«v8 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES -- Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1928 Coleman Cartage Grows With City Proprietor Foresaw Future of ""Oshawa--In Business Here 5 Eight Years The story of "Greater Oshawa" would not be complete without mipre than casual mention of Cole- an's Cartage, 85 Bond St. West. ) this splendidly organized and naged business represents, in cross section, one of the chief rea- ns for Oshawa's present develop- ment and its expected future great- e Just eight years ago J. A. man, proprietor and manager, ed his cartage business in Osh- awa. He began with one small mck. Today he has a fleet of sev- @n trucks, as powerful as any that range the Provincial highways, in- cluding a long-distance furniture a that is acknowledged to be = of the finest in the Dominion. 15. Mr. Coleman was one of those who saw the future that im 1920 was just opening out so splendidly before Oshawa. Other people have also beem able to semse develop- | ment, so he was not unique in that regard. The point is that 1920's post-war expansion was followea by several years of deflation, re- trenchment and all the rest of it. But there was no deflation for Coleman's Cartage. Year by year the fleet was built and more mile- age added to its road record. In eight years Mr. Coleman has moved, on an average, two fami- lies to Oshawa each week. That's a conservative estimte. He has, of course, moved numbers of families out of the city. But the balance in favor of immigration is a large one. Two thousand families, in round numbers, have had their furnitura moved from ome city to another by Coleman's Cartage since tne business was organized. No record of mileage has been kept. It 1s certain that Coleman trucks have travelled a distance several times the circumference of the earth ia the eight years' growth of the busi- ness. The farthest point south two which Coleman trucks have gone from Oshawa is Towanda, Pennsyl- vania. To the north, North Bay. There are few highways or dis- tricts in Ontario that have not seen Coleman trucks and witnessed Coleman Cartage service. Frequent trips are made to Montreal and other points in Quebec. Twentr-six Foot Ambulance Yet the business is not all hum- drum routine. On Sunday, July 22, the huge Coleman furniture van was used as a highway ambulance to the probable saving of a Buffalo lady's life. Between Woodstock and Bruut- ford on the Provincial highway there was, until very recently, a nightmare stretch of road. On the Sunday mentioned, returning from Michigan and "light" for once, the Coleman van came upon the scene of a near-tragedy in which nine or more cars were involved. Mrs. Weiss, touring with her hus- band in Ontario, was seriously ia- jured. Woodstock had been tele- phoned for am ambulance but it seemed that it would lose the race for the injured woman's life. Mr, Coleman volunteered the van. Packing used to protect furniture made a couch for the unconscious woman, and its General Motors ea- gines and motor bus chassis soon had Mrs, Weiss at the Woodstock hospital where she is happily re- covering. This furniture van is worth see- ing. Its inside dimensions are seven hy seventeen feet, and the truck itself is 26 feet long. Two extra feet can be obtained by let- ting the rear gate down flush with the truck floor. The van room is lit by electricity and has side as well as end doors. The side doors are Mr. Coleman's own idea. It permits loading In awkward places and from box cars. The driver's compartment is really a cabin. The seat can be unfolded to make a double bed. There are drawers for clothes, toi- let atieles and cooked food. Finished in Orange and black, | and with "Coleman's Cartage" in an illuminated sign in fromt, the van always arouses interest. Incident- ally, it tells another story about Oshawa. Recently, someone saw the truck passing through Windsor and phoncd to the Oshawa office for more details. Mr. Coleman has a staff of sev- en expert cartage men, all of whom were trained by him for a business that requires exact knowledge of space, and faultless service. All of us can remember, a few years ago, perennial jokes about furniture movers smashing pianos, antiques, china, tempers and what not. We never hear such jokes any more. A new idea of service has come into the whole business, uuu it is a great one, of furniture mov- ing. Mr. Coleman, still a young man, is one of those who have changed the whole character and tone of the industry. Mr. Coleman is the working-ex- fm TT ecutive type. The work is hard, Ell | exacting--slugging is the word which describes it best. Most other $50,000 or so businesses would have its president or managing proprietor in a cool, glass enclosed room where he could go into con- ference ever #o often over his golf. Mr. Coleman, however, is usual- ly to be found on the road. He feels that his job is to keep on in- | spiring and guaranteeing serviee-- and there is nothing like the per- sonal touch for either. The Greater Oshawa to which this edition is dedicated will record further expansion for Coleman's Cartage. Its past eight years of | levelopment may, within a few | years, seem to have heen only a try | i out in preparation for bigger things ahead. | bi 2 HRB J This Name is Your Protection When Buying TIRES The fame of the Firestone Gum. Dipped Balloon Tire has spread around the world. On the wheels of the finest cars on every road and street, it is proving supreme in mile- age, comfort and safety. To do justice to your car, equip it with irestone Tires. Your local Firestone Dealer will gladly serve you. Employment We endeavor to place every graduate in a sat- isfactory position upon graduation and assist them to better positions when desired. Those wishing to obtain employment in other centres are given our full co-operation. Objective Our work is to train young people so they can meet the business standards of the day with confidence and satisfaction to both themselves and employer and also to help those who have already obtained a position in the business world to prepare themselves so they can ob- tain the advancement hoped for. | WEXIGAN BANDITS ROB 80 TOURISTS Conclusion The Maple Leaf College can train students in a minimum length of time through the use of the latest methods, applied by qualified instruc- tors and can obtain satisfactory employment to those who are properly prepared, Advice Should you be considering or have already chosen the husiness world as a means of earn- ing your living it would be effort well spent to enquire about the training given by the Maple Leaf College in their day and evening classes commencing Sept, 4, Always put a * * * Qualifications Virestione Our teachers have had business experience and are acquainted with the latest in office pro- cedure, We are still further qualified to do good work by having ideal premises and up- to-date equipment, Steam-welded leak-proof tube in your Firestone Tire. | Automobiles and Busses Held Up--Captive | 11 Hours Instruction Our instruction is individual in the major sub- jects, thus eliminating any waiting when a di- vision 'of the work is completed, We give in- struction in both Gregg and Pitman Shorthand. Mexico City, Aug. 9.--Eighty tourists, including 20 women and 11 children, riding in 10 automo- | biles and two buses, were robbed | and held captives for 11 hours ny | bandits near the Cacahuamihpa | caves in the state of Guerrero. The | victims were robbed of all their valuables and some were stripped | | of their clothing. All the tourists =| | were from Mexico City. Sb The robbers wore the uniforms E-' | of agricultural school students, for | whom they were taken at first, out =| | the presence of rifles soon showea | that they were outlaws. The band, | which numbered about 100, is be- | lieved to have looted a school be- fore attacking the motorists, While a part of the band guard- | ed the tourists, the others went to the town . of Puente de Ixtla, where, after exchanging shots with the garrison there, robbed several | stores and the railroad station. | FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, Limited Hamilton - Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR restone BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Maple Leaf Business Collage Mundty Building OSHAWA R. C. Ashenaurst Principal 0 I MIDWAY Free Acts Horse Races || Tg ~ X° | Fire Works and Many Other Features Tuesday Wednesday 3 Thursday Exhibition Grounds OSHAWA ~-- EVERYBODY COME !!