Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jul 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1928 WOMEN'S DAILY INT REST SOCIAL and|/® PERSONAL vr, James Kemp spent the week Tn Golborae, . Miss Mary Davy is spending her tion in Bath, Mr. Jamies Lownie, Gibb atreet, & recent Tattor h Ottawa, 7, Oliver Wer has returned oF Rag 0 LY week in Toronto, Mra, Gerald on is a J, Edgar Noxon in LE | Mrs. James Butterworth of Hart. : a friends in the city res ntly, 9 9 9 Mr, and Mrs, W. Brinning and {ly were recent visitors in Co- urs, a Miss Maud Lewis, Collins Bay, visiting her sister, Mra, R, Mec- ough won Breet, Mr. and Mrs, G, BE. Burnham, Olarke street, are spending two ke' holidars i» Perth, Mise I TH RN, fa siting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. hompson, = Port Hope, Miss Arlle "Reed in spendin, days with Miss Muriel Calver nd other Telatives n Bowmanville isses Bernice Allen and Hazel Ackaney visited at the home of y, and Mrs, XK. Valleau, Mc ughlin Hive, Min Hoskiu' music class held pienic at the home of the teach. 7, Hoskin Park, July 8, There we Abo fifty guests. present. Dinner and top were served on the awn and games were enjoyed In he afternoon and evening, TT eat of 'elling- --_-- A Friend to Women (ia B, Pinkhem's ogotable Componnd | dtd en VES ICING CO, For Your Drug Needs OMPSON'S|: Bimece Bt, 8, We Deliver Pogo. REA oR ar wk a ao v, and Mrs. Douglas Redpath od week on & motor trip for a, heh they will visit Mr, P rE Relderave are k + guests of Mrs. Ashley, Kens neth avenue, . ET , for & wr thelr sister, Walle Arthur stent, 4" Mrs. Jack Long and Bi Dorothy, are + Pg gid er's parents, Mp, w EH Don- ald Thompson, Odessa T 9 Mr, and Mra. A, Bell and Mp and Mrs Saylor visited Mrs, Bell's Ly ao Mr, and Mm. H. 8, Davy, in Odessa, recently, Te Miss Byrl Clunie has returned to her home in Bethel after spending | Mass 8 few days with Mr. and Mrs, Martyn Farrow. + Miss Hilda Lewis, Chicago, for- merly of Oshawa, graduate o fthe Missionary Course of the Moody Bible College, Ch. cago. * 8 0 Congratulations are being ex- tended te Miss Hille Bradley on having passed her Hlementary Cone servatory examinations in music with honors. * * 0 Mrs, George Lewis, Collins Bay, visited her daughters, Mrs. R, McDonough, Huron street, Mrs. H, Calver and Mrs, E, Buck, Tyl er Crescent, * 9% Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hoselton of Bath were recent guests of the latter's sisters, Mrs, R, McDon- ough, Huron street, and Mrs, H, Calver, Tyler Crescent, 0 J The Pearson Hat Shop is now located just above the old stove, entrance at Mitchell's Drug Store, and sve clearing out all summer hats at reduced prices, (10-8) yr 48 Miss Nova Kent, who has heen visiting Mrs, J, Bennett, 69 Park road south, sailed from Montres! on the "Ascania," Sunday, July §, on an extended visit with her parents in Plymouth, England, Ld LJ Mr. and Mr, H, G, Ross, Brigh- ton, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Alice Louise, to Mr. Norman A, Hinds, Oshawa, the marriage to take place quistly this month, | BE baw Mr, and Mrs, Rhoads of Akron, Ohio, are the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Ashley, Kenneth avenue, While here Mr. and Mrs, Rhoads attended the Cryderman- Ruse picnic, in company with Mrs. Ashley, which was held at Hamp- ton, July 11, KISS SPREADS DISEASE SAY HYGIENE EXPERTS New York, NY, Ju July 12.--The kiss #8 » cause for the spread of pyorr. hea is the theory advanced by a hy- giene expert, Dr. Hermann Becks, J essor of dental hygiene of the University of Freiburg, Germany, who arrived here recently, said while he believes an affection of the stomach may be the original seat of the disease, it is shread through the medium of kisses Dr. Becks said he came to this country at the Jnvilasion of the Uni- versity of Cali to continue his research work fois disease. Special! New Felts, $2.98 Good quality felts featuring the new head moulding crowns and wide ly about the face. Many that ripple becoming: show signs of approaching change in season, by touches of velvet or smaller brims. In white, yellow, beige, sand, navy, green, black, blue, monkeyskin, roseblush and Special $1 Specially and $1.98, brown. and $1.98 200 Hats to clear! Fine quality stylish hats for both miss and matron, All colors snd all head sizes. from $3.98 and a 3 KING STREET EAST . mio Nr, and Inti of Gams, | ale 8 p30. tired Akron, Ohio, wed Bn, sister of ming brides- ton To the bride, made L) frock hig hat. or bou- Tires brother of A groomaman. 0Ay & Teception of the bride's Toot west, to @ guests were ee Pa the ( the mm held at We Show Tory guests, and bride- Ro WAN de's mother, Mrs. bit vy who Lhe & gown of black . house wae prettily dec- ns in o ue and white, white bells and flowers of the aon The luncheon table was a of roses The TI: co's ft. to the bride was & white gold watch, to the bridesmaid a pearl necklace and to the groomsman a fountain was & rvecen: | Pen After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Dickson left on a wedding trip for Niegens, Buffalo and nearby points. The bride wore a black canton dress, navy blue coat and maize hat for travelling. On thelr return they will reside at 333 Hulalie Avenue. Among the many messages of congratulations and happiness the bridegroom received two cables from his parents and friend in Scotland, WROTE TO GIRL; IS RE-ARRESTED New York, N.Y, July 12--A ro- Inge with a girl "he never saw has 2 Ihe Heme of Frank Mc- A Horan vile Alshama convist. ile serving a sentence _-- entgomery Coun- 4 Alah bas, or receiving stolen H 5, started a correspondence with girl in Astoria, LI, throngh a "etn Pale" department of 3 maga- zine, He J i his Miron as Kirhy amp and 'told her he was an en- fineés eakaged in # hig construction project, Last October he escaped but continued to correspond with the girl from various cities. As he left each town he wrote where he would be next. * Early in May, however, the girl ost his address and wrote to Kirby . The letter fell into the hands is " prison authorities and the ew York Rolice, were notified. They earned McDougle was expected to visit the girl's home and established 2 watch. When he arrived at the house he was arrested. Household Hints | A nest and orderly way to keep old newspapers snd magazines so they sre dy for your particular unk men is to have boxes a little srger. than the average folded ROWSPAPET. otp two strings crossed at right angles in the box, Lay the accumulated papers in on the strings apd when the plle is large enough the strings may be tied. The plies of PowapAPers will never be disorderly it this method is employed, Often stair-eyes are put pie down; to be correct, they should be palled to the tread snd the pms put in the upright, whe pit is much easier to pail. Glassware That Bb bas contained milk should be pos in cold water before putting the dish water. If washed without, they are spt to be streaked. Wisi os a ar Nght o N Quantities. Towers, it is ou to consider ther stor) fect the ois a or not the storing will prove more oxpensive in lopg run than if bought in smaller quantities and boing certain of fresh goods. BE KIND T0 OLD AGE Be ever oy to those ho be bend weight of time For they Lg once, lko thes, my friend, In blooming manhood's prime. But 'bitter cares and weary years ve borne their joys away; vr ad remains but age and And wasting, dim decay. Lites sweetest hours have hasten- J RS et twilight Along furrowed And fu the shattered remnants A parrow house receive For, ne By he they Mllent fall Like withered Free fast Autumn leaves. b, than be Kind where'er thoy Nor oom Much ing. Works san | And may When thou, thyself, art old. in black tea, oer vr, and Fashion ! Notes White crepe with black acces. sories are being worn by smart women at Chantilly, The metal top and velvet skirt will be good again this fall, ---- Satin in melon shades will be smart for- fall evening frocks, while black is to be strong for both afternoon and evening. This fashion of dyeing fur has lately become distinctly pular with the leading French furriers and cloaks of ruby-colored moles skin are being exhibited in some shops, and others in various shades of blue have been seen at ihe races, while pink fox is a nov- elty. At a smart London dinner re. cently sprays of glass primroses clustered at the corners of the table like little nests of sunbeams, 'an exquisite glass tree with fairy-like branches formed the centre-plece, glass bluebells shimmered between deli- cate green leaves, and tiny slass osies held the menu cards, while n another drawing room a corner was occupied by a tall vase of delphinium and madonna lies, exquisitely grouped; it was almost impossible to believe that the beautiful sheaf was made of fea- thers, In the advance fall models, the skirt length generally is unchang- ed from present regulationy--that is, short but covering the knee. is * % i a, Fister song posters listed be- por parasPrPIIL TT popes em Prep r» wore perp Adon prs Sli 4 Province » CR dd Price, » cents NOTHER CHARGED WITH BURYING HER BABY ALIVE Alleged to Have Given It Poison Previously--Com- mitted for Trial Sarnia, July 12.--A mother, charged with burying alive her in- fant daughter after first adminis. tering carbolie acid to it, sat al- lently in the witness box at Couns ty Court here this aft2rnoon, with head bowed and her eyes hidden behind a cambric handkerchief, Mrs. Bertha Leboeuf, aged 40. scarcely moved as witnesses told of [the timely discovery of a baby in a grave hastily dug near the Sarnia Indian Reserve on July 6, and of the admission allegedly made by her to the police that the child was hers and that she had buried it because she had to earn her living and the child would have been in the way. She was commit- ted for trial at the next sitting of the Supreme Court on Sept. 25 hy Magistrate C. Woodrow, after the evidence of men who rescued the child from a premature grave had been taken. No Trace of Tears Portly, dark haired and of ro- hust countenance, Mrs, Leboeuf was apparently only interested in hiding her countenance from tha spectators in court. But though she had the appearance of one éi- lently weeping, there was no trace of tears to be seen when for a few moments she removed the yellow handkerchief from her eyes. Admission hy the accused to the police that she had walked four miles to the point where she huried the child and a revelation that she first dug a hole some distance from the spot where she buried the child, but finally selected a spot that was not so water-logged and that at several points In her passage through the bush she had hesitat~ ed and turned back were interest- ing points in the evidence of High County Constable R. J. Whiting and Detective James Byerlay, who investigated the case. The latter declared that Mrs. Leboeuf admit- ted to him, after being duly warned that she had administered carbolic acid to the child in the bush, A small blue bottle containing cut bolic acid allegedly found in ae- cused"s room at the Arlington Ho- tel was shown in court, CLAREMONT Mrs. D. A. Scott was ip the city on Monday, gee Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan of Richmond Hill called on friends in the village on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mr. James Madill is copfined to his bed through illness. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Cody of Sombra is spend- ing a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. T. McCallum. Miss Bella Pettie of Toronto is visiting friends in the village. Mrs. Stevens, of the West, is spending her holidays at the home of her sisters, Misses Jon- pie and Annie Forgle. Mr. Graham and sister visited in Stouffville, on Wednesday. The Claremont Club held their + annual picnic at Oshawa-on-the- Lake, on Wednesday afternoon and evening. All report a good time. Miss Mary Dawson is very ih at the home of her parents. Miss | Mundell, graduate nurse, is at- tending her. Misses Katheline and Hilde Suj- man of Toronto, accompanied by friends, sttended the concert hela in the Memorisl Park on Tuesdey on a Mi P r rs. age spent the week-end with the latter's cousin, Mrs. Borland. Several in the village are sport- ing new cars. pu. h Jarge crowd assembled at the ty given by the young peovis In n the Memorial Park on y evening last. The roads were good and the weather ideal. audience interested. During th first part of the evening the Clare. mont orchestra rendered - a few choice selections of music. Mr. . Thomas of Toronto sustain- ed reputation for good clean humor and Miss Hopes, Toronto's popular elocutionist delighted every ome. Miss Jean Thomas gave a few instrumental apd vocal pumbers. Mr. Harold Cogper. £n old Claremont boy, was in his us- ual fevor with a number of bari- tone solos. The refreshment booths did a thriving business till 2 threatened storm sent the audi- ence scurrying home. Mr. Thomés Birkett of Stouit- ville was in the willaze on Thurs y. Mrs. Rawson fis having her house painted, which adds much to its appearance. GIRLS THOUGHT . DEAD IN WATER! RESCUED ALIVE Tnanimate Body Was Float: ing for 3 Hours--Rough Handling Revives Her Brockville, July 12.--Can a three-year-old girl, in a state of coma Approximating death float for nearly three hours without a drop of water gutting ito her lungs, and then live? This is the ques: on that a reputable Canadian Rrelcian has answered in the af- rmative, after one of the oddest cases in the annals of Canadian accidents had been probed. Local reports say that the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Poole was "killed" and then "revived" by two lucky strokes of fortune. The little tot is mow back home, romp- ing about her yard as if nothing had ever happened her. According to accounts emanat- ing from wp the river, the little girl was struck so severely om the head when she fell into the river intents and purposes she was dead, But the lungs remained inflated, and air in them kept her afloat. The father sighted an object on the St. Lawrence River upon his nothing of it till he got home, was missing. to the object that he had seen in the water, and discovered his little daughter. Action Restored red, according to local reports, parently dead girl feet-first from the river. The lungs contracted, ex- panded again, and seemed to bring back life to the dormant child, Thus the severe blow "stopped' the heart action, and the second gesture "hrought hack' life. The story is substantiated by a Canadian doctor called to give first ald as well as a trained nurse st Alexandria Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Poole are care: takers on tha Grenadier Island estate of Charles A, Duke of Duke Centre, Pa. Medical Comments Two Toronto doctors, interview ed last night, were very skeptical about the possibility of such an occurrence as that reported from Grenadier Island. They pointed out that had heart action stopped for a period of three hours the blood, without circulation, would undergo a great change and that mo case on record that heart action stopped. To all |} return from Rockport, but thought | Ji when he leaned his little daughter || He rowed frantically |} The second phenomenon ocour- || when the father dragged the ap-|J showed reani-] Women's Printed Voile and Rayon Dresses Masly in sir 40 10 Bae ats va gy 48 Pleated Silk Fugi Skirts kl ge Fg Th "$2.95 alors o 1080, Pi mother goose and vesada, Special LL LLL LLL ay Hyloom Silknit Princess Slips 'Another new shipment of this beautiful qual has a Tived, white as well as salary Foo or "$2 28 other make can compare wit oom for PD the money ......... "e . Clearing about 35 Hats All Wool Blazer Flannels 3} chm Wile Rev 80c In Summer Straws, newest shapes. New two color stripes, Special, POT YATE rinirmerminineenieenie pointed out that the lungs might have been working very feebly and that such water as had bt en drawn in during a few moments could easily have heen forced out without the father noticing it, THEY DON'T MIX Now that the tourist season fs opening up, Hon, Mr, Henry and Sir Henry Drayton ought to de- vise a scheme let visitors know that gasoline sleoho] cannot be mixed on the £) gshway, mation after such a length of time, The possibility of the action of the heart and lungs being so feeble a8 to escape the notice of any one not using delicate instruments Was accentuated. It has been shown, one doctor stated, that a newborn child could be kept alive under water for some minutes, provided it had never nsed its Jungs. But he said he would not eare to helieve any such story ss given above unless the period of time were reduced from hours to minutes. He also If You wrap a piece of ice in a Blanket ~ wil adltion' slowly to For the ice must be to keep the refrigerator sufficiently cool. It's the same with the bar befose ie can The hard, esmmon kinds of sosp take thei 'own time about dissolving) the water. 4 In face it's 'wasteful to do 90. Joss swish the bac acouod "x Tike wad right swey you have plenty of bubbly, og Sab Zolus WB YO Sonlight" being all pure soap," not ondy dissolves 'works faster aod doss not bust either hands or finest fibsi, | -- Ri A your food. i oo ! "kt must dissolve from its work.' - The $8,000

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