' AAAI AL ADS 200s as TETeTeTTTTTeTeT a 2 " - of Many Investors Betokens PRT NL WE WL WEE WC WC WL WC WC WC 0 WC 0 WL WC CWE 0 3 RR ) Ad La) Beatiadeateatiadateteateteatectodsoteatoatectnatocteatectoatoato dt BB Ml lS a a AN IMPRESSIVE GROUP OF APARTMEN Disney Enterprises Nearing Completion Represent an Out» lay of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars--W elcome Addition to City's Ho business blocks illustra- ted in the group picture are typical of the latest and best that modern design and construction afford, In their building and equipment they represent the enterprise of Li V. Disney. j The uppermost group consists oi ' three units, the central one of which is 9 Quchee Street, with 17 Quebec Street and 304 Simcoe Street on either side. The latter is the larger of the two flanking buildings shown in the uppermost illustration. The left-hand illustration shows a com: To apartment houses and \ L. V. DISNEY { Prominent Real Estate { Apartment House Owner, Man and = meodious apartment house and store building now nearing completion at 82 Simcoe Street South. On the right a building devoted to stores and of- fice is now an attractive corner ac- quisition to King Street at Celina, The group of apartment houses at the corner of Quebec and Simcoe Streets has been constructed with a view of giving a maximum amount of light and air to all apartments and yet obtaining the economical advan- tages of onc central heating plant, The construction of the new build- ing is scmi-fireproof, The halls are built with fireproof partitions and concrete floors. The standard ar- rangement of rooms consists of a large living room with dining alcove, kitchen, bedroom, and bath room, Many of the apartments are equip- ped with a folding bed in the living room cuphoard. Special attention has heen giyen to the fenestration, especially in the liv- ing rooms, where large windows are used gencrally. All floors are of oak except the corridors, which are of marhle terrazzo. The bath rooms have tiled floors, built-in bath tubs, and the most modern type of plumbing fixtures. The kitchens are equipped with special built-in fittings, electric refrigerators and stoves, The main entrance doors are equip- ped with an clectric lock, which con- trols access to 'he huilding, A tele- using Accommodation phone at the door makes known to the occupant of the apartment the nature of the call. 1f he desires to admit the visitor he presse: a but- ton in his suite and thus releases the front door. An excellent laundry and drying machinery are provided free of charge for the use of tenants. Gar- bage is dis osed of each morning and its incineration contributes to the heating of water. The building at 82 Simcoe Street South consists of two fine, large, bright stores, with three apartments in the rear on the ground floor and eight apartments on cach of the two floors above. This building is also T HOUSES * ors and sub-contractors on these buildings : Disney Block.--Gay Co. Ltd, Osh- awa, general contractors; Miller & Libby, Oshawa, plumbing; A. C. Cameron, Oshawa, electrical installa- tion; F. D. Gerrard, Oshawa, heat- ing; Walter Stacey, Oshawa, decorat- ing: S. J. Gascoigne, Whitby, roof- ing; W. E. Phillips Company, Limit- ed, Oshawa, plate glass. Pa we Ont. Motor Sales Has Fine Record Splendidly Equipped Sales and Service Stations at Oshawa and Whitby Proverbs go for naught in Can- ada's "Motor City". There is that one, for example, about '"Shoemak- er's children going barefooted." 1v's one of the oldest of humanity's wise-sayings and there was a lot of truth in it, Thus, one might as- Bette ete Becdeat tect te Bein adecteetuatnadectnatuatnotoatuatuntontectontnete teat ctoctoatuatectectuatectectuatoatetoctatotost Pb dd bid d ddd dd hhh dbddddtibd ddd bdddd ddd ddd dldddddd with a branch at Whitby contro!- ling that territory. The Company was organized in 1923 when its splendid sales room and sgrvice garage was built. Its sales of Chevrolet and Oakland cars ing that time have run into thou- sands. The Chevrolet and Oaklard sands. The Chevrolet sales, of course, have made up the major part of the business. Ontario Motor Sales ILid., has kept abreast of Chevrolet develop- ment. The firm has scen it dom- inating the small car field every vear since the company was forms ed, and this year it officiated lo- es together represent value in buildings and equipment of over $100,000. The Oshawa plant occupies a lot 50 by 230 feet, and the building covers it emtirely from north to south and has a depth towards Lue lina street of 150 feet. It is two stories high with basement, and cost some $75,000, The sales display room is one of the most attractive in Central On- tario. New installations of colored lights are particularly effective in bringing out the beauties of Gen- eral Motors finishes on Chevrolet and Oakland cars. Back of the. show: 82 Simcoe Street South, -- John Warbur- ton, Oshawa, general. room is the general parts and service section with, contractor; W, D. Muek- ler, Oshawa, plumbing and heating; A, C, Cam- eron, Oshawa, el!actrieal installation: Aikenhead Hardware Limited, Tor- onto, hardware; Kelvin- ator Toronto Limited, Toronto, refrigeration. 304 Simcoe St. 8, 17 | at the rear, a repair and service garage with room for 40 cars, Here any form of mechanical dam- age or difficulty short of actual rebuilding can be attended by a staff of skilled motor mechanics who have had years of factory and service ex- % ER I I a a a SN C. W. Detenbeck, one of Osha- wa's best-known business men, is first vice-president; J. G. Lang- maid is second vice-president; and L. M. Souch, is assistant manager and secretary treasurer. J. P. Man- gan, LL.B, is a director of the company and its legal adviser. The new Whitby branch was opened in January under the man- agement of F. E. Collins. building erected to house the cars, garage space for 20 cars and complete service and repair de- partments. Mr. Willson disclaims credit for the success of the organization he heads. "Most of our success," he stat- ed, "is because of the loyalty and devotion of the department heads and workers. group of workers is a business' sur- est guarantee of success." Summarizing the Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., business success of re- cent years, the following facets, jor- ted down by Mr. Willson, will prove of interest: The business of Ontario Motor 2 NJ MATHERS &LHALDEWBY| Stores and Apartments at 82 Simcoe MATHER _RTQISTERED ARCHITECTS - Street South. Modern Apartment Hone at Quebec and Simcoe Streets, MATHERS 8 HALDENBY REGISTERED ARCHITECTS Stores, Offices and Apartments at King and Celina Streets. finished and equipped in the most modern way, All the apartments are very bright and are equipped with electric stoves and electric refriger- | ators. This building is equipped with | a Pacific steel wire tube boiler with steam heating, The construction and equipment of these buildings is modern in every detail. The apartment house at 304 Simcoe Street South is three storevs high, 91x56 feet in dimensions, of concrete foundation and solid brick walls. The floors are of oak andthe trim is gumwood. In this huilding there are eighteen suites equipped with electric refrigerators, Steam heating is installed. At 9 Quebec Street the construction is similar. The dimensions for this building are 75x35. It contains nine | suites, Hot water heating is install | ed. Solid brick and tile construction is employed at 82 Simcoe Street South, which provides accommodation for two stores and nineteen apartments, The dimensions of this building are 116x36 feet, the foundation heing of concrete, the roof, tar and gravel, the floors of oak with fir trun. Steam | heating and clectric refrigeration are | installed, | Following is a list of the contract- Quechee Street--L. V. Disney Con- struction Company, general contracis ors; W. DD. Muckler, Oshawa, heat- ing and plumbing; Kelvinator To- ronto Limited, Taronto, refrigeration ; C. RB; DeGuerre, Oshawa, electrical installation: W. J. Trick and Com- pany, Oshawa, lumber ; Carew Lumber Company, Oshawa, lumber; William- son Lumber Company, Toronto, lumber; Sylvan and Stevens, Osh- awa, hardwood flooring; J. D. Arm- strong Company, Hamilton, excava- tion; [talo-Canadian Terrazzo Tile Company, Toronto, terrazzo floors; Sarnia Bridge Company, Toronto, massillon joists; Globe Furniture Company, Waterloo, kitchen cup- boards; Murphy Door Bed Com- pany of Canada, Toronto, folding Electrolier Company, Mont- real, electrical fixtures; Ramsay Paint Company, paint; Scarfe Paint Com- pany, Toronto, paint; Beach Foundry Limited, Toronto, electric stoves; S. J. Gascoigne, Whithy, roofing: W, F. Bowden, Oshawa, tinsmith; Carter and Canfield, bricklaying; W. J. Trick and Company, Oshawa, lathing and plastering; Flintoff & Sons, Osh- awa, plastering and Celotex installa- tion; Renfrew Refrigerator Com- pany, Renfrew, refrigerators; Pedlar People Limited, Oshawa, skylights, beds; pleasing environment cooking odors. 6 King St. | CAPITOL CAFE I (View of Main Dining Room) A Real Good Place to Eat An important adjunct to the enjoyment of food these summer days is Comfort. Here you will find a cool, even temp- erature maintained at all times and a free from din and Open7a.m.to2a.m. SPECIAL MEALS Served At All Hours TELEPHONE 2289 East Yeoman Chong, to tradition if Oshawa's motor industry left the city at large still faithful to four leggeu hay-burners and old fashioned bug- gy rides. Ag a matter of fact, no town any- where is more interested in motor cars than Oshawa. It's an auto- moile town and jealous of every- thing connected with the cars made here. Moreover, Oshawa has more cars per capita than any other city in Canada. There's more back of this than the fact that Canada's chief motor industry is established here. One hig reason is the Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., Simeoe Street South, and the pérsonnel of its executive and service force. Ontario Motor Sales the Oshawa agency eribe it Ltd., has for Chevrotet and Oakland sales and service, | cally at the launching of the most beautiful and efficient small car models in automotive history. To keep abreast of the Chevrolet is a job for any sales agency, and that the Ontario Motor Sales has done so ig shown in fhe statement that their sales in 1928 are well ahead of the 1927 record Oakland sales have also heen marked hy steady demand and gen- eral increase. This fine six makes torist who wants perb performanc The sales and the Ontaria Motor Oshawa alene totals represent 110 quality and su- service staff ox Sales Ltd., in 56 men. These direct dependents. There are ten employees at the Whithy branch, which was apened in January of this year The Oshawa and Whithy hranch- an instantaneous appeal to the mo- | [ perience. All of the senior men have taken special courses offered {by General Motors service depart- | ment. An important used car sales de- | partment is also a feature of the husiness. Ontario Motor Sales' O. K. on a used car is backed by the | company's reputation. Sales in that section have heen a notable fea- ture of the current year, years past have shown steadily in- creasing totals. The company's executive consists of J. Norval Willson, president and general manager, who joined the company two years ago. He | brought to the husiness wide auto- motive experience as a sales execu- tive, having heen associated with A. D. Gorries Ltd.,, Toronto, for | six wears, as one of.the leading | Sales Liimted has kept the expansion of the City of Osh- | lin 1025 was 7, | men and mechanics. and for | surroundings turn and the quality of service that they salesmen. | will Pace awa. In 1925 there were 127 Chev- rolets sold. 1028 to date these has been over 500 cars and trucks sold. The of personnel the Company 1926 jumped and 7 mechanics. time we have ,a to 6 salesmen At the present personnel of 41. Our Service Department been remodelled in the last months, We have spared no ex- pense in equipping this Service De- partment so that our employevs will be working in the most ideal possible, which in benefit our custoniers, hus will receive, The | branch has a show room for two | Such a spirit in any | with | including the sales- | lew | i flee br { The expansion of-the business i {greatly due to the Departmen: | Heads, who have been well trained in their respective lines over a pe- {riod of years. i | Mr. Souch, who is Secretary of {the Firm and Assistant Manager, | needs no introduction to our many friends and customers, he having been with this Firm since he lef ¢chool. and practically raised in {the Business. | Mr. 8S. McMechan, who is Super- {intendent of the Service and Repair | Department, learned his trade many years ago when the Automo- | bile needed a great deal more at. {tention than it does at the present, {He was in charge of the Night Ser. |vice for A. D. Gorrie. of Toronto, | before coming down to take over his present position. For the excellent condition that |our Parts Department is in, we {have Mr. C. Stinton to thank, who has great ambition and capacity for work in keeping the Parts De. {partment up with the growth of the ales. | Dining in Comfort at Capitol Cafe Catering to the more particular diners of the city, the Capitol Cafe, latest addition to the list of local res- taurants, entertaining its full quota of guests every day, illustrat- mg remarkably well the success of the policy of quality that Yeoman Chong and Company, proprietors, laid down when the cafe was opened As one enters this commodious cafe ,the first thing that impresses | itself upon the vision is the pleasing way in which it has been decorated, Not the least effective touches are the chandeliers and table lights that add a touch of individuality to each of the wall tables. The cafe is laid throughout in hardwood floors, sa that, in the case of one of the many special parties. to which it tables and carpets may be back and dancing enjoyed Frigidaire refrigeration is one of the features of equipment "behind | the scenes" and the tastiness of the | food served testifies that the balance of the equipment must be equally { good. A radio and phonograph alter- | nate in supplying the musical side of the good meal. Ten men are em- ployed to aecommodate the fasts growing trade of this institution, caters, rolled SMALLEST MOTOR The smallest synchronous motor ev- | er built, rated at one "fly-power," and a giant of the same type 40 million | times as powerful, standing side hy side in an exhibition booth on Yong's pier at Atlantic City were features of amazing display of electrical sroducts, The display included a myriad of | electrical devices for a wide range | of purposes and represented the lat- | est electrical engineering achieve- Lments of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. The "fiy-power" motor is so small | that it is mounted in an electric light {bulb Devised for various metering | one rations, it will operate at exactly { 600 r.p.m. when supplied with electric | power, and thus is capable of keep- | ing accurate time. A clock run by it will not lose or gain 10 seconds a year, | i, Lo Wy Pr Ep | Phone 200 A View of the 14 Pontiac Automobiles in the Service 14 NEW "PONTIAGS" Prompt and Courteous Service to All Calls Johnston's Taxi Simcoe St. S.