Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jun 1928, p. 10

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|. good weather and the usual ¥. PAGE TEN - | orinm---- Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents HAMPTON Hampton, June 22--The anniver- sary services of Hampton Sunday School will be held on Sunday, July 1st, with Mr. M, A. Sorsoliel, ofthe Advisory Board of Education, To- 'tonto, conducting services at '10. am. and 7 pm. Special music by the school orchestra. On Monday, July 2nd, a program of sports will be Tad in the park, followed by the usual supper, and a gan concert in the evening by the ollowing artists: '1. H. Cameron, entertainer, Toronto; fiss Morrison, pianist; Miss Secord, We are looking forward to vocalist. large "crowd. ick Your Own Pipe Sizes and Shapes to Suit All Tastes Sold Everywhere for 75c¢ We are clearing them out at 25c Karn's Drug Store L332 Jaan: oo FTE va THE a a Mrs. Geo. Joy is Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Fawcett and He. Toronto, visited at Mr, arron's on Thursday. Mrs, temaining with her daughter, Barron, for a time, The thunderstorm and steady rain, which visited this section on Wed- nesday night and Thursday, will be Next P. O, blues and yellows , , 8 veritable of beautiful tints, Brantford Variegated Slates give years of trouble-free service, and the utmost in fire and weather protection, Brantford Roofing Co, Limited, Brantford, Ontario 100 raniford ROOFS on Brantford 30 | church choir, Oshawa, a great incentive to vegetation. About twenty young ladies enjoyed a picnic on Mr, 4 Virtue's lawn on 'Wednesday afternoon, it bein an annual event of the "Gleaners™ class, most of the members being present. The members of Simcoe Street enjoyed a leasant afternoon in the park om Vednesday afternoon. Everyone re- porting a good time. Mrs. C, Johns has been improving her property, a lawn and garden o¢- cupying the space formerly occupied by the old wagon shop, that was moved across the road some time ago. Mrs; C. Horng' house has taken on a different hue, as a result of a coat of paint. Mrs. Silas Williams visited her daughter in Bowmanville recently, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, June 22.-- Mr, and Mrs. John Walters and Phone 378 Brantford Variegated Asphalt Slates enable the home owner to express his artistic taste from as many colors as 8 painter's palette, . Rich, alluring purples , , mellow browns and greens , , vivid reds, kaleidoscope Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service ndered by W. J. Trick Co., Limited g rej Oshawa I family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buss; also many called during the afternoon. We are glad to report that both Mr. and Mrs. Buss are, much improved in health, The Misses Gladys and Frances Reynolds, of Courtice, are spending two weeks with Miss Frances Rob- inson, Miss Ford and her entrance class are working very hard these last few days before the final examina- tions. We wish them all success. Congratulations to our local stu- dents in the Collegiate Institute, who have successfully passed their final examinations. These are:-- Misses Ruby Preston, Mary Me- Clure, Mamie Petre and Betty Rob- inson. Messrs, Lorne Thompson and Raymond LeRoy. The farmers are much pleased with the rains this week. Rain was badly neededeall over the coun- try. Grain and gardens are look- ing well, but hay is reported to be very poor, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | Orval Crozier, of Sommerberry, Sask., on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Crozier was formerly Miss Janet Chatterson. The Chattersons lived for many years just south of the corners and will be remember ed hy a great many around here, BETHESDA Bethesda, June 21.--Mrs. E. J. Johns of Thornhill is visiting the Misses Cole. Mr, and Mrs, Richard Brown and Billy of Orono were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. J. T. Cole. Mrs. Tod, Miss Olga Tod and Miss Greta Wickett of Bowmanville spent Sunday at J. R. R: Cole's, Miss Margaret Hooper and Mr. Victor Hooper motored from Toron- to and spent the week end at Mr. P. H. Werry's, Dr, Ganshy and sons Arthur and Rilly drove from Toronto on Sunday and visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Cole of New tonville were Sunday visitors at T, J T. Cole's. We regret to report that Mr. Wes- ley Couch is not improving. uite a number of ladies from this vicinity enjoyed the quarterly tea at the parsonage under the auspices of / Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South "We offer great 'selectivity' This new radio term 'selectivity' embodies one of the most pleasing features of this laundry. Five different ways of doing such an apparent- ly simple thing as family wash are offered our cus- tomers. This enables housewives to select as much or as little help as they feel they need and pay accordingly. Our rates, of course, as any- one will tell you, are ex- tremely low--much less, in fact, than home meth- ods. Let us tell you more in detail. flair -------- pp ep - UN | OWET WASH LAUD y RI ! I \ | cir umstances. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JONE 23, AAS KIDNEY PILLS pl! sit RY the Women's Missionary Society, on Wednesday. i ] Bethesda community are planning a picnic in the near fGture. ; The men of Bethesda congregation met at the cemetery on Wednesday and cut and cleared away several disagreeable unkept spots, Citizens are requested not to dump old flowers and other refuse on grounds, ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, June 22.--There is gen- eral rejoicing and satisfaction over the wonderful rain that came on Wednesday night. There is every promise of good crops in this dis- trict, People generally seem to be tak- ing greater pride in their properties. Our own village ig not falling behind. Mr. Burgmaster 1s making intensive improvements on his property south oi the village. Mr. O. L. Byers is putting the finishing touches on his grounds in the centre of the village. Arrangements are now made for ren- novating the exterior of the church as well as the interior. Mrs. John Slemon, who has always taken a great interest in all such things, is still confined to her bed Mrs. Thos. Stevenson is ill in Bow- manville hospital, Mrs. Richard Ashton left today for a visit in Toronto, Mr. Wm. Stainton is ahout to un- lnad a car load of coal through the U.F.0O. Our hoys played ball with Tyrone last week and won 39-10. On Mon- day they went to Maple Grove and lost 16-2 : . Mr. T. M. Slemon is driving a new Whippet sedan Rev. E. M. Cook will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday next Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Gordon Miss Edna Jackson visited at parsonage this week, ) EPISCOPAL UNION and Possible Joining With United Church June 21.--There have heen no recent developments to- wards the union of the Reformed Ei.scopal Church in Canada with the United Church of Canada, Right Rev. Bishop Brewing told the synod of the Reformed Epis- copal Church meeting here Tues- day. This was due, stated the Bishop, to the fact that the United Church eommittee having the mat- ter in hand could not make any definite advances until after the council meeting of the United Church in September of this year. The possible basis of union would not he discussed. "But it should be understood," remarkei Bishop Brewing, 'that the Reformed Episcopal Church will come into the United Church only on a definite basis with its own prayer book and Bishop, and will form a unit within the United Church. We cannot say what the Ja ter will or will not do in the A vital question is the perpetuation of the Episco- pacy. There is no machinery for that in the United Church, so that the latter hody would necessarily have to adopt the Bishops the Re- formed Episcopal unit created. There is much interest in the pro- posed union, for the Reformed Episcopal Church is a far more important body in the religious world than its number would in- dicate, We are the only small de- nomination with an almost univer- sal outlook." THE VOICE OF AN EXPERT It is suggested by the Toronto Globe that automobile drivers might adopt the slogan, "foot om the pedal and eve on the road." It is a good theory but it would ruin the best clutch ever built, Ottawa, the NOT YET IN VIEW Bishop Brewing Discusses ALBERTA SHOWS S279,769 SURPLUS Much Better Than Expected By Provincial Treasurer Edmonton, Alta., June 21.-- Good times in Alberta are clearly and strongly reflected in the fact :]that the provincial treasury has a big surplus for 15 months up to March 31, It stands at $279. 763, as announced by Hon. R. G. Reid, the provincial treasurer, whereas the surplus that the Gov- ernment expected to get for. that period, according to the official es- TAKE NOTICE THAT: between the points mentioned: -- Street McMillan Drive Richmond Street Athol Street Eldon Avenue Eulalie Avenue Huron Street McMillan Drive William Street Bagot Street Albert Street William Street Dshawa Boulevard Bon 11 TAKE NOTICE THAT: the points mentioned: -- Street Arlington Ave. Westmoreland Ave. Division St, French St, Rowe St. Athol 8t, Arthur St, Gliddon Ave, Yonge St. Oshawa Blvd. Clarke St, McMillan Drive Gladstone Ave. Punshon Ave. Eulalie Ave. Roxborough Ave. Oshawa Blvd, Alice St Lauder Road 1928 es, was only $46,889, The books have been made up and fin- ally audited for the year, and tae fact that previous records have been broken is causing much sat- isfaction in Government circles At the end of the calendar year, De- cember 31 last, there was a defi- eit of $215,980, as reported in the Legislature. This has not only been absorbed in the interval, but has been turned into an actual surplus by taking the revenue of the first three months of 1928. The main source from which the increased revenue has swelled the provipee's finances has been gen- eral taxes. The booksellers suggest that brides should be given a book fof a wedding gift. The book the brides would prefer is to be had from a banker.--Hamilton Herald. 5 Location . St. to Richmond St. : est of Bast Limit Lot 9, Town Plan to McMillan Drive Centre St. to 26° West of East Limit Lot 6, Town Plan Court St, to East Limit of Lot 10, Plan 130 Clarke St. to Huron St. Fulalie Ave. to South Limit Lot 65, Plan 214 Richmond St. McMillan Drive to Church St. Simcoe St, to Centre St, First Ave. to Bloor St. Church St. to Prince St. Colborne St. to Elgin St, to William St. 2. The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen annual instalments, Dated, Oshawa, June 22nd 1028. «Width 30' 2¢ 30° 2¢' 2¢ 2¢' 30" 2¢' 30 2¢' 2¢' 2¢ Manufacturers of GOOD RED STOCK BRICK Telephone Grover 7247 At Our Expense Length 080 219.50 290.00 314.00 280.50 105.50 280.50 500.00 490.00 1,400.00 247.50 629.50 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct as local improvements, Pavements 500 Greenwood Ave. Toronto, Ont, Estimated Property t $ 4,632.25 2,414.50 4,115.00 8,454.00 4,085.50 1,160.50 4,786.76 6,500.00 6,615.00 16,800.00 2,722.50 7,624.50 Owners' Shar $ 3,632.25 1,314.50 3,365.00 2,354.00 3,085.50 610.50 3,286.75 5,000.00 8,815.00 11,300.00 1,622.50 6,124.50 'LOCAL IMPROVEMENT--=PAVEMENTS City's e Share 1,000.00 1,100.00 750.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 6560.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,800.00 5,600.00 1,100.00 1,500.00 TOTAL:-- and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, SANITARY SEWERS Location Midland Ave. to East Limit of Lot 108, Plan 138 Midland Ave. to East Limit of Lot 127, Plan 138 South Limit of Lot 14, Plan 183 to Rosedale Ave. South Limit of Lot Athol St, to Eulglie Rowe St. to Yonge Rowe St. to Yonge Rowe St. to Yonge St. GGliddon Ave. Riehmond St, to Colborne St. 27, Plan 165 to Rosedale Ave. Ave, St, St. to Bruce St. to 330 feet South Bond St. to Richmond St. ' South Limit of Lot 69, Plan 17¢ to Punghon Ave: Gladstone Ave, to Warren Ave, STORM SEWERS Colborne St. tn Beverley St. Alice St. to North Limit of Lot 138, Plan 150 Oshawa Blvd. to West Limit of Lot 134, Plan 150 West Limit of Lot 15, Plan 304 to East Limit of Lot 25, Plan 304 2. The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen annual instalments. / re , TOTAL: = and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly om the work. 5,070.50 $64,010.60 Length 31000 280.00 290.00 390.00 1,400.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 270.00 650.00 830.00 320.00 415.00 260,00 350.00 223.00 190.00 466.50 $45,610.50 $19,400.00 on the following streets, Cost Lin. Ft, $13.50 11.00 13.60 11.00 11.00 11.00 13.50 11.00" 13.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 8. A petition to the said council will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner { heen undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a ach 3 has owners representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. 4. A by-law for undertaking the work will he considered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on th at a regular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter, § y on the JGR day of July, 1028, or | F, B. HARE, City Clerk, 1. The Council of the Corporation ef the City of Oshawa intends to construct as local improvements, Sewers on the following streets, between Estimated Cost $ 775.00 700.00 725.00 975.00 4,900.00 © B00.00 500.00 500.00 875.00 1,625. 1,920.00 1,245.00 625.00 700.00 446.00 380.00 933.00 6,784.50 $18,949.00 I LSS] LOCAL IMPROVEMENT~--~SEWERS . + - 8. A petition to the said counell will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has heen undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to pe specially gesessed therefor, 4. A bylaw for undertaking the work will be considered by the Coupcil at 8 meeting thereof to be held on the 16th day of July, 1928, or at a regular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter, Dated, Oshawa, June 22nd 1928. F. E. HARE, City Clerk, ee ---- TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the ! between the points mentioned Jarvis St. Buckingham Ave Burk St. Burk St. King St. Huron St. Yonge St. Ritson Rd. Ritson Rd. Drew St. Drew St. Howard St. West : i 1] LOCAL IMPROVEMENT~-S i] IDEWALKS 1 f tae City of Oshawa intends to construct. as local improvements, Sidewalks on the following streets, Simcoe St. to Cedar St. Colborne St. to North Limit of Lot 159, Plan 177 Roxborough Ave. to Oshawa Blvd. West- Limit of Lot 321, Plan 146 to Grierson St. Athol St. to Gliddon Ave. of Lot 22, Plan 120 to Bond St. t Lot 16, Plan 151 to Punshon Ave. t Lot 15, Plan 151 to Punshon Ave. Lot 47, Plan 298 to Nori Limit of Lot 40, Plan 298. Location South Limit of Lot 32, Plan 298 to North Limit of Lot 39, Plan 298 10' East of West Limit Lot 216, Plan 138 to 9" West of East Limit Lot , 243, Plan 138 Quebec St. to South Limit Lot 57, Plan 194 Quebec St. to South Limit Lot 45, Plan 194 West Limit of Lot 3, Town Plan to 55' East of West Limit Lot 84, Tn. Plan Eulalie Ave. to South Limit of Lot 159, Plan 145. Gliddon Ave. to North Limit of Lot 27, Plan 291. 138" North of South Limit Block C, Plan.209, to 626" South of South Limit Block C, Plan 209. 876" South of South Limit Block C, Plan 209, to Kitchener Ave. Olive Ave. to Mitchell Ave, First Ave. to Beatty Ave. First Ave. to Beatty Ave. West East Estimated Owners' Cost Share Share 304.00 § 182.40 § 121.60 396.00 690.00 132.00 132.00 289.00 400.00 77.00 200.50 830.00 224.00 624.00 624.00 239.00 54.00 54.00 166.20 204.00 219.00 120.00 480.00 120.00 360.00 360.00 129.00 860.00 842.00 216.00 216.00 180.00 144.00 50.40 824.00 52.20 270.00 270.00 182.40 361 121 City's 294.00 350.00 104.00 264.00 264.00 110.00 829.50 303.00 144.00 219.00 160.00 166.00 45.60 46.80 198.00 198.00 Special Rate Per Ft. Figo, $1.0 1.00 78.00 78.00 122.80 196.00 158.00 80.50 50 £0 178.00 127.00 299.00 289.75 74.00 279.00 33.20 371.00 132.00 168.00 66.90 76.00 112.00 East North East South West North West W, West North South South West 2 s « Athol St. St. to 75' East of West Limit of Lot 7, Town Plan vd. to Rossland Rd. 48, Plan 208 to Ritson Rd. Phillips St. ; St. Julien St. South of North Limit Lot 10, Town Plan Rosedale Ave. to South Limit Lot 304, Plan 145 Prince St. t 17, Plan 197 to East Limit Lot 18, Plan 197. Limit Lot 302, Plan 146 . North Limit Lot 324, Plan 146 i {ih § $s. And All Kinds of Builders' Supplies i] sEE 519.00 83.00 809.00 252.00 270.00 167.25 136.00 212.00 » «0 ~ Stock Brick, Large Size, from Pressed Brick, Large Size, from Rug Brick, Large Size, from We also handle the following brick in assorted colors: Homespun, Veltex, Bark, and Mat Textures Remémber We Guarantee to Meet AllCompetition McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Phone 1246 $20.00 to $31.50 $21.00 to $45.00 EE 2? eS E z %] 223323322323233332333 > sE°5S dr rd md md er ed mr i 2 s 2 TOTAL: -- 14,645.50 $14,645.50 $7825.75 $6,819.75 and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The special assessment is to be paid in ten annual instalments. 3. A petition to the said council will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. & 4. A bylaw for undertaking the work will be considered by the Council at a thereof to be held on the 16th day of July, 1928, or at a regular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. y bed ; Dated, Oshawa, June 22nd 1928. » F. E. HARE, City Clerk. y x

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