had relieved Johnny Prud- homme in the ninth and Dixon bat- ted for Barton, Songer threw a ball to Dixon and immediately Manager Bill O'Hara yanked him and sent Collins to the mound. Three were on bases and one out in the ninth, during the argu- ment which thus came up and the score tied. Collins proceeded with his pitching and had two strikes on Dixon and Dunn asked for Wil- liams to bat for Dixon, which was announced, The umpires ruled that Williams could not hit for Dix- on, but as the pinchhitter was an- nounced and did not bat, Toronto based their protest. Collins then threw the next hall in front of the plate and Dixon struck out, but the ball took a bad hop and Spalding scored the winning run, * Both teams used three pitchers in the opening melee, Prudhomme, Songer and Collins working for the Leafs. Hollingsworth, recently purchased from Buffalo, started for Baltimore and was knocked out In the eighth and Cantrell replaced him. Cantrell was in hot water in the ninth and with two on base and two out, Coumbe went in and fanned Satterfield, who had batted for Rabbitt, Coumbe only pitched to one batter, but got credit for the game, Leverenz and Cantrell engaged in a pitching duel in the second game, INTERMEDIATES ELIMINATED (Continued from Page 2) vanced to third on Campbell's double. E. Campbell came through with the hit that did the damage and put the two teams back on even terms. Following Oshawa's three run rally in the third, Landymore who had been pitching indifferent ball, was taken out and George Campbell was brought in from right field to replace him. Campbell continued until the end of the game and is to be credited with the victory, Gower was replaced by Petrie in the fourth after he had loaded the bases, and Petrie pitched superb ball from here until the end of the game, it being no fault of his that the game was lost. ) One In Eighth An error at third base gave Co- hourg the break they had been wait- ing for, when they came to bat in their last half of the eighth. Butler, the first man up hit down to Clarence Elliott who, after a delayed pick up, threw high to first base to allow But- ler to keep on going to second, W. Campbell drove in the run when he singled over the infield and when Christians failed to score in their half of the ninth, it was proved that his effort won the game for the Ferry Town aggregation. Cobourg outhit Oshawa by 11 to opening game of thd twin attrac- . OSHAWA WINS CLOSE CONTEST (Continued from Page 2) James' second counter of the game. h teams scored in the seventh. James, first up for Oshawa, made a new record in these parts by draw- ing his twelfth walk out of thirteen times at bat for the three games with Peterboro. He was sent around by Reeves who singled into center field. Reeves stole second base and scored on a passed ball made there in an attempt to catch him. McCullough started the rally for Peterboro by singling through short after one was out, to be followed by a double from Saunders, An error at first let both McCullough and Saunders in when James missed a throw from Bradd on Higgins' ground hit ball to short. This however still left Oshawa ahead by a 9 to 7 score. Tied in Ninth All went well until Peterboro's last into difficulties when he walked the first batter, Saunders. Foley, the next batter, rapped out a sharp single into left field and Saunders plunged safely for third while Foley a minute later stole second. With two men on bases and none out, Knox recov- ered for a minute and struck out Higgins but Woods, their pitcher, came through with a hit and Saund- ers and Foley both scored before equilibrium was restored. With the score now tied and only one out, Knox staged another grand recovery Land struck out the next two batters to make an extra inning necessary. South Oshawa came in to bat first and immediately started to make it decidedly warm for the Petes. Mat- thews opened fire with a hot single into left and Gingeriski followed with a high fly into right which Higgins muffed and allowed both "Matty" and "Ginger" to perch safely on sec- ond and first with none out. Bradd laid down a perfect sacrifice bunt, and if ever a sacrifice was right in place it was at that minute, James made it two out however when Weir gathered in his fly at second base. At this stage the board of strategy sent half of the ninth. Knox got himself | Additional Sport| Apcade Daily Mews The Latest Styles---Most Beautiful FUR COATS in Our AUGUST FUR SALE which lasts All Next Week 'A Manufacturer's Samples of over One Hundred Coats Yo choose from. No effort has been spared to make this Sale a Huge Suc- cess. Prices are the lowest, styles, quality of pelt, finish, linings and workmanship are the best money can buy, Our Trust Payment Plan enables you to select your Coat now. and uay for it in many, months, You are invited to come and see our Furs, whether you buy or not. Mr. Johnston, an experienced fur man of Montreal, will have charge of our Fur Sale, The ARCADE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT he immediately dumped an awkward sort of a grounder out to Woods, the pitcher, who picked up the ball after, a scramble and then threw it about 100 yards past the first baseman's mit to allow both Matthews and Ginger- iski to score with the winning runs. . Coming back with a dangerpus look in their eye, Peterboro showed that they were still to be heard from in the last half of the tenth but after Weir and Starr were retired in suc- cession, the greater part of their hopes were lost. McCullough nearly started something even at this late Bob Leydon in as a pinch hitter and date however when he hammered out a triple into right field to be followed by a hit from Saunders down to Mat- hews at second. "An unsuccessful at- tempt was made to catch Saunders going to first and then the ball was thrown home to nail McCullough at the plate on a close decision that would have been reversed if the run- ner had taken the trouble to slide. South Oshawa won on their merits and were plainly the better team all through the series. They should go a long way in the O.B.A, play offs if they continue with the brand of ball they showed on Saturday, and local fans should look forward with RT eagerness to seeing them in action here on the very first occasion., They are a team that are well worth cheer- ing for, NOT A NECESSARY EVIL It will be unfortunate if the steady repetition of week-end mo- tor fatalities leads the public to re. gard them in their present num bers, as a necessary and natural ac- companiment of motoring. The campaign for highway safe- ty must be carried on with increas ing, rather than relaxed, vigor, Three Piece J acauard Velour Suite Here is a lovely suite indeed! Gracefully con- structed with rich appearing, fully caryed Luke Furniture Co. Oshawa MAKE USE OF OUR CLUB PLAN 1-5 Down, the Balance Divided into 5 Equal front, and excellent upholstering of two tone jacquard velour. A suite of rare beauty! Reversible spring filled cushions. Our price 10 but bad five errors chalked wp against them to Oshawa's three. Their team play seemed better al- using this medicine I am feel- ing better in every way. My food digests better than it hag for they fail to throw off the pois- ons, the nerves become weaken- ed and the blood becomes pol- luted by these poisons. Some- times it takes the form of the case mentioned above. Nu-Erb acts directly on the vital organs, causing them to throw off these toxins and waste matter and soon the whole system takes on When the stomach, kidneys, | renewed energy, strength and liver or bowels become inactive |vitality, 5 Nu-Erb is being specially introduced in Oshawa by Karn's Drug Store, next to Post Office,. Go see the Nu-Erb specialist' now making his headquarters there and let him explain to you the merits of this remarkable medicine, years. My kidneys are strenger and I very seldom have to get up at might now. My liver is more active and as a result of these troubles being relieved, my nerves are steadier and I sleep better than for any time that I can remember." Piles Go Quick Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause. That's why salves and cut- ting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid, & harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hemm-Rold has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thousands of Pile Sufferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Jury J sell Hem-Rold with this guarantee. DIXON COAL Let us fill your bin now with that JEDDO Anthracite, SOLVAY Coke, or LACKAWANNA Scranton Coal. Or place your order for future delivery and assure yourself of the minimum price, with the maximum of heat, CO. GENERAL MOTORS WOOD HARD WOOD BLOCKS SOFT WOOD BLOCKS SCRAP WOOD LUMBER Central DIXON GRAVEL & SAND C0. & Lovell and druggists everywhere though Christians under Morris Ko- hen's guidance were always a dan- gerous and potential rival. It is in- teresting to note that not a single Oshawa man struck out during the me while Gower fanned five and etrie whiffed three of the Cobour, batters. Besides both Gower an Petrie, Little and Cyril Elliott looked good for the locals while all three Campbell brothers along with Butler and Rollings were outstanding for the winners. The box score-- he] o Creamer, If . Little, «f ..;, Cl. Elliott, 3b Kellar, 2b ... Carter, rf Gower, p, I Broad, c .. TO 2D es gn BY 2 DNS =SND =~onnelomud Rf swounonnn~ Petrie 1, by Landymore 1, by bet 2 Hit by pitched ball, Markey, includes Chesterfield, wing Regular $198.00 ..., .... ....... and arm chair, sess nssraisssnisnabersirne Payments $178 Window Shades Splendid quality white shades -- heavy oil paint- ed on good, serviceable rollers, Some have slight imperfections, but noth- ing to hurt the wearing qualities, Regular $1.25 quallites. = $1.00 $1.25, for, pr. FEATHER PILLOWS Feather Pillows filled with guaranceed pure feathers and covered in smart are ticking. Size 19 x 26. Reg $1 98 » * * J] $2.25 for, per pair ,. BABY CARRIAGES A real carriage and one that any moth- er would be proud to own. Made of finely closely woven fibre with smart roll, mounted on artillery wheels with 1 in. tires, fully lined and complete with storm curtains #7 os» Chintz 36 in. wide Chintz on light grounds with color- ings of Rose, Mauve, Blue, Gold. Very suit- able for bed . Reg. 39, for, > DRAPERY i 50 in. wide Sunfast Drapery Silks in all the latest designs and colorings. Suitable for dining and living rooms. Some are in the plain shades, others fn colored stripes with over pattern. Regular $2.35 for, per yard .. $.98 La PE BABY STROLLERS Well made baby stroller in cream fi- bre, lined with cream corduroy and fitted on wire wheels. A very special offer. Can be supplied in $22.95 various shades. Specal .. Filet Nets A special line of Notting- ham Filet Nets that we were fortunate to acquire at a big saving, in smart conventional designs, 36 Per Yard 00 sri Si ns H C h covered in i duck, 10.95 fron stand for same $5.50 Canopy .... ses »... $6.50 Reg. $14.25, fOr irs svs: or Luke Furniture Co. Oshawa 63 King Street East Phones 78-79

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