Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1928, p. 5

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Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in . comtributing items 'to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. Bert Tompkin was the Cambray friends on Mr, guest of 0) -- Mr, Jim Woods was renewing old acquaintances in Cambray* this week. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mec- ue and baby visited friends in ey recéntly. Mr. George Garvey has return- ed to the city after spending a few days in Belleville, Mrs. W. H, Thurston and daughter, Henrietta, were visiting friends in Dunnford this week. Mr, and Mrs, John Irwia have returned to their home in Cam- bray after visiting friends in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fielder and family spent the week-end with the former's parents in Cobo- conk, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Western and children of this city, were- guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bradburn, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Baker, South Augusta, are the guests of their son, Mr, W, E. Baker, 112 Oshawa Boulevard, for this week. Miss Monica Thomas of Oshawa General Hospital is visiting her mother, Mrs, J, Thomas, Ridout street, Port Hope, during her va- cation, Mr, Taylor Perkins and daughter, of Lindsay, are the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. Vi. Christian, 344 Mary street, this week, Friends of Miss Irene Oke, Har- mony, will be pleased to learn that she is doing nicely after hav- Bh Sars Bovril gives you ing her tomsils removed at the Oshawa Gemeral Hospital today. Mr, and Mrs, Dancy, Cambell- croft, were guests at the Terry- Farrow nuptials in King Street Uni- ted Church yesterday afternoon. Miss Annie Frood has returned to her home in New Dublin, ac- companied by her sister, Mrs. J. D. Walker - and son, Donald, who are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Frood. EE. -------- TYLEE-GOODHERHAM On Saturday afternoen, June 16, 1928, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. R, W. Milli champ, 271 Sigicoe St. N,, the marriage took place of Mrs. Em- ily Frances Gooderham, § Spadina Road, Toronto, to Mr. Arthur Kel- lam Tylee, Boston, Mass. Rev. A. C. Reeves performed the cera mony. Mr. and Mrs. Tylee will make their home in Boston. DENNIS-STONEHOUSE The marriage took place quietly yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Christian church parsonage, Athol street east, of Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Stonehouse, third concession, to Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dennis, North Oshawa, Rev. W. P, Fletcher was the officiat- ing clergyman. The bride was becomingly at- tired in a maize georgette gown with a hat to match, - Miss Fs- ther Dennis, sister of the bride- grom, acted as bridesmaid and looked charming in a blue geor- gette gown and large hat to match. Mr. Bill Alexander attended the bridegroom. The young couple left on a trip to Buffal> and on their re- turn will reside on Christie street. WAUGH-WITHROW The wedding was solemnized vesterday afternoon at Hglinton' United Church, of Florence Mar- garet, younger daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs, John Arthur Withrow, 105 Glenview avenue, Toronto, and Mr. Freeman D. R., Waugh, of the Oshawa Collegiate Insti- tute teaching staff, only son of Reverend George and Mrs. Waugh of Lansing, Ont, The bride, who" was given away by her father, wore a frock af georgette shading from maize to gold. Her shower bouquet was of yellow roses, op:hid sweet peas and lily of the valley. 3 Her bridesmaid, Miss Marjorie E. Westman, wore orchid geor- gette with peach beige lace, She wore a hat of orchid and straw with a cluster of wistaria and carried an old-fashioned bouquet of pansies and forget-me-nots. Mr. Bruce W. Smith was groomsman., The ushers were Mr. Wilfred F. Withrow and Mr. Charles Waugh. During the signing of the register Mr. George Burgess sang, ac- companied by Mr. Albert BE. Proe- tor at the organ. After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Waugh left for a motor trip and on their return will reside in Oshawa. oT,oNLY when you entertain, but every day for your family's health and happiness as well, serve KRAFT Cheese! Kraft is pure -- wholesome -- nourishing. our and perfect taste are famous from one end of the Dominion _ to the other. The sale of Kraft Cheese is so much greater than that of any other brand that there can be little doubt as to which is Canada's favourite, Kraft is easy to eat and easy to digest, It is both good and "good for you." - Say KRAFT before you say cheese and you will never be disappointed in quality, Its delicious flay- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1928 "SALADA TEA Dark-skinned na these a cup of "SALADA" is flavour--such fragrance. 1.1: sunlight--cool through come to mind when Helens you Such REV. Il, A, AND MRS, WHATTAM Who on Tuesday celebrated the 25th anniversary their wed- ding. They received many beau- tiful gifts and were shdwered with congratulaticns by a host of friends, of | Houseliold Hints | Cut the tops of celery into fine strips like a fringe to a depth of two inches. A sharp knife is required to do this successfully. Then put into cold water, and in a short time these little strips will curl over, giving a $e ocorative ap= pearance to the stalkg. juice, drunk unsweeten- morning hrealk- a fine blood purifier, A hot lemon squash sipped just be- fore going to bed induces sleep, and for a cold is an excellent rem- edy; in this ease it should he sip- ped after getting into bed, Lembn ed every fast, is Should the scalp of the head need cleansing, the juice of a lemon should rubbed in and the, hair afterwards washed in soft water, treatment cleanses and also stimftilates the hair fol- licles, be The flavor of old potatoes is much improved if a little care is taken when cooking them." Peel the potatoes tl vy and remove all "eyes." Choo potatoes as much of a gize as p¢ and- place them in a pan just large enough to hold them. . ible, Add a little salt, and cover with cold water. Put on the lid, bring quickly to the hoil, and then al- low the water to simmer gently until the potatoes are fairly easily pierced with a fork, ' Strain off all the the potatoes with a thick, clean cloth, and let them stand by the side of the fire from five to ten minutes, Shake the pan oceca- gionally, They should then be dry and floury. water, cover Mix two quarts of water with two ounces of glycerine, add a little of your favorite scent, and pour the mixture into your warm bath. You will find it very re- freshing, KINDNESS Kindness keeps us young, Anger makes us old, With a bitter tongue, Youth is hard to hold. Youth will fly away, As the hirds depart, Fromr a sky of gray, From an angry heart. Anger furrows deep Ev'ry frowning brow, Furrows we shall keep Long, long after now. Much we talk of fate, When old aze appears, But the marks of hate Mark us more thah years. Would you have the days Gently deal with you, You, in all your ways, Must be gentle, too. All life's truths among, Th the truest told: Ilinduess keeps us young, Anger makes wus old, F ashion | Notes Colors that will attain promin- '| ence as the season advances will be grege and mist tones, with an in- creasing interest in the new blue, termed independence blue, and the deep blue tones as well as rusty and reddish browns. The popularity of net hose has made its influence felt in lingerie, as net underthings are, now spun- sored for summer in such colors as pink, melon, yellow, seed pearl and skin, or a soft biege. A summer handbag of Milan straw from Vionnet is perfectly round, small and flat, with a gilt monogram motif in the centre, while this also has been copied in brightly colored velvet, New York reports that the new printed materials are lovelv Crepe, pussy willow, voile and chiffon are being treated in the decorative modernistic manner, picturing land- scapes and skylines or representing the signs of the zodiac, various geometric compositions, ete., and the large and small patterns are equally fashionable. An eccentric style prompted hy the tendency of short hairs to come after the hair has heen parted, is being adopted in London, where the hair parted in the centre is smooth- ed down ecloszly to the head, and the little hairs are cut in a shape reminiscent of a widow's plak. Brilliantly colored heach ensem- bles are made of blue and orange jersey, sewed together in geometrie costumes and also red and are heing featured in Fifth Avenue Seryiceable, yet unmistakably 'hic. Style No. 913 'employs onc of the new, supple tweeds woven vith metal threads. The vestee is f canton faille crepe. The belt 5 suede of course. Indian Print Pussy Willow silk in combination 7ith harmonizing plain silk crepe, wo surfaces of crepe satin, wool crepe and angora jersey, are also) daptable. Pattern in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust measure. Size 36 re quires 3% yards of 40-inch material with % yard of 20-inch contrasting and 8% yards of binding. Price 20 cents the pattern. Our Fashion Book, illustrating he newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price eof the 200k 10 cents the copy. LASTIC OSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE, AGENTS FOR {CANADIAN , ENGLISH AND -AMERIC AN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal Belts Ladyin artendance UTHORS 135 CHURCH TORONTC PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fo The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, <oclosed find .....,.. cents. vlease send Datterns listed be- 'OW; cossrssrrsrrnss. BED pussys prosrrrn BIBS 44pm rn ro PIED wou su ERPPUSES Sassssssssssns Name Address Town rovince . 'rice, 20 cepts each amps or coin. Wrap coin arefully. aM As srs sssnssrs pattern, while red, white and blue | white | SIMCOE ST. CHOIR ANNUAL PICNIC Party of Sixty Enjoy a Fine Outing at Hampton Park The choir of Simcoe ° Street United Church together with thier friends, held their annual pienie at Hampton Park yesterday after- noon. Over sixty people were in the party and a most delightful outing was énjoyed. . A number of the members aad their friends who were free by virtue of the Wednesday after- noon half-holiday, repaired to the park about three o'clock in the afternoon, and spent the time in a social way. The balance of the party assembled about six o'clock, and as soon as they arrived a fine basket lunch was served and giv: en due attention. During the ev- ening softball and a social time were again enjoyed, the party mo-. toring back to Oshawa at dusk. The members of the choir were nearly all in attendance and J. H. Renwick, organist and choirmas- ter, and Rev. H. S. Dougall, pas- tor of the church, were also pres- ent. They all voted Hampton Park a fine spot for the outing and were delighted with the splen- did time they had their annual pienie. AFTERNOON TEA WAS A GREAT SUCCESS | Advisory Com- Ukrainian United Church held a tea in the Simcoe Sunday. School en Tuesday af- ternnon. The room was tasteful- lv decorated with iris, peonies and spiraea. The guests were re- ceived by Mesdames Jamison Dougall, W. A. Luke and H:; Mur= ray. The | tables were: B. F. Cawker, Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Gill, Mre nds | Miss Dillon, Mrs, W. Trick, M Mrs. Stephenson, } Miss M. Burns, Mrs. Dillon, Mrs, Jacobi, | Mre. Argue and poured During the | program wa given | dontribhuted everal and Migs Margaret fon Gummo played piano se A nur and the p The Women's mittee of the committee in charge of the Mrs. J. Booth, Mrs. Mrs. W.. Winter, Mrs. J. C. Me- Mrs. F. Hare, . A. Porter, . 0. M. Alger, 5... B. J. Gay, Jarrett, Mrs. Mrs, Moffatt. Mrs, Everson afternoon a musical Mrs. Dunn vocal solos Luke, Mar- ned Katharine Luke lectlons, friends were pres- eeds of the after- yor +f ent noon amounte Our Daily. Recipe HAM AND PINEAPPLE SALAD One of New York's most famous hotels has been serving ham with pineapple. This recipe combines the two in delicate fashion, 2 cups cooked ham diced, 4 slices pineapple, or 3-4 cup broken pineapple. Salad dressing. Lettuce, 14 cup cele ry, euhe qa. 'Combine the pineapple and cel- ery with the ham. Moisten with mavonaisse or eooked salad dressing and serve on a crisp lét- tuce leaf. Garnish with sliced olive or shredded green pepper. This recipe makes 6 to 8 serv- ings. BANANA CAKE WITH JELLY SAUCE One cup flouy, 2 teaspoons bhak- ing powder, 2 tablespoons sugar, pinch of salt, 3-4 cup milk, 1 egg, 4 bananas, Sift dry Ingredients four times, add milk and beaten egg and mix well, Peel and gerape hananas; cut in halves lengthwise, then across. Pour batter into shallow pan, place bananas on top and sprinkle with sugar, Bake in moderate oven fifteen minutes, Serve with this jelly sauce: One cup water, 2 tablespoons apple jelly, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 taespoon ocrnstarch, Put water into saucepans and let boil; add jelly and sugar, stir until dissoly- ed; add cornstarch wet with a little cold water; boil 3 minutes. LEMON MERINGUE PIE Juice and grated rind of 1 large lemon, 1. cup sugar, 2 level table- spoonfuls cornstarch, 1-4 tea- spoon salt, 1-: cup gold water, yolks of 2 eggs. Mix all well to- gether and acd to 1 coffee cup of rapidly boiling water, stirring constantly until thickened. Then add 1 teaspoon of butter. When well blended remove from the fire and pour into previously bak- ed crust and frost with the whites of the eggs. For the mer- ingue: Add 2 teaspoons of cold water to the egg whites, with a pinch of salt, and beat until very stiff, then add 2 teaspoons of confectioners' sugar and bear well. Pile lightly on top of pie and brown in a cool oven. PEACH UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE Melt 4 tablespoons butter in your cake pan; sprinkle on 34 cup brown sugar, then 3 or 4 tablespoons broken walnuts and, last, 174 cups sliced canned peaches, or enough more to rcover bottom of your cake pan. Then 'mix the following cake bat- ter: Cream together 4 level table- spoons butter and J4 cup sugar, mix in 1 egg yolk and 4 cup of peach syrup. Add ¥4 cups pastry or cake flour sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix well, adding 4 teaspoon vanilla. Last fold in the stiffly beaten one egg white. Pour the batter on the peach mix- ture and bake in a moderate ovem (375 degrees F.) till done. Remove from oven and turn cake out upside while hot to pre- king to pan. damn in | vent bot enjoyed om' Such Drastic Price Reductions on Ladies' Coats Is Quite Un- And they are the finest quality coats that have hung on the racks this season. Finest of French Broadcloths, Tricotines, Wool Faille and Kashas in navy, sand, princess blue and natural sizes 15 to 20 misses, which is equal to 34, 36 and 38 in wo- men's sizes. Regular $29.50 to $45. Special to clear WARD'S Cream which DUTCH APPLE-SAUCE has heen heaten 13 cup shortening; gradu- ally add scant cupful sugar; add 1 cupful sweetened apple-sauce CAKE nutmeg, 1 teaspoon soda and salt (amount depends on kind of shortening); add to this 34 cupful| sauce seeded raisins, which have 'been| thou dredged with flour and cut in halves. Lastly, work in 2 cupfuls siited flour, and | egg ma) into teaspoon « should least and is ar 1 it is delicious without, not 24 hours old, be ea _ _ cinnamon, !4teaspoon each of cloves| heat minute and bake in a -moderat ven 30 or 35 minutes. An unbeate be added before the apple improy ement, a Thi ten until ¢ ---- NY -- I] Cook's Friend 1b. tin id Baking MH Powder LTT \\ (Whore Quilty Gem THERM \L/ [= AIM Better Values Baking Week White Satin 54, Bag * Pastr 99° | 29° Four 1. 32¢ (LE KX XJ] Shirriff's Shredded Orange or Pineapple 19¢ 12 om, Jar Baking Necessities Cocoanu Flavoring . 10c goveanut 19¢1b, | Extracts oz. 26¢ Desiccated 16c¢ lb, | Salt 31; Ib, Bag 6¢ Aunt Dinah Maraschino 31 . 1 Molasses 10c! Erie 3yion 12. California Seedless Raisins 2s. 27¢ Special Introductory Offer Velveeta Cheese Eagle Brand Condensed Milk refund AN eve . aie LAL w-- 21° 21m 35¢ Finest Quality ~Smyrna Cooking Figs 2 n= 15¢ vy For Fine = 3 re 29¢ Horne's finer 23° Summer in Welch's } Juice Ivory Seap 99*/,00% Pure 6 oz. 32 i 286 se Chocolate Coated 25 wazshmalioy lb; McLarens Invincible Olives 15c Finest Santa Clara Prunes 10cm. BUTTER Libby's » Meatwich 2 tins 25¢ Vitone ab Bde % ib. 33¢ "The Finest Butter in Canada" Braeside 4 0c Brand Mayfield Brand 38c Ib. California Beekist Pure Cloyer Honey 72c¢ Fray Special Combination Sale No.1 235-D tin 4 cakes Fels-Naptha Bentos Corned Beef 25¢ Diamond . Toilet - Flush 1 zp TOS. 3%7¢c 23 tin

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