Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Aug 1928, p. 94

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1928 Oshawa Points to the Writing on the Wall -- Opportunity degen ill's and Dales shawa's Choicest Residential Area 'Subdivision Was Opened Recently It ls Over 4 Half Sold URVILINEAR LAYOUT Within City Limits--Streets ' Named, Graded and Gravelled shawa generally is proud ine of the foresight shown by nsible for the city's pro 3 it be industrially, niergially or in general expan- of the eity itself. Keeping ast of Oshawa's rapid devel- t is the objective of many Fprning firms in the Motor ut to Hills and Dales Lim- sthe company developing one 5 & 1 d to the public, is probably the credit for introducing the t has been said that Hills and es, a subdivision of 48 acres, | located within the city limits, vertal years ahead of the times vailing in Oshawa. Be that as in the city. Moreover, 1 always be the BEST. it It can dilapidation and neglect, like b usual commercial subdivision en the first rush of enthusiasm over, The roads are already cut to a great extent, gravelled. ay Maples are planted on all ets the beautiful little central fk has been seeded and planted. pperty Maintenance, under skill- supervision, is a part and par- !of the whole development. This Bintenanea will, for a period of years, provide for the proper up- kqep of the property, including the ing of the grass, the elimina- tion of weeds, the care of the trees add park, and the many little things that are ordinarily neg- ted, eautifully situated in the n@rth-east section of the city south of Rossland road and hordering on t west side of Ritson road, lls and Dales" extends wester- 'to the Oshawa Railway Com- peny tracks, which it is predicted G. W. PINNER Secretary-Treasurer Hills and Dales Limited. will in a few months carry a pas- senger service to cater to the needs of this fast expanding residential area, Not only is the location of the property distinctive but in every detail some worth-while idea has heen embodied in the general scheme to insure the desired re- sult--to make it a 'home sanciu- ary, forever secure against the encroachment of the undesirable or unsightly." : Rigid Building Restrictions Particularly appealing to the builder of the hetter class of home is the company's guarantee of the property's future. With the com- pany are associated T. R. Pinner, who has had many years of ex- perience in developing properties and subdivisons in Canada and United States, G.-W. Pinner wno has had a varied experience in such development planning, and A. C. Lycett, one of the best known realty men of the eity. It has been their aim to establish a building standard which will whol- ly elimnate the undesirable in res- idence construction. In 'these re- strictions as well as in all devel- opment of "Hills and Dales," the whole effort has heen toward creating a community of fine homes, set in a clean, healthful, ar- tistic environment, and secure from the. deteriorating encroach- ment of anything that is not abso- lutely right. The restrictions are the result of careful study and skilled advice and embody the best features recommended by architects, landscape engineers | and attorneys, makirg its future ] as one of Oshawa's finest residen- tial districts assured. Busisess of any kind including manufacturing plants, public gar ages, stores, and shops--in fact, all types of commercial buildings are prohibited. Persons of other than Anglo-Saxon race are barred from residence: no apartments or duplex houses are allowed and on- ly one house may be built on a lot. Front building lines have been established in keeping with the exceptional depth of the sites, while minimum construction costs ion the various streets have been | provided for. All plans must be ' approved by Hills and Dales Lim- ited, before construction is start- ed. These restrictions have been adopted with a view to, adding to the beauty of all houses built. Innumerable Features Novel and attractive to an extreme Hills and Dales presents many ! features entirely new to the city. The subdivision is 'developed in a curvilinear layout, with the wide streets following the natural topog- raphy of the rolling hills and winding valleys. These streets have already been graded, drained and gravelled, making it possible at the present time to drive over the entire property. To add to the heauty of the streets severa! hundred Norway Maples have been planted. : A beautiful little central park which has been beautified by grad- ing and the planting of trees and shrubs suitable for a real beauty spot, is probably one of the most pleasing features included in the layout. Tmpressive Entrances Most. impressive pillar entrances have bean erected on Rossland road and on Ritson road. These have heen wired and will shortly be illuminated when this provision has heen made hy the Hydro El- ectric power commission. At these entrances plans have been com- pleted whereby their beauty wnl be considerably inereased hy the planting of evergreens and shrubs in keeping with the thought gen- erally carried out. Hills and Dales Limited have al- ready expended hetween $10,000 and $15,000 in the physical devel- opment of the property, this amount including the perfection of streets, planting of trees, aad other improvements. In fact, noth- ing has been overlooked that will of the property. Bearinz out what has said it might be pointed out | this subdivision although one of the largest sections ever opened in any way add to the desirability | | character A, C. LYCETT President Hills and Dales Limited the property was first offered to the public only a few months ago. One of the striking features of the sales to date is the large number of home-sites bought for building. Naming of Streets The naming of streets also was given careful consideration. These include Maplevaie Drive, Maplevale Crescent, Greta Crescent (a con- tinuation of Greta street), Glen Road, Gorevale Crescent,, Upland Crescent, Brookside Drive, Crest: mount Road, Hillside Road, Hill- croft street and Rossland road. The subdivision {is just four blocks north of the Genemal Mo- tors plants and is accessible from all directions, Future Assured Wonderful progress: has marked the opening of Hills and Dales. But suppose one looks ahead? Will it retain in future years the tremendous advantages which it now possesses? The answer is that it will retain and increase them, if human foresight and legal ingenuity, based on the lessons of experience, are capable of bring- ing that about. The same skillful planning and thoroughness in execu- tion that have brought Hills and Dales to its present state of devel- opment, have .been used in drawing up the legal restrictions that will in- sure its proper management and high for all future time. The Work of the Glacier Hills and Dales undoubtedly re- | ceived the first elements of its heauty heen | thar | | in this city is approximately half | | sold. This speaks for itself since | | from the glacier some fifteen or twenty thousand years ago. This great sheet of ice, which spread over most of North America, brought down the materials for its 'making. Creep- ing slowly southward with irrestible power, like a gigantic planer, it cul down the hills, filled up the valleys, effaced the ancient landscape and literally altered the face of the earth, In this advance it pushed ahead vast quantities of rock, gravel and soil, absorbing much in its mass and carrying great loads upon its back. These loads it dumped and left be- hind along the line of its farthest advance, forming a new mantle of materials varying in thickness from a few feet to two or three hundred feet, ' Its First Landscape Engineer Thousands of years later when the glacier began to inelt in the warm air of a moderating climate, torrents of water poured forth, moving and re-assorting these materials, smooth- ing the outlines and establishing some semblance of a drainage system. This was the first landscape engin- cering done in Hills and Dales and those who have studied moraine landscapes assert that this tiny arca of 48 acres is one of the glacier's finest masterpieces for variety and beauty, After the glacier came the orderly march of vegetation. Grasses and lowly plants were followed by shrubs and finally by trees, clothing the moraine with a garment of green until, after a few thousand of years (a mere day in earth's history), it appears as we see it today, a friend- ly, intimate landscape of softly rounded hills and dales, restful and pleasing to the eye, inviting the not unwilling town dweller to stay and make it his home, Artists Had a Free Hand | The company's artists, planters and | engineers went over the ground again | and again, studying the natural fea- tures and how best to ta':c advantage | of them. They were given a free haud throughout. They were never tole that the development could only cost | so much, nor that they must get such | and such a number of building sites out of St. The width and location of the roadways were decided upon because they were the best--Dbecause they tended to bring out the natural heau- ty of the land. The number of lots was ascertained by counting up the number of perfect and ideal building sites which the landscape artists found and marked upon the ground. Expense has not heen spared to male it right--clear down to such details as the naming of streets, and giving of variety and interest tothe new | trees and shrubbery. : Whether their judgment is formed from photographs or from a tour of inspection on the ground it never re- quires an argument to convince . body that Hills and Dales "is the prettiest thing outdoors." Building to an Ideal When the ideal which prompted the development of Hills and Dales finally attained, it will represent AND GRAIN Wholesale and Retail Flour and Feed Fancy Peas Growing of Our Specialty 54 Church St. EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED Phone 203 ) T. R. PINNER Vice-President Hills an Limited, 1 Dales something more than a enterprise of housing, plam planting. The final picture painted in col rs more endu those of stone, stucco board. It will transcend and obvious beauties drives, wide lawns, tre shrubs, tl of s, fc As to the executive Future The of Hills a brick successful ing and will be ring than and simple winding wers and 1 nd Dalc believe that this idcal has been rea lized, in' so far as it is p the original owners to 1 They believe further that to this same s been made certain by t ness.and excellence of the strictions. The succ.ss of pletion now rests entirely w 1928 to build their who will begin in homes in Hills and Dales, will eventually take over th sponsibility for its admi from those who have its development plone ssible fi calize it idherence ideal for all future time! he exact- legal re- its com- ith those and who ¢ full re- nistration red in All higher motives, ideals, concep- tion account, if they do not con , sentiments in a man are of no e forward to strengthen him for the better dis- duties the ordinary Ward Beecher. charge of the upon him .in life.--Henry life i run. | sand the 1 keep our en hear that scape 1 wi yes open shall « rth 1t and its --Victor 15 w its which devo Is do signit Cherbuliez. |& lve affairs of in little ct' us run that ts voung, HamblyBros.Have Growing Business Cleanliness Feature of Busy Bottling Plant Located Here . Hambly Bros. Bottling Works on Oshawa Boulevard,: established in 1923 with the prestige of the Coca-Cola franchise for Oshawa and district, is setting up new rec- ords of production daily. The business is planning to make not- able expansions in the near future, including the investment of $10,- 000 in new equipment to take care of the growing demand for their beverages which have acquired more than a local reputation. The business is a partnership with E. G. Hambly and H. G. Hambly, brothers, as the owners. With a capacity of 450 cases aerated beverages every eight hours, three motor trucks are con- stantly on the road supplying Osh- awa, Whitby, Port Perry, Bowman- ville, Newtonville, and Caesarea dealers as well as intermediatc points. Meticulous cleanliness in the bottling of Hambly's Beverages is observed in the Oshawa plant And 'meticulous', here, means just that--fearful., The Hambly fears dirt and the germs that go with it. Hence there is no dirt and no germs. Each bottle is washed for eleven and a half minutes in boiling water (and free alkali before it is even | started on the chain which leads {to the bottled product, Power | driven brushes, shaped to fit, are | used at one stage to clear the hot- tles. Then, begins the rinsing op- erations. Not one or two, hut eight separate rinsings, inside and put. These remove the free alkali, which is one reason why there is no chemical mark to be found 'un- der the crowns of Hambly's bot- tled beverages, The alkali used isn't that sort of chemical in the first place; and if it were, the { brushings and ringsings would re- move it The hottles are filled automatic- {ally. First with measured amounts of flavoring from pipes leading out of overhead mixing rooms which are kept screened and spot- The aerated water is next in- troduced and the crowning of the hottle the final operation |fore it is automatically placed less. 18 in nothing | its proper case 18 And ile if we cance, The system for receiving used hottles is most ingenious. A revolv- ing drum is fed with a dozen at time. This drum drains and be- | flushes them. Then, on the other side, each tier of 12 bottles is automatically discharged into the boiling water for washing. Mr. Hambly reports a 69 per cent. increase in Coca-Cola sales this year as compared with 1927. This beverage is becoming {n- creasingly popular in Canada. Montreal, for instance, is given second place for the consumption of Coca-Cola despite the years of popularity enjoyed by the bever- age in the United States, particu- larly in the Southern States where it was first marketed. Hambly's also produces high grade ginger ale of high quality and growing reputation, Increases in this line have been remarkable, particularly since the bringing out --this year--of the new 'Pale Dry" brand to supplement the ever popular "Belfast" brand already established in public favor. Orange, grape, lime, lemon, root beer and cream sodas are also manufactured in huge quantities to meet the district's huge de- mand. Chinese Fixtures for Grand Cafe A program of enlargement that will considerably increase the avail- able floor space is being undertaken shortly by the Grand Cafe. Another large room is being opened wp in the rear and when this is completed almost double the number of patrons | will have accommodation available in this increasingly popular restaurant. One of the novel features of the new sunroom will be the Chinese fixtures which are being brought di- rect from China to fit into this mod- ern Oshawa cafe. In this room the tables will be arranged around the sides, leaving the centre of the floor free for dancing, and the whole will be laid out to give particular atten- tion to coolness and ventilation. Spe- cial private public telephone rooms will alsa be grovided, Cleanliness has always been a care- ful point in Grand Cafe service. The management announce that as soon as the alterations are completed, the public will be invited to inspect the kitchen and see just how a modern restaurant provides for its clientele, r---------------------- Work is the mission of mankind on this earth, A day is ever strug- gling forward, a day will arrive, in some approximate degree, when he who has no work to do, by what- ever name he may be called, will not | find it good to show himself in our quarter of the solar system, but may go and look out elsewhere if there be any idle planet discoverable. Lect all honest workers rejoice that such law, the first of Nature, has been recognized by them. Manufacturers of oxes, Shookes and Crates Office 98 Athol Street East Factory Ritson Road North Phone 655 Phone 706

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