Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Aug 1928, p. 2

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by, Aug. 10.--Peter Nichol- 'of Oshawa paid a fine of §100 'oosts in Police Court today en he pleaded guilty to having uor in an illegal place. Nichol was arrested early this morn- for speeding by Chief H, Gun- and Constable Thomas while ~ through town. When the opened the door of his , & flask of whiskey dropped ut,-s0 he faced a charge of violat- -the L.C.A. - and the highway ations, Examination of his it showed thta in five months had purchased 200 bottles of ts, in addition to a quantity 'beer. After being severely lec- rad by Magistrate Willis, Nichol- admitted that it was bad busi- , and agreed that his permit uld be cancelled. WG BEAT SWASTIRAS Down Fast Sunnyside Crew By 8 to 6 in Exhibition + Game (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Aug, 11.--The local girls' football team added another victory to its credit whem it suc- ceeded in defeating the Swastikas, of the Sunnyside Intermediawe Ladies' Softball League, Toronto, by the score of 8-6 in an exciting exhibition fixture played before a large crowd of fans at the town park last night. Although yester- day afternoon a report came from Toronto that the Swastikas would be unable to make the trip, they came in spite of all, and it was remarkable how the crowd soon gathered when ti was known defin- itely that there would be a game, The Robertson sisters, Ruth and Jean, were back on their old posi- tions at short and 2nd base respect: ively last night, but Effie Watson, Don't Wait! At the first sign of a headache, ward it off with Aspirin, This truly wonder- ful antidote for pain relieves a headache its height, but why suffer an hour or more before you use it? Or endure any and pains which a Bayer could dispel in a jiffy? It does NOT affect the Heart Physicians tell. you there is no harm in taking Aspirin tablets frosty, or giving them to children; know, All drug- stores, with proven directions, Just get the genuine, ing cheers. : The visitors made a good sf in the 1st innings and aided by loose playing on teh part of the came home on an overthrow, For- rester reached 1st on an error be- hind the plate and etole 2nd and 3rd bases respectively coming to the starting point when the catch. ers throw was fumbled at 2rd base, Thus the score was tied 4 all, The 3rd and 4th frames provided an air-tight exhibition with mo runs to be accounted for. Swastikas jumped to the lead again in the 6th when Maxwell, their diminutive but snappy catch er, earned a walk. She stole 2nu and 3rd bases and when Nairn his an easy grounder to Forrester who flelded it to Blow at 1st, the Swas- tika runner raced in to score on the play. Mary Blow missed the pitch: and Nairn was safe on the 1st, With one on bases and one down Harris fanned for the second out while Briggs made the third down when Thelma Parker ran in to make a spectacular catch of a long low fly to left field. Whitby was not to be outdone and Forrester grounded a hot one to centre field, there was a fumble and the locals' star moundsman completed the circuit in record time for another run, Jean Robe ertson reached 1st on a safe hit while Mary Blow popped out to Harrison for the first down, Thel- ma Parker, however, secured a beautiful triple scoring Robertson, while a minute later she crossed the plate herself on a wild pitch, Scott was hit while at bat and took a base. Ruth Robertson flew out to short but Scott came home when the Swastika catcher threw high over 2nd, Lena Watson went out Harrison to Wilcox, The visitors made the last run of the evening in the 6th innings. Wilcox, first to bat, fanned the ozone three times for a strikeout, Plumer secured a hit and after working her way around to 3rd was scored by Reed. Giles, however, flew out to Mary Blow while Max well was put down on an easy fly to J. Robertson. Whitby did not count in the 6th but held the two run margin safely in the 7th, when the game was called on account of darkness. The score by innings-- Swastikas. wus sweve. 400.011 0--6 Rovers ...oovemmmews 230 040 x8 WEW acceleration -likea shot from agun.. _+odueto greatly increased power and vital en uick's VALVE-IN-HEAD : ATT 8 ineering advancements 'adding newbrilliancy foM-Laughlin Eng ne! A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT _--_-- The line-up-- Swastikas: battery, Harrison and Maxwell; infleld, Wilcox, Plumer, Briggs and Nairn; out- fleld, Reed, Giles and Harris, Rovers: battery, Forrester and Long; infleld, Blow, J. Robertson, Seott and R. Robertson; outfield, Parker, Watson and Bandel. Umpires: Quinton, plate; Flan- nigan, bases, MILITARY AND | NAVAL CHANGES _-- By National Defence Department Ottawa, Aug. 10,--The Minister of National Defence announces the following appointments: Major J. E, Lahole, Montreal, to command No 4 stationery heoepi- tal, C.A.M.C., vice. Lieut, -Colons} C, BE, 8t. Pierre, who has been transferred to and appointed to command No 4(reserve) station. ary hospital. Major Lahole serve ed in France and Belgium during the wa with the Caadian Army Medical Corps. Major J, Stevenson has been promoted to the rank of Lieut,-Col- onel and to command No. 6 sta- tionary hospital, C.A.M.C., Que- bee, vice Lieut.-Colonel W, H. De- laney, VD, who has beentransfer- red to the reserve of officers. Dur- ing the war Major Delaney served as officer in charge of the Quebec miltary hospital from July, 1915, to March, 1917, Lieut, A, C, Ellison, Royal Can- adian Naval Volunteer Reserve, is posted to H.M.C.8, Naden, at Es- quimault, B.C., for 14 days annual training Acting Lieut, W. G. Shedden, R.C.N.V.R, is posted to HMCS, Stadacona, Halifax, for 14 days' sniual training, aymaster Lieut, J, E, Priest! R.CN.V.R, of Edmonton, Alta, 1s posted to H.M.C.8, Naden, Esqui- mault, for 14 days' annual train- ing and two months' voluntary service, LIGHTNING BOLT KILLS BRUCE MAN Crops in Paisley District Are Destroyed By Heavy . Hail Cargill, Aug. 10--Conrad Krohn, a Brant farmer, 35 years of age, mar- ried, was instantly killed when struck 0 SUNDAY IN KNOX Presbyterian Church Simeoe Street North and Brock Street REV. A. C. REEVES, B.A. 34 Broek St. W. Phone 1833 Sunday, August 12 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--""The Young Ruler and His Quest". 7 p.m.--"Unbelief* or "Departing from the Living God." Cordial welcome to Knox Church, T He Is a 3 Albert Street UNITED REV, R, A. WHATTAN, Min ister 30 Elena St. Phone 567F Sunday, August 12 11 a.m. ~--Combined services of the Sunday School and Church Ser- vices, 7 p.m.--"Levels." Brivgiouts, Mercifu ghteous Pealm 116:1. 1love the Lord, because he hath heard my hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore 1 live. "God is the Refuge of His saints; When storms of sharp distress invade; Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold Him present wi His aid." 52 Simcoe St. 8. REV. F, J. Appointments | Announced HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts. REV, 8. C, JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St, Sunday, August 12 10 am. = Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. 7 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St. Sunday, August 12 Sunday Sch Services, 11 and 7 p.m. Baptism service at Lake 3 am, 3 p.m, Strangers Welcome, Hear Evangelist 8, R. Winn and wife will be with us all day. J. T. BALL, Pastor, ool, 10 a.m. Sunday, Andrew's, 11 a.m.--Service J. Maxwell will preach. 7 p.m.~--Service in St. J. Maxwell will preach, St. Andrews and Simcoe St. United Churches UNION SUMMER SERVICES In Charge 10 a.m.~--~Sunday Schoo! in Simeoce in St. Andrew's "I Was Glad When They Sald Unto Me, 'Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord." Phone 148 MAXWELL August 12 Street and St Church, Rev. PF, Andrew's. Church. Rev, F, STREET ® United Church 1 y. REV. CO. B. CRAGG, MA, B.D, 139 King St. B.--Phone 213 NRPS, ---- WE Sunday, August 12 ° 1 am. and 7 p.m, == Rev. H. B. Neal, B.A., of Wooler, will preach. 13 p.m.--Sunday School Session, I Wednesday, 7.30--Prayer Service "Paul and His Vis- fon." Pastor in charge. Tuesday, 6.30 p.m.--Mis- sion Circle picnic at Lake- view Park, All young ladies are cordially invited, ' Saturday afternoen ne Men's Bible Class Picnic at Chubbtown. Calvary Baptist ATHOL 8ST. W. (Formerly Athol St, Mission) REY, ¥. DIUKIE, PASTOR Sunday, August 12 11 a.m.~--~Rev, F, Diskie will speak, "The Path of the Just," 8.00 p.m, --~Sunday School, 7 pom.~--Rev, F. Dickie. Subject: "Perils." Monday, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples' Meeting, Wednesday and Saturday 8 p.m.~Prayer Meeting. All Welcome St. George's ANGLIC. Cor, Bagot and Centre Bts. CANON C. R, dePENCIER, MA : 39 Athol Strest West Sunday, August 12 Holy Commubnion-=8 a.m, 11 a.m.~Moraing Prayer Sunday Behool Centre 8t.~~3,30 p.m, 7 p.m.~Evensong, Baptisms 3nd Sunday each month Christ Church E Marquee Tent, Cor. HiN- croft and Mary Sts, REV, R, 5 PATTERSON, Incumbent, 503 "Masson st. Sunday, August 12 9.45 am. = Sunday School. IV a. mi -- Morning ayer, 4 p.m.--Baptisms, 7 p. m -- Evening Prayer, CHRISTIAN Church REV, hy P. FLETCHER, 0 M0, fur Sunday, August 12 S-- 10 am. ~~ Sunday School." North Simcoe St. United Church Sunday, August 12 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Service, Rev, T. Tonkin, Bowmanville, speak- er, 7 p.m.--Evening vice, Supply. Ser- Il a, m= Morning ice, 7 p. mi. = Evening Prayers, Unity Truth Centre . 8.0, B. HALL, KING ST. B. Sunday, August 12 11 a.m.--Publis service, Everybody welcome Emmanuel BAPTIST CHURCH Minister; REV, JOEN GALT 11 a.m ~The Church and Sunday School meet to- gether the Sunday School class session starting at 11.30. Mr, Henry will be In charge of the service, 7 p.m.~~The service will be in charge of the B.Y.P. U. Mr, Petley will be the speaker, at 8 pm, B.Y.P.U, Monday evening Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 pm, All invited, CHRISTADELPHIAN What la Russia for? What a i iawn Symp ing bor? Wont wi) young lions" do? Read the Scriptures yourself. snd see. BSS TIO OF : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Sel 6¢ Colborne Street East ci Sunday, August 12 R SUBJECT; *, " -w *SOuUL" Morning Service at 11 am. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m, Including testimonies of Heal! through Christian Science. yr You are cordially invited to at- tendo the services and to make use Free Public g Room Shere the Bible and all authorized ristian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. and ' Joriedicals subscribed for, Ope uesdays, Thursdays and di hd from 2 to § p.m, / . SIMCOE STREET, . PENTECOSTAL : MISSION (OVER TEE ARCADE) Sunday, FER AL Mein iad Meeting 7 p, . eight o'clock, 4 2 Committees in charge. Strangers Welcome, by lightning while hauling in wheat on his farm on the eleventh conces- sion of that township, four miles northeast of Cargill, about 3.30 o'- clock this afternoon, Edward Rod, . brother-in-law of the victim, who was assisting the lat- ter in harvesting operations, was bad- ly injured by the bolt, one arm be- ing completely paralized. Krohn's entire clothing and shoes were torn off by the lightning and his body was burned badly. se Also Killed The load of grain and wagon on which the victim was standing, were burned and one of the horses killed by the lightning. Krohn was building the load while Rody was standing on the ground a few fee: from the wagon, pitching up the sheaves, when the storm broke, EE a were t to pr to barn when the fatal flash came. Niagara Falls, Ont., Aus. 10-4 Krohu leaves a wife and family of | Special meeting of the two children, a girl seven years of | Ballway and Municipal Board was age and a boy five, his parents, Mr.| beld here, chiefly to discuss the and Mrs. William Krohn, of Brant;|®pplication of the Internationa) one brother, Paul, of Chesley, and| Railway Company to run one-man one sister, Mrs, y, of Brant. cars on the River Road. The eity i strongly objects, and a public hear- Terrible Hail Storm ing will be held on September §. Paisley, Aug. 10--This town and{The City Council complains that | At last, the cantaloupes are ripe; district was visited this afternoon by | the one- ears are already be- [but we've ' seventy the worst hail 'storm in many years. | the twon and vicinity, while grain 2.YEAR-OLD CHILD crops were completely destroyed in the surrounding county. The storm SWALLOWS A DOSE OF FLY POISON lasted about half an hour and was accompanied by severe lightning and Windsor, Aug. 10--A few ounces of fly poison, left in a saucer on a gale of considerable intensity, Strong Wind at Walkerton Walkerton, Aug. 10.--A severe el-|the kitchen table at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Beaumont, 208 Gladstone Avenue, Was re- ectrical strom passed over Walker- ton this afternoon, acompanied by a sponsible for the death this after- poon of their -2-year-old son Con- '|ICE FLOES PREVENT BEOY FROM REACHING ARCTIC Ottawa, Aug. 9~Four days of tering the get ice field in : Flager and Buch J T Lutheran Sunday, August 12 10.80 A. M. elsh's Parlours INSTALLATION SERVICE provide an of the 8.5, Arctic ¢ Rache P; An ice strong gale and followed by a heavy downpour of rain. here was no damage reported other than trees uprooted and branches broken in or- chards and on trees along the high- ways leading to the town. rad. The little fellow is believed to have swallowed the poison early this morning, but it was not until DISCUSS ONE-MAN CARS physician was called pump used in an effoi of the poison, but the early this afternoon. Nowadays two yards of chiffon 48 Simcoe Street North Phone 91% Oshawa, Ont. ing , although Bo permis- |two green ones.--F. H. Collier in Scores of windows weze. broken -io | gon has been siven, je. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. +. -

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