Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jul 1928, p. 10

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PAGE TEN RADIONEWS (Continued from page 9) K WSB, WET, W - (285)--Baltimore. String quar (234)--Northfield. Vocal. program. (428)--Cinci. Showboat. , (375)--Davenport. Concert. WOW (508)--Omaha. "Ome Minute" . Wayne. Nussbaum ay WFAA, WEEL CFCF (411)--Montreal. Band, \ CKGW (312)--Toronto. Light opera. NC (517)--Toronto. Instrumental artet. ' Vic System from WIZ: Great Com. rs: WHAM, KDKA. vi) (230)--~Clay Center. Vocgl. R30 (227)--Clarinda. The Nfwsboy; al. 3 KE, (220)--St. Paul. "Sally in Our WRAL (285)--Baltimore. Concert. WCAH (234)--Columbus. The Singing Sheriffs. WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. Musicale. WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Recital. . WEEI (508)--Boston. Musicale. WHAS (322)--Louisville, Studio music. WIAX (341)--Jacksonville. Studio pro. ram. Wis (M45)--Chicago. International re- wv ue. WOI (265)--Ames, Ta. Studio. . WPG (273)--Atlantic City, The Knick- erbockers. WRHM (261)--Mpls. Popular program, { WSB (476)--Atlanta, Motorcade. (294) Milwaukee. Studio. i The Captivators: w WEAN, WIAS, WGHP, KMRC, EAF: Fisk WCAE, WWI, WSATL ! KsD, weco, woe, ] WOW, WDAF, WSB, WBT, WTAM, 0A. KFAB (319)--Lincoln. A.C. Instrument. al Sextet, . ge : KYW (525)--Chicago. Dixie Trail. WBZ (353)--Springhield. Aleppo drum Win (244)--Chattancoga. Musicale. w 416)--Chi . Violinist, w ax Ta sanville, Old time rs, EE -------- MARCONI SHOP The Best in Radios . Kingston Rd, West : Phone 888 r 4 (of dd bill A ------------------------------ TIME TABLES wer sik TE TAR ow taking effec a a.m, Sunday, April 5 1928, 5.48 a.m, Daily, 23 a.m. Daily. 40 a.m, Daily except Sunday. ha, Daily pt Sund al exce] ay. .m, Daily. .m, Daily except Sunday. m, Daily except Sunday, .m. Daily, .m. Daily. 5 i s shown above arg times trains "from Oshawa Station. C.N.R. TIME TABLE Effective June 24, 1928 ; All times given are Standard not Daylight Saving. Daily except Sunday. Sunday only. Daily, Daily except Sunday, TRSsEn ily. Daily except Sunday. Daily. Daily. Daily. BEES 8382 Teneo BUDTTETEES Bophin pEpRBERREE Knipe ly. y except Sunday. ily except Sunday. Daily. Daily. Sunday only. Daily 'except Sunday. mwas Se8Y vo? BgEss s , Oshawa. Bowmanville BUS LINE WLS (38)--Chicago. Hippodrome. WLW (428)--Cinci, Trig, 10.00 ay bar wr ot Koi. (319)--Council and KSTP (20-St. Paul Melody Muske- KThs (s00)--Hot Springs. Classical Fine (257)--Muscatine. Home folks hour. PWX (400)--Havana. Luna Park Band WADC (238)--Akrom. St hour, WAIU (283)--Columbus. Vocal, WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. iio. WFAA (535)--Dallas. Bekanto Male rtet. ax (M1)--Jacksonville. Recital Wi (454)--N.Y. Slumber Music: also WRC. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Sears Roebuck ram. : No" 00) --South Bend. Studio fea- tures. 3 yu (24)--Milwaukee. Music Box 10.05 KOA (126)--Denver. Concert orchestra. 10.30 KMBC (220)--Kansas City. Song re tal. FOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Sweeney BOD" au0--Chastancoga. Frolic. WFLA (517)--St. Petersburg. Studio. 10.45 KPRC (294)--Houston. Concert. WCFL (484)--Chicago. WCFL enter. tai a 11.00 KEAR (319)--Lincoln. Memory Chub. KFSD (441)--San Diego. Studio. § KNX (337)--Hollyw: Calmon Lubo- viski, violin. A 2 : WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Ligkt- house ensemble. 4 > WOWO (229)--Ft. Wayne. Indian vil. lage. WHR (461)--Dallas. Music. WSM (535)--Nashville. Studio. 11.10 WIAX (341)--Jacksonville. Organ. 11.30 WGN (416)--Chicago. Radio Vox Pop 12 mid KOA (326)--Denver, Saxophone mu- SiC. WHO (535)--Des Moines. Qugan. 12.30 am. NBC System from KPO: Fisk 's: KFI, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHQ, OA, KOMO. KSTP (220)--St. Paul. Organ. KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Organ, WRR (461)--Dallas. D-Xers Jamboree. WSUI (476)--lowa City. Organ, 00 KSTP (220)--St. Paul. Midnight Club, .15 CNRE (517)--Edmonton. Instrumental trio. RADIO TALKS--FEATURES 245 pm. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Baseball 400 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. Baseball AF (492)--N.Y, Baseball scores. JAF (492)--N.Y. "Short Stories on ealth," g J ¢ (492)---N.Y. "What's A Good Book to Read?" al i WKBW (217)--Buffalo. Spiritual half- hour. 6.50 WWJ (353)--Detroit. Baseball scores. 7.00 KFNF (461)--Shenandoah, Letter Bas- ket. WIAX (341)--Jacksonville, Baseball scores. WHN (394)--N.Y. Boxing contests from St, Nicholas Arena. 7.45 WCFL (484)--Chicago. Labor items. : 8.20 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Art "Mr, Schlagenhauer." 8.45 WHA view, 9.30 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Newspa- rman. WhK (265)--Cleveland. Boxing bout, 10.00 KFUQ (545)--St. Louis, Young folks hour, WMAQ Andy": y : WOC (375)--Davenport. Serial drama, "Behind the Curtain," x 10.30 WCFL (484)--Chicago, "Tony's Trou- news Linick, (333)--Madison. Economic re- (448)--Chicago. "Amos 'n KST bles. 10.30 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Playlet. 11.05 KPRC (294)--Houston, Amos 'n Andy, KOA (326)--Denver, Melodrama, "Dan. DANCE TO THESE : 7.30 p.m, NBC System from WEAF: A & P. Gypsies: WCAE, KSD, WCSH, WDAF, WEEI, WGN, WGY, WHO, WJAR, WLIT, WRC, WSAI, WTAM, WTIC, WWI. adnan) 8.00 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Original Night. hawks, ; WFAA (545)--Dallas. Collegians. WGY (390)--Schenectady, Orchestra: WMAK. WOKT (210)--Rochester. Merrymakers, 8.30 NBC System from WJZ: Tango ors chestra: KDKA, WHAM, KWK. KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Miller's ors chestra, 9.00 KFAB (319)--Lincoln. Orchestra, WRAL (285)--Baltimore. Marylanders. WOS (422)--Jefferson City. Sedalia Troubadours, ; 9.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal. Jack Dennie, WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Dance or- chestra, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Dance. WCAH (234)--Columbus. Dance orches. 9.45 WCFI. (484)--Chicago. Savoy orchestra 10.00 CKGW (312)--Toronto, Supper dance. WCOA (250)--Pensacola. Old time dance. WDAF (370)--Kansas City. Supper mu- NBC System from WEAF: Hotel Man- Men's Work Shirts, $1.00, Special 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St, W. Phone 833W _- a. e LS i -------------- For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23% Simcoe 5, Phone 880 Cash or Terms EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Bervice THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1928 a Ra Se ta HAM -- Rochester. Sax Smith. WOR (422) Newark. eland orches. WPG ( Atlantic City. Follies Re-. e. sar (361)--Cinci. Heuer's orchestra. WWJ (353)--Detroit. Dance. 10.30 WCAU @(3¥)--Phila. Club Li WPG (Z3)--Atlantic City. Follies Bergere. . i WeM (337)--Nashville. The Radio Seve en. WTAM (400)--Cleveland. Dance. 11.00 NBC System from KPO: Shell Orches- tra: KFI, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHQ, KFOA, KOMO. KMBC (270)--Kansas City. Torreon's orchestra. WHN (34)--N.Y. Cotton Club. Re (469)--Washington. Le Paradis WSM (337)--Nashville. Orchestra. 11.05 KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Orchestra. 11.30 CNRC (435)--Calgary. Rustom's orches. 11.45 WSB_(476)--Atlanta. Ruddy Brown. KSTP (225)--St. Paul. Orchestra. WTMJ (294) --Milwaukee. Frolic. 1245 am. WDAF (30)--Kansas City. Nighthawk frolic. 1.00 CNRV (21)--Vancouver. Midnight frol- (Copyrighted, 1928.) INCREASE IN APPLE YIELD FORECASTED Twelve Percent. Advance Over 1927 Is "Indicated in Canada Canada's commercial apple crop points to an increased production of 12 per cent. for this-year, with 3.- 157, barrels, compared with 2810,- 600 barrels in 1927, according to an estimate made in Report No. 2 is- sued by the Domiriion Fruit Branch at Ottawa. Despite this substantial increase the majority of the apple- growing Provinces report a lower yield than last year. The advance is due to the remarkable crop promis. ed by British Columbia orchards, where an estimated production of 1,483,200 barrels over last year's 1,- 079,500 barrels is indicated. The Eastern commercial districts all re- port a heavy Jume drop and reduced yields. i The commercial apple crop in On- tario is now estimated at 664210 barrels, compared with 673,500 in 1927, showing a decrease of approxi- mately 2 per cent. Early varieties such as Duchess, Wealthy, Wolf Riv- er, and Alexander are heavy through- out the Province, while winter varie. ties, notably Spies, MacIntosh and Starks, are light. Excessive rains have made it difficult for regular spraying operations, with the result that scab is spreading rapidly. The Eastern Ontario crop is re- ported as reduced by 18 per cent with a 'yield of approximately 234. 130 barrels, compared with 282,470 in 1927. Wet, cool weather is held responsible for the poor set of fruit, and the resulant much heavier June drop. The estimate for July, by dis~ tricts, with the 1927 figures in par- entheses, is as ws: Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle 32,- 060 (42750); Port Hope, Cobourg, Colborne, 73,000 (73,060); Brighton, 20800 (29720); Trenton, Belleville, 62,840 (89.780) . Prince Edward 27,.- 780 (37,60): St. Lawrence, Ottawa Valley, 17,500 (10,000). Nova Scotia prospects are report- ed as being not so good as the blos- som indicated. June drop has been heavy, and is not yet over, making an accurate estimate difficult. A de- 'Headaches They may be sudden, but they needn't last long. "They may come often, but one remedy won't fail, Aspirin is always ready, always works, and never works any harm, It stops the pain, and there its action ends; there is mo effect whatever on the heart, Bayer on the box means genuine, I] crease of 4 per cent. is looked for, however, with a crop of 886,550 bar- rels compared with 925,500 in 1927. In British Columbia, however, or- chardists are rejoicing im an antici- pated increase of 38 per cemt. over last year. The crop is estimated at 4,499,600 boxes, compared with 3,238,- 500 boxes in 1927. June drop is over, and thinning is practically com- pleted. Irrigation water is plentiful everywhere, and' excessive moisture is causing a rather rapid spread of scab. NIAGARA FALLS PLAN DISCUSSED Engineers' Suggestion to Preserve Beauty of Cataract Buffalo, July 20.--Preservation of the beauty of Niagara Falls by overcoming erosion in a way that will permit the diversion for pow- er purposes, either temporarily or permanently, of a greater vol- ume of water from the Niagara river, was discussed at the open- ing technical session of the fifty- eighth annual convention of the America Society of Civil Engineers here Wednesday. The discussion followed the reading by Major Robert S. Thom- as, of the United States Army En- gineering Corps, of the interim re- port of the special International Niagara Board for the preservation of the falls. Oliver D. Dales, engineer In charge of construction projects vr the Niagara Falls Power Company, led the discussion. He said that the suggested remedial works con- sisting of a system of weirs and islands in the river above the falls, Thx scienTIFIC catedets. DEVELOPMENT of FLY-TOX Ld . . &. i ance. of quality and effectiveness. No other product equals FLY-TOX in ita various outs * standing characteristics. FLY-TOX is fragrant, stainless, harmless, casy to use, and certain death to mosquitoes, flies, moths and other unclean insects. while looked upon by laymen as| spectacular were, to engineers, practicable and relatively easy to construct. They would yesult in a more even flow of water over the crest of the falls and tend to pre- vent erosion at the Horseshoe Falls over which too great a volume now passes. Major Thomas estimated that the cost of the preservation pro- gram would be $1,750,000 and said that the work should be startea as soon as possible for the benefit of more than 2,000,000 annual vis- itors to Niagara Falls in addition to its economic value. 1 Hudson and 1 Essex Coach, late :adels, in perfect order, new dace finish, Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 0 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 116: REGENT TAXI 148 Simcoe St, S. Buick and Pontiac Cars Prompt Day and Night Service Long Distance Trips PHONE 2477 Boys' Flannel Trousers, a 310 Dominion Clothing Co, 68 King St, W. Phone 2141 We Deliver ELLA CINDERS--This Settles That pe By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Pa Reg. U.5 Par. OF ; Copyright 1928. by Meropolitan EAL Thm. eR Ap Tue MR CRAMP 19S SITTING ON THE PORCH" GO TALK TO Him = 1 THINKIN UP Wh, YOU MUST IT UP NIGHTS: DISAGREE ABLE THINGS FOR ME TO DO - or Ip 2) I © 1928, by lor YES | WANTED TO BE ALONE S0 I'M SITTING AROUND You WHILE HERE SMOKING- : Feature Service, Inc. Groat Britain rights reserved. | WELL YOULL NEVER HAVE A CROWD {YOURE , | HEARD 'WHAT You MR CRAMP- OFFENDED HIM-YOU IDIOT: I WISH | HAD THOUGHT TWICE DEFONs | MARRIED TET SADT YOUVE | WieH | HAD THOUGHT ONCE" TYING A STRING AROUND YOUR FINGER TO MAKE YOU REMEMBER 4 SOMETHING 15 NOT AN ORIGINAL | IDEA OF YOUR MOTHERS, TOMMY - L "Td HOW KNOTS IN QUIPI WERE TIED. JHE MOST REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOY RECORDS TOOK PLACE AMONG THE WAS OF PERU. if 3 NO KNOY IY THE QUIRY HAD MORE THAN NINE TURNS. INDICATING THE USE OF A DECIMAL SYSTEN. git 5h 7 = [7 13 INCAS HAD A HIGHLY COMPLEX CIVILIZATION, A PECULIARLY RICH AND ) FINGER HELP YOU TO REMEMBER WHAT SHE WANTED FROM THE STORE, BETTY 2 BL JHE USE OF KNOTS IN CORDS FORTHE | PURPOSE OF RECKONING AND RECORD-\ ING NUMBERS SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN UMIVERSAL AMONG PRIMITIVE PEOPLES, KNOTS AIDED THE MEMORY OF THE INCAS AND THE ANCIENT CHINESE . Your Eyes ond Health Eye Care and Bye Btrain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE BUT NO SYSTEM OF WRITING, THE QUIPI OR PERUVIAN KNOT RECORD 15 SUPPOSED 10 HAVE BEEN USED BY RUNNERS 10 AID THEM IN MEMORIZING THE MESSAGES THEY © 1928. by Kang Features Syndicate. Inc. Somat Mata rights reserved. &8% ] 33 FRRRRRRERERES 8 E2s SEseba BER BREE : THE TOILER--She's Right, at That GLAD SH, MAC - YM SO SCARED - I'VE FALLEN IN LCVE WITH "TWO FELLOWS SA ALT Jac xen AND EADY TO GO - WHAT DID Yow WANT TO SEE ME AROUT , TILLIE Z 00 IY SE TERRIBLE STILL Save Your Eyesight You simply cannot do your best with defective sight Why not consult W.A. Hare OPTOMETRIST 3 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of 393 FRERES if Sons BE 11H

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