Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Aug 1928, p. 74

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES -- Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1928 ! The new home of the Alger I'ress located on Albert street between King and Athol streets is a credit to its owners being most modern in construc. tion, The above picture shows clearly the fine type of structure which houses this job printing establishment Hastings village. Soon he extend- ¢ Fowlds' Coal and 2 bis erations to Campbellford, Uni ue Plan to | Supply Business hg th 8 a io Je paps Aid ome Owning a general real estate business, - associated with him, In 1919 the RR which he opened on the corner of e Coal that Satisfles'" is the | firm bought out the coal business 3 _ | Simcoe and Bond streets. In ad- Specialty of H, M, Fowlds & Son, | carried on at 81 King street west Usizh Joses Has Develajey Ex dition, Mr. Jones is prepared to ing street west, James 8, Fowlds, | by Walter Merritt, and since that ensive Lontrac ing an ea arrange the finfincing of any house he present head of the business, [time J. C, Fowlds has been in state Business from the purchase of the lot to pnd * his father, the late H, M, |charge here, while his brother, T-- the completed building. Scores of Fowlds, have together had many | Walter, manages the Hastings Unique amongst Oshawa's con-| home owners in Oshawa testify years of experience in the fuel bus- | branch. About two years ago the | tracting firms is that built up by [to the splendid feature of the dual .Campbellford branch was sold. Uriah Jones since 1925. Beginning | real estate and building business Upon coming to Oshawa in 1919, the firme carried on the agency for Lehigh Valley Cross Creek and Jeddo-Highland coal and added the agency for Hamilton by-pro- duet coke, and various lines of builders? supplies, Among the best known lines of the latter that they handle are Canada Cement, Don this year, Mr. Jones branched out into the real estate field by com- bining his building operation with at Brooklin for some twelve years, and came to Oshawa in November 1924. Im 1926 he built four houses, three of which are amongst the finest homes on Simcoe street north, one being. his own home at 461 Simcoe Street North. In 1926 and 1927 succes- sively his business branched out, seeming to grow from outside compulsion rather than from any special effort on his own part, ex- cept to give his clients every dol- lar's worth to which they were en- titled. . Thus, in 1927, he erected 50 of Oshawa"s newest and best homes, a large number of which are to be séen in Rossland Park. The re- mainder are scattered throughout the city's good residential dis- tricts, During 1927, Mr. Jones furnished employment for a large number of men in his construction work. Mr. Jones' unique realty busi- ness applies motor car financing principles to the financing of a home. Financing is arranged to suit the purchaser's means. The principle is as simple as the pur- chase of a new car, whether for a house already built or one that the prospective owner merely has in mind. With an initial deposit guaran- teeing good faith, payments are arranged on the monthly basis similar to rent. Tho house is oc- cupied, if one already completed is bought: or construction is at once started. The new owner may then forget about his housing problems for five years, at the end of which tinie he is pleasantly re- minded that he has built up a property and that his payments in future may be reduced if he so de- sires, owing to the decrease in the capital debt. The principle of the thing is simply this. Under the Jones plan you make an initial payment, and then make monthly payments of the amount that otherwise would be paid out as rent. As time goes on--the time that ordinarily would mean paying monthly tribute to the landlord--you are amassing a Oshawa. Those who recall the old St. George's Hall, forms the nucleus of the new HOLY TRINITY CHURCH AN INTERESTING ADAPTATION Successful Solution of a Rather Unusual Problem--New | Building an Acquisition to Anglican Community --Seating Accommodation for 350 OLY Trinity Church is |delightful background for the chan- | Bridge Company, 4 "BUILD FIRE OUT!" HE Massillon bar joist was de. veloped and its manufacture started in Canada about three and a half years ago by the Sarnia Limited. These the newest addition to the | c¢! furnishings. The old pulpit, occu- | joists were used exclusively in al, Anglican d by man st Rectors of St.| fi f Ge Churches of | Fi y y pa floors of the G:nosha hotel. They are George's, can be seen and at the en- | pyilt like a truss and it is claimed L trance, not shown in the illustration which | Oshawa's that they have overcome all the dis- distinguished were bap- | advantages of the carly types of steel is the historic font wherein many of | joists. In place of the thin metal pre- viously used the Massillon bar joist has no metal thinner than "1-4." The truss shape of the joist nermits pip. ing and electric wiring to pass through without cutting. Steadily increasing use by leading architects and contractors proves their popular. ity. The Sarnia Bridge Company has already supplied Massillon bar joisis for a large number of residences throughout the Dominion of Canada Their slogan is "Build Fire Out" This slogan is also the title of a small non-technical booklet which they have published and which they will gladly send to anyone upon re- quest. The Question of Canadian Products Canadian industries' will only be built as Canadian materials and na. tural resources are utilized as much as possible, comments The Canadian Engincer. Just as far as we decline to use any foreign materials, however, Just so far may we expect others to decline to use our materials. Canada has many raw materials far in excess of what she can use or manufacture Holy Trinity Church, interesting as an example of the skilful blend. | herself, and as we expect to find out- ing of old ad new construction, side markets for these materials, we must also be prepared to accept in return the products of other coun. ; church, will note how well the | tized. Many of the old windows too | tries. valuable property. te h it wi , "If you can pay rent," Mr. Jones | additions have been blended in| have been built in, at various points | Tt must not he forgotten that in believes and has proved to many, [with the old structure so that where suitable, aii ied 3 the United Sizes Sitre is just as in the Oshawa hranch is Bert J. "you can own a home. Why pay : . | . The accommodation provide is | persistent a demand that no foreign |Gay, who is in charge of the of- rent" y fie Yen SAUICH Jorn a really | [.., generous. The Church proper | materials be used, and that whilst fice. i : PR Greater Oshawa. it can he safe andsome addition to the city | will seat about 350 and a commodious | some in Canada wish to stop the im- i a-- # : " Sr ie | | . churches, | basement is provided for Sunday | portation of southern pine or gum - -- ly predicted, will owe much to No Major Changes the Jones Building and Realty Fin- An interesting feature of the trans- | School use and social functions, with wood, there are some in the States ancing Business. Much in good forming of the building into a church | the necessary quarters for the choir | who are making demands to stop the In Hudson-Essex has been the incorporation of many | and primary rooms | importation of Canadian birch or Sonsivaction iat oy ay of the old fittings. originally built in- | The alterations were carried on un- maple. The Dominion faces many * ~ [to the old histori , George's | der the direction of the architect, | problems because on the boundary property, and much more to the the historic. St. Georg | i I? ; x Valley brick, and various grades ot lime, Associated with Mr. Fowlds Hudson and Essex cars are being shown in new summer and autumn colors, but the Hudson Motor Car Company has announced to its deal- crs that otherwise the cars will con- tinue unchanged, It is declared that the popularity of these models has given the company the greatest vol- ume of business it has ever had, Several two-tone color effects are announced, as well as Hudson fend- ; | | ers lacquered in colors, Optional wire i has won for the firm an ever in- | heel equipment in contrasting col- |as a builder in a small way in the | which Mr. Jones has developed. greasing number of patrons. ors is also offered. year . mentioned, excellence of Mr. Jones is an Ontario County It was away hack in 1888 that -- workmanship soon placed him in |man. He was born in. Pickering the Tate H, M, Fowlds first engag- God gives all things to industry, the forefront of the local huilding | Township, Kast of Claremont. He d in the coal business, starting in ' --Franklin. | industry, Beginning January of | engaged in the hardware business J, C, FOWLDS ness, and knowledge of every Residence of Uriah Jones, 461 Simcoe St, North phase of coal buying and selling FRONT VIEW OF WALDORF A Real Good Place to Eat! Located on Simcoe St. N.---Just a few doors north of King St.---Service yet to be surpassed---Dinner served daily---Special dinners on Sundays and holidays---Try a dinner at the WALDORF CAFE "After the Show Eat at the Waldorf" layed in childhood. --Stanley Hall pyed in childhood--Stanley Hall increase in home owners who, otherwise, might have never dis- covered that owning a home is a simple matter--if you first con- sult Mr. Jones, Here is an actual contract of the Jones' House-owning Plan far a new 6 room rug brick home with sewer, water, electric lights, etc., and up-to-date home with all modern conveniences--sold under the 5 year (financing plan. This house will rent for $45.00 per month, ' Cost of house ..,... Initial. payment ,,..... , $5,000.00 500.00 Balance to pay $4,500.00 12 monthly payments of $45.00 per month, is 12 x $45.00 7 per cent, interest: on $4500.00 for 1 year, $4,500 x 7 Amount paid in 1 year on house is $540.00 less $315.00 Amount paid on House in 5 years, 5 x $225.00 $1,125.00 Interest adjusted every 12 months ,.,,..%., 167.50 $1,302.50 Plus compound interest 15.00 540.00 Total .%44:+s $1,317.50 Amount owjng, on house at the end of 5 years, $3,183.00. At the' ed of '5 years amount saved by purchasing hpme in place of paying rent $1,317.50, Note--Wotk 'thig * bat on the same -hasis for the pext 5 years and vou will find your home almost paid for. A dy 'Real Economy 'in' Machinery 'Repairs | Specializiig in mathide wbrk, the . Adanac. Machine shop; in the "hol- low" off King street east, is doing its part in bullding 'a' Greater Osh- awa by well and truly repairing ma- chinery that is temporarily out of production. Many of Oshawa's fac- tories find it both economical and satisfactory to send broken machine parts to this firm for repairs, The Adanac Machine Shop is the successor to the Durrant Machine Co., which was carried on so success- fully in the same location for several vears., About the first of this year Harold Cox took over the Durrant interests, and commenced business in the same stand. Mr. Cox is not a stranger to the machinery and automobile repairing business, having received a true ap- prenticeship in Flint, Mich., and with the Moffat Motor Sales of this city. | tomobile repair work i 3 | stand, especially the straightening of I-becams and axles, installing steel He is continuing certain lines of au- in his new starting bands on flywheels, and re- pairing of gears, differential cases, | ete. He is concentrating, however, | on machinery" repairs, in which field | he is 2 leader in the city. Re-babbitting bearings is a feature with the Adanac Machine Shop, and a great deal of this type of work is | being turned out. He also handles pmany other kinds of repair work, and cven does the occasional "job" for a | would-be inventor, setting up the working model to his specifications. | Various lines of parts and other sup- | plies, including U.S.L. batteries, are | carried in stock. Play is pleasurable mental and phy- sical competitive exercise where the issues involved are trivial and tran- sient. It is a fit preparation for more' important tasks. And it is the law of life that you only do those im- portant tasks well at which you have r of Holy Trinity Church, the chancel window, pulpit and st. George's Church. the erection of new St Centre and Bagot Streets. The beau- tiful chancel window, a memorial to one of the pioncers, has heen beau- tifully incorporated into the chancel | caused more by mental attitude even | of the new portion as will be noted | than by mental capacities. from the interior view and forms a Church which stood on the omer | Mr. C. C. Stenhouse, in conjunction of Centre and John Streets prior to| with the Rector, Rey. 8. C. Jarrett, J. Holland was the con- tractor in charge of the work, George's on| Mr. W, Success or failure in business is| [there is a largely populated country further advanced in general develop- | ment, in industries, and in some man- ufacturing pr@cesses, . So far a policy of reasonableness | has carried us through as good | neighbors on the most friendly terms, and such a policy, rather than ex- clusiveness, promises most for the --Walter Dill Scott. | future. A. C. Cameron Electric Co. Electrical Engineers and Contractors The class of work we engineer may be judged by the following jobs: McLeese Apartments, Ontario St. McLeese Apartmaats, Simcoe St. North, Disney Apartments, 82 Simcoe St., South. Beaton's Dairy Products Ltd, King St, West, Oshawa Wholesale, McMillan Drive. Smyth, Robertshaw and Simpson Stores, Simcoe St. North. Alger Press, Albert St, Alger and Traymore Building, King St. East, Holy Trinity Church, cor. Court and Barrie Sts, Dr. Brown's Apartments and Store, Simcoe St. 8, Warner Brown's Apartment and Store, Church St. and many others including some of Oshawa's beautiful new residences. We employ omly skilled workmen and our manager, Mr. A. C. Cam- eron, with many years' practical ex. periepce, supervises all jobs himself, thus assuring our customers prompt, efficient and persomal attention. Phone 460 for Estimates on Your Electrical Installation and Fixtores Many Residences and Buildings Are Now , Equipped With The Bloburn Combustion System (A. C. Cameron, Exclusive Agency) Successfully Applied to the Furnace With Most Gratifying Results BETTER HEATING SAVING IN FUEL EASIER OPERATION LOWER COST CLEANER MANIPULATION LASTING SATISFACTION Each installation is individually designed. Standard Hot Water Furpaces, Steam Boilers or Hot Air Furnaces can be adapted. Present Boilers or Furnaces need not be replaced. Smoke nuisance is removed. By the use of anthracite screenings, does away with soot, allows easier cleaning and main- tains greater boiler efficiency, combustion is accomplished, no dirty ashes to handle. Better Draft control gives more capacity. Grates are most durable being the product of years of study and of practical tests. Severe usage has established the superiority of Bloburn Grates, Quicker Fires lessen attendayt's labor, Attention is minimised by automatic comtrol of water temperature or steam pressure. Constant, Even Heat is secured. Utilisation of cheap coal is made possible. No larger quantity of fuel required--often less. Equipment pays for itself usually within two sea- sons, frequently in one. Better Rentals and enhanced value of property are permanently assured.

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