A Bargain Only $50.00 ET, $1 Down-$1.25 a week {Jina (No Interest) Rebuilt machine, our own make. Fully Guaranteed. ji ONLY 2--PHONE US TO A ---- | -- a SPELL BS | i : - iE Cyclone Electric yy a al. SE © x ae Washer $99 4 IN) B37 oo) ~ ) 2 $1 down--$1.45 a week ce ~ . -- aL |/ 8 " / Sh i VY, F =a 17,7 Fast action, sw NTE: Oot Z E Wi , lati ll 7 Y= si / | - e washing outfi Choose Ne NNN our pieces below, * TRADE IN YOUR OLD MACHINE AND GET A! <3 GOOD ONE A WY : Beatty Electric $169 $1 Down--$2.18 a week © (NG Interest) Tatest style, best action, lasts a life. time. washing outfit ine eluded, FOUR pieces below, Outgells all other makes in Canada combined, WHEN YOU BUY A BEATTY '# YOU BUY THE BEST KIDDIES' How cheerful a task on a sunny morning to hang out the washing on the line," .. The birds are singing, the kiddies are playing about, and the neighbors chat- WASHING OUTFIT ting over garden fences, How healthful it is for you and how splendid for the - clothes! For you know that nothing can equal the fresh air and sunshine to A beautiful little hamper keep them sweet and fresh and wholesome, Wash them in a Beatty Electric and a cute little clothes bes Washer and hang them in the morning sun, Thus you will keep the white things j Joe givin BATRA, fo " always a lovely color and you will be proud to have the neighbors see them, 3 ; | o shine Sale Electric Washers orem Enric vote $1,00 Down --$1.25 a Week up to $215 a week--No Interest Added Extrs From the models advertised above you can choose one that its Jout (adie Sud vuits Your pune: Suall dows | wi 80 you scarcely money: Costs Rardl as much as you would pay to have the work done uiide, and saves you bors hours of tedious labor on. " \ 'Beatty Washer Store 86 Simcoe St N. Oshawa Open Evenings Telephone 2082 RR.