Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jul 1928, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL column, Send in a postcard or phone 36, Mrs, Hugh Fitssimmons and baby son, of Detroit, Michigan, are spending a few days at Ward's Point, * * * Mrs. (Dr.) Mahoney, Colorado Springs, is visiting her brother-in- law, Mr. Fred Bailes, and family at Whitby Beach. Mr. Charles Lamon, manager of the Bank of Commerce, Orange- ville, Mrs, Lamon and children are visiting Mrs, Lamon's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Belt, at their cottage, Corbett's Point. . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hastings, French street, have been spending the last few days with the form- er's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Hastings, at their summer home, Emwill Isle, Thousand Islands, LJ * . Mrs, R, D, Preston entertained at a tea yesterday afternoon at her home, 92 Burk street, in aid of of the Ladies' Aid of St, Andrew's church, The house and tables were prettilly decorated with snap dragons and roses. There were about 130 guests present during the afternoon. They were received by Mrs, Preston, Mrs. '| visiting at Mountain Grove, Frank McLaughlin and Mrs. 8. J. Babe. Mrs. George McLaughlin and Mrs. Herbert Smith poured. LJ Mr, Frank Shortridge is spend- ing a week at bis home in Solina. LJ Mr. Hugh Palmatier was the holiday guest of Miss Leola Pal- matier, Picton, . 0. * . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Serpell, Cannington, were guests in the city recently. . es 0 Mr. W, Peters is holidaying at the home of Mrs, D, Benedict, Glen Ross, * =» ® Miss C. Holden spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Holden, Glen Ross. LJ LJ * Miss Helen Sine spent the week- end with her sister, Mrs. Howard Holden, Glen Ross. Ll * 9° Mrs, James Freeman, Burk street, is the guest of Bellevills friends for a few days. : L * Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Colter are near Kingston, * * * Miss Beatrice Quinn, of Lands- downe, is visiting friends in the city for a few days. \ * LJ LJ Mr. and Mrs. Almond Parks and daughter, Verdun road, spent the week-end and holiday at Arden, LJ . Mrs. A. F. Woodward visited with her brother, Mr, R, L., Stub- ley, Orillia, over the holiday. . . LJ] * The Past Mistress Club met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. Selleck, 307 Mary street. The business of the club wag dis- Prices $10.00 FELT BROS. The Leading Jewellers "WHERE SATISFACTION I$ A CERTAINTY" MART jt Wrist: Watches in all} «+ the newest style / an ideal gift for her. to $100.00 ! ESTABLISHED 1 " STawa" o 9 o ' 9 o 9 r " o " 9 " " x ¥ " o " " 4 r r LE 9 4 r r " o " + x i» x - o " - " x r * o " o o r o 9 9 9 + 4 9 " a 2 0 A A 2 A A a 2 A A J J 3 JB J J J 20 J J 20 JN JS JB Ah JS Jb Jn J Jb Jb a bln Jet Jn ee Jo een nb ne na enn By STAN EO. THE WALTZ SONG SENSATION 'Pretty Irish Rose" ! By Nelson H, Published by Leo Feist Ltd., New York Will Be Featured Saturday at LAKEVIEW PARK PAVILION And His Famous Blue Marines Orchestra Bell--Oshawa WILLIAMS r New Sports pavy, sand, black and beige. CLEARANCE! 100 Hats at $1.00 and $1.98 These hats sold regularly at $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 and $6.50. Included are crochets, straws, matron hats, misses' hats, miss! Bra, 100 hats only at Summer Specials in Smart New Millinery A pew shipment has just arrived. A quality that belies the low price--combined with smartness and distinction. Vaga- bond styles, medium sized cloches, draped brims and close fitting turbans. In white, yellow, pink, mauve, In all colors and head sizes, A week end special you should not Felts, $2.98 Only .,.., silk combinations, hair hats, $1.00... $1.98 sera s Spesialt 100 Kiddies Straw kins, Beg. to S100 0), THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1928 to 7,000 feet above sea level Pekoe Blend-- and, Only 43¢ cussed and Mrs. H. Foote spoke to the ladies. A social hour was spent and refreshments were served by the hostess. + ss 0 Miss Betty Wilson, Brock stree: east, is holidaying with relatives at Deadman's Bay, near Kingston, . LJ . Miss Edna Burns and M. Carl have. returned to their homes in Belleville after visiting friends in the city. * » * Mr. Herbert Gray, Albert street, is visiting at the home of his father, M. J. Gray, Mountain Grove, LJ LJ * Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McDonald and family, Simcoe street north, are spending a week at Wasago Beach. * LJ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penny, of this city, spent the week-end and holiday with their parents at Em- pey Hill . LJ . Mr, and Mrs, Harold Fry, Brock sireet east, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Whitton, Glen Ross, recently, LJ LJ \d Messrs. George C. Fullerton and Charles F. McCabe of Picton are visiting friends in town while on a motor trip through this district. LJ] * . Mr. Lloyd Daniels, 296 Athol street east, left last night for Camp Ahmek, Algonquin Park as coun- cillor-in-training. . . . Miss Flossie Coyte, been absent from town for two months, holidaying in various places, has returned to her home, 27 Erie street. : . who hoz M. and Mrs. Orval Agler, St Catharines, who were married Thursday, afternoon in St. Barna- has's Church, St, Catharines, are spending their honeymoon in this city and Toronto. . Mr. N. H. Bell, musical director of the Arlie Marks Company, fis visiting in town for two days, prior i to his leaving for his home in Mid- land for a month's vacation, after which he will rejoin the Arlie Marks Company, . . Weddings TUCKER--RICHARDS The wedding took place at St. Jude's Church, Brantford, Thurs- day, of Edith Clara, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Richards, of Brantford, and Richard Grant, scc- ond son of Mrs. Annie Tucker of Detroit and the late Mr. W. Tuck- er, formerly of Brantford. Rev. C. E. Jeakins officiated, Miss Helen Tucke, R.N., sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and Miss M. Sprowl of Whit- by, bridesmaid, The groom was supported hy Herbert W. Richards, brother of the bride. The ushers were Mr, Madison Davison, Niagara Falls, and Eric Richards, brother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker left after the ceremony on a wedding trip and on their return they will re- side in Oshawa. . * LJ SHANE--FERGUSON The wedding took place of Mary Isabel, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson of Mit- chell, Ontario, and William Albert, only son of Mr, and Mrs, A, E. Shane of Newburgh, Ontario, in the College Street United Church, Toronto, Wednesday, The of- ficiating clergy was Rev. Archi- bald Tuer of Toronto, formerly of Mitchell. The church was prettily decorated with palms, ferns ard pink and white peonies, The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. Dugald Fergu- son, of Mitchell,' wore a beige en- semble with a matching fox fur, and a hat in green and beige. Her corsage bouquet was of yellow roses and lily of the valley. The wedding music was played by Mrs. W. J. McDonald of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Shane left on a motor trip to the Eastern States and Quebec. On their return they will reside near Bowmanville, STRAWBERRY SOCIAL A GREAT SUCCESS Orono, July ©5.--The straw- berry {festival held here re- cently proved 8 marked success. The affair was held at the Centre St. Church, Orono, under the au- spices of women's organizations of the church. Following the excel- lent supper, one of the best pro- grams in years was heard. The talent were: Mr. H. Knight of Bowmanville, baritone; Mrs. A. G. Cawker, of Bowmanville, mezzo- soprano; Mr. Frank Walter, Cour- tice, tenor; Mrs. Geo. Hall, Bow- manville, soprano; Mr. Ian Robert- son, graduate of Oxford University, elocutionist. -Mrs. C. Dudley of Bowmanville accompanied the ar- tists on the piano, DISTRICT MEETING REBEKAH LODGES Held in Port Hope Tuesday --Oshawa Well Represented A district meeting of the Rebek- ah lodges was held in Port Hope Thursday afternoon. The repre- sentatives from Oshawa were Sister Mary Shaw, P.D.D.P,, district re- presentatives Sisters Evans Holds- worth and Schwartz, and Sister Isa- belle McDonald, Noble Grand of the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3. Sister Shaw installed Sister Irene Bruce of Port Hope in office as District Deputy resident of dis- trict No. 18. A Short address was read by Sister Marie Schwartz and Sister Edith Marie Evans presented Sister Shaw with a silk umbrella on behalf of her term's co-workers for the splendid work she had done during the year. Sister Shaw, who was taken by surprise, replied fit- tingly, At the close of the meeting a supper was served by the Port Hope Lodge to the visiting delegates, FINED! Windsor, July 5.--The smallest fine in the history of Sandwich Police Court, 50 cents, was im- posed by Magistrate W. A, Smith today, without costs, on Albert Miller, 611 Bloomfield Road. Mil- ler was convicted of a technical violation of the town fire by-laws on a complaint laid by Frank Trio- let, a neighbor, Triolet accused Miller of burning rubbish on his premises and causing annoyance by smoke. felled osiniiodododofole oe ! i 3 3 : E " THE ':J.-JER Permanent Wave (Does Not Need Finger Waving) $7.50 Finger Waving a Specialty MRS. E. BRANCH 111 Colborne St, Phone 608J oe psbosioordorlorlontosdostosfosiodontoniorlontortosiosotonionte DUGGAN-DUNN WEDDING WAS HOST BRILLIANT Marchioness Curzon's Son Marries Miss Joan Dunn in St. George's London, July 5.--The wedding of last week here was that on Tuesday of Hubert Duggan, second son of Marchioness Curzon of Ked- leston by her first marriage, wo Miss Joan Dunn, daughter of Sir James Dunn, Canadian financier. The ceremony took place at the fashionable St. George's Church in Hanover Square, outside .of which, despite heavy showers, women- and girls stood in rows six deep to watch the bridal couple arrive and depart. Before the ceremony Lady Cur- zon entertained at a luncheon party at the Ritz Hotel and the wedding reception was held there after ward, The bride made a lovely figure in a gown of ivory moire with a tight fitting bodice and a draped skirt and wore a lace train lined with ivory chiffon. She was followed by 'four bridesmaids-- Miss Bridget Dunn, her sister; Miss Anne Pinto, Miss Rachel Binghuw and Miss Virginia Gilliat, who were dressed in frocks of white net with headdresses of apple bius- soms. Sir James Dunn gave his daugh- ter away and Henry Channon was best man, They will spend their honeymoon at Hackwood, Lady Curzon's lovely place near Basing- stoke, which she has loaned to the young couple. Afterwfrd the bride and groom are going to tour the Continent for a trip and later sail probably remain for several months, The bridegroom is one of the wealthiest young men in England. The family fortunes were founded by his grandfather, who emigrated from Ireland to South America at an early age. farming and in a comparatively short time became a millionairse. Following his death his son, the late Alfred Duggan, Lady Curzon's first husband, carried on the busi- ness of cattle ranching, and when he died some years ago left his fortune, estimated at more than $20,000,000 to his wife and chil- dren, Fashion Notes Paris reports that the "occa~ sional' coat is sweeping the fasn- ion world, and it is made of every type of dress goods from velvet to cotton, and is designed for any of many occasions, while the novelty of the year is the evening jacket, worn not as a wrap, but as part of an ensemble, in chiffon, lace, em- broidered or spangled net, One Fifth avenue shop Is featur- ing a wedding party in which the bride is in white organdie attend- ed by bridesmaids in orchid, pink, yellow and green frocks. Linen with voile is a smart new combination, Some dark ecru laces will be || seen for lingerie this fall, Blue lupins in a grey pottery vase on a dark oak shelf, with an orange-colored candle in a pewter candlestick, make a pretty picture. Natural ballibuntl hats with me- dium brims and banded in gros- grain or self color and white felt models in cloché shapes banded in two tones of grosgrain, are smart New York's favorite headgear. One famous Paris dressmaker is One of Sunlight Soaps many advantages, is that it saves your hands from that coarse, wash - day appearance. If you use Sunlight, the pure Soap, for no other reason than this, it will prove itself a boon. ' 4 $5,000 Guarantee culling most of her inspiration from Sevres and Oresden china for her models, Thef rocks are all in the 'picture' style, the colors as near as possible to those of the china, and one model, In pink, is carried out in different lengths of panels, with a collar of roses close round the neck and long ribbens falling to the end of the skirt. CARES ' To the cares I've left behind me now I turn and wave my hand, They are countless tiny pebbles al- most buried in the sand, But the time was they were mountains and the time was they were grim, Once they had their fleeting mo- ments and their memory now is dim, And in looking back I wonder if it really can be true That the soul of me was fretted by a care so small to view. There were days of doubt and dan- ger--and how long they seemed to last! They were giants of the future, now they're pigmies of the past, And at some of them I'm laughing as I see them toppled down And I wonder, looking backward, how they ever caused a frown, They were troubles, I am certain, for I feared them one and all, But they're very few among them that I really can recall. Now this morning doubt confronts me and tomorrow's dread seems near, / I can hear the giants roaring and my cheeks are white with fear, "This," I say, "is real trouble, this is drudgery and care Here's an exta burden gdded #5 the many I must bear, 3 But if men shall stop and ask me when I've journeyed down the way It may be I shan't remember what is fretting me today." --EDGAR A. GUEST. I -------- Furs will mever be spoiled by moths if, before being put away, they are well sprinkled with pep- per, and then Jaid in layers of or- dinary newspaper. for the Argentine, where they will}, There he began|" IND WAN Interest on your Savings CENTRAL OSHAWA BRANCH OFFICE: 23 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Operated Under Government Inspection "Are you working just for present needs and with no thought of the future? Your presentincome should provide for your non-earning years. Make your plan a Central Canada Savings Account." Our attractive interest rate will materially help to make your savings grow. In good time you will have enough; and if you desire you can again accelerate your earning power by means of a sound investment. experienced counsel is available at all times. Resources over Ten Million Dollarss GALT DY [PAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO HEAD OFFICE: KING & VICTORIA sTS. 10 A SAFE PLACE FOR, SAVINGS _-- (Port Rowan News) DUMPING OFFAL IN LAKE ERIE | the lake. Yet the expense of sewers | tive but the saving of the fish i {for small places is almost prohibl- | imperative, Where do the towns and vil- EE lages of both sides of Lake Erie | empty their sewage and throw their rubbish; An international com- | mission started out from Buffalo this week to find out. This is the Fisheries Commission appoint- ed -by the governments to inquire | in Lake Erie. These commissiou- | ers will visit Cleveland, Erie, Port | Rowan and all towns, cities and | yillages along the lake shore. Lake Erie supplies a vast population | with fish and every town, city and | village on its shores can help to | keep its waters pure and its spaw- ning grounds unudefiled. They must find some way to dispose of their offal besides dumping it into / Christ i STRAWBERRY | GARDEN PARTY 561-567 Simcoe St. N. | Saturday, July 7th, 1928 3 O'clock to 9 O'clock p.m. In Aid of Church Building Fund Admission 25e ' Church | H ------ eli ll lb ---- TE sit -- or Jelly every the Certo way AN you think of anything better with hot biscuits or toast than delicious Strawberry Jam, with the delicate, delightful flavor of the fresh fruit ? Or strawberry jelly on tarts ? The short boiling time which the Certo method makes possible pre- serves the delicate, natural flavor and color of the fresh fruit. Miss Alice. Bradley, Principal ot Miss Farmer's School of Cookery, Companion, says: "I strongly advise § all housewives to make all their jams and jellies with Certo because: It's easier--Takes only one minute's boiling. Tastes better--No flavor boiled away. Better color--Not darkened by long boiling. No worry ~Never fails to set. It's econom- ical--Fifty per cent more from given amount of fruit and no waste from failures." Perfect Strawberry Jam time FREE--New booklet, beautifully illustrated in color! 24 pages of new ideas about the making of jams and jellies-- new and interesting ways to serve them. Mail this coupon, Certo Home Service Department . Cobourg, Ont. Please send me the new oookdet. Name Address

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