Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1928, p. 7

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aburbdn and District News. Gathered By Times BETHESDA Bethesda, July 21.--Miss Marjorie ** Couch has been visiting her grand. . parents, Mr, and Mrs. \W, J. Bragg "and emjoying Chatauqua. wu {3 Miss Nora Johns, oi Thornhill, is + visting Miss Berta Cole. Mr. Kenneth Fraser of Queen's | day. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Rickaby and son James Addison, of Toronto, are enjoying their summer holidays oc- residence, University, motored from Kingston on Friday and spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. + Fraser. Se BEL Master Percy Werry is visiting Mr. and "flrs. J. H. Werry, of Bow- manville and are attending Chatauqua © Miss Elsie Oke, of Ebenezer, is "visiting her cousins Mizses Marie Edith \Vhite. "Mrs, T. R. Hoar, of Toronto, visiting her son Mr. Sid T. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs, Will Werry, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Werry and Miss Werry, of Bowman- ville, visited Mr, and Mrs. F. A. ry. We and Mrs. Robt. McCulloch and Miss Kathleen, of Tyrone, visited " Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser, on Suan- is of oy J. R. Trumpour visited at § R. R. Cole's recently. 3 Mrs. C. P. Johns and Miss Nora ohns, Dr. and Mrs. Sparks, of (ingston, motored from Thornhill on Thursday and were entertained at J. R. R. Cole's, Quite a number from here attend- ed Chatauqua in Bowmanville this week. Something for everybody. The Bethesda Cemetery Boardare well pleased with the proceeds of the Eyven concert and desire to thank all who in any way contributed to the : success of drama or cafeteria lunch. Proceeds from drama, $20; cafeteria lunch, $19.00, ORONO Orono, July 23--Mrs. E. Clarke and sons, of Toronto, are visiting ut her sister's, Mrs. William Clarke, North Clark, and the Misses Jones wre also summering at2the same place, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Leishman, of Richmond Hill, Mr. Mattashed, of New Orleans, La, and Mr, Emmons, of Oshawa, were weck end guests service, and the utmost W. J. Trick Co., Lim blues and yellows , , a veritable kaleid of beautiful tints, Brantford Variegated Slates giye years of trouble-free Brantford Roofing Co, Limited, Brantford, Ontario 108 Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Staff Reporters and Correspondents Mitchell, honors. Miss Davey is a pupil Mrs. (Dr.) Colville. Mr. John S. Smith and da of Toronto, were in town on cupying the old home "Spion Kopjie." Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Byers, of son, Adams, teachers at Orono school re- turned Tuesday from an extensive trip to Montreal and Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin and sons, Messrs Miliord and Wilfrid, spent Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Coke, at Newtonville, Miss Lohr, of Akron, Ohio, vis- ited her old school-mate and friend, Mrs, WW. S. Haw, last week. These ladies had not met for thirteen years, Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Lohr, of Akron, made a short call on Mr, and Mrs. Haw, while on their way to Lakefield. They are all well pleased with Can~ Canadians. Miss Gladys Cobbledick, of Kirby, spent the past week with her friends, Misses Gertrude Upton and June Caobbledick, in Toronto. returning home with her for a short visit, Mr. John Simpson, B.A, of Peter- boro, a former Leskard boy, his fa- ther one time conducting the mill /in Mrs. L. granddaughter, Jean, of Ivanfield, Hodgson, the summer with her aunt, Brantford Variegated Asphalt Slates enable the home owner to express his artistic taste from as many colors as a painter's palette, ¢ Rich, alluring purples , , mellow browns and greens , , vivid reds, oscope EI TY in fire and weather protection, ited - Oshawa at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Congratulations to Miss Mildred Davey, of Leskard, on passing her junior piano music eramumation with of hter, ues. Bailieboro, visited Mrs. E. J, Eagle- Miss L, M. Buchanan and Miss M, and left the following day for their homes «| where they will spend their vacation, ada and the kindness and courtesy of The latter that village, was in town yesterday, He has been principal in the- High School work at Lakefield for some years past, A brother was on the Public School staff here for a time, Hodgson and her little Kansas, are here visiting her sisters, Mrs, E. I, Thornton, Mrs. Sherwin, Mrs. Moon and brother Mr. C, J, Miss Dorothy Wannan is spending Miss =) at her cbttage at Bala, Mus- rT. , and Mrs Allin Browa apd her uncle's, Mr. Jas. Tamblyn. Mr. Robert Martyn, of Oshawa, is visiting with his som, Mr, W. J. Martyn, Church street. Rev. and Mrs. A. XK: Edmison, of Little Britain, spent a couple of days with her father, Mr. William Corn. ish, joying a few days' outing at the Thousand Islands, this week. Miss Agatha Staples, Morristown, N.Y, is 'home for her. holidays with her father, Mr. Willian Staples. Miss Thelma Martyn, RN, of Pe- terboro, and cousin, Miss Will Mor ris, of Otaawa, are spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn, Miss Margaret Walsh, who has been assisting in waiting on her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. (Rev.) A. R. Walsh, Maberly, is home for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris and soa, Milton, and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hall, left Sunday evening on a motor trip to Mount Vernon; N.C, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs, Joshua McCormack and other friends. Mr, Charles Tamblyn, of Wood- bridge, spent a few days in town vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. R. Fowler, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. W. .M. Perry, of Belleville, - visited at Mr. Jas. Tam- blyn's over the week end, also Mrs. Hattie Patterson, of Montreal. Mrs. (Rev.) J. Adams and daugh- ters Miss Florence, of Toronto, and Mrs. (Dr) Halcroft,. of Havelock, and baby Betty, accompanied by their aunt, Miss Flora Cobbledick, of this village, spent Saturday - with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James. T, Cole and family, Bethesda. Mrs, J. N. Powers has returned from a week's visit' at Mr. James Patton's, Toronto, Orono, July 23.--Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Patterson and. Miss Ruth Davey are on a trip to Colling- wood and Thornbury. Mrs, Fred Sissons and daughters Misses Mary and Marjorie, are spending a couple of months at their summer cottage at Beaver- ton. Mr. and Mrs. €. W. Vinson and family = visited friends here last week. . Mr. James Cuttel] and daughter, Miss Alma, entertained a number of friends to Sunday dinner, the occasion being the anniversary of his birthday. Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Virtue, with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Virtue, of Tyrouv, spent Synday ' at the home of their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin and sons, Milford and" Wilfrid, spent Sunday with their daughter, and son-in-law, Mr, apd" Mrs. Lau- rie Cole, at Newtosville. . Miss Clara Moffatt joined = party of teachers on a holiday tour to Alaska, Miss Helena Cain is at Kingston University taking ashort course in physical training. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gordon, New Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. W, J. Walters', Mr, and Mrs. J. B, Moat and Miss Bertha Gillman motored down from Oakville and spent the holiday with Mr, R. J, Hall, Mr. and Mrs, B. Barstead, of Toronto, visited over the holiday with her father, Mr. H, Hooper. Mr, Thonias McNeil and daugh- ter, Miss Theresa, have gone on a trip to Winnipeg, Man., to visit his brother, Mr, Alex McNeil. Dr, G. W. McGill and daugh- ters, the Misses McGill, motored down from Toronto on Sunday and Do You Own REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St, West Telephones 572, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F New 8-Room Home Centrally located, all city * conveniences, oak floors, chestnut trim, electric man» tel. Will take lot or small bouse as part payment. Price $6,500 on terms, LYCETT Real Estate Phone 295 25 King St. E. FARMS FOR SALE can -be arranged. MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages at #'op.c. J. H. B. LUKE . Regent. Theatre Block Telephones 871, 931, 687TW - Real Estate--Insurance Disney King st, kK, Disney Block Phone 1550 REAL ESTATE Homes built to snit purch ser. R.M, KELLY . 610 Simeoe SL. N, Phone 1868W A -------------------- Moved to--- 346 Simcoe St. South W.J.Sulley Collection Agency AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE PHONE 718) Oshawa Blvd. Dis- | trict, easy terms, $35 | down, balance $5 ly. | Water and sewers. HORTON & FRENCH 57 Simcoe St. S, Wanted $1,500 on good first mort- gage. Will pay 7 per ceut. for five yea:. loan. Good security. Also good $2,000 first at 7 per cent. Central property, $1,600 second. Will sell at 25 per cent. re- dsc" n bearng 7 per cent. These are good safe invst- These are geod safe invest- ments. $35.00 a month for twenty- four months buys home o>» lot 40 by 102 in Dearborn Ridge. No taxes, no insur- ance, no water rate. Best re- stricted district around 03% awa. We have a lot of good buys in new houses at reas onable prices. Cive us a call "or phone. Our ear is #t yoi.r service. mily, of Swift Currant, Sask, on} trip, made a short, visit at| 'Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 'Stott are en-{ L. Provincial Secretary of Ontario. Toronto, June 23th, 1928. attended decoration ceremonies at Orono Cemetery. Miss Haw, who recently gradu- ated as a nurse at Nichol's Hos- pital, Peterboro', with honors, is spending her vacation with her parents here. Mrs. Frank Peate attended the wedding at St. Marguerite's Angii- can Church, Toronto, last Satur- day, of her nephew, Mr. Kenneth Haw, fermerly of Starkville, to Miss Violet Briggs, of Toronto. Mr. George Cain and daughter, Miss Helena Cain, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Powers and Migs Helen Powers, motored to Meaford and spent a few days with Mr, George Davidson and other friends. Centre Street: Church festival and program was a delightful event, the change from the church grounds, where it was arranged the tables would be set, to the Sunday School hall on account of inclem- ent weather having no dampening effect. The program which follow- ed was also exceptionally good. It was a real pleasure to the many friends of Mr, Harvey Knight and Mrs. C, A. 'Cawker, Bowmanville, to hear their voices again as in for- mer days. Mrs. George Hall, of the same' town, and Mr. Frank Walter, tenor, of Courtice, were heartily encored. Mr. Ian Robert- son, reader, of Courtice, in his hu- morous sketches, was also a great hit.. Short addresses were deliver- ed by Rev. Dr. Best and Rev. George Mason, the latter officiating as 'chairman. A reading from Kip- ling by Frank Squair, a former resident here, was also heard with much interest. The Tamblyn Or- chestra. rendered several excellent musical numbers, Mr. Will Moat, of Antioch sec- tion, had a valuable animal killed hy lightning recently. Mrs. John P. Winters, of Winni- peg, Man., is' visiting at her bro- ther-in-law's, Mr. Isaac Winters. Mrs. George Glass and son, ot Toronto, are visiting friends here, and alsn her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Bell, Leskard. Mr. Harvey Winter, student of Queen's University, Kingston, was recently promoted to the rank of Captain in the University company. Mies Thelma Martyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn, a recent gradaute at Nicholl's Hospi- tal, Peterhoro, - has received her degree of Registered Nurse for On- tario, Mr. Frank Walsh, of Weyburn, spent three weeks visiting his mo- ther in Agincourt and friends ana relatives in this section, PORT FERRY Port Perry, July 23.--Mrs. R. S. Hall, of Uxbridge, visited friends in Port Perry last week, Mrs. G, 8, Jeffrey and daughter Barbara, are visiting friends in Galt, - Miss Mabel Ryan is visiting friends in Ashburn, Mrs, Robert Prentice spent Sunday with friends in Janetville. We are sorry to report that Mrs, W. H, Leask 'is suffering from an attack of diptheria, but hope she will soon be about again, Born--At the hospital, Port Perry, on Wednesday, July 18, to Mr, and Mrs, E. A, Nott, a daughter. Mrs. Wm. Cook spent a couple of days last week with her daughter, Mrs. F. Wilkinson, in Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs.' W. Letcher are vis- iting friends in Kingston, Ars, A. Vickery and Miss Helen have returned from a trip to Musko- N » a, "Mrs. Nicholls, of Crystal Beach, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Collins last week. _ Miss Minnie Hayden, of Toronto, was home for the week end. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Asher motor- ed to Belleville one day last week. Mr. A. Small and son, Mr, A. Ed- wards, Messrs Frank Martens, Chas. Strader, Wilbert. Strader, Arch, | Lorne, King and Rolph Bewley, Mrs. Bewley and Miss Jones, Mr. C. H. Sprague, L..J. Sprague, J. Ashburg, G. Bateman and J. Denholme, all of Toronto, were week end visitors at the Lake front. Some of the fishermen have been most fortunate during the last four or five days in landing some fine large fish. Scugog Lake is producing some fine specimens of the "finny" 'tribe, this 'year. Lunge running from four to ecighteen pounds have been taken, also' some splendid bass. - The hurch of the Ascension, Port Perry; was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thursday afternoon, when Alda Mary, daughter of Mr, Thomas and the late Mrs. Ganton, became the bride of Mr. Harry Vie- tor Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Watson, of Uxbridge. Rev. E. B. Taylor, of Uxbridge, officiated, assist- ed by Rev. T. A. Nind, of Port Per- ry. The bride, who was unattended, was given away by her uncle, Mr. R: W. Allin. and wore a charming gown of white silk crepe with lace. Her veil [fect with coron hin and organ accompaniment. "The bride traveling in a dress was arfanged. in a cap oh soms. She carrie fern. The church was beautifully dec- orated with summer rs. - During the signing of the register, Miss Tay- lor sang "O, Perfect Love" with Jor N wedding music was played by Misses Madeline and Hazel Cockburn. lim- mediately after the ceremony a re- ception was ; eld at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson. Later the happy couple left on a motor trip 10 St. Paul, Minn, and other Places, Vl rose beige and hat to match. On their return they will reside in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheroff and Mr. H. N. Sheroff, of Oshawa, spent the week end in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Van- couver, B.C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Collacutt, Ebenezer, July 23.--\Weather con- ditions on Sunday last were not ideal but two good services were held at Ebenezer church. Service was held in the morning and the pulpit was occupied by Rev. Mr. Petley, who gave a very inspiring sermon from the text, "Open his eyes that he may see." The choir rendered beautiful music and Mrs. Roberts sang a lovely solo. Sunday School held a regular session in the afternoon and was lairly well attended. The evening ser- vice was withdrawn. Mrs. W. H. Nichols is visiting with friends in Wagarville. A very interesting game of soft- ball was staged on Thursday evening of last week in connection with the league, when the C.G.LT. girls plays ed against the Junior Boys' Sunday School class. Until darkness overtook them the girls had a little better of the boys but the game ended with the boys one run up. Nevertheless, the girls are to be congratulated for they played good ball. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Stainton and Master Ronald are spending their holidays at their cottage at Lake Couchiching. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Berean Class will be held on Thursday evening of this week in the Sunday School room. The pro- gram is in charge of Mrs. Blake Oke's group and promises to he good. All the ladies are invited, Miss Lyla Osborne, of Torento, is spending a few holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundle and Miss Mary, of Toronto, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Rundle. Congratulations to all those from this community who were successful in their various music examinations, We wish them all continued success. Mrs. Baker and daughter from the West are visiting with Mrs, F. W, Rundle and other relatives in this community. . Our young people are presenting their play, "Arnold Goes Into Busi- ness," at Hampton on Friday night, We wish them the best of success, Haying is well advanced now, but not many are all done. However, if the weather remains fair, most farm- ers will make it a short job, THORNTON'S CORNERS -- Thornton's Corners, July 23.-- There were some exciting baseball games at the field on Thursday evening, Our girls played the Col- umbus girls and won by a large score, The boys also played a team from the G. M. C. and came off victoriaus too. We wish them continued good luck. Mrs. G. H. Robinson and Master Frederic spent Friday in town with Miss Olive French. In the evenng Mr. and Mrs, M. Thompson, of Toronto, called. The Boy Scouts left on Satu day for camp at Greenwood. Truop Leader Bill Stonehouse, is in charge and all plan on a lively holiday. Let's hope it won't ruin all the time, The continued rains are becom- ing very serious and are imped- ing the haying which is general on most farms at present. The Tourists' Inn at the Corners is doing a big business. It is an ideal spot for a camp and the Don't let it' go until it develops ah much more serious, There is no better remedy for the relief of Cou; Colds and all Bronchial Afflictions than s Syrup, It bresks up the fold, soothes the throat apd qu restores rr Ray Most pleas- ant to take, Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO, LIMITED 'of orange NT cautit a beauti boquet] of sweetheart roses THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1928 beautiful laws attracts many tra- Born Friday, July 20th, at the Oshawa 1 Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allman, twin daugh- ters. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perryman and son Billy spent the week ¢nd at Boss Lake, near Orillia. Messrs. Eric Dean and Jim Kin- near have gome on a motor trip to Montreal. They expect to be gone u week. : Mr. and Mrs. John King guests from Toronto for weeks. Mrs. J. Luke and Miss spent Sunday in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. John Walters 2nd family, of Toronto, spent "unday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman . uss. Don't forget that the Ladies' Aid meet on Wednesday at Osbhawa-on- the Lake. Everybody welcome. A large number of the young people motored to Greenwood or Sunday to visit the Boy Scouts who are in camp. All repor. Greenwood a beautiful place fo the camp. . Mr, and Mrs. Gilligan, of Shan- nonville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe. WEEKLY ORDERS OF ONTARIO REGIMENT Weekly orders of the Ontario Regiment . issued by Major H. E. Smith, second in command, were posted today, Captain E. Pearson, adjutant, as follows: Next parade--Thursday, July 26th, 8.00 p.m; Dress-- Drill Order. Training "A". "B", "C" Com- panies. 1st Period--Guard Mount- ing and Company Training; 2nd period--Swedish Drill Training kave two ir:n2 PAGF SF 73 ----t - SN » Are you going to build? We can supply everything in Lumber, promptly and at attractive prices. It matters not whether you are building a small or a large home, or making a few repairs, it will be to your advantage to secure our prices on your lumber re- Quirements. Contractors and build. ers find that our materials and services can be de. pended upon, and that our prices are reasons able. Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Road North Phone 2821 under RSM Charlton--Assisted by Regimental Band. ' The following practice Guard will he detailed for instruction in Guard Mounting from which the Brigade Guard will be ehosen for duty at Niagara camp. Detail by Companies as follows: "A" Coy.--1 Corporal, 5 men; "B" Coy.--1 Sergeant, § men; "C" Coy.--1 Bugler, 4 men. Duties--Orderly Officer--Lieut. L. Gifford; Orderly Sergeant-- (to be detailed by O.C. "C"" Company). Camp Duties -- Extracts from Brigade Camp Orders wre forward- ed to Offices concerned, with the idea that they be made familiar with the duties and training allot- ted to the Ontario Regiment at Niagara Camp. EE STANDARD BRICK Co., Limited 'Manufacturers of GOOD RED STOCK BRICK Telephone Grover 7247 500 Greenwood Ave. At Our Expense Toronto, Ont, INSULATING BUILDING 00ARD A © home, bilities, Gatineau. Que. A Total Eclipse of Heat (In Summer) ew EN/TEST will eclipse the summer heat! There is no reason why your home should be hot this summer when TEN/TEST will make it cool and com- fortable, A cool house in summer is 2 healthy home, "a You can have a cool Home By merely lining the ceiling or attic with TEN/TEST Insulating Board, Just nail the strong solid sheets to the stud- ding and rafters, The amount of heat that will penetrate TEN/TEST is negligible, The result will be a cool and even temperature throughout your One of many advantages is that Paster or paint can be applied thus offering many attractive decorative possi- TEN/TEST eclipses all other materials be- cause it is an investment which pays for itself mapy times over and permanently enhances the value of the building in which it is used, INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED 1111 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal. { INSULATI 2, irect to TEN/TEST, SOLD BY OSHAWA LUMBER CO, tinned OSHAWA, ONT, Midland Ont

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