THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES Greater Oshawa Edition SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1928 67 a | { | | ; | a -------- | 'The John Carew Lumber Company which established a branch in Oshawa some months ago acquiring the site and plant, known for years as the Sykes Planing Mill, has already entrenched itself firmly in building circles in this city. To the extreme right of the picture is shown the bright 'mew office of the Oshawa branch. The head office of the company is in Lindsay. Big Seed Firm 'Has Branch Here Hogg & Lytle, Limited, One Of Oshawa's Most Progressive Firms What is probably the most im- portant of Hogg and Lytle, Limit- ed's tewnty-seven Canadian branch warehouses and offices is located in Oghawa. The head local office, re- tall sales room, warehouse, and sto- rage: elevator are located on Church street, having a total floor space of over 9,000 square feet whieh does not take the towering grain elevator"s cubic capacity into consideration; and, in addition, the Oshawa branch has a warehouse, A, 5, WHATTAM Oshawa Manager Hogg & Lytle Ltd, sorting department, and elevator in Cedardale across from the C, N. R. station with floor area practical- ly double that of the uptown plant. But what particularly singles out the Oshawa branch for distinction, is that here and in the immediate vicinity continuous experimental work designed to improve the qual- ity of Canadian peas is carried out. Experimental Work Over 3,000 acres of land near Oshawa are devoted to . scientific pea culture, The results are ap- parent. Canadian peas, despite a high restrictive tariff of a cent on the pound, enter the United States' markets in enormous quan- tities. The other result is to be seen in the growing strength of the Canadian canning industry which, in recent years, has push- ed forward fromr a negligible posi- tion to one of the Dominion's basic industries. These are the contributions of the Hogg and Lytle Company to Canada's Confederation Jubilee, and are of especial local signifi- cance. The parent company, whose heaa office is in Toronto, dates back to the early years of Canadian feder- alization. The local branch was es- tablished in 1910 with Mr. J. L. Whattam as manager. Due to his keen business judgment and excep- tional ability, the Oshawa branch was brought up from a small be- ginning to the splendid in- stitution it is today. Mr. Whattam, who died in May, 1926, was very prominent in Oshawa af- : fairs. He was an alderman when he died, and had previously serv- ed the city as chairman of the board of water commissioners and In other capacities, He was a past president of the Oshawa Rotary Club. Mr. A. 8. Whattam, son of the tate manager, was appointed Osh- awa branch manager some six months azo. Hogg and Lytle, Limited's fires nehawa plant was located in the L. J. Coryell building. Expansion de- manded erection of new buildings until the latest addition in the form of branch offices and retail store was opened. This new building em- bodies the most efficient methods of store construction, modified to ' the firm's special local needs. It is of handsome 'appearance, and Is gplendidly furnished and equipped. In rear of the sales department ' is the order room which, in turn ' opens on storage rooms, machine rooms for celaning seed, the main elevator, and shipping department. Stairways lead down to frost proof cellars which are equally proof against excessive summer heat. These are used largely for storing potatoes. Main Retail Lines The main retail lines carried by the local branch are flour, feed of alle Sorts, farm and. garden seeds, various grades of salt, poultry yard equipment and supplies, The wholesale lines feature fancy Canadian peas which is the Hogg and Lytle company's specialty; grain of all sorts; farm seeds in wholeasle quantities; clover, and agricultural supplies. The Cedardale plant, now being | completely removated and painted, is the center of the local experi- mental pea growing work, Its elevators store enormous quantities of the seed which is, without doubt, the best on the continent it ont In the world. This is due not only to the company's progressive culture methods, but to the quality of the Canadian climate. The Cedardale plant has a large sorting room which gives employ- ment to some 40 women, The per- manent local staff numbers 15 to 20 men. F. Cowieson is foreman of the uptown section of the Oshawa branch, and C. M. Willcox is in charge of the Cedardale elevator, Hogg and Lytle Limited's execu- tive is composed of A. O. Hogg, president; H. J, Lytle, vice-presi- dent; and E. G. Lytle, secretary- treasurer. Storage Capacity Plant storage capacity totals 150,000 bushels of grain, the up- town plant having room for 50,000 bushels, and the Cederdale eleva- tor accommodating the remainder, Machinery for cleaning and sort- ing seeds is of the most advanced type. Some of them automatically gort round peas from the wrinkled variety; at the sorting tables, grades are conveyed by gravity chutes to.their proper bins, The same up-to-date methods ob- tain in the retall room on Church street where grains in any quantity are drawn from gravity bins into waiting receptacles. Export trade, as already indicat- ed, is an important section of Hogg and Lytle Limited's business, a ma- jor part of which has its inception in the Oshawa plant. Fancy grade peas are supplied not only to the United States, and in large quanti- ties, but to the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, and other Euro- pean countries. Busy. Factory Covers 4 Acres Gale & Trick, Ltd.,, Play Im- portant Part in Shipping Autos Incorporated in September, 1927, and covering four acres of ground and with two-thirds of that area und- er roof, the firm of Gale & Trick Ltd., represents not only one of Osh- awa's newer big industries, but an industry unique in the whole Domin- ion. In Canada, General Motors' auto- mobiles are shipped in box cars. But the cars which are sent overseas are partially disassembled and crated in huge boxes. Gale & Trick Ltd, manu- factures the crates, decks, saddle blocks and other equipment required for this work. "Decks" and saddle blocks are em- ployed in Canadian or so-called "do- mestic" shipping. "Decks" are stout wooden triangular frames, supporting the upper automobile when these are clevated one above the other in a box car, thereby doubling its capa- city. "Saddle blocks" are used in blocking the wheels of the lower cars, and must be formed in such a manner as to conform not only to the curve of the wheel but the curve of the tire as well. The "saddle blocks" are manufactured from spec- ially sawn timber, and by machines designed by Gale & Trick. These machines are automatic and the last word in efficiency. In the section of the plant devoted to the manufacture of export box- ing, is again found machinery es- pecially designed for cutting the lum- ber to the required length, one ma- chine alone having a capacity of 50,- 000 feet per day. In the stock room 100,000 feet of finished products are kept constantly on hand, while the storage yards have 5,000,000 feet ready to be worked up. Lumber comes to the plant from Northern Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick forests 'and shipments are at once loaded on factory trucks running on steel rails each of which hold 10,000 feet, The progress of the lumber from the railway siding where it is wun- loaded to the point where it is as- sembled into the automobile box is continuously forward. On the factory trucks referred to above, it is run into the plant on rails, passes' through the different machinery operations, loaded to smaller trucks, which are shipped to the General Motors box- ing plant, unloaded, and returned to the Gale & Trick plant where the cycle is again repeated. For the crates, decks, blocks and other equipment, Gale & Trick Ltd. use approximately 2,500 acres of Can- adian forest each year. Specially graded lumber is necessary, free from large knots, and other imperfections which would develop weakness under strain. This grading is performed un- der supervision of Mr. S. B. Trick, who has had years of experience in the lumber industry, Members of the company are: Mr, T. G. Gale, president; Mr. T. B. Trick, vice-president; and Messrs H. Morrison, W. N. Affleck, A. J. Trick and J. C, Cairnwith, Oshawa of the Future . And Some Forecasts of the Great Possibilities that Lia Immediately Before Us. The popularity, of the eastern residential area is being rapmdly advanced by the opening up of the Rogers' farm under the name of Oakland Park. Before the frost was entirely out of the ground cellars were be- ing dug out for the foundations and erection of the class of houses that Oshawa as a city is now en- titled to be credited with, following in the wake of prosperity and de- velopment that has been rarely equalled if ever surpassed in the history of Canada. How many of the Oshawa stop to figure out what has been accomplished in Oshawa in the last ten years, what does it mean in a compara- tive ratio with other cities of the same population in Canada, United States or Europe. Our manufac- turing production of over ninety million last year, our wage pay of over thirteen million, our customs collection of over ten million year- ly and bank clearance stated to be over two million weekly, all of citizens of Just which records are equal to the hundred thousand population. The distribution of mense income is certainly not bene- fitting Oshawa alone, but is spread over the entire province of On- tario and beyond its borders by the many workmen In Oshawa factories that are keeping up their families in their home town. This will continue until the workmen consolidate their positions by ex- perience and then they will bring their families to Oshawa where they are earning a larzer salary "than ever in the old home town. Oshawa real estate men are pre- paring right now for the tremen- dous house building requirements of the immediate future and Oak- land Park is just about the most desirable residential areca that has ever been opened inside the city limits of Oshawa. Over one mile of streets that are well graded and gravelled are already in use. Four- teen high class houses are under construction and half of them are business turn-over of cities of one this im- | H. ff. BULL about ready for occupation. Wa- ter mains installed on part of | Cadillac St., and under construc- | tion on Rogers street. The building restriction estab- lished for Oakland Park guarantees that the property will be a perman- ent high class and exclusive resi | dential area. If the present record of sale of lots continues for the next months the property will be pletely sold out and the not very far away when Oakland Park will be completely buflt upon and another milestone in the development of one of the great. est. industrial cities in Canada will be reached. In Oakland Park you cam build your home on level ground, ia & valley, on a hill, in the woods, or you can have a trout stream ia your own back yard. Arrangements have been made with the telephone company that all poles are to be erected om the | back yard lines. Shade trees are to be planted on every street. \ There is no place where hymos counts for more in a commercial way than in advertising. If you can' only land your shot under a man's funn bone you have done the di wor and can interest him in ver vou have to offer. The necessity. of saying things tersely and compactly, as the advertising writer must al ways say them, is a cardinal point in the training of the humerist, and for this reason I believe that the writing of advertisements is one of the best courses of instruction through which the man ambitious to shine as a professional humorist can | pass.--George Ade. | -- When love and skill work together | expect a masterpiece. --John Ruskin, or Automobile, waters of Lake Ontario breeze. cool, restful nights bring every breath, LAKEVIEW PARK, OSHAWA, lies in a naturally beautiful setting: just a short distance from the city proper, 32 miles from Toronto on the Provincial Highway System and can be reached by Train Bordering on Lake Ontario, Lakeview Park, 65 acres in extent, affords ample opportunity for recreation of every kind, including--Sunday Concerts. boundaries, Lakeview Park offers Tourist, Picnic or Convention Party an abundance of fresh air with always a Plan to come to Lakeview Park year--rich in romancei--impressive modern achievements, this Park will give you a never-to-be-forgotten vacation, where clear days of glorious sunshine and Picnic at Lakeview Park Dancing, Picnic and Conven- tion Parties, Sports, Bathing, Fishing, Etc. and for the kiddies, Swings, Slides, Fer- 'vis Wheels, Merry-Go-Round and num- erous other features to insure the ut- most in fun and enjoyment, With the lapping its the this in health with po at Lakeview Park eee i avilion, Showing Dancing Lakeview Park Oshawa, Ontario invites Convention, Picnic or Tourist Parties Especially An abundance of supplies are always available including, Groceries, Ice Cream, Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Sous venirs, Magazines. For those who prefer, meals excellently prepared, either regular or short order; Meals that wi Il invite the appetite and leave the impression of a service well serviced, at m oderate cost. LAKEVIEW PARK is a natural Para. dise enhanced by man's most approved method of living--plan to come this year, For further particulars as to Supply Rates, etc., phone, write or wire R. Phone 24 Simcoe St. Ld Fraser 2500 and 2779 South, Oshawa, Ont. The Merry-Go-Round at Lakeview Park