Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Aug 1928, p. 7

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5 $ "SHOWN BY RADIO First Presentation -- New Yorkers Can See Filths Just Made in California Pittsburgh, Aug. 8.--The world's first demonstration of radio mo- tion pictures was given here to- day at the Laboratories of the Westinghouse Electric and 'Manu- facturing Company. The system worked out by Dr. Frank Conrad of the Westinghouse Com , i8 such that commercial development is considered possible in the near future, Mem may sit in their living rooms in New York and see movies as soon as they have been made in California. Travellers will be able to send back moving pictures of them- selves by radio to their families. In a few months, Westinghouse officers said, regular transmission of motion pictures will begin from Station KDKA here, The apparatus is still in the laboratory stage, but H, P. Davis, vice-president of the Westinghouse Company, under whose direction the demonstration was held, is confident that it will usher in the day when radio owners will pick up movies out of the air. Dr, Conrad has been working on his method for only about two EY | We fr Ahi Boe BASSETTS JEWELLERS Op Oshawa's Main Corner You may he able to obtain an office position without business training and earn a But would it not be a good in. sestment to spend a few months in preparing yourself so you may start with a superior position, You would earn enough extra in six or seven months to pay for yonr business training, Write For Information MAPLE LEAF BUSINESS COLLEGE Mundy Bldg, : R. C. ASHENHURST, Principal stration could be made. The problem was to transform spots of light which make up « picture into frequencies tramsfer- red to a radio wave and broadcast as electrical emergy. In receiving the pleture the process was to be reversed. To give the appearance of a movie the pictures must be pre- sented at the rate of sixteen a sec- ond, In the first step of Dr, Con- rad's process, a pencil light tra- verses each picture, or "frame" as it is called, at the rate of sixty times in a sixteenth of a second, This process produces a sixty-line picture as clear as the usual news. + half-tone illustration, e beam of light passing through the film falls upon electric eyes or photo-electric' cell, which is not unlike an oversized incandes- cent lamp, Within the cell, how- ever, is a metal whose electrical resistance varies with the light falling on it, Caeseum, a rare metal, is used in the Westinghouse |. cell, 5 The amount of light falling on this cell determines the amonnt of current passing through it, The result is that each individual beam of light sends an electrical impulse which varies directly according to the amount of light or shade in the film through which it passed. The beams of light have now be- come electrical impulses and are spent on to the broadcasting sta- tion. Here the heams assume defi- nite and varied frequencies, some of which are audible, Dr, Conrad states that these frequencies range from somewhere near 500 to about 60,0000, livelihood, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticpal awa Railroads, 10 King St, W, and Okh- Phone 189 clude poy re el Pat . favor of Chev THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1928 Ottcial Batting Averages Oshawa Ladies League Ladies" Softball League averages issued today by the official scorer show numerous changes in the respective standings as compared to the last a which were sed three weeks ago. The averages ite {ne except the four at the first of the first sc t night between Whitby and Buicks. : rker, Whitby leit fielder, no holds the leadership in bat but has dropped down to second place in enendy who handles the third sack so efficiently for rolet. Miss Kennedy's batting average is .617 which is eight points better than her previous average, Miss Parker has dropped nearly 100 points from 680 her previous, to 581. This was especially to the two disastrous es Whitby played against Malleables and Chev- rolet in this half of the schedule. Ina Goold for Chevs and Marion Kay, for Ontario Malleable rank third and fourth respectively in batting, Miss Goold being close behind Miss Parker with a mark of .571 while Miss Kay has moved up from enth pesition to fourth as the result of increasing her Average to 316. Leah Holmes and Ruth Robertson are tied for fifth with marks of 500 each while behind these with very good marks are Doris Kilburn (484), Edith Elliott (458), Netty Ferguson (454) and Mable Elliott (450), : Chevs are leading the league at present both in team batting, the number of runs they have scored and the number of hits they have -accumulated. Their team mark in batting of 398 is better than the sual average while Whitby with .378 and Malleable with .371 are both long at a pretty fair sia. i "ERH" below stands for Extra Base Hits and it will be noticed that Mabel Elliott with seven is setting the pace at present although her sister Vivian held the supremacy at the time the last averages were released. Mable Elliott has three home runs and four doubles credited to her. a 11 stolen bases ("SB") while Doris Kennedy is ahead of her with 14 and Ina Goold and Hazel Holmes are right behind her with eight apiece. The players are placed with their respective teams and in the order in which they appear at bat according to the latest batting orders (not counting last night's game), "G" stands for the number of games played, "AB" the number of times officially at bat, "R" the number of runs scared, "H" the number of safe hits, "PC" the battin percentage, "EBH" the number of extra base hits and "SB" the number of stolen bases, CHEVROLET . 2 ARR of the about from | ith She is also second in base stealing, having H PC EBH SB SN 1 8 617 bE} 128 450 1 J72 A458 364 A400 333 500 192 Goold, IM. ..., Kennedy, 3b, Cringle, 1b, M. Elliott, 2b. .., H. Holmes, ¢f. verve rverense E. Elliott, 5.5. +..44 Blair, vf. ....\y V. Elliott, p. Fulton, c, LL. Holmes suv rvivvennenronnes Walker Moffatt \.vvvrrrery Corbiere +... EEE LEEEELEERERY EERE REE EN) AREER RRR EEE EREEAR IREELELEEE RAAT) EERE EERE] crate eet tare nny RARER] nS Gn SN 00 Un Ln 00 00 LA D0 NS © = a 10 20 DOD) NT CWO IOC 5a CS 4a 00 + ot 8 354 MALLEABLE G AB Team total ,.., i ® xT J. McDonald, 88. vvvvsnrrnresy 3 Rombough, cf. ...,, 1, McDonald, 3b, .. Kay, p. Kilburn, ¢, 401 McLean, 1b. yoivrrvrrrennernes Larson, 2b, server ettarerreess Cooper, Lf. ... Morgan, rf. soir rretteinnnin REE R EERE Prat ER IIIR RY, ODO ln 3 dtnes by CNC EnO OO atin | RTE "WHITBY G AB " Team total ...., MeBride, 8.5. irre rrnrirrerre Forrester, p. Scott, 3b, ..1rr00s Parker, cf, ,., ++ E. Watson, 7.f, svrrrres Blow, Ib, iss TOIT II L. Watson, 2b, sovvevrsrsarsres Long, JE 4.000 Jones, ¢. +110 Bandel R. Robertson soe vvsrsrsrssrss T. RODErtson ,.vsvrresrsrs Neil Marshall Wilson errr R ELLY sere t taser rerReIRRILY rs pe 19 DO BO 00 OS) 00 TO 00 BC 2 © CENTOS N= nN coc Wik --=NwWwO uN Team total R. Reees, 0: verrvrrrrrransrns McKernon, 2b, coors rttirrrrses Siblock, p. +2000 Ferguson, ¢ .,... Crowl, c.f. +1r1s+s Farrell, 3b, .....0000s LIYE EES Cheseboro, rf. , Tyrrell LE oor vrsvrorsrrrrerss Cassidy, s.5, ,, Ruckstubl ,,,.0+, Crandell ..orrvesrsrrrrronrress N. Reece ssrsrrrrrerss McGill errs reRr rey PERRI IRRIRIIIRIIIRRTYS ® Tear: total ,., SEEK NEW WAYS property abroad are "part of the national domain." From the viewpoint of inter- nations] law," he said, "t would be more exact to say that a citi- zen in foreign lands is subject to Times Everybody's Talking About the Bigger, Better 'Buffalo Sunday COMICS In Colors 40 BROAD PROGRAN FOR SCIENTISTS British Association Meeting at Glasgow Will Discuss Many Matters London, Aug. 8.--Nearly 3,000 members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science are expected at the annual convention, which will be held in Glasgow from September 5 to 12, It is near- ly 80 years since Glasgow last had the distinction of entertaining the British Association, The President this year is Sir William Bragg, and in his inaug- ural address he will deal with the broad issue of the relations he- tween science and industry. The address will be broadcast. Of the 300 or so papers for dis- cussion in the 15 sections, 26 wil he read hy women. Fourteen of these 26 will be read in the botan- ical section, four in the psychologs ical section, three in the zoological section, two each in the athropo- logical and educational sections, and one in the geological eection. Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan will he the President of the special sec- tion dealing with forestry. | Practically all the meetings will |take place in the Glasgow Univer- [sity buildings. One exception to | this rule will be an exhibition of scientific cinematograph filme lent by Imperial Chemical Indus- tries and others, which will include a slow-motion picture of blasting operations, and pictures {llustrat- ing the extraction of steel from iron ore, and the combination of molecules, Another interesting feature will be a discussion on hroadcasting in education, in which Sir Joun Reith, Sir William Bragg, and Sir Oliver Lodge will take part. A model studio will be exhibited in order that visitors mays see the extent to which it is possible for peaple to "project their personal- ity" upon an unseen audience, Girls, we are informed, are not marrying so early as they used to. Still, they are marrying more often. «ON SALE EVERYWHERE--- RUBBER FOR HENRY (New York World) Henry Ford has taken the initial steps in the development to his five- million-acre tract of rubber lands in Brazil. Such an area is nearly as large as the State of Massachusetts, and if it :hould ever be brought up to full production it is estimated that a year's cutput would supply rubber enough for the tircs on 250 million Ford cars. pC Carrier Boys WANTED! for the Oshawa Daily Times High School Boys Preferred Apply - H. BOYCE Circulation Department SrosieTorLoNG 4G na VEoven sis. roncabo S. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa «~ Above CPR, Office Phones 143 and 144 T0 GUIDE WORLD Dr. Graham Wallas, London, Addresses U, 8. Institute of Politics Willismstown, Mass, Aug, 8.-- Weak, ignorant, emotional human- ity has created a pew world apd must think out new ways of guid. ing it, Dr, Graham Wallas, London political scientist, told a round table conference at the institute of polities, "The most obvious difficulty in that course," he said, "is the gap between science snd what we may call the organized will which lies bening the action of all govern- men "For how ean a man ignorsnt of selence, physical or political, solve that the right expedients shall be tried by his government? How can he even come to desire that the right expedient shall be tried? That fs modern civiliza- tion's , "Its solution fis a matter of ra- tionslizing all classes of society so that the most important subjects of community life may be acted upon intelligently and effectively. of society must be brought into co-operation and this led another round table discussion' on the protection accorded by gov- ernments to their nationals abroad. President Coolidge in a recent address, he said, "made use of an unfortunate statement, capable of misinterpretation," jin. declaring thet sn American citizen and bis the Jow of that country insofar as that law is not in conflict with in- ternational law, "It is up to the alien resident in 8 foreign country, to phey the laws of that country, and if he re- fuses to do so, the burden of proof is on him to show that the local law' violates the international code. This burden often is dif- cult to sustain," JASPER PARK LODGE IN THE HEART OF THE ROCKIES It's mot very often that you find the gay whirl of society life pic- tured in 8 setting of rugged fores!- covered, spow-capped mouptains far away from city streets, Jasper Nations! Park, however, proves the exception. Here in the midst of towering Réeky Mountains, society sports If from the mitra-mod- ern Jasper Park Lodge, where the guest enjoys all the luxury and comfort of a great city hotel, Golf, swimming, motor trips, trail riding and mountain hiking are a few of the enjoyable events with which to round out each day's pleasure. Music and dancing lend a fascination to the might that ex- ceeds the imagination. For an. enjoyable holiday take the fast through "Confederation' for Jasper National Park. Any Canadien Natiopal Rail- ways Agent will gladly give you full information and literature on Jasper National Park and Jasper Park Lodge. ALL FOR NOTHING (London Answers) Kindly Old Soul---Will you two boys stop fighting if I give you each 2 quarter? Youthful Pugilist--Make it 50 cents for the winner, lady, , at op HT - . .. | horou hbreds Silv ' hbreds e, Silverto show unmisakble mis of Jresding' snd Car owners eve t goes all the idl sit Ty y §90duamy The Goodrich record of 57 f domination in the Rubber industry 2 peri assurance super-value in Silvertowns, Made by Canadian Goodrich Company at Kitchener, Ontario, Goodrich = And They Cost No Nore | 4 Goodrich Tires Sold in Oshawa by - OSHAWA BATTERY SERVICE 37 King Street West - Phone 1184

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