| SOCIAL and PERSONAL 'The Times a tavites the co operation of 1a veeders in contributing tema ¢o this cdluma. Send in a postcard or phone 36, -- Mr. BE. Reeves is spending a few days in Undsay. . Mrs, William Reid is spending a few days with relatives near Bailie. bére, CI Mr. George Reynolds spent the week-end at his home in Port Hope, * 1] Ll Miss Reta Duquette is spending her vacation with friends in Lind- ny. d CI Miss Madeline Bissette is spend- ing her vacation at her home in Lindsay, a Messrs, C. Ross and L. Thomas spent the week-énd and holiday in Lindsay, hi Mr. G. Torpey, of Indian River, spent the week-end with friends in e eity. . . Mr. Fred Marshall has returned trom spending a week's holiday in uébee. J v . Mr. and Mrs. 8. Campion, 100 Willism street, and Mr, and Mrs, Sydney Stone, 303 Albert street, motored to Muskoka for the week. end, bo DISEASE GERMS CARRIED BY FLIES Flies Must Be Killed If Infection Is To Be Prevented Eminent health authorities say that the ordin- ary houyse-fly reeks with filth nm germs of dread diseases. These flies' Lod- ies are ecoveied with fine hairs that are satur- ated with un- speakable wf. tbr. They drag their contaminated bodies over food intended for hu- man consumption. Flies taint everything they touch, Science has developed a p!ras- ant way to banish this most dan- gérous insect. Send a cloud of FLY- TOX mist high into the air and envllope and stifle flies crawling on geilings, resting on lightiog fix- tures or hiding behind hanging pictures, Have the sprayer handy, filled with FLY-TOX; and when those winging insects such as flies, mos- quitoes, moth-millers and other bugs invade your homns; or spiders appear with an unsightly web, a few strokes of the sprayer ends the invasion with death, FLY-TOX is a clean, pure, frag- rant, liquid which is stainless and harmless to people. It was devel- oped at Mellon Institute of In- dustrial Research by Rex Research Fellowship, Miss Anne Dime spent the wees end renewing old acquaintances in Belleville. Ba Miss Sophie Lafe, of Belleville, is spending two weeks with Miss Anne Dime. Mr. and Mrs. law spent the week-end wi Teatro, Lindsay. 4 Mr, and Mrs. H. Cook and son, Bud, spent the holiday with friends in Galt. * % 3% Mr. and Mrs. W. Aylesworth, 163 Ritson road, spent the holiday with relatives in Orillia. * % 3 Miss Helen Massey, Albert street, has returned from spending her va- cation in Greenbank, Mrs. Johnston and som, of Tor. onto, are the guests of Mrs. (Rev.) John Galt, Aberdeen street. * * * ce Teatro Mrs. 8. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Gibson spent the week-end and holiday with the former's parents in Port Hope, , 8 Mrs. Clayton Hicks is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Storr, Point Anne. » LJ LJ Mr. Beverley Knight visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Knight, over the week-end and holiday. LJ J . Misses Hilda Bowers and Edith Stacey are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Moore, Shannonville. CIE Mrs. Petfield and sons, of Har- mony, have returned from a week's visit with friends in Niagara Falls, ¥ % Miss Kathleen Shanahan was a recent guest at the home of her sister, Miss Coletta Shanahan, Dru- 0. ' . LJ . Miss Dorothy Moffatt, Kenneth avenue, is spending a few days in Peterboro, the guest of Mish Gertie Gimblett, LJ LJ v Miss Mae Hoar and Mr. Jaek Hoar, 165 Ritson road, spent the week-end and holiday with friends in Orillia. J LJ . Rev. John Galt is enjoying his summer vacation and is spending part of it with his son, Mr. Ian Galt, Teronto. CRC Mr, and Mrs. R, J, Hyndman have returned home after spending two weeks with friends in Kempt- ville and Ottawa. LJ] J * Mr, Albert Stroud and family have returned honmve after a pleus- ant holiday 'in the Thousand Iss lands and Kingston, ' 1] ' Mrs. Haryey Hill has returned to Toronto after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. H, Boyce, Othawa Boulevard. . * LJ ' Miss Ella Hyndmay, "pf Ottawa, is spending her yacatjorf with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and*Mrs. R, J, Hyndman, 108 Celina street, ll Master Harold Aylesworth, 163 Ritson road, has returped home after spending a month. with rela- tives ip Orillia and distriet, J ' LJ Dr. and Mrs. A. W, Harding have returned from a two weeks' holiday in Michigan' Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Butenschoen of Flint, Michi- gan, Mrs. Harding's parents, re- turned to the city with Dr, and Mrs. Harding and will visit them for a short time, IMUNITY PLATE a we A "a Shirring Makes an Attractive elt Tri Trimming Charmingly simple is this smart frock. The skirt is shirred and joined to the badice having shirving at each shoulder, and the long sleeves extend into the neck and abe gathered at the lower edge to narrow wrist-bands. Contrasting mater- ial is used for the bias facing, and a long Rae extends the full length 'of the front. 1506 is for Misses and Small Wo- men and is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 year. Size 18 (36 bust) fog vires 334 yards 39- * iheh, or 254 yards 54-inch material, and 3% yard 39-inch contrasting. ice 20 cents the pattern, Home sewing brings nice clothes within the reach of a and to follow the mode is delightful when it ean be done so easily and: economically, by {oll id Styles ictured in our new F it when cut out. Every detail is ae to that the in ced sewer can make without difficul dress. Price of the book 10 cents the copy: PATIERE TURCHARY ' To The Othaws Daily Times Pattern Pepariment Orie On Enclosed find ,,,,,,,, cOBtS, Please send patterns listed be- low: persvisrnssvrene IBD myrens [1] Ta porsrnreneensen DIDO sepeee PPR RsRIRIIIIRILY EEE EE EEN EE EEE ERE EEE ENN Name Address FOWB 9s sores Provipee , ,,,. Forener Price, 80 cents each. Bend stamps or coin. Wrap col warefully, SER eRIIRRIIRIRRYIRSY IEEE RRR NE CMA E ELEN presen EE EE Ah ' v * Mr. and Mrs. Coppin, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and children, Wil- son avenue, have returned fromr week's motor trip to the Thousand Islands, Montreal, apd other east- eri points. * 0 Mr. apd Mrs. L. M. Powers, Bruce street, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Caldwell and Mise Vera Caldwell, Bond street east, have returned from spending the past two weeks motoring thrbugh the United States, Adirondack Mountains and Quebec. ; [J] ' ' bs Mrs. BR, B. Patterson and sons, Cyril and Charles, Masson street, bave returped from Mazengah Is- Iapd, Lake Rousseau. In the re- gatta events of the Muskoka Lakes Association held at the Muskoka Golf and Country Club, Cyril Pat- boy's single skiff races. ONTARIO WOMAN BENEFITED PHONE 22 . For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bit. Sele Deliver terson won the sjlver cup for the | THE GSHAWA D. DALY f TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1928 LADD--HUNT The matriage took place in Pon. tiac, haa July of Florence . Hunt of Pontiac, Michigan, to Arthur H. Ladd, second son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Ladd, 508 Front street. TIMMINS -GARDINER The marriage took place on Satur- August 4 at the home of the bride's parents, Frontenac = street, Kingston, of Helen Coverdale, youn- ger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam "C. Gardiner, to Mr: Preston '| Timmins, of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Timmins of Winchester. Rev. J. A. Waddell of Winchester officiated, assisted by Rev. C. W, Barrett, pastor of the Princess Street United Church, Kingston. e bride, wha was given in mar. riage ® her father, was lovely in a flawered chiffon frock ever white and carried a bouquet of Butterfly roses, lily .of the has ey and fern. She en- tered the living room. to. the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march play- ed by Mi Miss Helen Timmins, sister of the bridegroom. After h eo ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Timmins left for western points, the bride travelling in a blue georgette frock, trimmed cream lace, with hat to match and a grey coat. On their return they will reside in this city, RAHME--REESON The marriage took place at the Pickerin Mothadiat Church Parson. age by Rev. J. §. Ferguson, Wednes- day, Avge 1, of Marie E. Reeson, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reeson, Ritson road north, and Wil- liam A. Rahme, son of Robert Rahme, Burketon, After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Rahme left f or Montreal by motor. On their return they will reside in Oshawa, io serious to or not -- it is always odorous, Tena Tel Butter, oil or pure glycerine rub- bed all over very fresh eggs keep them fresh for some time. To soften stiff shoes after a rainy day wash them over with warm wa- ter then rub castor oil or glycerine well into them. To rid house of rats, sprinkle sul- phur in bureau drawers, closets and around holes: where they are lable to come in; or cover holes with tars red paper, Farmers also. find' that corn 1s not trokbled if sulphur is sprinkled about the barn, To clean a wicker chair, first dust it well, then wash with lukewarm soap suds. When chair is quite dry, rub it 'with a cloth moistened with this polish. Mix equal parts of tur- pentine and sweet oil, add a few drops of methylated spirits. ey To renovate and freshen porch furniture, wash with lukewarm soap suds 'an dry quickly in the air, but not in the hot sun then rub either with crude kerosene or equal parts of turpentine and raw linseed oil, mixed, To peel apples easily, pour boil ing water over apples to be cooked; they peel much easier and"it saves much time, If the clothing cathes fire, do not run, but lie down and roll on the floor or cover with a thick rug or blanket to extinguish the flames. Wine stains can be removed hy holding the stained portion of = the cloth in boiling milk. 'Mildew stains will disappear quickly if soaked in sour milk, EE will | Our Daily Recipes HOP-SCOTCH SHORTCAKES Crush berries and let them stand in powdered sugar long enough to sweeten. Two pieces of fresh bread, sliced three-fourths of an inch thick, should be trimmed evenly at the edges. Have ready a deep hot fry- ing medium. Immerse bread in hot fat and when it is golden brown take it out and drain it. Dust with pow. dered sugar and keep hot. Cover hoth pieces of bread with crushed straws berries and place one on top of the other, YELLOW TOMATO SALAD Scald quickly from fifteen to eigh- teen vellow tomatoes, such as are used for preserving; peel and chill, "gE no secret that perspiration" wos In business as well as society, it is a handicap, But do you realize that we are subject to perspiration 5 times nearly everyone i guile 7 The warm weather -- the active life we lead -- l with others -- all make perspiration odour particular] We must perspire on col days our millions of poms fui pg) Toe Danger Jf Oficating With all odour? That the close daily association ly noticeable, --or die, Even pores off invisible per- much a8 2 quart moisture And Wyle ---- fale - A Ta Special on LIFEBUOY SOAP is now available at your Dealer's Es EL « There is something so exceptionally Sncaling shone about Christie's Assorted bination of deliciously favared cream milling: and crisp biscuits that fairly melt in your mouth, Vanilla, Chocol hing wherry, Orange flavors. In the store or on the *phone, why ak for Plunge into boiling water and boil for two minutes six to eight sweet green peppers. Rub off loosened skin with towel, split and take out cores and seeds. When cold chop moderately fine. On platter arrange blanched lettuce leaves. In centre put chopped peppers in mound and around this put yellow tomatoes. Serve with either mayonnaise or French dressing, flavored in either case with tarragon vinegar and onion juice, A new piece of jewelry is the scarf ring, an ornamental ring through which the kerchief slips, instead of knotting. New fall frocks made wide use of it, sometimes to hold self-scarf collars. One beige sa- tin uses a gold ring to hold a lace kerchief, STUFFED ONIONS Four Spanish onions, 1-2 cup in bread crumbs, 1-2 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-2 cup white sauce, 1-2 cup chopped meat or nuts, tablespoon butter, pepper, 1 egg or egg yolk, Peel onions and boil whole. When cooled scoop out inside, leaving shell, - Chop the removed parts, mix all in. gredients together and stuff the on- ion shells, Bake in a moderate oven 3 about 30 minutes, or until brown, APRICOT ICE Put a quart of stewed apricots through « sieve, and add to them | two cups of sugar, and a quart of * water. Stir till the sugar is dissolved, and then freeze, Office worker or porter, clerk or * hose. wife--no matter who we are rvery . Fy b, Yul # . I it spares no ope ! Financier or r -- society leader or servant we ourselves are unpleasant perspiration odour, a STOPS PERSPIRATION ODOUR --all may offend if they don't take precautions," Nor, unfortunately," can" we "tell when of AND PROTECTS HEALTH one of ws may offend unknowingly, W lerspiration odour. ..hgres. the plain truth | VASE