Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1928, p. 1

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Baily Ti w= Rétories umes SIXTEEN PAGES AUTO USED IN MAIL "CAR ROBBERY FOUND Fear Increasing For Safety of Roald Amundsen Started Monday on a Search For Not Been Nobile, Has Heard From CAB DRIVER KILLED IN HEADON COLLISION WITH STREET CAR (By Canadian Press) Toronto, June 21.,--Terribly Injured when his cab was in a head on collision with a street car early today, Thomas McNamara, taxi driver dled on the way to the hospital, "COLUMBIA" RETURNING T0 NEW YORK Mabel Boll Says She Will Investigate the Weather Reports ALLEGES DIFFERENCE Meteorologist Says Carbon Copies Were Furnished to Misses Earhart and Boll (By Canadian Press) Havbor Grace, Nfld, June 2%,~ The monoplane "Columbia car rying Miss Mabel Boll hopped off at 5.07 o'clock Atlantic Daylight saving time today on its return flight to New York, Before Miss Boll took off, she announced that she intenavd to investigate the ailegea Jdiricrence in: weather advices received hy her and those furnished Miss Amelia Earhart at Trepassey last Saturday just prior to the latter's successful flight, She failed to elaborate on the statement which was the first in- timation heard here that any par- ality had been shown by the United States weather authorities or others in forecasts given the fliers. New York, June 21.--The Ear- hart and Boll trans-Atlantic air expeditions were furnished ecar- bon copies of the Atlantis weath- er forecasts - made by him, Dr, James H, Kimball, meteorologist of the local weather bureau said here today. His statement was in answer to an announcement that Miss Ma- bel Boll intended to investigate alleged differences in weather re- ports received by her and those furnished Miss Amelia Earhart at Trepassey. INVERSHIN WINS FAMOUS GOLD CUP IN ASCOT RACE '(Cable Service To TI To The Times By Canadian Press) Ascot, Eng., June 21.--Inver- shin, owned by Reid Walker, won the famous Gold Cup today on the third day of the Royal Ascot racing week, E. de St. Alary's Finglas was second and Marshal Field's Cina a Sept was third. The betting was [100 to 8, even and 25 to 1, McLARNIN FIGHTS McGRAW TONIGHT (By Assocaited Press) New York, N.Y, Jupe 21.-- »Baby Face" Jimmy McLarnin, former sensation of the lightweight division, will start on the road to 2 comeback from the drubbing he received at the hands of Sammy Mandell tonight when he meets McGraw in a ten round battle . Major Maddalena Will At. tempt Rescue Today of Marooned Italia Crew Who Were Cheered Yes. terday By Provisions Drop- ped from Plane MAY NOW SEARCH FOR AMUNDSEN French Cruiser and Despatch Boat, Besides Swedish Ex. pedition to Start at Once to Rescue Nobile and Members of His Party (By Canadian Press) London, June 21--Fears are in- creasing for the safety of Captum Roald Amunsden, Lieut, Lief Die- trichsen and crew of the plane in which they flew from Bergen Mon- day toward Arctic waters in search of General Nobile and his men, No news has been received of the plane since it started on the last lap of its northward voyage. The plane was equipped with wireless installation for receiving and sending and it is believed to have had supplies of petrol sufi- cient for a flight of 2,600 miles, But the prolonged period since its departure and the failure to hear from her, even by wireless, has created the gravest anxiety for AKmunsden and his companions, An Exchange Telegraph despatch from Copenhagen, says Major Mad- dalena, who dropped provisions to General Nobile and his party yes- terday, intends to make an attempt to rescue them from the pole Ice with his plane today, The despatch says that anxiety over Raold Amunsden and his five companions who get out by sea- plane to aid in the rescue work and disappeared, was growing, It was possible that a relief ex- pedition will he sent out to search for them, Swedish Expedition Stockholm, Sweden, June 21,-- A Swedish Relief Expedition con- sisting of four planes, one of which is equipped with landing wheels, will fly in a squadron to- day for the camp of Geeral Um- bherto Nobile on the fce north of Spitzbergen, If it is possible a machine equipped with wheels will land on the ice, Paris, June 21, -- The French Ministry of Marine had ordered the cruiser Strashourg and a des- patch boat Quentin Roosevelt to go to Spitzbegen immediately to help in the search for Roald Amundsen now missing in the French relief plane piloted by Captain -eRne Guilbaud. Nobile Party Cheered Kings Bay, June 21,--Clieered by the 650 pounds of provisions dropped yesterday upon his camp off Northeast Land by Major Mad- delana, General Umberto Nobile sent further radio direction for the rescue of his stranded party, Nobile in his wireless communi- cation with the base ship "Citta di Milano," gave instructions about what further procedure is to be followed in rescuing his party and gave details gas to what were the conditions o fthe ice where he is stranded. SOVIET CONSULATE AT TIENTSIN RAIDED BY ARMED POLICE (Cable Service To The Times By Cdnadian Press) Tientsin, June 21.--The Soviet Consulate was raided last night by a large body of armed police acting under the order of General Fu Tso Yi, Nationalist Commander here. It is understood that the search failed to reveal either Chinese Phil at Madison Square Garden, Communist arms or propaganda. Democratic Committeeman Favors Prohibition Plank (By Associate Houston, Texas, June 21.--Nor- man BE. Mack, Democratic Na- of New York, made ft plain in a statement today that he fa- »ezs the probibigion plank in the dd Press) Democratic platform that will recognize the rights of the States to deal with the liquor question within limits fixed by Congress. Mr. Mack's statement may be the cause of a storm in the Con- vention as it will stir up feeling among the drys. BUILDING IN JUNE TOTALS NOW $240000 Activity in Construction Work Heavy--95 Permits Issued MANY NEW HOMES The Permits for Residences Alone Amount to $217,400 This month has already rolled up a total of, $240,000 in building permits. This total is spread over 95 permits, of which 64 are for new dwellings or alterations and additions to houses, the total value of residential huilding permits being $217,400, The balance is divided into two industrial permits, $16,225, and 29 permits for garages, totalling $5,600 Throughout the month building has been active, and each day has seen the number of permits swelled, until with over a week yet left in June the quarter-million mark has approxi- mately been reached, of residential permits, $217,000, ex- ceeds by $25,000 the total of this class of permit for the whole month of June last year, and the total num- ber of garages being built doubles the garages started in June 1927, The complete total for June, 1927, was $1,254,950, however, due to factory permits totalling: $898,000, Two residences, af a value of $5,000 and $4,500, are being constructed at 225 and 229 Fulalie street by A. J. Hess, 159 Glebeholme Bouleyard, Toronto, They will he six-room hou: ses, of brick~veneer construction on a concrete foundation, with patent pine interior trimming and hot air roofing. Oak floors, chestnut and pine interior trimming and hot air heating ,will be used, R, Stanley Disney, 29 King street east, has been awarded the contract for the erection of a $4,000 residence at 96 Connaught street for Henry Junker, Mary street. The house will be of brick veneer construction, 24 by 26 feet in size and 2 stories high, with oak floors and chestnut and basswood trim. Wm. Andrey, 113 Bloor street east, is owner, and Nick Cusack ,Eldon avenue, is builder of a $2,800 House at 103 Bloor St. west. It will be 1% stories high and of brick veneer construction. A $3,500 house is being built at 41 Fairbanks street by A. E. Henning, 611 Somerville avenue, The dwellipg will be of brick veneer, 24 by 39 feet, and one story high. Harry Soldra,(, New Gardens, .is building a $3,500 brick veneer house at 611 Oshawa street, 1% stories and is 22,by 28 feet i in height, At 122 Warren avenue W. Mosier is erecting a $3,000 house that will be of brick veneer construction with concrete foundation and asphalt shingle roofing. It will be finished in the interior in chestnut and fr, with oak and fir floors and hot air heating. Ernie Potipco, 146 Verdun road, is building at 155 Verdun road a $3,000 house of brick veneer with poured concrete foundation and pat- ent roofing. Floors and trim are of fir, and hot air heating will be used. At 218 Mitchell avenue Nick Cor- nacewich ,181 Olive avenue is building a $1,000 house of frame ocnstruction, D. Lupal, 147 Ross avenue, is build- ing a $700 frame house at 171 Mit- chell avenue, while William Boodz is building a $300 frame house at Russill street, A frame kitchen to cost $200 is being aded to the house of Matvey Sich, 295 Ritson Road south, E. J. Wilson is constructing a $250 addition to his residence at 151 College avenue, and an addition worth $900 is being built on to the house of S. H. Butler, 219 King street east. Garages, with the values stated, are being built by F. M. Dafoe, 45 Burk street, $100; William Meredith, 5 Mary street, $150, and H. ih Mary street, $200; M. Karch, 28% Centre street, is building a verandah at a cost of $300 and H. B. Mcintyre is constructing a kitchen at 298 street at a cost of $150. World's Best Golfers Line Up at Chicago For U.S. Open Title Haig (By Associated Press) Chicago, June 21. -- Many of the best golfers in the world lined up today for the long torturous four rounds of the fourth course at the Olympic Fields country club in guest of the United States national open golf championship. Toeing the mark at the start were such representative stars as British open champion, Walter Hagen, National Amateur cham- pion, Bobby Jomes, Premier Bri- tish golfer, Archie Compston, and the leading French linksman, Audrey - Boomer, The total value | awa plant, of sarvice behind them, stor, Bottom They HAVE MANY YEARS OF SERVICE BEHIND THEM row--~Charles Simmons, soa and John McLaughlin, Right--Lou Germond, John Kellow, Tribute to all those who had been associated with the General Motors of Cana, Limited, than ten years, was given Monday night at a big banquet in the new convention hall at the Osh- In the centre of the group above is shown R, 8. McLaughlin, president of the com- pany, himself with a record of 41 years. The other photographs are of men with 35 or more years H. Davis, Dave Haverson, Bill Weh- J. Rinneard, Walter Lott, are, top row: Henry Howard, F. for more Joe Lane, Left--John Gib- RESPONSIBILITY OF ROTARIAN TO SET HIGH IDEAL Emphasized In Address To- day at Rotary International Minneapolis, June 21.--The re- sponsibility of a Rotarian for the advancement of high ethical -stan- dards in the business world, was the principal theme of the ad- dresses at the Rotary International convention today, with four import- ant figures in the international business world on the platform, Even in the pumerous group as- semblies of the afternoon, the topic of good business practices predom- inated with well known business men from all over the world serv- ing as chairmen of the mrany in- formal gatherings. PRINCESS HELEN OF RUMANIA DIVORCED FROM PRINCE CAROL (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Bucharest, Rumania, June 21.-- Bucharest Courts have granted a divorce to Princess Helen from Prince Carol, former Crown Prigce of Rumania. 23rd Anniversary of 1 heir Wedding Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Thickson, Simcoe street north, are celebrating the 23rd anniversary of their wedding. They are re- ceiving the congratulations of a host of friends, In honor of the occasion, Mr, Thickson presented Mrs. Thickson with a handsome new model 65 Durant car, BOBBY JONES MAKES SENSATIONAL START IN TOURNEY (By Associated Press) Olympia Field, Chicago, June 21.--S8coring a 73, two over par, for his first round of the National open Golf Championship today, Bobby Jones, twice former holder of the crown, put himself into second place among the ear) finishers, one stroke back of Leo Diegel of New York and Bill Leach of Philadelphia, Olympia Fields, Chicago 21.--Bobby Jones got off 50 id sational start in his quest for the third American open championship today, using his putter with magic effect to card an even par, 35, for the first nine holes of the opening 18 hole round. His partner, John- ny Farrell favored by many, was badly off form and took 40. Campbellford, Ont, June 21.-- Frank Keating, Seymour Township farmer, whose home last winter har- bored the most terrifying ghost raised jin this section for years, hopes to make his fortune from the laying of the spectre. It has been definitely established that the pranks of escaping matural gas in the cellar caused the terrify- mg pounding under the floors, turn- ed the water unfit to drink, and created a scare which ended in an all-night vigil kept by Toronto news- papermen. Keating is now waiting word from oil. companies in. - the GHOSTLY NOISES LEAD CAMPBELLFORD FARMER TO DISCOVERY OF GAS United States, whose representatives visited the scene of the ghostly yis- itations late in the spring. He be- lieves oil men will return in the next day or two to take options on the farm. A representative of a Can- adian concern was to have been here on Friday, but was delayed. Keating believes that either oil or gas underlies his whole farm. At 'various points throughout the dis- trict gas has been tapped in small quantitics when wells were dug. Sul- phur is prevalent in the section and the well at the new high school pro- vides water most disagreeable to taste but which analysis report is mot igjurious to health, is FIRE COMPANIES MEET IN COBOURG Maple Leaf Mutual of Col. umbus Represented--Go to Lindsay Next Year Cobourg ,June 20--A meeting of a group of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies was held in the Council Chamber Cobourg, on Tuesday, The companies represented were The Maple ILeaf of Columbus, Hamilton Township of Cobourg, lennox and Addington of Napanee, Bay of Quinte of Picton and Farmers' Union of Lindsay. Mr. E. P. Heaton, Fire Marshal, was present and addressed the gath- ering. He referred to the great work Mutual Insurance Companies were doing through the province, in giv- ing adequate fire protection at a minimum cost. Mutual Companies carry 20 per cent of the insurance risk of the Province and although a substantial reduction was shown in the first loss during the past few years, he regretted that it could not be shown with respect to the busi- ness of the Mutual Companies. He gave the following information: -- Statistics showed that out of 841 barn fires during the last three years, lightning caused 269 or 32 per cent; spontancous combustion 193 or 23 per cent; lamps and gasoline 88 or 10 per cent; sparks on roofs and from threshing machines 88 or 10 per cent; incendiarism 34 or 4 per cent; smoking and matches 25 or 3 per cent; all other causes 154, or 18 per cent. Standard lightning rods are pro- ven to be 99 per cent efficient, and realizing this fact and the fact that lightning takes a heavy toll of farm barns each year, farmers should take advantage of this precaution against lightning, and by covering their build- ings with steel or other fire-proof roofing, they can thus eliminate 42 per cent. of the danger from fire. Mr. Hoskin, of Cobourg gave an interesting paper dealing with vari- ous insurance problems, followed by a paper by Mr. Alex Horn of Lind- say on the value of education in pre- venting fire losses. At the close of the meeting, Mr. Horn invited the delegates to hold their convention in Lindsay next June. The invitation was accepted. WEATHER Moderate winds, cloudy with occasional showers. Friday-- Continues unsettled with Aocal showers, ii ls M Bags, Torn Onin scovered in North. Toronto With Car Bandits Were Thought to Have Made Their Escape Through Sunnyside, at the West End of Toronto, But Police Are Evidently OQutwitted -- Believe Ex. act Loss to be $124,000 POLICE SUSPECT INSIDE HELP Rewards of $2,000 Are Of- fered By Postmaster-Gen. eral for Information Lead. ing to Conviction of Ban: dits Who Held Up CNR, Mail Car at the Toronto Union Station (By Canadian Press) Toronto, June 21.--The auto- mobile used by the six bandits in their sensational hold-up of the Government mail car at the Uni- on Station ,early yesterday morn- ing, was found on Hudson Drive, North Toronto, this afternoon. The mail bags were {in tho auto and had been ripped apen. Toronto, June 21.--After 88 hours of intense police activity fol- lowing the daring robbery of a mail car on the Canadian Nationa] Rall. ways Toronto-Chicago train early yesterday, no clue as to the identi- ty or the whereabouts of the ban- dits has been uncovered, The rob bers appear to have made a clean get-away and since their automo. bile laden with more than $100,000 in loot vanished from sjght at Sun- nyside, no trace of them has been found, "Local police are strongly in- clined to believe that the rohbery was planned by somre one who has considerable information as to op- erations of railway mail service, The gunmen had inside help in the job. Reports from Ottawa indicate that the Federal postoffice authorl- ties believe $124,000 to be approxi- mately the correct estimate of the amount taken. A reward of $2, 000 has heen offered by the Post- master-General for information tion of the men. Chicago, Ill, June 20--In the belief that Virgil Litzinger, wanted for $133,000 mail robbery last February, at Evergreen Park, Suburb, was con- nected with the $100,000 mail robbery at Toronto, Deputy E. O'Connof of Chicago, has sent Litzinger's photo- graph to Canadian police, Evergreen Park gang leaders have been rounded up, but Litzinger dis- appeared without trace, despite search by federal, state, and city police. The Canadian train robbed was destined for Chicago. Postal inspec- tors here were not ordered to in- vestigate the robbery. After a still hunt by Chief of Po- lice Draper, Inspector of Detectives Guthrie, Inspector Wallace and their immediate subordinates, and the rank and file of the police department, since the daring depredation at the Union Station early yesterday morn- ing, when a Canadian National mail coach was held up by six armed thugs and robbed of cash to the amount of $124025 and thousands of dollars worth of registered mail, the net re- sult is that no trace of the despera- does has been found, nor has the large McLaughlin sedan which they employed in their affair beeg located. All that the police have to show for their trouble is the recovery of an almost new grey upholstered back seat and a new black club bag, which usually retails at $1.50. The seat and bag were found thrown over a wall at Simcoe and Front streets, by Harry Warwick, cartage agent, 276 Queen street west, as he was driving along the thoroughfare about 7 o'clock. ' BATTLE RAGING BETWEEN MEXICAN TROOPS AND REBELS S108. | (By Sy svaciatod Press) of Guadalajara, Mexico, June 21.-- Advice from Atotonileco toflay sald that a fierce battle was raging be- tween 118 Federal soldiers and more than 100 insurgents at Lag Huertas, STABILIZE FRANC ON SATURDAY Premier Polneare Informed Deputies Stabilization Def. initely Decided Upon RATIO 5 TO 1 mm -- po As Compared to Value of Franc Before the War-- Exact Rate Withheld (By Canadian Press) Paris, June 21.--Premier Poin care informed the Chamber of De puties today that the stabilization of the franc had been officially de- cided upon for Saturday next, Although he freely referred to the ratio of five to one, as com- pared with the value of the frane before theewar, he refrained from announcing the exact rate at which it was proposed to establish with reference to the dollar ard pound sterling, MUTINY ON BOARD AUSTRALIAN LINER According to a Wireless to Colombo--Threats Made to Fire Vessel (By Canadian Press) Colombo, Ceylon, June 21.--'The Australian Commonwealth liner, Jarvis Bay, reported by wireless to Colombo this morning that there was mutiny aboard. Threats had been made to set the vessel afire, the message said. An hour after the message was received, a party of marines was sent fo Trimcomalo to embark on the auxiliary steamer Slavol, which was ordered to go to Jarvis Bay and bring the liner to Colombe. Another vessel received the mes- sage yesterday from the Jarvis Bay stating the vessel was having trou- ble with "eight desperate stow- aways." ITALY QUALIFIES FOR EUROPEAN ZONE FINALS IN TENNIS (By Canadian Press) Felixtowe, Eng., June 21.--Italy qualified for the European zone final Davis Cup competition today when Baron H. L. de Morpurgo and Gaslini defeated the British doubles team of Crole Rees and C. G. Eames in a bitter five set duel, 6--4, 3--6, 4--6, 9--T, T--5, Montenegren Deputy is Arraigned For Murder "l am Ready to Be Taken Out Immediately and That Without Trial," Declared Punica Ratchitch, Alleged Murderer of Two Other Deputies in Jugoslay Par-|tas liament (By Canadian Press) Belgrade, Jugoslavia, June 21.-- Punica Ratchitch, Montenegren |deputy who shot and killed two ' other deputies and wounded four in the Jugoslay Parliament yester- day, lost nope of his nerve when arraigned before the magistrate to- day on charges of murder. "I am ready to be taken out fms mediately and shot without trig," be he Sselared. "I have fulfilled my The peasants, among whom she dead and wounded men were held in high esteem, are in a state of dangerous agitation; there are mug terings and high tension. The Gov- ernment is taking the utmost pre- cautions to prevent outbreaks,

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