Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Aug 1928, p. 10

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Gathered By Time KEDRON Ry RH] A ee tan. with 'Mrs. 8. Conliu, Misa Marguerite and Mr. Fabian Conlin Tussday of this week in Tor: 'Sa Miss Wilma Werry visited her : a Miss Grace Werry, at Ene Wright, of St. Cath- the guest of Miss Wil- {| me Werry, for a few days. ueenie Paul, New- a an a week-end guest of ; Hdfed pT Clark and ¥ ¥ r {at Me. and Mrs . at Mr, ifamily, of Hampton, visited 4N, Gimblett's on Sunday. 4 4: The Scott picnic was he'd at Balsam Lake on Thursday of last «meek. Those present from this .wieinity were Mr, and Mrs. A, RB. Scott, and son, Lee, Mr, and Mrs. «@. L. Scott and children, Ray and | J. Miss Marie Cole spent Friday In "Foronto, he Golden Links" and "Vol: .mnteers" classes of Kedron Sunday wfchool met with .some of their .drviends at the home of H, T, Cole, sfor their monthly class meeting on wFriday evening, August 3, After «the business meeting, the remain: der of the evening was spent In 8 ests and games, So Bernice Werry and Mil. waved Cole have completed their Summer courses in music and phy- sical training in Toronto and are sat their homes hi for the re- ,mainder of the holidays, lo Ferne Ledgette, of Oshawa {spent the week-end with her triend Miss Lorraine Love. "Little Miss Lorraine Pascoe avisited for a few days with her Luncle and aunt, Dr, and Mrs. Me- 2Culloch, of Orono. pe A very interesting service took yPlace at Kedron church on Sunday (When Margaret Ellen, daughter of r, and Mrs. N, Gimblett, Marion tLonise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3W. L, Mountjoy, and Donald John, «aon of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Mount- ydoy, were baptized by Rev, F, J ugston, bt Sterling, of Orono, will oc- .supy the pulpit next Sunday after- moon, in the ahsence of Rev, F. J. "Olugston, who is away for a three TIME TABLES C.P , TIME TABLE, Sched: taking effect 12.01 1928, West R. TIME TABLE Ende June 24, 1928 times given are Standard not Daylight Eastbound Daily except Sunday, Sunday only. » 3 Daily. Dally except Sunday, Daily. ily except Sunday. bh: ally, Tee 8833 FE HS HLTIE SF user A am, it ihis i pm. 13.0pm pm, 3 re. pm Sépm = om 040. om. pm, pm. p.m. Going East am, am, am. in Suaw rs i= Wc RAR a gg on BEE : [Had a Suburban and District News week's vacation, Everyone is ia- vited to attend the service to ex- tend a hearty welcome to the stranger, The annual picnic of Kedron Sunday School took place im Mr, W, N. Hoskin's grove, on Saturday afternoon. Despite the heat and threatening clouds, there was a very good aftendance, The young ball game, After this a number of races were run off, some of which caused considerable laugh- ter both for spectators and partici pants. The results of the races are as follows: Children under 7 years--Bert Hoskin, Ella Hos. kin, Bessie Mountjoy; girls under 12--Florence Love, Elsi Brock, Bessie Mountjoy; boys under 12-- Robert Hancock, Walter Davis, Glen Hoskin; girls under 18--Flor- ence Rahme, Ruth Cole, Dorothy Clugston; boys under 18---Lorne Hoskin, Ralph Davis, Leslie Al- dred; ladies' race--Marie Cole, Mildred Cole, Mrs, N, Gimblett; young men's race--Harvey Pascoe, Ross Lee, Leslie Aldred; married women's walking race--Mrs, Har- vey Pascoe, Mrs, F, W, Lee, Mrs, N. Gimblett; girls' three legged race--Jean Love and Florence Rahme, Marie Cole and Queenie Paul, Lorraine Love and Ruth Cole; hoys' three legged race-- Ralph Davis and Lorne Hoskin, Gordon Davis and Howard Hos- kin, Leslie Aldred and Clarence Martin; kidnap race--Oliva Luke and Harvey Paascoe, Marie Cole and Clarence Martin, Dorothy Clugston and Gordon Davis; bout race--Walter Davis, Mark Hancock and Robert Hancock; needla race --Mildred Cole and Albert Luke, Ruth Cole and Ray Scott, Beatrice Mountjoy and Harold Werry; Sia- mese twin race--Olive Luke and Harvey Pascoe, Marie Cole and Ross Lee, Queenie Paul and Ralph Davis. After the races all sat down to a sumptuous picnic lunch bringing a very pleasant afternoon to a close, The over-ahundance of rain has damaged some of the grain crops in this vieinity, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Mitchell and daughter, Mary, of Pontiac, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. William Werry, of Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. John Werry, and Mary, of Bowmanville, visited with Mr. and Mrs, F, H. Werry and family, Mr, and Mrs, William Batty, of Oshawa, visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. H, ¥. Werry. Miss Grace Werry, of Enniskil- len, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Wilma Werry, Mrs. G. L, Gibson, of Oshawa, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J, Luke, on Menday, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Aug, 8.--Mrs, John Alexander and Miss Francis and Mr, John Alexander, jr, has returned home after a six week Wisit with re- latives in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Sykes and Da- vid motored to Gravenhurst over the week end and holiday. They brought home a good supply of blueberries. Some of the marsh roads were cov- ered over with water. They drove through water to the fenders of the car, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Desmond and daughter Roselie, of Rochester, with Messrs Joseph and Ernest Vallant, A A------ 18 Simcoe Street South V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans ¥1)% Simcoe St. 8, Phones 1198W--Office W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses For Better Values DIAMONDS EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Bye Birgin 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office people enjoyed an impromptu soft- |? the hospital for Sick Children soon improve, The 13 spent very profitably study and other good program. Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Alexander, er American points, Bowmanville with Mr. Strutt, her grandparents, at Kendal. ZION Cameron, and Miss Mary, THE rjoric Gerry and Miss Harber are in Toronto for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Snudder and family went to Toronto Sunday to visit their wee son Percy, who is in in Toronto, We hope the little lad will oung People's Christian Eun- deavor held a successful megting on Friday afternoon, All children aged from 7 to 14 years are welcome 10 join, The hour from 4 to 5 o'clock in Bible a obert Brown, jr. and children motored to Hillier on Sunday to visit the latter's parents, Miss Mabel Brown and Mr. Jones and Mr, and Mrs. Shorten and baby {oscnhine, motored to the Thousand slands and Alexander Bay and oth- Mr, and Mrs. Goodman and Mast- er William Brown spent Sunday in and Mrs, Miss Geraldine Tattersall returned Sunday from a week's vacation with Zion, Aug. 8,--Mr, and Mrs. Jas, spent Sunday with Mr, Herb Cameron, at Tyrone. Miss Mary remained for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Martin in company with her sister from Tor onto, spent Sunday with their® bra. ther, Mr, Walter Ford, at Uxbridge, Masters John Gladwell, of Tor- onto, Kelvin Edgar, of Oshawa, are spending holidays with their little OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1928 cousins, Lloyd a Miseds Dori. Beralce and lleen Stainton are visiting in Oshawa over the week-end. Rev, E. A, Tonkin, of Bowman- ville, took the work here in the church on Sunday, very acceptably, and there were 56 present, which was very good for such a damp day. No questions were taken up, as the leader was absent and we had no musie, as all our pianists were absent. Bouquets of flowers were lovely," whihe were brought by several members, Mr. and Mrs. Deb, Flintoff, Mast: ers Lloyd, Clifford apd Wesley, were Sunday guests with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. R., H. Wood, of Orono. Sorry to hear of the accident of Miss Jennie Armour who was thrown out of the buggy into Cour- tice ereek while holding the horse, when Mrs. Armour, her mother, went up to the Post Office for the mail on Monday night. The high- way was so crowded with autos, that they turned off north and some way the horse took fright and kicked and ran home, leaving Miss Armour unconscious and Mr. Ev. erett Walters took Miss Armour from the water and they found her glasses in the water the next day, A large crowd soon gathered and Miss Carrie Courtice, of Chicago, visiting with her sister, Mrs. Blake Courtice, took charge of the case and went home with them and re- mained all night. Relativees of Mr. Will 9rmour and Mrs, Sa mTrick were called and also medical awa. but it was found no hones were broken, hut Miss and Mrs. Armour are both suffering from shock, We hope for a speedy recovery and thankful it was not any worse. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fice spent the week-end in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hagerman, Misses lina and Meda and Mrs, hards, of Oshawa, spent Civie Holiday with J. W. Balson and family, . Dr, and Mve. Trick, of Oshawa, visited at J. W. Balson's and Jas. Cameron's for the holiday. Mr. George Somley and lady friend, of Toronto, Miss Amber Sealey, R.N., of Oshawa, spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Fred Cameron, PORT PERRY Port Perry, Aug, 7.--Miss Betty Jones and Miss Diana Watson, of Hamilton, are guests of Mrs. G. A. Woods. : p Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, of To- ronto, spent the week end with Mr. Gibbs, jr, Miss Gwyneth Cockburn, who has been visiting friends in Port Perry for the past two weeks, returned to Toronto yesterday. Mr. John Brown, of Toronto, vis- ited his mother, Mrs. Wm. Brown, over the holiday, J. Sutcliffe and son, of Lindsay, dry goods, expect to start business in the store formerly occupied by Mr. F. W. Mclntrye, about the mid- dle of August. Mr. Lachlan McPhail has been transferred to the bank at Union- ville. We wish him success in his new undertaking. The hundreds of people who at- tended the garden party given by Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Wilson at their beautiful home on Seven Mile Island, had the pleasure of hearing an ex- ceptionally fine concert and viewing the beautiful gardens. We congratu- late Mr. Robert Harris on winning the swimming event, Mr. and Mrs, R, G. Doubt and family, of Toronto, were in Port Perry over the holiday. Mr. Clinton Short, of Toronto, was home over the holiday. Among the week ¢1d visitors in Port Perry were: Mr. H, A. Keith, EN -- Mr. F. E Hall, of Pow M Pp. M McKee, Mr. E. G. Morgan, a Toronto; Mr. Wm. Bryan gy Mr. J. Bryan, of Hamilton, and Mr. H. Nicholson, of St. Catharines. and Ms W. RE jo'clock till all are served. The shawa; Mr. and Mrs. B.| will be in charge of the iss Cuthbert, Miss Jean 0s Comcert Bureau, Al and r. BH Jeras, Mr Bob Harvey, Everready Battery v boys. They will be assisted by the following artists, Bert Petch, Com- edian, Miss Jessie Magregor, piau- ist, and Miss Jean Simpson, solo- daughters, of Toromte, syest Sum- day at Wm. Bright's. Mrs. Lloyd McKee, of Manches- ter, visited at F. Dring's, on Sun- day. > It is said that jazz bands are mow in yh Charlie Bowerman's launch |4s4. A boys' softball game will be playing vilsive ani hoses 3% was the lucky boat last week. From |piaved the early part of the even- | stand for them inside. -- | Monday to Friday the catch was |j 0 Whig-Standard. twenty-eight lunge and fifteen bass, Miss Hazel Grose. of Toromte : : all first-class size, which shows that | iciie4 over Sunday and Monday Lake Joven wn still produce some | wish her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 Hudson and | Essex Coach Mate Miss Sylvia Nind is visiting friends | 7: Grose. wodels, in perfect order, new dace in Markham. We ire glad to report that Master Robert Woods, whe underwent operation at the Port Perry hospital yesterday, 1s progressing nicely and an evening. Rev. George Nickle, of Toronto, a former pastor of our church, toox charge of the services om Sunday Mr. Nickle is spending a week remewing old acquaintances Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS will soon be able 10 return home, [and is a very welcome visitor to |g prince Osha Phone 1164 Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, is |Our community. St e visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Misses Hazel Pierson and Jane | Wm. Cook. and Edith Nevills, of Toronto, (0) sh L - Miss Mary Walker is visiting Miss | were holiday guests of the form- uggag Maran Mel aurin, in Muskoka. er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred awa e e are pleased to report that Mr. | Pierson. 5 : A. D. Peters, who underwent an op-| Miss Mary Wales, of Oshawa, YOUR INITIAL PRES eration for appendicitis in the Port |spent the week-end at Mr. D, Lyle's. On Suit Case or Club Bag Perry hospital is recovering. We hope to see him Mr. E was home Miss Bertha Rundle is spending a couple of weeks at Lake Couchiching. Miss Lily McReady, Toronto, vis- ited her aunt, Mrs. McDowell, last week, Raglan, garden party under the auspices United Church of Raglan will be held on Wednesday even- August 15, of the ing, Mr. be served G. Morgan, Toronto. had the good fortune to land a twelve pound lunge one day last week, Mr. Clifford Vickery, of Toronto, George Wilson. ' Rev. Mr. about again soon. cottage on Rice Lake. held at three o'clock in noon, and will be in for the holiday. Mr. J. Weldon. ing a week's vacation tives here. Miss Jean Thompson RAGLAN Miss Hazel McNeillie returned to her home in Toronto, after spend- ing her summer vacation at A. J. Aug. 8.--The annual |Grose's. tended the picnic held at the home of Supper will on the lawn from 6 Sunday with his mother Merriam is spending a month' vacation at his summer day the church services will be Miss Ruth Brent has returned to her home in Port Perry after spend- visited relatives in Peterbore. Quite a number from here at- mile island on Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hughson spent Mr. and Mrs, Herb Reeson and Saywell & Son Next Sun- the after- charge of with rela- HIRCOCK BROS. Manufacturers of Good Red recently Stock Brick Prices on Request Phone 28-2, Bowmanville at seven at Myrtle, ELLA CINDERS--Here pw 1 hie They Go ill i lu By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ITI oa 1] HOH BRINGING UP FATHER | DIDN'T EE "YOU IN AT THE BUFFET LUNCH: SOME OF THE DISHED ARE PELICIOVS" AAH! | WOULDN'T HALL TWO FEET ONE FOOT TO GIT THAT FANCY FOOD IT TASTES LIKE PAPER * BUT REALLY ig Ni THESE CORNED BEEF DANDWICHES ARE WONDER FUL." NLT GRACIOUS WHAT AILS THAT CHAP? SORRY, SIR CORNED 1928. by Int') Festure Service. Ine Great Britain rights reserved. a Cs DANGERS TO THE EGGS AND YOUNG ARE EXPOSED DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF EGGS THAT MUST BE LAID BY ANY ANIMAL, JF IVS RACE IS 70 SURVIVE -BUT ALL THE BEEF SANDWICHE ARE GONE - THESE SOCIETY PEOPLE CERTAINLY LIKE THEM: OUCK-BILL i Oy " AUKS, WHICH NEST IN INACCESSIBLE LAY ONLY ONE EGG EACH YEAR. , LIKE THE TURBOT AND STURGEON, WHOSE EGGS ARE EASY PREY FOR HUNDREDS ENEMIES, LAY MILLIONS AT ATIME. "CAUSE HIS WIFE KEEPS HIM IN HOT WATER ALL THE TIME! AFTER | GOT A TELEGRAM FROM MR, SIMPKINS A May HIS MIND SINCE LA TAH | TED HAS CH Re HOR aw a

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