+" PAGE FOUR 1 ll ae ---- . ' o 3 soy Cagadian Pacific Office, {% THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER Alloway, Secretary. The Oshawa Dally Times is a member of the Cana: dian Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers' Provincial Dailies As and the land, $3.00 a year; elsewhere in Canada, $4.00 a year; United States, $5.00 a year. TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Tele» phone Adelaide 0107, H. D. 'Cresiddev, repre. sentative. REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S. Powers and Stone, Inc, New York and Chicago. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1928 'A GREATER OSHAWA IN THE BUILDING A survey of Oshawa's constructional pro- gress today---as outlined in this issue--fills the heart with pride and nerves the arm to greater endeavor, It shows us that the . gradual and consistent progress of earlier days is giving place to a development which is proceeding by leaps and bounds, lifting us out of obscurity and illuminating the name Of Oshawa on the scroll of national fame, The progress recorded in every sphere of the city's development has an even greater significance, however. It does more than afford a stimulus to pride: it awakens us-- or should awaken us--to a sense of our re- sponsibilitien<te-4the Greater Qshawa we-ave - building up. It points not only to the things that have been done, but to the greater things that remain to be done. It tells us that what we have achieved in the past, what we are doing today, must be only an in- centive to renewed and greater effort, It pleads for the development of still more faith and greater enterprise--development which will find expression in the extension of waterworks and sewerage, streets and pavements, municipal buildings, churches, schools, hospital accommodation, public health service and the like as and when needed. It impresses us with the realization that a state of rapid transition creates cer- tain exigencies which can only be delayed at the cost of eonfusion and added expense. Let us hope that the constructional survey presented in this Greater Oshawa Edition will awaken us to a full realization of the changes that are taking place, the develop- ments such changes portend, and the re- sponsibilities these things impose. As a community, we have entered upon a period of expansion which bears every aspect of an era of unprecedented activity, We have put our hand to the plough and there can be no turning back. Applicable to the faith and enterprise of the individual, there is 8 Japanese proverb: "He who fails to mount the running steed is left to walk." Under the di 1912 Make your reservations now at the BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL q sent day to be a memorial of a migh people. Religious and profane. writings alike abound in examples of great men whose civic pride was an essential element of their indi- viduality. St. Paul was the many who have said in effect "I am a citizen of no mean city." A one of the greatest factors in national great reflect upon the cumulative value of all con- structive effort in the direction of the public weal. . { As Mr. Stenhouse reminds us in a valuable article published in this "Greater Oshawa Edition," a community is "merely a collec. tion of individuals." To the extent that civic pride is inculcated in each one of us we may expect it to blossom forth in those com- munities of hamlet and village, town and city, of which we form an indispensable, if humble, part. To the extent that each of us rises to the opportunity of contributing greater Oshawa, using the one talent or the ten, shall we be remembered by posterity, THE VALUE OF IT Many have wondered during the past few years if civilization were on the way to the dump heap and if prize fighting as engin. eered by Messrs, Rickard and Company is the -sign of its downward progress. However, like most things prize fighting has 'its good points. An illuminating inci. dent was witnessed recently near the C.P,R. station, There was a group of about twelve children, mostly boys but with a fringe of one girl, indeterminate toddlers and dogs. Two of these lads were fighting with all l= the earnestness of their stout voung hearts. One, the lighter, and about ten years old, represented Tunney the scientific, This age, stood for Heeney, and that lion-hearted Australian was nobly represented by this game little slugger. They weren't angry, mind you, it was a fight for the sheer love of make-believe, And how they fought! One boy, a youngster with an excess of imagination, was the promoter. He egged them on, which wasn't so good; but he also made them avoid the very appearance of hit- ting in clinches or when one or the other was down, which was fine for everybody. The real moral good about this make-be- lieve but dead-in-earnest prize fight was that the boys were teaching themselves not to be afraid of a drubbing. Few people are afraid of fighting, but the fear of defeat is the mother of inferiority complexes, hysterics and most of life's petty meanness. " 7 EDITORIAL NOTES It's a hard life, in which you must event- ually become either an old bachelor or an old married man. Woman has an inalienable right to change her mind. The trouble begins in her as. sumption of the right to change yours. Mather ) MUSIC FESTIVAL patronage of . Ww and Spr pilot Smphithestse Pep os TNs Au iltie programme. ; of Scottish Ball Springs : Hotel which will include 8 revival of Burns' famous Cantats 51 - WW eV ATYAS 7h 0 Ti YOR fei re "U ot gh y fy ET Fie J BEELER FE / ~ CANADIAN PACIFIC H.R.H. Tus Price or Wares Can You Toss the Caberf ¢ Music in the evenings st the John Moncrieff, Ernest Gaelic folk ploy with folksingers, Morgan, A i» J 1 Tm ro apy Arn AL im 3 =O LE weaker peoples and was the boast of the eon- queror, yet it contained an element of the civic pride we know today. The Romans were great builders as well as great conquerors, and their works of con. struction survived long after their power had crumbled into dust--survived to the pre- In our day and generation, civic pride is' ness. Conviction is strengthened when we. his part to the development of a better and boy was all of that. The other, of the same. Hii; tH 4 i 5 you ea length to buy will today, » mw If you Don't | Nerves 4 It appears, however, reports being dally paper for the last week, that the. executive of the General Mo- tors Plonle was an organization working mechanically for the em. wl odor a successfully Pare standard of the G.M: hues and other oA veyances forthe plenie today, the O.8.R. will have to make' some speed, and how, Today is anniversary of long distance telephone headline. distance she keeps it up too long, all have to say is that 5 ing the money tnat* 'em, every time, Won't the young couples Conservative Picnic Liddy dd Ly And indulge in ana Wt mean at ali; Au oid yw houle up nd "sass" you 1 the. wonennr 'pul , Weather ( ther, yoy will note); ~ ih } i i Well, somebody has wen Pontiac Coach being given --- tonight at the Park. y hoped that mo one lost over the affair, bf * It 1s to be any sleep * from the circulated in the ployees. Don't be misinformed, they're human, even if they do '| show a lttle 'comsideration for others. J * 9 . so» first talk" Isn't it a pleasure when Il your wife up over lone that you control the of the conversation, It her new ile' tlVe fons It'H "get hk 8 ET Magnate: "Every shilling I have was made honestly," Friend: "By whom?" N . 0 » . Bhe says she calli Her fellow "Pllgrim'* because every time he calls he makes a little more pro- gress, " LJ] * > '» Well, again, The police not be able to say they weren't busy this week, with gmeml Bip wes Plenic today. Ww ooking after stra kiddies, and di A their day wil be fairly tun, » " Someone had ihe nerve to ask y were go t od at the plenic, ie bo. Jarvet be & little ed in comfort, I'm thinkin,' * * Ld traffic, Any near beer would too near to be consum- ted? There will There's one thing, th -- I you want peace §; though, 1 view will not be apd qujet, Lake. 1 the place. to ge It's even worse than the Ld THE) Sweetie quarrel, 'T S0aD and snarl, cracks" you did' S THE with your each other » 804 point out lots of My oy eel ila '8 fit of blue abide to oorie Mat hd Are burned until they siz' sle, your attempt at love's a "Bure, this horrid, to .. #r's got your vont Or perhaps you're - walking four N dinner, a § But 18-008 at all that's on the ta- Too much salt in the potatos, and dressing for tomatoes, weaty? 8 bread-winner, miles for your. '| When they had profits | theft f J ph from a N THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGU=T 11, 1928 Vata! trying all your dutiss to == [1 You must be a foxy fooler--wait ~ until the weather's cooler, Lest you give: the stern chas- tisement you may rue. H | When Old Sol's hot beam 1s And human thoughts frem work dreami §° ng To the restful shade of woodland 'glade and dell; form there such a Ly listless fooling, 'We could. pend the time in very A It's not that we are really it's just that our thoughts are hazy, : And ambition seems vacation's call, 80 we may as well surrender--be gg ® weather at t © of ftal! Ye Justens *. * 0 It almost makes ope float a in perapiration ta read the Prd LJ to hear 'Famous last words--Why, ¢ aren't rapids, they're oy hate dows, W STRANGE TALES OF STOCK DEALINGS Told By Bancitaly Clerk-- Says Money Stolen | from Him : New VY ) ew York, Aug. 10.--Aft i the District Attorney ee ing money belonging to his employers with the intention of "helping them, * s 0 Eventually, why not now. ; % . > + | rather than benefitting himself, Cor- nelius Callahan pleaded not AY to indictments charging grand larceny, He is charged with stealin, $500,000 from the Bancitaly ¢ tion, by which he was employed gas Jalsunt Seeteiary, and was brought oday fro we arrested. m Montreal, where he 'allahan, who is 28 years ol ad been a trusted employee % - corporation for six years, told the District Attorney that, more than two years. ago, $3,000 in cash and 3 shares of the company's stock bad been stolen from his office. He 5 afriad, he said, that if he re. ported the theft he would be sus. pected, even though he knew nos thing of how the money had been stolen, and so he conceajed the loss, etiding to make it good himself, I 4 companion, he sai 'ope ened a bank account for old he mae ! of the companion disappeared hii Wobey. esperate then, Callahan said, he took cheques paid for Ban. si stock and cashed them, in an of ot io Make enough in the market ore the stolen stock and dL the stock subscribers ---- on delivery of the stock for which uilty to. im with almost orpory. went into the o market and bought jt f pen ing the bank's Ponds or them wp Callahan was broy ght back t. York by James McKittrick, a ow wo S8ighed to the District Attor. - Arrests in Detroit cape troit, Aug. 10--Foyr men and ve women were arrested. this after- n in anestion with the recent ew York bond h 00,000 worth of bonds, The six were captured in two raids, ~Those held "are: Moe Rasken, 35 years old, 8§ Erskine street, who said Sid Roemer, 38 € Was a8 merchant; 2 New York salesman; William Fish. ace, i a. 5 Edmond by! m Berg, 36, a New Y, Leone Fisher, Fisher's oy , and Edpa , 93, of 85 Erskine street, Recovered The detecti gai, whether any or th used to indicate Investigators af recovered $300.08 worth Senay Boi said, 1S CHARGED WITH FALSE PRETENSES Ralph A Fitchett Alleged to Have Obtained Goods Val- ued at 121.75 Unless $ 3,000 bail can be secured, which is quite likely, Ralph A. Fit- chett will be remanded in custody until A ust 15 pending trial on a charge ich is brought against him by J. N, Thickson of obtaining goods to the value of $121.75 under false etences. When he was arraigned fore Magistrate Hind in police court this morning, Louis Hyman, Torey Ween re shetty an remand. = asked for a rles Fair, who was br t in last in an inebriated i by. P.C. "awbert, was assessed and costs and warned thi* his next offence of this kind will cost him ten times as much with the costs in ad- dition. ---------- When asked why people referred 'the 88 Simcoe St. North - Oshawa - Phone 915 | i evidences of progressive enterprise are unmistakable. The new homes, stores and factory units now under construction all lend ength to the view that Os is po its way to bigger RE 4 We a ado TIRE es % Service part in this forward movement, and it ~ "is our constant endeavor, through our Savings; Investment and Mortgage Loan Departments, to webs community, , Stent ithe Jends of thie "i phi gl : aa & resources now of over Ten Million Dollars, the Central Canada; as one of the oldest and strongest companies of its kind in Canada, is well equipped to meet your requirements and re- spectfully solicits your business, ¥y § Business hours 9 am. to 8 pm, including Saiurday, ®' QA EVAR @A AY DAN [AN AND SAVINGS COMPANY OSHAWA WRANGI OFFICE; 23 SIMCOE ST, NORTH A SAFE PLACE FOR SAVINGS se -- Te ------ iy i ---- ER ---- ALITY === "| ---- ; Meliss KE TORONTO <. ? Bi OVER ALL ROADS -- IN ALL WEATHERS -- AT ALL TIMES superb of the deep mud and gumbo of Prairie Wo Sa, sre te Blame ie hater re 4 ns Seer me ped lode didode donde ini Js Len it hte Vacdns Prone -- The rugtedncw of These is as and Better" i alone things possible. Dig er Chevrolot--beanth no of the engine--of the chassis--of the ful in form--iuxurious in od sag updo cogrmidu for supremely rugged in ¢ gpd = the gril sdb Bid by She famous Ve Grousd. »n . even under adverse conditions. result Better" Chevrolet No matter what the roads--no ot tees weather--at all times the hoor the Rockies, and ploughs its way through Chevrolet stays on the 108-200 » Generel Motors' deferred the mast conremient sud economical The G.M.AL. or' phan efords ¥ ey Moffatt Motor Sales, Limited PONTIAC SIX: ' 4 PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED | 4