PAGE FOURTEEN | ; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1928 : . == - -------------------------------------------------- A EASE Mm -------- WGHP (278)--Detroit. Dinner St © KDKA (36)--Pitts. Sacred song 11.0 NBC Pacific Chain: Eveready | Hour: WCAU 2s)--Phila. Billy Haves. WUFL (480--Chicago. Dance. SYDNEY WERTHEIM HONORED y WTAM Cleveland Dinner cert. We) oli. Sure - KF1, KFOA, KGO, KGW, Kup] BAK (70y--Kangas, City, Orchestra. WH, (6)-4 hicago. Bopulax dance, | BY CPR. MEN AT BANQUET FRASER'S oe 4 KMA (294) Shenandoah. Classical and KHQ, KOM@, KPO. (422) --Lowisville. -Melodists. A a Buftaly, Mewer's ox-| Toromto, June 27.-- Officers of WJ (¥5)--Detroit. Disner music. p \ ; 12 mid WHAM (280) Rochester. Symphony. | WEEL (500 Banton, Joc. Rinc. his post. ifie Railway Com-| | ow KFA (319)--Lincoln. Hotel To. KPRC (290)--Mouston, Studio concest. | 12.30 a.m. WBAP (300)--Ft. Worth. Organ. WRC (469--Wash. Madrillon orches, chestra. . the Canadian Pacifie ailway Com (Continued From Page 13) WBAL (%85)--Baltimore. Dinner ox: "ENR (288)--Chicago. Popular, KMBC (270)--Kansas City. Allstate KSTP 220)-Si. Paul. Dance program WR (61--Dallas, J shashea, Nights. | Pay from the Ontario district and 11.30 KSTP (25)--St. Paul Orch haat M Philbeech® (306)--Chicago. _ Your Hour Hour, BBN CD Chao ae musi. WIAM (100)_Cieveland The Colles. | elsewhere gathered at a banquet in Relieves itching scalp immedi 1 WIM) 0) Milwaukee. Probe Yio SHr-Des Moines, ' ob o SHIM | 1.00 KOIL, (39)--Council Bluffs. Radio I ya ren ans. the King Edward Hotel last night ately: (W)--Adanta. Trour's Melody | ¢ is WiC (55) Da Shh WHAS (20 Lowisvill, Stade Club, On Ra 1.15 WGN _ (416) Chicago. Bobby Meeker. | jn honor of Sydney Wertheim » Arvats * BEDTIME STORIES WHK (265) Cleveland. Morgan Sisters RADIO TALKS-FEATURES WIP (49) Phila. Ramblers * 1% WGES (202)--Chicago. Orchestra, : : | | Promotes healthy growth of hair. 1245 am. WDAF (¥0)--Kansas City. Night- | WEBH (366)--Chic: Dr WMAQ (M8)--Chicago. Concert or- | 2.45 pm. WMAQ (#48)--Chicago. Baseball. WWNC (297)-- Asheville. Dance WLW (428)--Cinci. : Orchestra. "ormerly superintendent of the ak " haw! . Zit 0 poids Bal (5) Chicago, am chestra. 4.00 WIAX (MD--jacksonville. Baseball, wNe @ h ; WMS (94)--Milwaukee. Jack Chap- | sleeping, dining and parlor car de-| | Tomes up the scalp. 1.00 CNRV (21)--Vancouver. Midnight frol- 515 WMAQ (M8)--Chicago. Topsy Turvey WSAL (361)--Cinci. Old time music, Jacksonville = Pensacola. a 5 WBZ (333)--Springfield, Mass. Boston- _ mam. partment of the railway in Torom- | | Banishes dandruff. ie. " Time. 1 WSB (476)-- Atlanta. Concert. i 6.00 iC Red Cham (oters vice. ians. i 3 11.45 WSB (176) -Atlanta. Orchestra, to, who was recently appointed KFI (49)-Los Angeles. Dance orches. | ¢ oo W'S (345) ¢hicago. Pied Piper. 10.00 NBC Blie Chain: Shumber music: WEAF, WTIC, WJAR, AC NBC Red Chain: Hoibrau My h Brother Poin WOCSH, WEL, WRC, WOY, i hy Or, Tce Moan 12 wid ROM. (9)~Councl Bluffs. Dance general superintendent of the ae- || S°!d on an absolute money back Big WIZ, KYW, WRC, KWK. VCSH, WEL, » Wb \ Orchestra: WEAF, h BH, sichestya. 3 / » " y's Best Features hi th i om. bot 13Y AR ate Concert WCAE, =~ W>AlL WEBH, , LB WMG . 12.45 -- WDAF (30)--Kansas City. partment for western lines, Ww. guarantee to give satisfaction 60 pm. NBC Blue Chain: Roxy and His| 6.00 WBAL ~~ (285)--Baltimore. Sandman Orchestra. RSD, WCCO, WOC, WHO, WOW, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Dance: Nighthawks. cle. N G CNRR ' (313)--Regina. Vocal and ine WHAS, WSM, WMC, WBI. = WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul Long's| 2.00 NHC Pace Chain: Dance music:| Fulton, district passenger agent, || For Sale at Barber Shops and 7.9 (411)--Montreal. Labntaine | 6.10 WGN (416)--Chicago. Uncle Quin. Smmeatal : 6.30 NBC Blue Chain: "Constitutional NE aut orchestra. KPO, KFI, KGO, KGW, KHJ, presided and was Surgorted by T. Beauty Parlors , I NY " High Spots": WJZ, WHAM, KWK, WHN (394)--N.Y. Orchestra. KOMO, KFOA. E. McDonnell, president and genm- Concert. : 6.30 WTM ry Cousin Lamy KFAU (285) ~Boise, Idaho. Music. WELW, WFAA y City. NX -- Holly y t adi » bo Chun: Hark Simmens' Show EoNCants TON conta: KOA (326)--Denver, Colorado Springs 6.50 W WJ * (353)-- Detroit, Baseball scores. LL Pr gg Tp POR RX PF) ~Nolivewd ! . .Copanut | oral Wanager of the Canadian Pa- % WeAw (230) --Columbus. Singing Sher- WEAF, EL, WIIG WIAK, I is_§ Shi 7.00 WEAOQ (283)--Columbus, "Music Ap- program. 12 mid KFSD (41))-San Diego. Naval | cific Express Company, and heads 2 ls WIAG, WUSH, WGY, WGR. KSTP (2200-St. Paul. Pirate Ship. preciation.™ WW] (353)--Detroit. Hotel Statler. Station Training Band. of various departments. A pie- Suna. NBC Mlue Chain: Stromberg. Carlson: WRAP L0)-Ey, Worth. Ft. Worth WGBS (349)-N.Y. #Footlight and | 11.00 CNR (13) Regina. Capitahians. (Copyrighted, 1928.) ture of the famous "Bridge of WIZ, KDKA, Kew, Ww WBRZ, Sn k : 3 Lamplight." KFAB (39)--Lincoln. Dance. ---------- Bruges" was presented to Mr. Wer- Wk WCCO (405)--Mpls-Sr. Paul. Concert. N 1)--. < " (MBC (270) -Kansas City. Torreon uge Pp CEC WhzA WHA WI wil WFAA (345) Dallas. Concert. NAL a)-Boston. "Opgy House RMEC G9) Kamm Cu LANDSLIDE WRECKING TOWN| heim. be i SVR WMC, WSAL Wax (31)--Jacksonville. Radio Club} 730 WLW (428)--Cinci. Aviation Ques. A creeping Jandslive 3 Shival ening JADS CNR. BUREAU % ons. - nak rill: ry in N.R. . Wes , WIP, WRNY, bit LR Th Co ical Miatascas WRVA (254)--Richmond. Concert. 40 WMAK (45)--Bufialo. "About Town the mining village of Cwmtillery HE i WEAF, WEL WCAE, KSD. WWI (353) Detroit. String Pickers. orothy. Wales with destruction. A huge col- Montreal, June 380. K. How-_ WEAO' (283) Columbus. Capitol Col. | 10.30 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Alta. Capitol| 800 KFRU (230)--Columbia, Radio Farm Os fiery shale tip, soddened at its found- | ard, General Tourist Agent of the arsEavony Freres WEE (0B Coxon ounc Wink - v : '® | ations by a mountain spring, is mov- | Canadian - National Railways, is PROGRAMS WEEL tO Boston, The Pilgrims. KOIL (319) Council Blufis Mixed WJIAX (31)--Jacksonville. Baseball a v an AE gl 1.00 p.m. NC (517)--Toronto, Victor hr. WHN ~~ (34)-N "Three Latule quartet. scores. ; ing slowly towards the houses in| appainte anagi the Tour- 3 FL (480)--Chicago. . Rest hour. Bachs." arb " WTIC (535) Hartford. Organ, 9.00 KSO (227)--Clarinda. The Newsboy. JEWELERS the village below. The slide has al-| ist and Convention Bureau of the WFAP (94)-N.Y. Loew's Theatre. ye (349)--Phila, U.S. Navy Yard WTMI (294)-- Milwaukee. Chris KTHS (500)--Hot Springs, Ozark Phil- The ADI is WIZ (450)-N.Y. "Daily Menu." Deutsc osopher. ready squeezed a lake to a third of | system, with ° headquarters at and. ; SUE ET " : Tibi 3 i Montreal. This announcement is *Nehs rr ™ podio F program, WRC. (Wh Wash, i Bi 9.30 ¥ VRC Pog naite, The Bookman Established 1886 its original size. Due to settling of [i pe N (3 N. WRNY (326)---N.Y, Edi H Macau oki. ini " "KOA (326)--Den Farm question the ground a number of houses have Jake public id H. t H Nelauson, 200 WENR (288)--Chicago. Popular re. (326)---N.Y, Edison Hour. A (326)--Denver. o . developed ks. through which the |"General assenger tra manag- 4.15 WW) (353)--Detroit. Feiture., box. . : eveloped cracks, oug % 2 WH (405)--Phila, Vocal, 2.0 NBC! ed Chats: Seber Singers: 10.00 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Newspa- 12 Simcoe St. South neighbors can shake hands. In oi RR 1a Asa stated thay ith He | The exacting, particular GBS (M9)--N.Y. Musicale. WEAF, ~WEEL = WTIC, WW) per mam, ad i en : three houses, a farm and a chape i public has its property it. hour. WCSH, WFI, iY KFUO (545)-8t. Louis. "Christian | em. S-- (278)--Detroit. Home hour. 4 YAN. v R ; " --_ ; av by a similar slide. | tive. the position of general tour- $ 22)--Newark, Lit i » WCAE, Wi, Doctrine. were swept away by a s e. WOR (422)--Newark. Literary period WEBH. ksh, Wc. "oe transferred in our clean an, ? : ist agent is abolished. h : WMAQ (418) Chicago, Amos 'n Andy World s Best ath To. uiator tin, WSH (476)--~Atlanta. Radio farm talks WHO, WOW, , WDAF, KVOO, 0 WG The Hoss Race. \ ; N MUSIC SEASON BUSY od sa eq WSUN (17S Petersburg, Fla. Mo. WFAA, KPRC, 'WOAIL, WNC, WSB, omelrist 1.03 KERC (298) or A Neon Skid BERLIN M i a-| ISLE OF MAN. BANS SCOT 100 per cent. service, ses' Band. We DANCE TO THESE With the opening of the remova All Scotchmen are banned 1 ) 2.15 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Sport talk. NBC Blue Chain: Goldman Band: EYESIGHT SPECIALIST £00 pm. WBBM (389) Chicago. Original ted Opera House, Berlin is claiming All § ; Moderate Charge 30 a ernest veal WHAACWREN Voo TR KWK, ! Nighthawks: RST ch Guaranteed ta hold any that it is able to do what New York | staying of the Lede oi Man. accord- i" twork: U.S GBS (349)--N.Y. Orchestra. ; / Bw hk bal) 3 WRC, WHO. anne an KSO (227)--Clarinda. Entertainers. Author of ¥ Ta brs TA Russo, rupture or London has not been able to ac- Ne 39 A E 3 eh has heey WLS (345)--Chicago. Homemakers hr. WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Recital. The Eyes in Modern Life 0.00 KFA (319) Lincoln. Dance music. ; complish--support three full-size op-| found recently, The law staics that Wag tn)._Chica o, Artist recital, NAH ( (234)--Columbus. ~~ Brunswick Optometry Feature Service WEAO (28) Columbus. Neil House, Made in 10 different styles, era houses simultancously. Since its| "All Scots entering the Isle of Man wi 349)-- Phi 1 alf- hour. 'FAN (231)- Phila. State orchestra, : hous § A 1 4 ; . ol Wiz 7 (SON AN Studio program, WGHS (349)-N.Y. Concert. Your Eyes and Health Nr (26%) bis The Revellers. both Elastic and Spring opening the Opera House has been do so at their peril, and must leave 300 CNRO' (435)--Ottawa. Musicale. WLS (345)--Chicago. Special music. Eye Care and Eye Strain WNAC (461) - Boston. Dance. WAIU (28)--Columbus. Good Will WMAK (545)--Buffalo. Contralto, Agitators Children's ste he sold out for days ahead of the mu- the island by the next boat that go- Hour NEC Red Chain: Everende. Hesis: SAN EY Nd ym KARN THE DRUGGIST sical events. One feature of the op-| eth to Scotland, on pain of forfeiture WCSH (428)--Portland, Maine music WEAF, WEE, 'WIAR. WEI WRC. 1516 PHONE 1516 9.30 \ HC Red Chain: Palais D'Or Orches- » ening concert was a symphony com- of their goods and their bodies to our, WGY,' WGR,' WCAE, WTAM, EY BLOCK tra: WEAF, KSD, WFL WGY, Phone 378--next P.O. posed by Frederick the Great, which| prison." The statute, a survival of WEAF (492)-N.Y. Manhattan Trio, WSAI, WWI," WGN, KSD, WCCO, DISNEY HLOC WMI, WTAM, WHO, WOW, WMC, Belts. Snoglder as declared by music® critics to be| the old days of antagonism between WEBH (366)--Chicago. Trio, songs. WHO, WDAF, WHAS, WSM, WNC, Opposite Post Office WTIC Abdominal Belts, Was declared. ay : the islanders and the Scots, has nev- Sok an-- Buffalo, aa Wysic, " WSB, WRBBC (227) Brooklyn, Danse. ey Braces, Elastic Hosiery and worth rendering even had it been he 45 ande . 4 Scots, has nev (337)--Kansas City. Ladies' hr. CECA (357)--T < t. WBDM (389) Chicago. Guy Lombardo ; » . er heen vepea'ed. WWJ (353)--Detroit. Musicale. CKCL (357) iin ag fe. WCAH (230) Columbus, Orchestra, Atel Supports by less Sugus composts IR £FEA (357)--Toronto, Program from WAMD (222)--St. Paul. Musicale. don, ' WRBAL (285)--Baltimore. Concert, WhaL Zr alimare. Recital, WeBl (M-- Zion. Mixed quartet. | inci. usicale, CFL (484)--Ch Folk S ad§ CFCF (411)-- Montreal. Tea dance. TE Tate he songs of ELLA CINDER : pa ] 4.00 KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs. Organ; WENR (288)--Chicago. "Princess Pat." \ Hii iano. ii WMAK (45)--Buffalo. Feature. HZ ) SO (227)--Clarinda. Women's hour, WMAQ (#48) Chicago, Auld Sandy. Ma iy) WRONG KYW. (526)--Chicago. Women's hour, WOR (422)--Newark. Barbizon recital. HNEINGS GO YekL 450) Chicag, Xo Hou, : y PAP (399)-N.Y, Popular songs. HN MY FOR PI ; ! Kansas City, String trio VPG (273) --Atlantic "City. Dual trio, HI | Wy POW You Yooc (375)--Dayenport, Home manage- WRVA (254)--Richmond., To oy Fi Bur VE BEEN O NEVER i | / y E WITH D! Deo nounced. SRNL Aim! / be % / think nr WEAo (283)--Columbus, ok hans, 3 Win (428)--Cinci. Crosley ensemble, A = u WW (Zh § EYE AND TELS Cummings usicale, IBM (389)--Ch Ol J e. Program. No Chicas. Di wee fav. Ir MORE GIRLS B= WHAT 0:3 BOING SL wz WHO ($35)--Des Moines, Bankers Life WCAU (24)~Columbus. Saco Guards. TRE € ALL Trio. WDOD (244)--Chattancoga. Studio pro- 7 | wry (294)--Milwaukee. French les. gram, y i WHI (341)--Kansas City. Feature, 5.0 WIM] (299)--Milyaukee. Buddies' hr, WHK (265)--Cleveland, Royal Male 5.15 KDKA (316)--Pitts, Little Symphony, Quartet, 5.25 ween (405)--Mpls-St, Paul, Women WHO (335)=Des Moines. Quartet, 5.30 CROW (312)--Toronto, Musicale, WII (366)--Mooseheart. KOA (326)--Denver, Matinee for house. program, wive WLW (428)--Cinci. Crosley Ensemble, i WADC (238)--Akron, Dinner concert; WTAG (535)--Worcester, Little Sym. \z news. ; " phony. ' 4 WGR (303)--Buffalo, Dinner music, L45 KMBC (220)--Kansas City. Songs. '". WGY (389)--Schenectady, Dinner mu. KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Popular sic, 7 songs, ! WHAM (278)--Rochester, Dinner music 00 Columbia asl United Opera 600 WAIU (283)--Columbus, Twilight mu. WOR, WCAU, WNAC, sie, WEAN, WFBL, WCAO, WADC, WAIU, WGHP, Jone ), KMOX, KMBC, KOI Xn NBC Red Chain: Clicquot Club Eski- TIME TABLES mas: WEAF, WEEL WIAR, WTIC, = To 8 : Lx , WTAG, WCSH WET, WRC, WGY, Mo ! J {yyw b Nuk, WCAE, WWJ, WSAT, - "BEALS ] KOEN : J G McM GN! WIM], KSI A phd WoC, : B e0 anus Ww HO, wow, WDAF, KVO0O, y : New Schony Tne heer 20t am | Wh ERG OAT WAS, Wk, ERE ° x ,m, 0A -- z i ! OUGHT TO THROW Sunday, April », i CNRA (476) ~Moncton. Music. Th wen CATCH ANY: THAT MUST BE || THEY SHOULD ou WH % 1 JUST DAW Flim his, FAT GUY WITH TH $8 sm. Daily KFAY Sa5-Toise, Idaho, Concert, ™ ERE- V WiLL THE PRINTER'S || PTCK TO "THE IN THE FI 6.23 a.m. Dai y lL (238)-- Independence, Mo. Studio, ING HM E-BLUT RTETTE- PRINTIN'. REY CA AN? CLASS CABIN N HORN OVER BOARD HE s 8.40 am, Daily except Sunday, RSTP (220)--St. Paul. Feature. WHEN | GV HOME - $0 O QUA CRIPPLED? PY A THIRD CLASS TAKES UP Too MUCH #43 pan, Daily. KINT (236)--Muscatine, Home folks I'M GONNA ENJOY . CONDITION: ROOM our, ue 74 pm, Daly Sxcept Sunday, WBAL ~~ (285)--Baltimore, Baltimore MYSELF WHILE IT b/ : & 1005 a.m. Daily Band LASTS. gz 2.04 p.m, Dally' except Sunday. WCAH (234)--Columbus, Sunshine J \ E \ PAVOR A %. fii 7 i \ AVO AN m, Daily except Sunday. Twins. : " : s - ROW ulin | ia bm Dai ily. P WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Studio, nial \ a & ni i Ha Y " 3 Ww 12.09 a.m. Daily, WHAM (280) Rochester. Studio, ' 5 i All times shown above are times trains WHT (306)--Chicago. May and Tag. from Oshawa Station, Wiss (341)--Jacksonville. Musicale, VMAQ (448)--Chicago, Bagdad Be. CAR. TIME TABLE ts CfirChienss: Tog ¥ Effective June 24, WOW (508)--Omaha. Studio program, ime given are CBR n Daylight WRR (461)--Dallas. Music. WRVA (294)--Richmond, Concert. WSEA (263)--Norfolk. Studio program, Daily except Sunday, § WSUN (517)--St, Petersburg. Hancox Sunday only, studio, WTMJ (294) Milwaukee, String trio, : | 1 Z) Y except Sunday, % 9.10 KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. KTHS quar- {HI BBB ALTELR © #acept Sunday. B15 NBC Blue Chain: The Continentals: WIZ, KYW, WREN, KWK, WHAM, HAMMonp LZ 9,30 CNRA (476)--Moncton. Vocal and in. i HEGGS -- -- 7 | DUGAN'S ouTING | _5 © ats) Id Vo Allain I 1928, by Int Feature Service, Ine. Great Britain righs te iad TT * sPOTUTTTEEE 38 3333333333 tt strumental, Sree m. Duly except Sunday Men's and Young Men's ,m. Daily Sunday. Swi Shirts. TELLING TOMMY C1 d Special Te $1.49 : bagi mms Dominion Clothing Co. ELTON. IF WO GED SEE | aX MMPPE BROTHERS I 794,45 A MEANS OF SENDING ; ME 5 TO EACH OTHER FROM THEIR WINDOWS AT RE Dae WA B SOME OF THE FIRST MODELS OF wiaz 717 Stet 0 SCHOOL. A BEAM WITH A SMALL CROSS A tm] ! THE STAM ENGINE OF OF Ihe 4 we wi ~ BEAM AT EACH END WAS HUNG ON A PNOT, THE BEAMS : KNOW WHAT THEY WERE. : Cal AND CROSSBEAMS COULD BE MOVED WITH A CORD AND £8 ik FRERRRRERRFRG fe k ., FRRRRRRRRRREF % F dy ¢ . ENGINE IN 1750 WHEN HE READ IN AN ITALIAN BOOK ABOUT BRANCKS | STEAM ENGINE INVENTED IN 1629. Fh Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 9 Prince St, Oshawa' Phone 1160 § B EFRRERER i [RATT 311111111111 §8 2 1 R11] By Russ Westover iE, sosPotE we IF ) [1 coEss ILL TAKE THE REGULAR. VE GODS! "REGULAR COURSE : Go OVER T6 THE MOTEL vo Love {|= LE, WE'VE COURSE DINNER THEY SERVE WERE pwnER $10, ) & PLATE NOT Save Y our FDR. DINNER THIS EVENING? J TO, MAC EEN | NE, |) HOTELS OUT IN THE Eyesight | pode EAD TINE You simply cannot do your best with defective sight Why not consult W.A. Hare | OPTOMETRIST 3 KING STREET WEST ' Hundreds of people Hare's Faultless Lenses pif iH Doce va © 1928, by King Features Syndicat, Inc. Crest Britain rights reserved. I fz & 11] § FRRRRRRI » - L Ne FEF I AH HH Hi] 11