SUICIDE VERDICT IN MUNRO CASE Jury Finds Man Discovered in Shack at Cheminis Shot Himself 'The report of Que Aug, 1.--The re of the investigation conducted by the At -General's Departmeent in- to the circumstances sufrounding the death of Jack Munro, whose body was found in a shack near Rouyn on July 2, has been handed in to the department by the offi- cers who conducted the enquiry, with a verdict of suicide being rendered by the coroner's jury which heard the case. When the body. was first diseov- ered by two Russians, the report was circulated that it was Jack Munro, former champion boxer, who had killed himself or had been murdered, but this was contra- dicted by the appearance of Munro himself, and the Attorney-Generai's department, wanting to get all the facts in connection with the case, ordered an investigation, and the report has now been delivered, ! The Munro who killed himself was about 60 years old, and was a war veteran, having been gassed at the front, He was identified by two Russians, who knew him for 15 months before his death, and who stated that they had seen him for the last time on June 30 in a shack at Cheminis, near Rouyn, He was found sitting in a chair in the shack, with his head sluwgp- ed down on his arms, on the table in front of him and a revolver by his side. CABINET GOUNCIL APPOINTS BOARD Commission to Inquire Into Manitoba Resources Question Ottawa, Aug. 1.--The appoint~ ment of Mr, Justice Turgeon, of the Saskatchewan Supreme Court; C. M. Bowman, of Waterloo, Ont, REPAIRING OUR If your Watch is not giving make it tell the correct time the public domain should be re- turned to the province and, upon this point mo difficulty arises, but the question at issue is as to the amount of subsidy to be paid in fu- ture 'and what relation it should @ resources which have bear to been alienated under Federal ad- tion, It is to inquire into this matter, particularly, that the commission has now been appointed. When its report is received and, if it is sanec- tioned by the Government there will be legislation next session to return to Manitoba its resources. The order-in-council empowers the commission to itself determine what considerations are relevant to its inquiry. GIGANTIC ATLANTIC "PLANE IS DESIGNED Will Carry 60 Passengers and Have Eight Motors _ New York, Aug. 2.--Completion of tests on a model of a seaplane designed to carry 60 passengers across the North Atlantic ocean in 20 hours was announced by the O'Connor Trans-Atlantic Airways, Ine. Present plans call for comstrue- tion work " to begin immediately with the probability that the first plane will be completed in four months. The O'Connor Company has been organized to develop a project looking to the establish- ment of trans-Atlantic and coast- wise South American and Bermuda routes, The proposed plane is the inven- tion of John P. O'Conner, of New York. It will have a wing spread of 160 feet and will weigh 70,- 000 pounds under full load, Its power plant will consist of eignt air-cooled motors, two of which will be held in reserve, WATCHES SPECIALTY satisfaction we can repair and D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal and Osh- awa Railroads. 10 King St. W, Phone 189 Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records in Two More Ballads Sung by VERNON DALHART His Own Inimitable Style Little Marion Parker In the Hills Of Old Kentucky This record is now on sale at all Apex Dealers. Ask for Record No. 8779 Another Catchy Number Song Record No. 8792 Fox Trot Record No. 8778 Waltz Record No. 8745 Guitar Record No. 8757 17 Simcoe St. S. The Bells of St. Mary's Fox Trot Record No, 8775 C-o0-n-s-t-a-n-t-i-n-o-p Get Out and Get Under the Moon RAMONA The theme song of the motion picture "Ramona" Song Records No. 26104 and 8767 Waitin' For Katy Fox Trot Record No. 8760 Just Like a Melod Another Hit by Walter Donaldso! Heaven" Fox Trot Record No. 8780 Collegiana Fox Trot Record No. 8776 Wilson & Lee 71 Simcoe St. North The Sun Record Co. Toronto, Ont. of the "Valentia" type Fox 'Trot Record No. 8792 Song Record No. 8777 Violin Duet Record No. 26110 Out of the Sky , writer of "My Blue THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1928 BLACKMAILING WAS ATTEMPTED On the Part of Germany Show London, Aug. 2--Important side- lights on the origins of the war are Subplied in a new instalment of Bri- tish Diplomatic Documents coverin, the pe from 1904 to 1906, issue under the title, "The Testing of the Entente." Notable among the documents con- tained is a secret memorandum by Sir Eyre Crowe, former counsel in the British Embassy, dated Jan. 1, 1907, examining the German policy and action in Morocco and South Africa during the Boer War; also in Zanzibar, and the efforts to improve Anglo-German relations. Sir Eyre wrote: "The successors of Bismarck apparently regard it as their ultimate purpose to extract valuable concessions from England by offensive bluster and persistent nagging." He compared their atti- tude to Britain to that of a "profes- sional blackmailer." Attached to some o fthe documents are notes penned by King Edward VII, showing that he had no illus- ions regarding the German feeling for Britain. "A case of bullying as usual," was his significant comment on a German statement that Britain had offered to conclude a defensive and offensive alliance with France against Germany. Pen Portrait of Ex-Kaiser The documents include a pen port- rait of the ex-Kaiser written in 1906, by Sir Frank Lascelles, then British ambassador at Berlin, describing the monarch as impulsive and fond of jokes which somtimes were taken seriously by those who did not under- stand them. On one occasion Sir Frank made to the Kaiser a com- munication of an agreeable nature. The Emperor remarked, "the noodles seem to have had a lucid interval." Asked whether he wished such a message conveyed to the British Government, the Kaiser translated the remark into diplomatic language and told the ambassador to say that he had received the communication with great interest and satisfaction. Sir Frank summed up with the conclusion that the Kaiser thought a "sabre-rattling, moustache-twirling"" attitude befitting the ruler of a mighty empire, but in reality he was animated by the most pacific senti- ments, AILSA CRAIG IS MENACED BY FIRE London, Ont., Aug. 2. -- Ailsa Craig was menaced this morning by a fire which started wiih the backfiring of a gasoline engine in the U.F. Co-operative Company's sawmill and which caused a loss of approximately $20,000 before the local volunteer brigade with as- sistance of engines from Park Hill and Lucan fought it out, The buildings destroyed were the U.F, sawmill and the same "company's lumber and coal sheds and a seed and feed storage house occupied by the U,F.0., but owned by Mrs, H. Hay. Allsa Crajg, after fifteen build- ings were 'destroyed by fire In 1923, debated the advisability of ineealing a waterworks system but finally compromised hy pur- chasing a motor pump for use with water available from a C.N.R. en- gine tank and neighborhood cis- terns, As this morning's fire started the pumper was founa clogged with dirt, and for seven- teen minutes it could not be oper- ated. In the meantime the fire spread very rapidly and bucket brigades were formed pending the arrival of help from Lucan and Park Hill. A call was sent to London fire department, but no one was willing to guarantee the cost of the trip and the call was later cancelled, In the 1823 fire, London rushed out a new $17,000 motor pumper which had its mechanism clogged with grave attempting to operate from a pond, WIVES OF MIGRANTS SHOULD BE TRAINED London, Aug. 2.--The House of Commons tonight - gave second reading to the appropriation bill. A. A. Somerville (Conservative), suggested that the, wives of mi- grants should be trained for life overseas the same as their hus- bands. The Secratary of State for Do- minion Affairs, Rt. Hon, L. C, Amery, taking part in the debate, said it was essential to regard mi- gration as a problem in imperial co-operation in the building up of every part of the Empire and not as a device to get rid of the un- employed in Britain. After detailing measures taken to promote migration, Mr. Amery said migrants must be given some- thing better than the prospect of working as farm laborers forever. He declared that Lord Lovat (Un- der Secretary for Dominion Af- fairs) was going out to Canada to see what arrangements could be made for the provision of better housing in rural settlements. The lack of such housing, he said, of- ten forced families back to the cities when they would be glad to remain on the farms. CHIEF COUNSEL IN THAW CASE PASSES AWAY IN CALIFORNIA Santa Monica, Calif, Aug. 2--Death has taken Delphin Michael Delmas, the fighting little Frenchman who went East in 1907 to act as chief counsel in Harry K. Thaw's famous murder trial. The brilliant intellectual, who coin- ed the phrase "dementia Americana" as descriptive of the "unwritten law" defence before the Thaw jury, died vesterday at his home here. He was 84 years old, and had ceased active practice only a few months before. Heart trouble was the cause of death. || MILITIA 1S URGED Present "Poorly-Fitted Drab Colored" Dress is Scored Regina, Sask.,, Aug. 2.--De- mands for the designing of a dis- tinctly Canadian uniform to replace the present issue of "poorly-fitted drab colored" uniforms worn by the Canadian militia and for the appointment of more ambassadors and consuls in foreign and British countries were made in resolutions adopted at the meeting of the na- tional council of the Native Sons of Canada in session Tuesday. The council took the view that the present militia uniform re- sulted - in a 'slovenly appearing militia" and did not engender the esprit de corps desired. Appointment of more ambassa- dors, consuls and consular agents was urged to promote foreign trade, the importance of which was emphasized in the. resolution, DOCTORS TO FIGHT SLEEPING SICKNESS Sail for Belgian Congo to Test New Arsenical Compounds Detroit, Aug. 2.--Dr, Warren K. Stratman-Thomas of the College of Medicine, University of Wiscon- sin, fis completing preparations here for sailing on his trip into the heart of Africa, where he expects to spend the next two years in an effort to stamp out an epidemic of sleeping sickness, disease of the tropics that is known to have taken more than 100,000 jlves in one year, He is obtaining medical sup- plies preparatory to sailing from New York August 2 for England, where he is to be joined by Dr, Clemence C. Chesterman, secretary of the Royal Society of Tropical edicine and Hygiene, in the Belgian Congo to establish a base. There they will conduct experi- ments, Ior the fight against the disease, Dr. Stratman-Thomas is taking six arsenical compounds. If it is found successful it will be shipped in larger quantities. ' Each of the six formulas has proved successful in curing the disease in animals, N.B. FIRE DAMAGE SHOWS INCREASE Property Loss For Six Months Placed at $691,383 Saint John, Aug. 2.--Four hun- dred and forty-five fires, causmg s property loss of $691,383 and an insurance loss of $527,334, ocr curred in the province of N.B., &ur- ing the first six months of this year, as shown by the report of the Fire Marshal, H. H. McLellan, submitted before the regular monthly meeting of the New Bruns. wick Fire Prevention Board held here on Tuesday afternoon. In comparison with the first six months of 1927, which showed 456 fires, causing property damage of $616,895 and an insurance loss of $481,585, the six months ending June 30, this year, showed a de- crease of 11, in the number of fires, but an increase of $74,488 in property loss and $45,749 in in- surance loss. --rr------ ESTATE OF $503,300.57 LEFT BY LADY HENDRIE Hamilton, Aug. 2.--Lady Hen- drie, widow of Sir John Hendrie, former Lieut.-Governor of Ontario, who died on July 18, left an es- tate of $503,309.57. Her last will was made in 1921, and Sir John Hendrie was named sole executor. It was provided that Sir John should have the income from the money for life and at his death $12,000 was to be divided between their two children, a sis- ter, Henrietta Alexander, London, and three brothers, James Lawr- ence and George Hesderson. Lady Hendrie's investments were large- ly in Canadian enterprises. Cloth- ing and jewelry are valued at $3,- 000. bank stock, $179,688.75; se- curities for money, $298,129.13; cash $13,641, and real estate, $8,- They plan to go to Stanleyville | Nude color only. 9 1-2. A splendid wear. For = Women Who a quality that will last for uar $13.75, Sale Price Are Now Selling LOTS S75,000T0 DRY-UP BROADWAY Prohibition Authorities Spend Large Sums to Get Evidence New York, Aug. 2.--Prohibition authorities estimated that it cost them between $65,000 and $75,- 000 to obtain the evidence which they believe will "dry up' 'Broad- way. Four under cover agents from Washington, whom Broadway has nicknamed, "the four horsemen," made the round of the night resorts, established con- tacts through the liberal spending of money and turned in the evi- dence. Coming to New York in Febru- ary these four men roon became well-known in the city's night lire as liberal spenders, making no complaint at paying $22 a botue for Moselle, $42 for champagne, $2.25 for cocktails, $1.75 for im- ported and $1.50 for domestic gin- ger ale. They were welcomed at all the night clubs, Then they disappear- ed. Broadway wondered wher» they had gone, but not for long. On the night Governor Smith was nominated for the presidency at Houston Federal raiding parties ae- scended on Broadway and served warrants on the late hosts and bos- tesses of "the four horsemen." Later came the padlocking of the bars in six of the most pupn- lar clubs and indictments were re- turned against eight clubs and 81 individuals raising the total in- dictments of the week to 26 night clubs and 139 individuals. One or the bars padlocked was Texas Gui- nan's Salon Royal. prohibition YET SOME SCOFF (Toronto Globe) The Baumes law passed two years ago in New York and impus- ing drastic penalties, including au- tomatic life imprisonment for the fourth criminal conviction, bas re- duced crime 40 per cent. Yet there are some who scoff at the We have picked out $1.69 Fine Cotton Hose for Girls Sizes 6 1.2 to stocking to Sale Price A WO No value to our knowledge that has ever been like it. low regular cost and passed along to you at a mere fraction of the usual price. Lovely printed patterns as well as plain colors and white. and rose. Regular $1.49 and $1.95, Really There Are Savings on Imported Raincoats That Are Quite Unusual A Fine Pure Silk Raincoat with rubberized back. Colors navy and red, A coat that will always look dressy, and Do You Know the Wonder- ful Quality of Hy-loom Silknit Princess Slips? Special purchase maker's sub- standards of this famous quality. Made with deep shadow-proof hem. White only, all sizes. Another men's Artsilk Lisle foot and 'he stocking as season. A stocking for wear, man who wears Regular 76¢ Sale price Pair , 8 Appreciate Quality, many years, ----------- WOMAN FATALLY INJURED, NEVER MENTIONS CASE Wingham, Aug. 2--So seriously in- jured that she died within a few hours, Mrs. Alexander Campbell drove home with her nephew after an accident and never mentioned that she was hurt, She was 71 years of age. On their way home from Bayfield, they were crowded off the road by another car. The driver halted so abruptly that Mrs. Campbell was thrown forward violently, striking the front seat. The steering wheel was hroken, and all the time it was being fixed the aged woman never mention- ed that she had been hurt. Just as they reached home, Mrs. Campbell lapsed into unconsciousness and died early this morning. . Medical examination revealed that in the crash a rib had been broken which penetrated the lung. TORAL REFUSES AID TO DEFENCE LAWYERS Mexico City, Aug. 2.--"Mental irresponsibiliy" will be offered by the lawyers of Jose de Leon Toral as his defence in his trial on a charge of assassination of Presis dent-elect Alvaro Obregon, it was indicated by them today. It appeared to matter little to- day, however, to 'Toral himself what step the two lawyers had taken or would take, He Is un- derstood to have reiterated his re- jection of their services, given at the direction of the court, and to have refused himself again to of- fer any defence for his deed, POSTOFFICE PROFITS London, Aug. 1.--Questioned in the House of Commons this after- noon concerning the annual re- ceipts of the beam wireless Im- perial services, Sir William Mit t- ell Thomson, Postmaster-Ceneral, stated that the combined services to Canada, Australia, South Africe and India had not all been work- ing for a full year yet. Based on the current earnings, the gross re- ceipts of the British Postoffice from these services, which it op- erates, would be reckoned at $2.- 350,000 annually, and a profit be* fore charging depreciation or in- terest on capital, of about $1,060,- ----- B deterrent effect of punishment. -- : 000 annually might be expected, he said, . - ' - Special Purchase -- Wo- Hose In Black and White top, Sizes 9, 9 1-2, 10. Silk does not go as far up they ire making them this splendid house or for the wo- her skirts a littla longer quality. .. 29¢ "IN GEORGETTE Bought specially for this sale, Bought much be- NEN INFIRM FO ED « From The Greatest List of MIDSUMMER SALE BAR- GAINS [This Store With It's Reputation For Value-Giving] Has Ever Sale Leaders that are representative of the kind of bargains that this semi-annual event has in store for you. quality. Colors Very popular for summer wear on account of their coolness, and also the small suit case when travelling. Sale Price Every Summer Dress on the Racks and in the Cases, Have Had the Original Prices Stroked Through and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. anned Women's Mercerized Lisle One color only--nude. 9 1-2, 10. A: clearing lot of a maker's "seconds", Scotch Leather Finish ported to sell at $8.95, Sale Price SCARFS Peach, helio, powder, orchid, mais Sale Price wie viv inninnin + aire RSI Best imported Scotch make, Colors, amber, green and wine, Hose Sizes 9, Regular 65¢ Sale Price 29c pr. Raincoats rose, red and blue, Im- space they take up in a Galvanized iron dustbins ean be | kept sanitary if a few sheets of newspaper are burnt in them every time they are emptied, For a very delicate fabric which will not stand starch, melt some granulated sugar in boiling water and add it to the rinsing water, Relief After Toronto Man Gets First Many Years Was the First Medicine That Ever Helped His Stomach Trouble and Rheumatism. The great herbal remedy--Dr. French's Nu-Erb--which was recently introduced in Oshawa by the Nu-Eiiy ma» at Karns Drug Store, meets with almos: instant success wherever it gets known, because of its certain action on the stomach, kidneys, liver and bowels. Its pure her- bal juices tone and strengthen these vital organs and drive poisonous waste matter from the system, which is so often the cause of rheumatism and neur- itis. As a blood purifier there seems to be nothing to egual this splendid herbal medicine. Just recently a well known local man, Mr. J. W. Vaughan, 700 Markham street, Toronto, Ont., told in an enthusiastic statement of the wonderful good Nu-Erb had done for him. "For many years I had suf- fered with my stomach and kid- neys. Even the lightest foods gave me indigestion and fer- mented, forming a gas on my stomach that made me miser- able. My kidpeys were very weak and disturbed me many times during the night. Rheu- matism got hcld of me so bad that my joints and muscles were all sore and stiff. "I tried many different so- | called remedies. but got no re- | lief umtil I started using Nu- of Intense Suffering | Mr. J. W. Vaughan Says It| MRE. J. W. VAUGHAN Erb just a few weeks ago. It has given me wonderful relief from the rheumatism and kid- ney troubles and my stomach is in such fine shape that I have practically mo trouble at all that way. In fact it has improved my health in general 100 per cent. I-sleep fine all night long. I have a better appetite and have more strength and energy. I gladly recommend it to any one, Nu-Erb is being specially jn- troduced in Oshawa at Karn's drug store. mext to the Post Of- fice, The XNu-Erb man now lo- cated there jis daily explaining to scores of local people how to take Xu-Erb for best results. Go to see him. His advice is Free, Free sample given ! i a------------GE Jr ------