Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Aug 1928, p. 5

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MOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL and PERSONAL !The Times lavites the ¢o- of its reeders In contributing ifems co this column. Send in a postcard or phone 36. -- -- Mr. Jack Long is spending h with friends in Mount For- rest. LE ¥ Mr. F. Moore has returned from a motor trip to Windsor, Walker- ville and Detroit. Migs Lottie Adams is visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Adams, Mount Forest, for a few weeks. LJ] - . Mr. and Mrs. A. Worrell (nee "P * Glover), left Wednesday morning for Detroit, where they will reside. LJ * LJ . Miss Mary Hull has returned from spending two weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G, B, Hull, Westport. % v LJ Mr. and Mrs. George Russell, Al- bert street, have returned from u vacation in Windsor, Walkerville and Detroit. LJ * LJ Miss Mary Leveque has returned from visiting her aunts, Mesdames William Wilson and J. Marrigan, Desoronte. ' « + Misses Myrtle Atkins and Tilly Lowry have returned to their homes in Northbrook after visiting friends in this city. ». LJ * Miss Helen Batty, Elgin street east, has returned home after spending a month at the Her- mitage, Port Carling, Muskoka. * LJ LJ Mrs, J. Davenport, who has been visiting friends and relatives In England for the past two months, set sail on her return trip on Aug- ust 3. . a LJ Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin, Miss El. eanor McLaughlin, "Parkwood," and Mrs. W, E, Phillips, Park road north, are attending the Sutton Horse Show, in which Miss Me- Laughlin and Mrs, Phillips will ride. The Finishing Touch To top off that delicious dinner, serve a Daintimaid Cake for dessert. So delicious, so easy to serve, so well liked by all the family. into its fine firm texture with the assurance that it is just as EE as, vai it Yoursel, REGULAR MEETING KING ST. L.A.5. Decide to Hold Annual Hot Supper on October 9 The Ladies® Ald Society of the King Street United Church held fits is |regular meeting yesterday after- noon in the Sunday School room of that church. In the absence of the president, Mrs. O. D. Friend, Mrs. J. Booth, first vice-president, pre. sided. After the opening prayer by Mrs. Booth, the Scripture Lesson was read responsively, followed by the minutes, read by Mrs. L. Guy. For the month of July the.seclety had sent 29 bouquets of flowers to the sick. The main item of business for the day was the hot supper, which the Ladies' Aid give annually. It was decided to hold this supper on October 9. A program under the auspices of Mrs, G. A! Langmaid, was then presented. Little Misses Louise and Velma Pearce gave a vocal duet followed by readings by each of the young artists. These young ladies show remarkable talent for their age; and the program was greatly enjoyed by all present. At the close of the meeting, Mes- dames Gamble and Gibson, with the aid of their helpers, served ice cream and cake, FARMER GORED BY RULL Ottawa, Aug, 9.--Louis Le- Breche, a farmer of Plantagenet, Ont., is in a serious condition in a local hospital to which he was taken after he had heen attacked by an infuriated bull. The animal, which belonged to LeBreche, at- tacked his owner when the latter went to milk the cows, and after knocking him down bumped him about the ground for some min- utes, finally leaving him half con- scious. LeBreche managed to reach home after he had revived, He had his two arms broken and suffered internal injuries, He is over 60 years of age, GIRL HIT BY MOTOR Niagara Falls, Ont, Aug. 9--Isa- bel year-old daughter of Norman McLeod, St. Davids, was struck by an automobile driven by G. Hall, Stamford Township, last evening and is in a serious condition, Tt is feared that her skull is fractured, ' Because all the ingredients are rk ho fresh every day, fresh eggs, and CANAD "DAINTIMAID CAKE IMITED MAKERS OF . flaring cuffs and a high, roll collar THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1928 Fashion Notes A new little peacock pears on a mavy blue cire i gown for evening. The back has flat draperies of rounded, slanting _ line, with the train from under, being the bottom' section, A blonde satin coat for early aut- umn wear has mink sleeves of wide, of mink, Beige cre; rohe de dl chine, satin and goor sette still hold their precedence y wear in spite of the threat ig make grey fashionable, says a London fashion observer, who writes that at a recent society wedding she noticed that every third person was dressed in this popular color, For beach and bedroom enter the lowly clog, for this new footwear consists of soles of painted wood with straps over the instep in the Chinese manner, That Paris reports that Bandeau hats are another of the Fall sea- son's surprises, the bandeau encir- cling the head under the hat. Some- times the hat is set on straight above the bandeau like an inverted shovel; sometimes a wide-brimmed hat is turned away from the face as the Pirate wears his, but with a narrow contrasting bandeau showing below it. These very picturesque chapeaux are likely to be made of hatter's plush, A novelty for fall promises to appear in the form of fur kerchiefs for neckpieces. Flat furs are used for these. A rich green moire wrap has cape wings, tipped with eighteen inch shirred ruffies and a shirred Eliza- bethan collar, THREE LIVES SAVED BY BARKING OF DOG Kenora, Aug. 9--~The barking of a dog saved the lives of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Patterson and their daugh- ter of Kenora West, when: their home was destroyed by fire last night, Mr. Patterson was awakened by the barks and howls of their pet dog just as flames were eating their way through the door of the bed- room. Mr, Patterson, while almost overcome by the smoke, succeeded in removing his wife and daughter to safety. They were unal!: to save any of their personal effects, Several near-by houses were en- dangered by flying embers before the blaze was extinguished. you can cut gd gd ogi white sugar vg i flavoring you use yourself. Yet without that extra hour in the kitchen, you can always of desert your family enjoys, proud to serve. Auth Conadé:Bysad man Who sores you und your neighbours to leave a cake with you to-day. BREAD COMPANY have the kind kind you are A Smartly Simple Frock Charmingly youthful is the chic frock shown here. The flared skirt is joined to the scalloped bodice having short kimono sleeves, or long sleeves gathered to wrist- bands, a convertible collar, and tie sli through slots at front. NO.,1629 is for Misses and Small Women and is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. View A, size 18 (36 bust) requires 3}4 yards 39- 'inch, or 214 yards S4-inch material. View B ires 134 yards 39-inch striped mate- ge 1% yards 39.inch plain. Price 20 cents the pattern, Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. MAGIC! The quicker the soap tur §' | to lather, the sooner it begins to work. Sunlight Soap is mad iene nd ls purposely readily. No iiug = 20 hired Rubi Lashes seis y an: e A Just like Rak i Lever Brothers Limited, Torops» Sunti ht is Household Hints Nuts, raisins, citron, figs, dates, etc., can be run through the grind- er together for cookies, cake fill. ing, fruit cake, salads, sandwiches, etc. Mix in with the ingredients a little of the flour which is to be used in baking, or a few drops of lemon juice, and the fruit will not stick to the chopper. A teaspoonful of vinegar added to lard ueed for frying prevents ar- ticles being fried from absorbing too much fat, After using the grinder for meat, potatoes, etc., run two or three crackers or pieces of stale bread through to force out particles that cling to the knives. Hair brushes should be washed in cold water to which a little am- monia has been added. The coarser and more grisly meat is, the more slowly should it be cooked. Slow cooking makes the sinewy portions and tough fi- bres as soft as jelly, in which state they are good to eat and very nour- ishing, When boiling turnips, add a tea- spoon of white sugar to the water {to improve the flavor and lessen the odor, For shiny serge suit, lay it on a folded blanket and place on shiny parts a clean cloth wrung from clean water (must be quite wet); iron across very lightly, with very hot iron, twice. For shiny coat collar, sponge fit with a cloth moistened in ammonia or vinegar. Clean a soiled coat collar by rubbing briskly with an old tooth brush dipped in naptha or any good cleaning solution. '| MUSSOLINI MEETS NOBILE RECEIVES FIRST REPORT PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find ..,..... cents, Please send patterns listed be- low: ser esaceveseen DED menos 88d wveare 8180 wosmve I ES A III Name Address rown ..¢ oo Province , . Price, 30 cen stamps or coin, warefully, EEE EE EERE) RE EE EERE RRR RRR RN Wrap coin SEARCH FOR TREASURE OFF BELLE ISLE ABANDONED Paris, Aug. 9,--Diamonds valued at $6,000,000 and supposedly aboard the Belgian ship Elizabeth- ville when she was torpedoed off; Belle Isle by a German submarine in 1917, brought the Italian sal- vage ship Artiglio and a crew of treasure-seekers to the spot this! Spring. ' Since then they have been hunt- ing ardently, Every portion of the | sunken ship has been thoroughly dxplored. And the net result so | far has been $53,560 in Belgian pa. per francs and four English pound bank notes. ' They've given up the search for the present, CABBAGE AND PEANUT SALAD Chop cabbage very fine and mix with half the quantity of chopped peanuts. Moisten with salad dressing and serve, Vacation Going Away This list will probably sug- gest something to you that has been overlooked. Motor Jugs ........82.75 Bathing Shoes ,,..,..,,75¢ Caps Bathing oe Ear Stopples ,....25¢ Water Balls , .. Kodak Films Hawk Eye Cameras . Flashlight (completé) Whiz (tor Mosquitos) complete with spray 65c Unguentine (for sun- Make a living memorial of your holidays with a Movie Demonstrations arranged by request, Jury & Lovell Prone 34 Phone 68 $50,000 FOR HOSPITAL Saint John, anonymous, berculosis Hospital, to have accom- modation for 30 beds. N.B, Aug. 9--The Board of Commissioners of the Saint John County Hospital today formally accepted a gift of $50,000 from a pri- vate individual who wished to remain The money is given to build'a children's wing for the Tu- Rome, Aug. 9.--Premier Mus- solini today received General Um- berto Nobile, who presented to him his first report of the Italia disaster. The Italian Premier, some time ago informed the Cabinet that a romplete investigation would be made into all phases of the loss of the North Pole dirigible. BLACK VELVET FOR HATS There seems to be quite a change in millinery styles for the coming fall, according to the collections of various modistes already seen. Reboux is showing a beautiful large shape with brim of black panne and a black velvet crown. She is also using black velvet for a clearly draped turban, and jet ornaments as trim on some of these black hats, Talbot shows a lovely cap all in black jet, and Patou is featuring some attractive feather pad to- ques, in combinations of colors that are interesting. Agnes also is showing some feather toques, and there seems to be a strong indica- tion that toques of this kind will again be a style item in Paris this fall. Feathers as trimmings for the brimmed hats are also import. ant, There is a general tendency to- ward the use of more trimming, although used in a subtle way, It fs natural that this should be so, for the reason that women are let- ting their hair grow.in many cases, and this tendency will naturally call forth a different type of hat, Reboux expect to have a success- ful season with velvet combina- tions, as well as panne. Of course, the felt hat will still go on as practically a staple item, but it is used in so many combinations that it makes the styles look very much changed. I saw some smart soleils trimmed with velvet. Of course, the hat of this type has to be fitted to the head, ol Sand Stone, Minn., Aug. 9.--~Five persons were drowned in Grind- stone Lake, near here today, when they stepped into a pitch-off where the water is 185 feet deep, Charles Lindeen and her father, William Lundholm, and John Ness, drowned while trying to save Mrs. Lindeen's children, Irene, aged 14, and Hillard, aged 10, They lived at Cloquet. FARMER'S WIFE, GETS STRENGTH 10 D0 HER WORK By taking Lydia yo Pinke ham"s Vegetable Compound dol John, New 'Brunswick.~*"T wag own from fd my AY Jef loft leg bothered me so some- Jimes ad saw your in the newspapers decided to give your medicine a ie 3 trial, Leen hina) sven hotties tt i of a inkham"s pound and am now Yopath of thie" suffering. I am a farmer's wife have three children, I wi all friends of your Vegetable | and I am sure that when it po it "will help them. I am willing to answer, letters from women asking about the Yetetable fopeund. All thanks to Pinkham!"--MRs, ER 183 Wensworth St. John, New 'Brunswi a A great idea for a hot- weather lunch is a bowl of Kel- logg's Corn Flakes. Try them with fruit and rich cool milk. .. » My, how good they do taste! What's more--theyte so easy-to- digest they help you keep cool!

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