THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES -- Greater O Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1928 45 Sets sess sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnsssssssnssnsssasssssssssssesssssssessss 20a ssss 288800800000 S808 00 0000000000080 ssss fo ro A Good House Must Have a Good Plan When an architect is asked to ex- plain his preference for a certain house, he replies that the plan, the pection, the appearance, and the economies worked out in the con- struction add such a quality as to make it better than others, It is natural for the architect to think of the plan first, because this is the basis from which all his de- signs must rise, If a house has not plan, in spite of any other qualities it may have, it is not a good house. One of the problems of small house design, or any other kind of architectural design for that matter, is the section. By this we mean the elation of the parts to each other vertically, What the architect tries to do with a small house is to keep it from looking too high. The matter of proportion is involved ; consequent- ly the architect uses every artifice at his command. to overcome the ap- rance of height, The section is adjusted, With the plan and section fixed, appearance comes along naturally. i it is not satisfactory the architect ries. again, He does not take what e has worked out, thinking of it gs being inevitable, and then add so much trick ornamentation to the out- side to improve the appearance, Little houses--in fact any kind of building, no matter what its size-- must depend on their proportions for real architecture, Little bits of grace- ful ornamentation that we may add after these greater things are . de» vised are like the grace notes in a piece of music. The tune is made up of the big things, The ornaments simply enhance its qualities, : The third goal of the architect who designs a small house is the achievement of economy. By econ- omy we mean a great many things --conserving space in the plan, also in the section. We mean, too, econ- omy of construction--sound con- struction, something that will not fall down. A needlessly complicated type of construction is not good ar- chitecture, Almost every small home builder is faced with the necessity of avoiding extra costs, useless ex- pense, One of the things that an architect does for him in this connec- tion is to organize the construction so that there will be no waste, When men are rightly occupied, their amusement grows out of their work, as the color petals out of a fruitful flower; when they are faith- fully h-' ful and compassionate, all their emotions are steady, deep, per- petual and vivifying to the soul as is the natural pulse to the body. Oshawa Golfers' New Club House The Oshawa Golf Club Limited has this year erected new quarters for its members in the way .of a new Club House, and also Professional and 'Caddy's Building. (See Page 3, illustrated section), The buildings have been most appropriately placed on the high ground overlooking the river and low lying portions of the course, which is one of the most picturesque courses in the Province. The buildings have been carried out in a classical style and provide ac- commodation for two hundred and fifty men and one hundred and fifty lady members. The buildings, while being frame on masonry foundations, provide most modern and up-to-date conveniences and equipment. The ac- commodation consists of large lounge, ladies' room, dining room, men and ladies' locker rooms, snack room, of- fice, kitchen and services, together with verandah from which a consid- erable portion of the course can be seen. These buildings were designed by G. Roper Gouinlock, Registered Ar- chitect, Toronto, and carried out un- der general contract by T. B. Moth- ersill & Company, of Oshawa, The world is blessed most by men who do things, and not by those who merely~talk about them. construction today. erry-builders ana originators of all houses that "have their scaffolding left up till the wallpaper is safely on," will be discouraged from future operations in Delaware County, Penn- sylvania, when plans now under way for trademarking honest products in this industry have been put into gen- eral practice. These plans, originated by the Del- aware County Builders' Association, look to the greater protection of re- putable builders, realtors, and pros- pective home buyers, Special com- mittees of the Association, through a rigid system of inspection, will pass ion the relative merits of new con- struction, evaluate new dwellings, and indicate fair prices, according to the statements of Bernard J. New- man, who quotes the President of the Association as saying: "If the homes inspected come up to the re- quirements, the insignia of the As- sociation will be attached to the back door of every house, so that the buy- er may know that his future home is of the first-quality material and is of standard construction. Those that fail to meet the requirements will not be approved by the Association. The public is thus protected from the job put up by the wandering hatchet-and- saw man, whose work can't stand the acid test." ; Delaware County is reported to be making tremendous strides in new dwelling construction. : Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the Shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how straight the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. --W. E. Henley. +d rr NN NT NTT TT TT TTT TTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT IT TTT TTT TTT TeYT a and Visible Expression of Oshawa's Ideals A Vision Which Is Taking Material Form Residence of J. H. Beaton QN THE left we have the perspective prepared by the archi. * tects, Messrs. Hutton & Souter, of Hamilton, and on the right a photograph of the building as it appears in course of The style of architecture is that of many beautiful homes in England which have served to maintain the interest and admiration of home-builders through the centuries. Applying Trademarks to New Buildings LJ lh bb bb E NS : r L L b E b L Various Types of Building Contracts It is best to place the contract for the finished house with a single con- tractor who will be responsible for the entire job. Where a contract is let to a single contractor on a lump-sum basis the owner knows at the start what the cost of the house will be, provided his plans are com- plete and he does not have to allow for extras. Sometimes most of the work islet to a general contractor, and scpar- ate contracts are made by the own- er for the lighting, heating, and plumbing equipments, Occasionally the owner lets sepa- rate contracts for each part of the work and supervises it himself, but this procedure is usually unsatisfac- tory, In selecting the contractor, it is best to obtain the names of several dependable contractors whose finan- cial standing is good and take bids from these, in order to check against excessive costs, It is not necessary to accept the lowest bid, and it may be well worth while to pay a little more to a contractor who is depend- able and has a reputation for good construction work, Three main types of building con- tracts are used in building work: First: the contractor may be paid a lump sum for the work he under. takes, Second: the contractor may be paid for all materials and labor, and re- ceive in addition an agreed percent- age of their cost. Third: the contractor may be paid for materials and labor, and a fee for supervision fixed in advange, The contract forms should be drawn up with strict attention to le- gal requirements and should be fair to both parties, Waldorf Attains Notable Success The Waldorf Cafe, almost the newest business venture in Oshawa, has built up a surprisingly large cli- entele since it opened five months ago. It is conceded to be one of the most up-to-date restaurants in the city, and is fitted with a banquet hall in which 100 people can be seated, The owners, Seto Brothers and Company, who also own the Globe Cafe, King street east, are making an endeavor to give the utmost in service and quality to their patrons. Electrical refrigeration has been in- stalled as a safeguard to food, and in many other ways Seto Brothers have stopped at nothing short of the best, The Waldorf is situated centrally, a few doors ahove King street, north on Simcoe, Two separate compart- ments feature the cafe. One is of the grill-room type, separated from the larger dining room, by a hand- some archway, hung with velour cur- tains, A few private compartments at the back of the main dining hall are also a pleasing feature. The cafe is commodious, and is about 27 feet wide, and 100 feet in depth, and includes a large pantry and kitchen at the rear. The latest cooking and refrigerating devices are used, and the cafe is modern in every respect, Crystal electric light brack- ets, and clean, gleaming silverware of the best grade, make this Cafe one of the best in Oshawa. It has been designed so that every comfort and convenience of the diner is gonsidered, The decorating has been done with taste and skill, as the palms, flowers, metallic scroll work ceiling, and the panelled walls give evidence, One of the latest battery- less radio sets will provide the "mu- sic with the meals," Twenty-six tables are available so that quick and efficient serving will he given, Every year I live I am more con- vinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used, the selfish prudence that will risk nothing, and which, shirking pain, misses happi- ness as well. No one ever vet was the poorer in the long run for have ing once in a lifetime "let out all the length of all the reins." --Mary Cholmondeley. One of the trucks that will be glad to render service upon re- ceipt of a call--Laundry call- ed for and delivered on short hotice, MR EP EVELEIGH Owner-Manager Oshawa Laundry, and Dry Cleaning Co, to cleanse the goods, Interior of the Finishing Room where your laundry, like new. ern are used throughout. is made methods POWER WASHING MACHINES In these modern machines your linen is given ten changes ol water, Only pure soft water, soap and javel water are used Special machines are installed for woollens and fancy articles, Silks are hand washed. PPTTTTTYYY a -.