PAGE Sia Suburban and District News find Be Tie Sad Rpm sd Compre ---- shburn, June 27.--Since the bridge we 2 of the village has torn up, traffic has been detour- south to the eighth concession, north 10 the town line. ut the annual Sunday Jean t and Mrs, Allie a the thimble social was held o n Mrs. Dickson's at nd Sire ast week. Mr, and Mrs, Russell Taylor and ale Lake, spent Sun: & Yin former's parents, Mr. an L Taylor, e recent rain has beem a great} to the grain and foot crops, but itis pv! that they were too late to benefit the hay crops much, as it will soon be time for the mower to be, at work. "Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson, of Illineis, U.S.A, were 'recent visitors with relatives here, "George" was an i Ashburn boy and his old friends ere are always pleased to have a gall from him. A number from here attended Mr, Alex Lee's sale of pure bred cat- tle, near Greenbank, on Thursday and some brought back some promising gattle with them. Miss Mellie Briggs, of Toronto, Was a recent guest at Mrs, Christo- pher Valentine's. In the game of softball which our boys played against the Oshawa team at Myrtle last week the result was a tie. In the return game, however, the local sports hope to make a greater score. McIntyre. Bros. and Mr. Gordon Fisher are having new metal roofs put on their barns, SOLINA Solina,, June 25.~Mr. Harold Pas-| T coe spent Thursday in Toronto om business and visiting his sister, Mrs, McLaughlin, : Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brooks and Gwendoline and Glen, Oshawa, with Mr. W. VanNest. Mrs. S. E. Werry with Oshawa friends and spending her birthday with Mrs. Hiltzo and Mrs. Glaspel at Taunton. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Irene, New Toronto, with Mr. H, Hardy, Miss Ruby Dewell with Mr, Alfred Dewell, Bowmanville. Mr. Paul Williams, Port Perry, at C. Blanchard's. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar and Charles with J. J. Smit), also Misses Ethel and Dorothy Hoar, Bowman- ville. Congratulations and best wishes to EEE deep, cool shade of the veranda . . LATE in the afternoon when the heat of the day is spent you sit on the veranda reading a summer book. Perhaps a few friends call. Perhaps you are there alone and a neighbor comes across the lawn. And you welcome your friend. These little occasions offer an appropriate time to serve "Canada Dry," It is a delicious beverage, with a subtle gingery taste, with a dryness and thirst-quenching allure which in- stantly appeals, (The delicate flavor of "Canada Dry" is partly, due to pure Jamaica ginger; partly to the blend- ing and balancing, under rigid laboratory meth- ods, of the purcst ingredients. This fine old [Canadian product is mild, mellow and "dry." In short, it is a real ginger ale. And because of its secret method of carbonation it is especially for you in summer-time, Order "Canada ry" in the convenient Hostess Package of 12 bottles. Then you always have some on hand. 'CANADA ect. J. McLaughlin Limited, Toronto and Edmossos _ Caledonia Springs Corporation Limited, Montreal is ue bs Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Incorporated, Now York AL vid iia mw ¢ Miss Marion Thompson on her te- ha McLaughlin a Master Ted and Miss Loraine, To- tonto, and Miss Grace Werry, Ea. niskillen, with A. L. Pascoe. Mr. Russell Smith and Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mr, and Mrs, C. P, Smith, and Miss Muriel, with Mrs. R. F. Bowney, Peterboro. os church at Eldad on Sunday as is to Hampton, "ir. and Mrs, ley, Ebenezer, visited Mr. and Mrs. Flint, Seventh Line, on Sunday. The wheat is in full head now, a reminder that there will be a harvest. We hope bountiful. Fencing, hoeing, road work, etc, is the 2 ander of the day. The heavy rains held up turnip planting for many. Messrs Frank Sion, Geo. Wilbur, T. Baker, C. A. Blanchard, W, F. Leask, John and Wm. Baker attend- ed Alex Lee's sale at Uxbridge. There was a large attendance from a wide radius. Bidding was very draggy, despite the efforts of auc tioneers Jackson, Marquis and Frank- lin, Sixty three lots 'would average something over $100. Geo. E. Day, Guelph, Robt. Miller, Stouffville, de- livered short speeches on the possi- bilities of Shorthorns and the trade. Messrs Duncan and Lanuniman, Oshawa, visited with C. A. Blanchard, Mr. and Mrs, John Baker attend- ed the funeral of the late Wesley Couch and visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Couch. * Mr, Heron, of Scarboro, has ar- rived with equipment to raise his- toric Eldad. It looks like a gigantic task, but it is all in the days' work with present-day contractors, Entrance pupils from surrounding schools are visiting at S. S. 20, So- lina, Our fifth form crowd are at Bowmanville, We wish them all suc cess, Lorraine Thompson, R. N, New York, is home on her holidays with F. Thompson, High pressure salesmen are as busy as flies in August, They think the country is full of suckers, TYRONE =, Tyrone, June 25.~Mr, and Mrs. H., W, Annis visited Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Annis at Ebenezer on Sunday. Mrs, L. J. Goodman and Mr, Fred Goodman visited friends at Oshawa. Mrs. T. Woodley, of Peterboro, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stevens, Mr, and Mrs, James, of Gorrie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley, Mr, and Mrs, Byers and Mr: John Hellyar, of Bowmanville, Mr, W, Hellyar, of Clinton, were guests at Mr. E, Virtue's, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Williams, of Acton, visited her brothers, Messrs William and Byron Moore, recently, Quite a number of Tyrone citizens attended the Long Sault anniversary. Glad to see Mr. Howard Brent in such a splendid state of health af- ter his recent operation, Plan to attend the drama present- ed by Salem young people on July 5th, in the Community Hall, at 8 p. m, Proceeds in aid of Bethesda ceme- tery Fund and to endow the plot of Rev. John Hicks Eyven and his wife. Mr. Eyven was the founder of the Bible Christian Church in Canada and travelled amid difficulties from Cobourg to Oshawa, Mrs. Eyven was also a successful preacher; going from house to house and from town- ship to township, while Mr. Eyven went in to open up new fields, Sympathy is felt for Mrs, Hills and Mr. Howard Couch in the loss of their father, Mr. Wesley Couch, KEDRON Kedron, June 7 The Kedron an- niversary services were held on Sun- day, June 17, and Tuesday, June 19. On Sunday afternoon and evening, Rev. E. W. Rowland, of Omemee, conducted the services. On Tuesday afternoon at 6 pm. a softball game was played between Thornton's Corners and North Oshawa; North Oshawa being victorious, Tea was served in the enclosed shed, after which the Greenwood Dramatic Club presented a very enjoyable program, including a play entitled "Eyes of Love." The proceeds amounted to about $300. Anniversary visitors were: Miss Ruth Lander, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Elliot, Bowman- ville, and Mr. Percy White, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mgs. Charles Symthe, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman James, Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. Bray, En- field, with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke. Miss Irene Bray, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Werry and daughter Vera, Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Ashly and daughter Jean, Brooklin, Mr. Dingman, Osh- awa, and Miss Florence Wheeler, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs, F, H. J rr Mrs. Joe Langmaid and Oa Sirs. 1 Mrs. A rs. H. Langmaid, and Miss Muriel Dick- je, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allan and family, Bowmanville, Mr. Alyin Bellman and sister Bernice and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langmaid and daughter Evelyn, Zion, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden and children, Taunton, with Mr, asd Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Mr. Upton Stevens, Solina, and Miss Gladys Brock, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett. Mr. Lloyd Newhall, Oshawa, holidaying at Mr. R. J. Luke's. Miss Ruby Hancock, Brooklin, vis- jad ¥ 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hancock, on' Sunday. Mr. Norval Crossman returned to Detroit after spending a week at his home here. Mr. Frank Conlin and sons Frank and Bass. pOshaxa, visited at 8. Con- lin's on Sunday Miss Ormiston has returned to her , The easy way to rid the Harmless to not stain. insects or money back. home in Bowmanville. Mrs. A. R, Scott and son Lee, Arn- prior, are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Lee. Mrs, C. W. Hoskin visited at Ex- ter recently and attended the Cann reunion. Mr. Harold Werry and Misses Beatrice Mountjoy and Bernice Werry attended th: memorial ser- vices at Salem on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. F. Love and son James and Miss Kathleen Conlin, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs, S. Con- lin on Sunday. Mrs. Gray and daughter Miss Gray, Toronto, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs, William Hepbury. Mr. Frank Lee has returned to Ottawa after spending a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hancock and fam- ily were at Brooklin on Sunday. ' Miss Bernice Werry, teacher at Ashburn is home for the holidays. Misses Mildred and Marie Coleare holidaying at their home here. CLAREMONT Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Robins, of Whitby, and nephew Jimmie Sloane of Peterborough Graham Bros. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Madill of Toronto spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr, ana Mrs. Jos. Madill, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Duncan of Richmond Hill called on Clare- mont friends on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. N, F. Tomlinson and son Ted accompanied by Miss Ruth Stuttaford, motored to Prince Edward Island to attend the annual Medical Convention. Mr, G. H, Lamond of Oshawa spent the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. A. MacLellan. Mrs. Moas and daughters Ruth and Dorothy, Mariposa, spegt the week-end with Mrs. Reuben. Raw. son, Mr. Peter Beott of Toronto spent the week-end with his par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Scott. The Misses Viola and Georgina Forsyth of Oshawa spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Forsyth. Mr, Gordon Gregg of Toronto spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, David Gregg. A number of the ladies of the locgl branch of the Women's In- stitute motored tn Shipley ont Wednesday last to attend the Distriet Convention of the Wom- en's Institute, Two sessions were held and all report a very delightful day. The Misses Kathleen da Sulman of Toronto and Mr. Clement of Toronto spent the week-end with the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. G. Sulman. Mr. A. J. Stevenson has pur- chased a Durant coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Cliford Pilkey and son Grant are visiting at the home of the latters' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Evans. Mr. Pilkey has been for the past year a member of the staff of the East York high school. Mr. Horace Lee called on Claremont Saturday, Mr. W. Gleeson of Toronto spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr .and Mrs. E. Gleeson. Miss Mabel MacLellan spent s few days last week with friends in Toronto and Richmond Hill. The services in the United Church last Sunday were conduct: ed in the morning by Rev. C. War- ren of Stouftville. In the even- ing the service was conducted by the Young People, The meeting was presided over by Miss Clara Underhill, the Scripture reading was read by Miss Mabel J. MacLel- PIMPLES LASTED OVER 2 YEARS Very Large and Painful, Healed by Cuticura, and Hil. of Toronto friends on ! iin, [hf ah fi "hetabmiy bh awashrare a | sunday last. visited PRR h her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Hantle. pan sell, Miss Margaret Hamilton and Miss Elizabeth of Claremont, mo~ tored to Uxbridge and Oshawa on Miss MacKenzie visited with Miss Aldine Ward on Sunday. Rev. A. MacLellan, DD, G.M,, Toronto, B.. motored to Port Dover on Sunday where he at- tended a luncheon given by the Grand Master of the Masonic Or- der, the Hon. John §. Martin, and assisted in the memorial service in the afternoon, when some five thousand of the brethren and their friends assembled to honour the memory of the first Grand Master, the late A. J. Wilson. Following the ceremomy members of the craft weer entertained a¥ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, The death of Mrs. Hugh Gress occurred on Monday evening: June 25th, at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Wm. Palmer. De- ceased had mot been fin good health for some time, but had been active up until Sunday when she suffered a paralytic stroke. The late Mrs. Gregg is survived by her husband, Hugh Gregg, Sr., two daughters, Mrs, Wm. Palmer of the village, and Mrs. Chas. EI¥ lott of Brooklin. The Anchor Society of the United Church held their fina! meeting on Monday evening, June 25th. It was decided to hold a garden party in the Com- munity Park on Tuesday aqven- ing. July 10th. Further particu- lars will be announced later. On Saturday evening a league football game between All-Star players of Toronto and the Clare- mont feam, which was played in the Community Park, resulted in a tie with a score of 2-2. Fol- lowing the game a drama entit- led "The Prairie Rose" was pre- sented in the Comumnaity Hall by the Audley Dramatic Club. In spite of the unfavorable weather the hall was well filled and the proceeds were donated to the park funds. The annual picnic of the "For- sythe Clan" will be held in the Community Park. Stouffville, on Monday, July 2nd. The Choral Class recently put ontheir concert in the Christie street hospital, Toronto. This is the fourth time the Club have re- peated their concert. We are sorry to report that Miss Ellen Scott is not imroving as rapidly as hoped for. There are still several cases of mumps and flu in the village and vicinity. S80 WE'VE NOTICED (Ottawa Journal) " An agricultural paper says that the most difficult thing to raise on a farm is the mortgage. 8. L. AND L, (Toronto Globe) Stop, look and listen, is the on- ly safe rule yet discovered to adopt at level crossings. er the finest and most fascinating flavour. Ask grocer for Gold Medal Coffee-- you will find it the finest coffee you ever tasted. AL GROCER: NATION i S CO. Wholesale Distributers CoLb MEDAL COFFEE S-- course we must try it nity now ge it? tg have heard A new Orihgphonic Victrola will be delivered to your home--leftjforfaTnight and called for--all withoutfobligation. In order to know whether of not we want 2 muse sti as battles, music light and Sing 2 It's great to have all this at 228 ub if only for 2 night. How won- sect) to have i it always! costs youl nothing. Why net other people talk of this marvelous new othe oie Victrola. You have pave, probably heard it in' other people's homes, Why not find Just how one of these beautify] models looks and sounds in your own home ? gp v 'The new Orthophonic Victrola is made models from $1400, down to as low as $11 Obtainable on convenient payments. first of all a free 1 a og Tras Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Mossrest Be Sold in Oshawa By 10 KING ST. W... D. J. BROW PHONE 18