Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jun 1928, p. 11

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BEFIES DECISION ONPRAYER BOK Bishop of Winchester Noti- fies Clergy of New Confirmation Form ! London, June 27.--The first con- crete evidence of the adoption of a policy approached defiance of the decision of Parliament on the ayer Book has developed in tne ocese of Winchester, where ght Rev. Frank Theodore Woods, has notified the clergy of the dio- cease that "a new form eof service far confirmation, corresponding th the alternative form contain- ed in the revised Prayer Book will used at 'all future confirmation services" in the diocese in the fu- ture. : According to experts this service lacks legal and spiritual authority, the latter being the case because, part still rested with Convocation. Lord Hugh Cecil, in a letter to the Times, though declaring the clergy obedient to the law of the land, sounds a defiant mote by his declaration, "The Church must protect itself against the abuse of parliamentary power by steadily refusing to sumbit a Prayer Book measure to Parliament until the House of Commons takes the same view of the functions of Parlia- ment as did the Ecclesiastical com- mittee," and he further declares, "apart from coercion the Liturgi- cal practice must be decided either by persuasion or authority. Very few of the clergy of the Church of England and none of those who are likely to wish to adopt contro- versial variations of the deposited Book will be either persuaded or guided by the House of Commons." It will be interesting to watch the House of Commons repeftussion to these semi-threats if carried into effect. while the revised Book was adopt- ed by the convocations and Assem- bly, that adoption was solely in | favor of the Book going before | Parliament, and even had it been | passed the power to withhold as- sent from the Book in whole or in | Relieved by by? -- -_-- SE -- --_-- spree Dress up for Dominion Day for... .......; White Running Shoes, 32 Simcoe St. S. at the Leader Dry Goods Store Dress Shirts, regular $2.50 ..... ..0....o Lindy Shirts, regular $3.00 ......... Ties, all colors ...... Silk and Wool Socks, regular 80c, 3 pr, LEADER DRY GOODS STORE . $1.69 . $1.98 TI [0.0 0 0 0 0100, vs 1223100 regular $2.50 for $1.50 wisi lod he es VE iN {i =. at the = SWZ = ar JHE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, THURSDAY. JUNE 28, 1928 SIBERRY'S You Get Better Values At "Siberr'ys" Boston, June 27.--Boston will spend $20,000 to welcome Miss Amelia Earhart and the crew of the trans-Atlantic monoplane, Friendship, when they return from London. The city council Monday night passed an order for an appropria- tion for that amount to welcome the Boston social worker, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic ocean, MORE TROUBLE. ON LINER JERVIS BAY Engine Roum Hands Threaten to Refuse to Go to Sea Colombo, Ceylon, June 27.--Tha troubles of Captain Daniels of the liner Jervis Bay, who had his hands full on the voyage from Freemantle, Australia, to Colombe with eight rebellious stowaways, apparently were not ended with the court sentences of five and a half months imposed on the stowaways here Monday. As the Jervis Bay prepared to leave Colombo late Monday night a delegate from the Fneine Room Workers' Union approached Cap- tain Daniels on 'the bridge and sald, "We won't take the ship to sea." It was alleged Captain Dan- fels ordered the delegate off the. bridge, but the latter protested he approached the captain in a per- fectly constitutional fashion. The captain then ordered him aft eof the bridge and said he would deal with him as soon as the ship clear- ed port, There was no further trouble and the Jervis Bay depart- ed at midnight, WELD CONSUMERS INTO CO-OPERATIVE Lloydminster, Sask., June 28. --The importance of the estab- lishment of a Consumers' Co-op- erative in this province was strongly emphasized by George 'Williams, of Semans, vice-presi- dent of the United Farmers of Canada, speaking hefore the Con- gress of the Co-operative Union of Canada, at the opening session here Tues. Co-operative selling was an important step, but to be truly co-operative, it was neces- sary to have a co-operative con- sumers' organization. To this end, the United Farmers of Can- ada was prepared to give its full co-operation, he sald, People of Switzerland are turning Te Xe ~ y ; from dwelling houses to apartments. DOMINION STORES (Where Quolly Counts LLL FY \# Z, Dominion Day Let us help you in your search for tempting picnic foods, Our shelves are fully stocked with foods and you will J find a full selection and priced at our usual low standard, .\ PY Stelna Brand . Corned Beef No.1tin | Libby's 19¢| Beans. 10° No. 2 tin I » Packed by the makers of Bovril ! Picnic Suggestions Clark's Potted Meats 3 tins 25¢ King Oscar Sardines 2 tins 28¢ Kipper Snacks Lobster Paste H.P, Sauce Clark's Tomato Catsup Boiled Dinner Salmon 11h, Tin Fancy Red 43 ¢ % 1b, Tin Cohoe 2 for 35¢ il % Ib, Tin Pink ; 2 for 21c x 2 tins tin ldc boitle 26¢c 19¢c tin 28¢ Toddy| A delighifsl fnvigor. ating beverage 11e Christie's & "Ace" Biscuits G55 35°, 1 { Ideal [for the picnic Fruit Drops True Flavors Canned 19°. Fancy Quality -Grape Fruit 25°. XXXII xx $9 ie F . [i 9... Crisco ". Shortening 23¢ XE Yre yy ere PY Good Strong ebuoy 23ec 23¢ pit. 4 string M Brooms 39c "TASTY" Bread A Wrapped Loaf "TASTY " Ples 25¢ «wd "eek. 15€ a Hand Cleaner jo tin 2360 [*] oN ee 5 ~ Sse 08900 Of -- Windsor, June 27. -- That the six bandits who held up and rob- bed a mail car at Toronto a week ago fled from Ontario in a boat at Leamington was suggested to- day to Mounted Police by two residents of the Essex County town. The Leamington men, whose names are being suppressed for obvious reasons, police stated, re- ported that six well-dressed stran- gers spent Thursday night, fol- lowing the robbery at" Toronto, on the beach at Leamington, The informants said the men, as seen in the light of a campfire, appear- ed to answer the description of the Toronto bgndits as broadcast in newspapers. The informants further said that the six men slept in shifts, three sleeping while the other three watched from the bushes, and that they believed that the men kept up this watch against possible intruders all through the night. The informants thought at the time that it was strange that six men, apparenly well off, to judge by their clothes, should prefer sleeping beach instead of going to a hotel. On Friday, June 22, they saw a description of the six men and for the first time associated the mysterious strangers with the train robbers. The men stated that the men must have taken a boat which would land them at Sandusky, Ohio, because they did not see them when they arose the next morning. 10 CIRCLE WORLD BY AIR AND WATER American Fliers Seek New Record for Fast Taw "8 ling FB Clrtiss Field, "LL June 27.--Test flights are now being completed at this field in a folding wing cabin monoplane, by which John Henry Mears and C., B. D, Collyer, presi- dent of the Aviation Service Corpor- ation of New York, hope to set a new record for encircling the globe. By using regular steamship lines in crossing oceans and the plane, which they will take on board the steamers with them, Collyer and Mears, who formerly held the record for going round the world in the shortest time, hope to circumnavigate the globe in 23 days. In order to save every possible hour, Mears and Collyer are now planning to store their plane, which has been christened the City of New York, aboard a liner leaving New York on the night of June 30, The two travellers, however, will not be on board when the ship sails. Plan- ning to have the start of. their trip officially timed as dawn July I, they will leave the city in a seaplane and overtake the steamer at:sea. Mears established a record for a trip around the world against time in 1913, when he made the journey in 35 days, He used standard modes of transportation, railroads, steam- ships and automobiles. His record stood until 1926, when Linto Wells and Edward Evans, travelling by land, water and air, established a new record of 28 days. The Fairchild cabin plane, which was christened the City of New York by Mrs. James Walker, wife of the mayor, is powered with a Pratt and Whitley Wasp motor. In this plane the two men expect to fly across Europe, Asia, India and China, Af- ter crossing the Pacific in a steamer they will cover the last lap of their trip by air again, flying from San Francisco to New York. HUGE SUM TO BE RAISED BY JEWS Pledged to Seri $3,000, 000 Yearly for National Homeland R------ London, June 26.--The Jews of the United States, Zionists, and non-Zionists alike, were pledged to raise anpually a minimum or $3,000,000 to make up for the next five years the annual budget for the rebuilding of Palestine as a Jewish national home in accord- ance with the terms of the mandate of the League of Nations entrust- ed to Great Britain. An equal amount is to be raised annually by the Jews of Europe and other countries. The British Government, as a mandatory power for Palestine, must assume the role of a guard- fan towards a ward in its interpre- tation of the terms of the Pales- tine mandate which imposes upon the Government of Palestine a greater share of responsibilty and co-operation with the Jewish en- deavors than has hitherto been the case. The attitude of the Baked States towards its dependencies is cited as evidence in the interpreta tion of the international law. -------------------------- Boys born during the World War have less than the mormal capacity for learning and work, declares a European scientist, mu gras iin on the, . "Dutchess" Men's and Young Men's Suits The new Summer Tweeds and light weight Wor- steds are here, smartly tailored, hand finished garments that represent the very newest and most correct styles for men and young men. Make it a point to see these real values. Single or double breasted models. All sizes. Holiday bargains, $19.75, $24.50 $29.50 Men's Summer Underwear for 49¢ Cream Balbriggan Shirts and Draw- ers in best make. Both garments satin trimmed. Sizes 34 to 49 44, Holiday Bargain ee... Cc Men's $2.00 Summer Tweed s for $1.45 The very newest colors. Pat- tarns and styles in the: pop- ular tweeds, homespuns and Donegals. Beautifully silk lin- ed, complete range of sizes. Holiday Bargain $1.45 Wes ete ete Blue, tripe? "dog 'vishe 7 Ww, 81 N hie Ole) r ° pn Jar Cag lhere™ "Ope, I "atc, 'o 1 to ie pn fing ho, SU, ga), "ly ie tom, Men's 50c Ties for 25¢ The very latest sum- mer neckwear, "'silver- tone" greys in very rich check and club stripe designs. Good variety. Wonderful values. Holi- 25 c day Bargains , Flannel and "Sport" Tweed Trousers All the popular and wanted patterns and colors in fancy stripes and plain shades. Perfectly tailored b ¥ and other high grade makers. Good va- riety in all sizes. Holiday Bargain $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Men's colors, russett, sizes. Holiday "Summer Weight Felt Hats The popular snap brim, roll brim styles including pearl comfortable for summer wear. Brilliant colorings in all the latest light and medium weight materiale" and newest signs. linen crash in cream Special .$3.50, $3.95, $4.95 Blue or Pin. Stripe Suits Sometime or another every man and young man feels the need of a navy - blue or pin stripe suit. If you are in the market for one make your selection at Siberry's this week-end. The ma- terials are pure wool worsteds, guar- anteed indigo dye. Faultlessly tailor- ed and hand-finished and absolutely correct in every detail, and perfect fit assured. Plain navy blue or navy er black with single or double pin stripe. Single or double breasted coats in models for men and young men. All sizes. Holiday bargains. 19.75, Pu 50 Beautiful quality English zephyr striped pyjamas, in rich contrasting stripes, finished with silk frogs and pearl but- tode. All sizes $2.45 Holiday Bargain EXTRA SPECIAL Men's $2.00 Shirts for $1.00 10 dozen only, genuine English Cambric Shirts, "Gordon" make in the popular blue stripe patterns with separate collar to match, These shirts are just great for business or best wear, are properly made, full size and fully guaranteed. Remem- ber 10 doz. only, so come early, Si 14 to 16. Holiday aa in sere . $1.00 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's $2.50 "Arrow" White Sport Shirts for $1.49 The greatest bargains ever sold. Genuine "Arrow-made" fancy white sport shirts in the popular collar attached style. Perfectly made and finished in the usual high grade "Arrow" manner, and are equally suitable for sport, business or dress wewar. Get a summer supply now, Sizes 13 1-2 to 16 1-2, ~ $1 49 Holiday Bargain .... Men's 55¢ Fancy Socks for 35¢ Best grade silk lisle sox in this season's newest shades and fancy check or stripe. Patterns in- cluding all the latest color designs. A real bargain at this price. Sizes 10 to 111%; 35¢ Holiday Bargain 3 pair for $1.00 Men's 39¢c Fancy Sox for 25¢ 25 dozen only, real high grade fancy pattern sox, guaranteed to give good wear, lisle and eotton finish in shades of grey, sand and blue with fancy stripe or overcheck pat- tern. Size 10 to 11 1-2, Holiday Bargain 25¢ aes HOLIDAY NECESSITIES Wool Bathing Suits, all styles ......82.05 to $4.50 Khaki Outing Trousers . +*+,81.49 to $3.50 Flannel Blazer Coats ....00000000,-$4.05 to $6.50 Sport Pullovers s00ss%s,..8L.05 to $4.50 Coatless Suspenders sess.. 25c to 7Bc Light Weight Sweater Coats .,.:,,.$1.05 to $5.05 Athletic Sport Sepeye rer ..BL75 to $1.95 Golf Hose ..,.. »s:00.5c to BOC Hatchway Combinations ss0000000,.8L50 to $1.95 Men's $1.00 Silk Ties "Sporty" Sweat Shirts for 79¢, 2 for $1.50 This season's popular Best grade cut silk ties, SPOrt sweater, plain in all the leading club Whites, fancy colors or patterns and faney stripe the popular "check" and effects. Hundreds to S9usre. Designs in red choose from. Holiday and white, blue and white, green and white, Bargain, 79¢ ete. All sizes, Holiday, Sresss ay Bargain. $1.19, $1.95, $2.25, 2 For 81.50 Men's High Grade Straw Hats $1.95 This season's best values, latest styles and best shape in all the new ' beavy braided or fine woven straw. Fancy or black bands in sizes to fit every head. $1 95 isssnsrss » Holiday Bargain The Popular Raincoat - "Slickers" Your best friend for the "Rainy Days", rubber or oil slickers in shades of blue, canary or steel grey. All sizes. Guaranteed water- proof. Holiday Bargain. $4.95 ... $5.95 Wes essrnns for $3.95 welt edge or the leading grey, steel, Light and All Bargain ......*s.. $3.95 Golf Knickers and "Plus Fours" in all or brick shades. Pure Wool Sweater Coats for $3.95 Heavy Jumbo Knit Honeycomb Stitch Sweater Coats with shaw] collar and two pockets. Colors in- "clude red and black, red and white, royal and white, sand and brown, etc. Holi $3. 95 Holiday Bargain "sporty" tweeds in de- Also plain or check white or shades. All sizes. G.& W.SIBERRY 27 King Street East Opp. Post Office

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