Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Aug 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1928 PAGE NINE FS 7 Sees" where Mr. Buyer THE CLASSEEIED SECTION M~~ meets Mr. Seller "5S \a8\s. aaa // + ~- i Legal Music Watch Repairing JCONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, a ve, an eral pi aw. Offices Po Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, B.AL LLB.; AF. Annis, BA, ro "FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public Convey- saucer, Money to loan, Third floor 'new Alger Building. Oppocite Post Office. Phone 2996. (4t1) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEACH. er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils grepared for all exams, Oshawa, Mondays, 92 Sim- coe St. North, Phone 371J. (129011) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in hawa. 30 Re- wutable Fire Companies. (118-tf) "W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Commerce Building. (116-1yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. ---BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office . 14%4 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone © 145. Residence phone 837. "GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- He, ete. Office over Standard Bank. : Entrance Sinicoe St. Phone 13. J. : i -Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, BA, " SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and Douglas, barristers, solicitors, '= conveyancers, notaries publie, Money to loan. 2 King St. B, Phone 940, 2454. D. A. J. Swanson, F, G. McKenzie, S. B. Douglas. (130tf) LOUIS 8, HYMAN AND COM. pany, Barristers, Money to loan. "Over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street morth, Phone 67, residence 1865¥F, (tf) + PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- isters, etc, Money to loan. Bldg., opposite post office, Phone 1614. A. J, Parkhill, A, W. 8, Greer. (49t1) Medical Alger WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simco¢ north. Your insurance wants attended to, and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) C. E. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO ST,, District Kkepresentative for the Great West Life Assurance Com- pany. Phone 13656J. (Feb. 1-1yr) INSURANCE -----~ OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) Money to Loan LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction. Conant and Annis, phone 4. (76-tf) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS .ON a security of their motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzle, 2 King St. B. 14481) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Building loans prasged Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614, (4911) I\\ HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI. cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. cia] reference. to maternity work and diseases of women, Two years' post graduate experience. Office and residence 167 Flies St. N, r. Brock) phone . two ry (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- ean, Accoucher, Office and resi- ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office ani residence, 97 Bond Bast, Phone 1166. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray wor and Electro» theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m, to 9 DP. . Residence 161 King East. hone 2416, (tf) DR...C..~"...CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and residence 556 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2415, (Aug. 8-Nov. 8) Building Supplies FOR SALE--CEMENT BLOCKS. sand and gravel, Qnality euarun- teed, Good loam for lawns, W. Bor- rowdale., Phone 1618. (89tf) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-tf) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND finished completely with sanding machine, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial, Sylvian and Ste- vens, 164 Alice street. Phone 2619W, (July 14-Aug 14) GRAVEL, DIRT AND CINDERS ON dunrp truck to rent by hour, Phones 274J--1666J. (May 183 t1) F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT COWLE'S CARTAGE & TRUCK- ing Service, 65 Park road south. Prompt service. Furniture moving a specialty. Phone 215. (July 21-Aug. 21) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR. 8 Bond St. West. Phone 8 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. transferred to and from all trains. (64-tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance moving, 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 2860. (sor) H. RODMAN, CARTAGE AND trucking service, furniture mov- ing, cinders = and gravel. Phone 2380. Apply 165 Elliott avenue, (Aug. 14-Sept, 14) Beauty. Parlors PERMANENT WAVE (DOES NOT need finger waving)--$7.50. Fin- ger waving a specialty, Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. E. Phone 608J. (8tf) BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Permanent wave, speclal $7.60. Marcelling, finger waving. 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2968. (97-t1) CINDERELLA DRESS SHOPPE, 153 Simcoe St, 8. Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; evenings by appointment. Phone 2879. MARCEL AND CURL, 50 CENTS. 45 Albany street, or phone Irene Robertson, 1444J, (Jly 31-Aug. 81) Veterinary Surgeon Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--1}§ cents per word. Minimum charge--30c.' 1c per word. Box number 10c sdditional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart- ment. Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr. 26-tf) FOR SALE--STRICTLY New laid eggs, delivered anywhere in city, Phone 896, (23-tr) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE. Lloyd Stroller. good as new, Ap- ply at 91 Burk St., Oshawa. (30tf) FOR SALE--FOUR AND HALF dozen quart fruit jars. Apply 251 Arthur street, (36-¢c) DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629. (56-tf) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEASES of all d i imal ientifically treated. Dominion Government Yererinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone (131-tf) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money. Ectimates free. G. A. Constable. 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1695J. (56-t1) 1c HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics, Old floors fin- ished like new, Screen windows, combination doors. General con- tracting. B, W, Haynes, 161 King St. W, Phone 481, Residence 180 r2. (133tf) Eur, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store 'each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throst only. Appointments maye be ma at Sus store, Phone 97. (49-tf) Dental . 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- OR 8 Bassetts', Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DR. D. R. DAVIES, DENTIST, OF- fice in Alger Bldg., opposite Post Office. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for extractions. Evenings by ap- pointment. Phone 231. (12tf) H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. DE. over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone CHAMBERLAIN METAL WEATH- er strip for doors and windows, Guaranteed to stop all draughts, cheapest and best on market, Estimates given free, Phone 1587F, A. Morgan, 311 Division St. or write J. H, Vance, 773 Aylmer St. Peterboro, (Jly. 31-Aug. 21) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND sanded, filled, waxed and polished, Verandahs and garages built, Phone 2177W, (July 28-Aug. 28) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45 tf) CONCRETE WORK OF ALL kinds promptly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 139, (29-1) WE ARE PREPARED TO DO, ALL kinds of automobile repair work, specializing in brake setting and relining. Six years' experience at brake setting in G.M.C. Sugden and Bowen, corner of Wilson Road and King street east, corporation limit, (Aug. 14-Sept, 14) Books FOR SALE--1 OAK SIDEBOARD, 1 large arm rocking chair. I'hone 2986J, (36-b) ALL KINDS SECOND HAND LUM- ber doors and windows, Special prices for new doors. Laths four dollars per thusand, large veran- dah columns, short scantling, one cent per foot. Apply 80 Ontario St. (36h) FOR SALE--CREAM baby carriage. Al condition. evenings, Reversible gear. Price $18. Apply 164 Elgin street east. (36-c) FOR SALE--FOUR BURNER GAS stove, White enamel. Almost new. No reasonable offer refuseu, Apply 514 William street west, (36-c) FOR CASH--LINOLEUM 13 x 14. Buffet, bathroom cabinet, electric plate. Preston Timmins, next Logue's Garage, Harmony. (261) FOR SALE--GAS RANGE WITH oven, Like new. 20 yds. of carpet. Cheap for quick sale. Phone T30W or call 674 Smcoe St. 8. (36a) WICKER | For Rent Real Estate for Sale a Pets and Live Stock TO RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms, electric plate. All conveni- ences Jor light housekeeping. Phone 774W. 140 Tylor Qroucemt: (25tf) REAL ESTATE--USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms to suit you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-1) FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISH- ed room suitable for one or two gentlemen, In good locality. Very central, Phone 2382. (36¢c) FOR RENT---NICE BRIGHT BED- room, suitable for two gentlemen. Close to General Motors. Phone 1531M or apply 261 Jarvis St. J (36tf) STORE TO RENT---NO., 9 SIMCOE St. South, Oshawa, now being ec- larged and improved. Apply to G. D. Conant, 7% Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa, (33tr) COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT suit one or two gentlemen. Break- fast if desired, Phone 198¢W, TO RENT -- UNFURNISHED apartment 3 rooms. New house. Hardwood floors. All conveniences. Apply 317 Glidden Ave, (34c) NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suit one or two gentlemen, permanently residing in Oshawa. Central. 26% Simcoe St. South. (34c) FOR RENT--FRONT BEDROOM breakfast if desired. Phone 1234M. (351) FOR RENT--ROOM AND BREAK- fast for two gentlemen, Apply 205 Drew §t. (36¢c) FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISH- ed double bedroom, Appiy 122 Simcoe street north. (36-¢c) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms. Apply 17 Arlington avenue, (36-c) TO LET--3 NEW UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Hardwood floors, white enamelled trim. Apply Box '"P" Oshawa Daily Times. (35¢) ROOM TO RENT. ALL CONVENI- ences for one or two gentlemen. 93 Yonge St. Phone 2552W. (36¢) TO LET--FIRST CLASS GAR- age. Apply 315 Jarvis St, Phone 1116M. v (35h) FOR RENT-- COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom suitable for 1 one or two. Home privileges. Near Motors. Phone 2078W., (35¢) TO RENT--ONE LARGE BRIGHT furnished front room, Apply 263 Albert St, (35¢) TO RENT--LARGE FRONT BED- room. Close to General Motors. Phone 2458W, (35¢) FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED rooms, also basement apartment self contained. Separate entrance 51 Nassau St. Phone 667J. (35¢) FOR RENT--BY AUG, 27TH, roomed house. All conveniences. Central. For full particulars paply Box "G" Oshawa Daily Times. (35¢) FOR SALE -- $6,000, WHITE Brick house on corner lot, six rooms, large sleeping porch, two verandahs, all conveniences, stucco garage, paved driveway. Thrce minute walk from General Motors. Good for private family or rooming house, Apply to Arthur Peacock, corner Athol St. and Ritson Rd., one block south of King St. Phone 588. (19tf) BRICK BUNGALOW 6 ROOMS. All modern conveniences, French doors, oak floors, electric fixtures, built in cabinet, large lot. Price $4,500. Reasonable cash payment. $3,200 NEW BRICK BUNGALOW 4 rooms. All modern conveniences. Oak floors. small cash payment. Immediate possession, Bradley Bros., 29 Simcoe St. South, Phone 169. (39b) PAY NO RENT $35 PER MONTH for 24 months pays for home on Dearbourne Ridge the best sub- divison of Oshawa. % of a mile west of water tower, Ask for Tear the builder. (33tf) HOUSE FOR SALE--NEW SOLID brick, overlooking Alexandria Park, 6 rooms and bath, inlaid linodleums, kitchen and bathroom, Built in cupboards, automatic electric water heater, electric range, fix- tures and laundry tubs included. Price reasonable. Will consider lot in north as part payment. Apply 29 Buckingham Ave, (36e) Lost and Found LOST--A BROWN PURSE BE tween Loblaw"s and Arcade, con- taining 'money, ete. Liberal re- ward. Phone 1001F. Apply 233 Dearbourne Ave, (33¢c) LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS AT Lakeview Park, Saturday, August 11. Finder please phone 1218. Re- ward. (35¢) LOST VARIED COLORED leather purse containing money and trinkets, at Lakeview Park or whip or waiting for street car. Fin- der please return to 89 Louisa St Liberal reward. (35b) LOST--A GOLD WRIST WATCH with gold hand on Saturday after- noon at General Motors picnic. Fin- der please return to 267 Mary street. Reward. (35¢) FOR SALE--1 SINGLE HORSE plough, 1 scuffier, 1 light wagon, double seated buggy. Phone 2055J. (36-c) For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. 461 Jarvis St., corner Lander Rd., Osh- awa, (361) Wanted WANTED--FIRST MORTGAGE loan of $3,200 on new square plan brick, well located near Simcoe. Phone Mr. Dyment 2968. Tuesday or Wednesday evening. WANTED--MIDDLE AGED COU- ple to look after old lady in ex- change for house. Information, BANK MERGERS (Toronto Saturday Night) There is one type of critic whe appears in the scene periodic- ally, who is usually a speculator, and believes that it is the duty of banks to lend money on apy secur. ities, however unsound, that may be offered. In other words to hold the bag for the promoter. It is impossible to convince this type of critic that bankers are, in essence, trustees of the £ ~'ngs of the coms munity. He may, at first glance, be regarded with contempt; but he is so numerous that in many parts of Canada, he has succeeded in creating the impression that the ways of the big banks are sin- ister. Moreover, a great many people, less selfish in their mo- tives, have never really grasped the conception of the Banker as Trus- tee. Apply 104 Celina street. (36-b) TO TAKE CHILDREN FROM BOOTLEGGERS Edict Based on quency Clause in Juvenile Law Delin- | Denver, Col.,, Aug. 14.--The po- lice of Denver have announced a movement to deprive convicted bootleggers of their children. The drastic form of punishment is based upon the claim by police officials that children of bootleg- gers are subject to more influences which tend toward delinquency. As -an initial step in this new form of prohibition warfare, charges of contributing to juven- ile delinquency have been held against Mrs. Beatrice Rael, 38, who is serving a 30-day county jail sentence after selling a pint of wine to a police undercover man. The two children of Mrs. Rael-- Esther, 10, and Susie,6--have heen placed in the Denver Detention Home. They will remain there until Mrs. Rael is released. a hearing on the delinquency charges will be held. "® timate decision in these cases will This they intend to do when they quor traffic, officials declare. LOST--GOLD WATCH bracelet boarding street lake Saturday night, Reward. | Phone 2022W, (35b) LOST--AT LAKEVIEW PARK OR | on G.M.C. truck on Saturday, a 5 year old girl's reefer coat. Phone | 1269W. (36-a) | LOST--PURSE, CONTAINING A | sum of money, on Saturday, at | Lakeview Park. Finder picase | write Wm, Cameron, .'25 Luttrell Ave., Toronto, (36-a) WITH | car at | DROBERTSHAW'S NEW LENDING library, Books always coming in, Come in and look them over. (July 27-Aug. 27) FOR SALE--TWO BRUSSEL rugs, 3 yds. by 31%; 3% by 4 yds. In good condition. Cheap. 85 Yonge St. (36¢) TO RENT--GOOD BRICK HOUSE Hot water heated. Four rooms, kit- chen, All conveniences, 131 Al- bert St. 35¢) Dressmaking DRESSMAKING DONE, PLAIN sewing No. 4 Buena Vista Park, off Park Rd, N, (Aug, 10-Sept, 10) Machinery Repairing 4 HILL, DECORATING, paperhanging, painting, Work guaranteed. Estimates given, Phone 942W, 135 Brock east, (148) FP, C. STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars, Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty, i (Mar tf) . L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, om oxid oxygen gas for extrae- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence, 1378M a5 DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 13 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Evenings by appoint- ment. (July 9tf) 'W, H. GIFFORD, OFFICE BR ht 'Pheatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence. 669. | 66-tf DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTIST, 37 King street east, Alger Bulld- ing. Phone 2860. Evenings by appointment. (July 25-Aug. 25) PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING and graining. Prices right, Esti. mates given. P. Elliott. Phone 29487, (36-1) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King street east. Phone 210], DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMd 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone 1082, . (96-tf) Architects Engineering sad Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTARIO Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- eers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532) or E54d, Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS --~Hduse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 2129F. ' _-- Woodworking C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING st. BE. Phone 2354). We specialize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, doors and frames. (ote) Batteries RECHARGING, REPAIRING. WE also stock dry and wet batteries, radio tubes and parts. We deliver and call for . ee. O. Daniels, 240 Division street. Phone 1892W. ' ~~ (July 20-Aug. 20) 25 ay C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496, Res. phone 909). (B-tr) Auctioneer PHONE 1716J, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, We can seil your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, © (20t0) IF YOU WANT BSATISFACTIVN and highest prices, call on E. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. E. Phone 1013M. (July 19-Aug. 19) Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND rURNITURE dealer, buying an" gelling, 136 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (July 13- Aug. 12) HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY quantity: large broiler chickens. 44 Simcoe St. N. The Food Shop. (27tf) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT WITH OP- tion of buying, House with some land, must be near school. Apply Box 143, Oshawa, (33-c) WANTED TWO OR THREE COM- fortably furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children. South of King preferred, Box "8". (31d) WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE with infant baby, two or three furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; ground floor, close to Motors prefered. Apply Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times, (36b) WANTED--LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- ing room by business girl, Central- ly located. Apply Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times. (36a) WANTED TO RENT--4 OR 6 room house by August 21, in viein- ity of Separate School. Phone 2856W. (36¢c) Help Wanted---Female MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, No children. Country girl preferred. Apply 62 Division street. (36-b) WANTED, CAPABLE WOMAN 10 take charge of housework, and needle work, excellent pay for the right person. Apply Box 'C" Oshawa Daily Times. (36-c) WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- A competent stenographer and book- keeper, Apply W. J. Trick, Co. Ltd. (34c) WANTED--A CAPABLE, MIDDLE aged housekeeper for family of 5. Must be able to cook well. Good home for the right party. Apply Box "E" Oshawa Daily Times, (36-b) WAITRESS WANTED, MUST have experience. Phone 2214, (36-b) WANTED--GIRL FOR GROCE- teria, experience preferred, but not essential. Apply Eaton's Groceteria, (36¢c) WANTED, CAPABLE WOMAN TO take charge of housework and needle work, excellent pay for the rght person. Phone 425F. (36¢) WANTED--RELIABLE GIRL FOR general housework. One accustom- ed to children. Sleep out. Apply 42 Prince St. (36c) Agents Wanted MEN WITHOUT PREVIOUS sales experience make good with us. You can too. We will help you make good. Excellent oppor- tunity, exclusive territory. Write giving age and occupation to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. N, 27 John street, Hamilton, Ont, (M. W. F.-Aug. 15) AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Kozak Auto Dry Wash Cloth. Big sellers. Good profit. Kozak Co., Welland Ave, Niagara Falls, Ont. : (34c) Tire Repairing WANTED TO BUY--6 ROOMED brick, $4,200. $200 down, balance ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING as rent. Phone 1518W, (33-¢) at Ideal Tire Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros 438. (tf) "Contracting A. BLACKBURN, CONCRETE contractor. Specialist in concrete floor work. Gravel, sand and cin- ders, etc. Hauling terms moderate. Address, 547 Mary St. Phone 2376W. Oshawa or 2570 Egling- ton Avenue, Toronto. (Aug. 3-Sept. 3) MR. H. PALMATIER CONCRETE work of all 'descriptions, also plas- tering promptly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Apply 154 Alma St. Phone 139. (36-1) Notice MR. ARMSTRONG WISHES TO apologize for trouble caused by him to Mr. Hill, 288 Haig St. . (36a) ROOM TO RENT ~-- LOVELY room with breakfast, Private fam- ly. One minute from car line, Ap- ply 50 Buckingham Ave, Phone 2818W, after six. (35¢) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed or partly furnished rooms, suit- able for light housekeeping. Five minutes walk from G.M.C, Apply 78 Oshawa Boulevard. Phone 2490). (36-c) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms, All conveniences. $20 per month, Apply Box "H" Osh- awa Dally Times, (36-7) TO RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS. All conveniences. Cooking, utilities, very central. Immediate possession. Rent reasonable. Apply 12 Athel St. W. (36c) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms, All conveniences. $20 per month. Apply Box "H' Oshawa Daily Times. (36¢c) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms or one furnished bedroom for $2.50 weekly., Phone 2581J. (36a) FOR RENT--PART OF DOUBLE house. Phone 1764W, (36c) FOR SALE--ONE JERSEY COW, 118 Park Rd. N. (36b) Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM FOR THREE brothers, near G.M.C. State terms to. Box "0" Oshawa Daily Times. (36-7) WANTED--TWO RESPECTABLE young men. 105 Bond street east. (36-d) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GEN- tlemen. Single beds. Close to G. M. C. Apply 62 Division street or phone 3397. (36-b) BOARD AND ROOM FOR 3 brothers. Near G. M. C, State terms, - Box "0" Oshawa Daily Times, (36¢c) Taxis LOST--KODAK AT LAKE ON Saturday. Finder please return wv 302 Courcelette Avenue. (36-c) LOST--BROOCH, SUNBURST OF pearls, at Lakeview Park, Saturday, Keepsake. Finder please return to Oshawa Daily Times, Reward. (36-b) LOST--AT LAKEVIEW PARK on Saturday night a purse contain- ing over a hundred dollars in bills and a ring engraved "Rosa'. Re- ward, Finder please phone 1671F. (36h) Motor Cars FOR SALE--BIG SIX STUDE- baker touring car, 7 passenger, b wire wheels, new top, renewed me- chanically and new paint job this spring. $300. 27 Warren Ave, Small car taken in exchange, FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE COACH, latest model, in perfect condivwu, W. A, Dewland. Phone Oshawa 2595, or Whitby 360. (36-b) FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET Coach. Mileage 12,000. Terms or cash, Phone 2693W. Apply 16 Rit- son Road North, (34c) FOR SALE--ONE NEW TRAILER, will carry about 3% ton. Phone 1772W. (36-1) FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN IN good order throughout. $175. Must sell, Apply 283 Jarvis St. (36¢) Help Wanted--Male EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR established tea route. Must be resident of Oshawa, married man preferred. Apply 298 Markham Street, Toronto, (36-a) GOOD FINISHING CARPENTERS wanted corner of Buckingham and Simcoe street. Ask for Wm. Barncs (36-c) For Exchange OSHAWA PROPERTY TO DEAL for Feldspar Glass Stock. Apply 262 Haig street. (36-b) Wanted to Borrow SOUTH END TAXI SERVICE. 738 Simcoe street south. Prompt day and night service. Local and long distance. Phone . 1581W. Lorne E. Dervent, (Aug. 4-Sept, 4) $100 WANTED AT ONCE, REPAY $200 in three months. Interview will convince. Agreement. Your own solicitor. Apply Box "R"" Osh- "Children often are used blind to cover an illicit trade in liquor," sald Sergeant Ed. Young, head of the police dry squad. "Every possible effort will be made to put a stop to the practice." as PENNSYLVANIA POTATOES PROMISE HUGE HARVEST Harrisburg, Pa, Aug. 13.--The lar- gest potato crop in the history of the State will be harvested by Pennsyl- vania farmers this vcar. : From estimates furnished by the Federal State Crop Reporting Ser- vice, indications on August 1 were that the prospective crop would total 31,300,000 bushels, which is 1,768,000 bushels higher than any previous crop on record. The Department of Agri- culture announced today, The healthy eye is beautiful eye. Nature may have endowed you with most attractive eyes, but it is up to you to keep them so. Agsurance that they are healthy, through careful ex- amination or the use of properly prepared glasses is the only preservation. Jury & Lowell Optical Parlors Phone 28 Then | While police realize that the ul- | rest with the Juvenile Court judge, |B they assert that it is within their | jurisdiction to bring the' charges. | feel it is necessary to disrupt li- |J a | Disney-Cott | | AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1083 Men's. Bow Ties 1.Collis & Sons 50-24 King St. W. Phone 783W fe a aA Anniversary Special weiss 610,00 Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver HIRCOCK BROS. Manufacturers of Good Red Stock Brick Prices on Request Phone 28-2, Bowmanville MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present pay- ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pay- ments for any term up to twelve months and insure your car, See Swanson, Mc- Kenzie & Douglas, 2 King street east. Phone 940. CCVALT ANYWHERE HIGH GRADE EQUIP: MENT KEPT IN PER. FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 82 of All Oshawa Agents awa Daily Times, (36-¢) uilders' Supplies Kinds tpn, WATEROUS- MEEK | LIMITED : for STANDARD BRICK

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