Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1928, p. 11

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3 MAIL CLERKS TELL OF rr Surprise Was Complete-- Clerks Say They Never Had a Chance London, Ont., June 20.-- Lon- don police reported tonight that there had been mo trace in this district today of the bandits who last night robbed a mail car on the Canadian Nafional Railways at Toronto, holding up three Lon- don railway mail clerks in carry- ing out the robbery, They were: John Farrow, senior clerk, of 314 Hyman street; Fred N., Allen of 769 Hellmuth avenue, and Gor- don W. Robertson, of 900 Mait- land street, Farrow and Robert- son spent the day in this city, The train, which left Toronto just before midnight, was met on :its arrival here at 3.45 a.m. by W. J. May, Superintendent of Postal Services; Inspector A. 8S. Thomp- son and H, C. Walter Harpur, fin- gerprint expert of the local Police Department. After a conference held in the office: of the Superin- tendent, May left for Toronto, tak- ing Allen back with him to aid the officers in that city in their search for the bandits. seemed to have the best idea of the appearance of the robbers. Many Packages of Cash Interviews with the clerks brought out the fact that Farrow had taken charge of the mail car and had ridden down th platform on a load of registered mail tow- ed by a tractor, There were many packages of cash for Lon- don, Brantford, Walkerville, Windsor, Detroit, Chicago and other cities, and also a bag of reg- istered mail for transfer at Hamil- ton for New York, Farrow and Allen were sorting mail, with their backs to Robert- son, when two men suddenly plunged into the car through the north door. One man carried a sawed-off double-barrelled shot gun, and the other a heavy and wicked-looking long-barrelled revolver, . "Hands up!" shouted the first robber, and the three clerks, find- ing themselves covered quickly obeyed. A glance toward the open door of the car showed another man with a revolver 'covering the clerks. At Sorting Table "1 was 'at the front of the car, Allen | at the oppesi men qutered," "] 'was at the sorting table, the same as Allen and Robertson. I believe the first man ontered and went to Robertson, though 1 had my back turned. The first thing 1 heard was 'Hands up!" "I thought it was a joke, and 1 turned and saw a double-barrelled 12-inch sawed-off shotgun, He had pressed it ia my stomach while the other bandit attended to the other men, The second bandit stood about tem feet away from Robertson and Allen and covered them with a revolver, but the man who was at me kept the shotgun buried im my stomach." "What do you want?" Farrow demanded. "Are you the registered mail clerk?" the bandit asked. Before Farrow could answer, an express man passed the mail car- and the bandit turned and said lo one of his mates: "There goes the transfer agent. Get him." Then the bandit said he knew Farrow was the registered mail clerk and he pressed the gun harder. "Now shoot." The clerk saw the robber meant it, and he handed him the least valuable of the four sacks under the table, "There are four sacks here anda I want them all," said the rob- ber. "He knew I was in charge," said Farrow, "and( he demanded what was left of the registered mail.I let the bag I was holding fall and he seized it and handed it to some fellow outside, He kept poking me with the gun, He said, 'I'll count three, and if you haven't got the mail handed over by then I'll shoot you." I chang- ed my mind and handed him an- other bag, He took the two oth- er bags' from under the sorting table, The funny thing 1s that he had his foot on a pile of or- dinary mail bags under which were six bags of registered mail, but he was determined there were four bags in the car and no more, Well, as he went out he sfid to me: 'I've a mighty good notion to shoot you anyway.'" As the robber left the mail coach Allen 'rushed to the door ¢nd obtained the number of the bandit car, 200 People Near By "The whole thing was over In three minutes or less," said Far- row, "and all the time there were at least 200 people on the other side of the mail coach who knew listen," he said, "I'll nothing of what was going on, The erowd included a newly mar- STOCKS 'StoBIE-FORLONG &( BONDS ead Office: Reford Build AND WELLINGTON STS. TO S, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R, Office Phones 143 and 144 GRAIN 0 i -------------- SENSE | « -------- -- -- -- ---- A COMPLETE LINE OF Hartmann's Wardrobe THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1928 ried couple who were being delug- ed with confetti by well-wishing friends. "I was in the east end of the mail car, sorting mail when the bandits entered," Allen said: "The first thing TI heard was a sharp command: 'Throw 'em up!' This was aid to Farrow, and at first I thought it was a joke. IY half turned around and said, 'What are you trying to pull off, boys?' and the next instant I felt something pressed into the pit of my stomach and a surly voice said: 'We'll show you what we are after.' I looked around and saw the gun.and I kept quiet." Backed into Corner "We had all our first-class mail and were just waiting for some fourth class mail--sack stuff," stated Robertson. '"We had just started to sort them. The first thing I knew was when one of the men stepped into the car and stuck a sawed-off shotgun into me and told me to back into a corner. The other fellow had what looked to me like one or those old "pistols"--Iit had an un- usually long barrel, The fellow with the sawed-off shotgun then demanded the registered mail, We tried to delay, but finally Mr, Farrow hahded out one hag that he thought would he of least val- ue of the lot, They took that, but demanded the rest of the reg- istered hags, saying they knew there were at least four hags. "We tried to hang out as long as we could with the bags of most value, but they hegan to get rough then. The fellow with the shotgun said he would count 3 and would give us that chance, and if we didn't hand over the rest he would shoot. We took all the time we could and then hand- ed it over." None of the clerks in the car was armed, In local police and postoffice eircles it is claimed that the joh was 'pulled off" by some one who had the means of knowing exactly what was happening night- ly in regard to the carrying of registered mail on the train. opened some of the bags and had' | ANUNDSEN LST _ INARGTIC WASTES Friends Fear for the Safety of Eglo Qetiebing for King's Bay, Spitabergen, June 20.--Barren Arctic vastnesses to- night had divulged the retreat of six men who had dared it, but ita white, ice-clad reaches had claimed two more--one of them a seer in its lore--and hidden them from view, General. Umberto Noble, chief of the dirigible Italia, and five of his crew were found on their ice-cake home today and given food and supplies, but the veteran Roald Amundsen and Rene Guilbaud, who left Tromsoe, Norway, on Monday for Spitzbergen, have been lost for two days, with little ér nothing to indigate where they may be. 'en others, too, are lost--the three men who started afoot tow- ard land after the Italia crashed, and the seven who remained with the dirigible and were borne away to the east when the gas bag, lightened by the loss of nine of its crew, rose again. Though trips through the air in gearch of the Nobile have been un- der way for several days by the Norwegians, Captain Rliiser-Larsen and Lieutenant Lieutzow Holm, it remained for a fellow-Italian, Major Maddalena, in the seaplane Savoia-56, finally to find General Nobile, Three Times Disappointed Three times the stranded men had seen the planes of their would- be rescuers flying in the sky abave them, and three times they had seen them pass them by. The fourth time, as the result of a care- fully prearranged wireless signal: ling, Maddalena, who yesterday had himself been unahle.to see the marooned men, though they saw him, reached them and dropped 650 pounds of food and supplies by parachute before returning to his base at King's Bay, Maddalena's discovery materially brightens the prospect of the No- bile group. They have discovered through the wireless beacon im- provisation how to bring the rescue planes and ships to them, and they have food and supplies enough to live on the ice floes in- definitely, Rescue they must re- gard now as a matter of days, and life on the ice floes should be relatively comfortable from now on, But the lack of news of Amund- sen 'and Gilbaud is another thing. The two in their French seaplane left Tromsoe on Monday, implying as a destination King's Bay, al- though some of their friends re- garded Advent Bay--which is to the south of King's Bay--as their goal. For a few hours after leav- ing Tromsoe their radial signals were heard; but shortly before they might conceivably have spanned the 600 miles' to the Svalbard Archipelago the signals were re- placed hy silance--silence which has continued unbroken since, There were rumors in Norway, yesterday, and here, too, that the seaplane of the two had been land< ed in open water near Nobile, bu Nobile's messages to his base ship the Citta di Milano, failed to indi- cate anything of the kind, and the rumors died almost as quickly " they were born. For a while no anxiety was felt for the pair, There is none alive more versed in the ways of the Arctic than Roald Amundsen, and Rene Guilbaud is known as among the most capable of French pilots. In explanation of the silence, it was said the wireless of the plane might have failed, and that, so isolated is Advent Bay or other possible places where the plane might have landed, they might be well and safe, and proceeding with their efforts, and no one else know anything of it. But today the most sanguine of the hopeful felt differently. Some- how, from somewhere, something should have been heard of Amund- sden apd Guilbaud. Hope had been replaced by frank anxiety. There had been no definite rescue projects put under way to- day here for the two, for no one has any idea just where to look for them. But these conjectures cover 8 Trunks always in stock OSHAWA'S LARGEST LEATHER AND SPORTING GOODS SUPPLY STORE Trunks, Bags, Suitcases, Boston Bags, Ward- robe Trunks, Tourobe Trunks, Aeropack and Migrator Cases, Gentlemen's Coat Cases, Ladies' Hat Boxes, also large varieties of Small Leather Goods. Ladies' Hand Bags and Purses. A large assortment of English Bags just ar- rived. Gentlemen's and Ladies' Dressing Sets. Sets, O MATTER where you go on that vacation trip you will need good luggage. De- Luggege--to We are at your service with a vast selection of Trunks, Bags, Travel- ling Cases of every type. Offering always the utmost in value as you'll note by a visit here. SAYWELL & SON Repairing of 1runks Bags and Suit Cases 19 Bond Strect West 2 Phone 338 wide area, and if Amunsden and Guilbgud do not make themselves known tonight, a hunt to find them, necessarily greater in pro- portion than those for Nobile and his crew, may be ordered. Some here saw a touch of irony in the situation that should have found Nobile and lost Amundsen. The two of them, with Lincoln Ellsworth, flew in the Norge from King's Bay to Point Barrow, across the Pole, just a year ago. How Thin Men and Women Gain in Weight McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets, coated and rich ip take and will not upset or evem pletely sat improvement in health--your drug- gist is authorized to return the purchase price Ask Jury & Lovell ILitd., T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Kary, 0 or ra good druggist. TO VISIT HOLLAND -- London, June 20.--The aero- plane Friendship having carried through to success the mission im- hai by its name, Miss Amelia Ear- t, Wilmer Stultz and Mechan- folan Gordon today turned their thoughts toward home. Their trans-atlantic flight has sfifTed their thoughts to new efforts. The trie plan to fly to the Continent for the weck-end, visiting Amster- dam and Varies. They will come back to kagland probably on Tuesday, and take passage by steamer for America on Wednes- day or Thursday. The Dutc# Air Line has put a plane at the Americans' service and the three fliers wish to accept the offer if it is possible to arrange their schedule. The hig orange- calored plane Friendship remains at Southampton, where it will be erated and shipped back to the United States, Marriage might last longer if the courtship wasn't cut short to got ready in time for June.--De- troit Free Press. Lady Moira Forbes, one of the debutantes of this London season, has an ostrich fan to match each of her many evening dresses. Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause--congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an inter- nal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail. Dr. Leon- thardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tah- let, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile mis- ery or money back. Jury & Lov- ells, Ltd., and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee. EX-INSURANGE MEN UNDER ARREST Charged With Conspiracy-- Bail is Set at $100,000 Each SR Winnipeg, June 19. --Following a lengthy investigaton by officers of the Attorney-General's Depart- ment into the affairs of the Canada National Fire Insurance Company, pany, E. L. Taylor, K.C., former President of the Organization, and W. T. Alexander, a former direc- tor, were arrested late today by city police on information sworn out by Inspector William Smith of the Provincial force, Both men were lodged in the Provincial Jail, and bail was fixed at $100,000 each. K. L. Taylor was subsequent ly released when the bond was pro- vided, but Alexander was still in the jail at midnight. The case will be carried in Pro- vincial Police Court tomorrow morning befora Magistrate Noble, and will be adjourned until June 26. Warrant for Brother Announcement algo was made by the Attorney-General's Department today that a warrant has been is- sued for F. H. Alexander, brother of W. T. Alexander, but it has not been executed owing to his ab- sence from the city. ¥. H, Alex- ander also was a director of the company. The information sworn out by Inspector Smith set out that W. T. Alexander, BE. IL. Taylor and F. H. Alexander between Dec. 1, 10186, and Dec. 1, 1927, "unlawfully con- spired together hy deceit or false- hood or other fraudulent means to defraud the Canada National Fire Insurance Company of the moneys Also ask for McLaren's INVINCIBLE : Kae SH tards, Spices, Extracts, Cake and Cus- om, Gf Marchi Chri ---- - -- or the use or benefit of the moneys of the said company." Both Prominent Men The arrest of the two men, who for many years have been promin- ent local figures, is the aftermath of the allegations made in a civil suit in the Court of King's Bench brought by Louis Haviland Leav- ens, a shareholder, against the Great West Loan Company, tha Im- perial Canadian Trust Company and the directors of the fire insur- ance company, among whom were the two Alexanders and E. L, Tay- lor. The two first-named companies are now in course of liquidation, while the fire company itself for a time was in the hands of a receiver until a reorganization took place with a new Board of Directors. According to the statement of claim filed in the suit brought by Leavens, dated April 5, 1927, ap- proximately $229,770 of the fird company funds were paid over t@ the loan company, which at the time was alleged to have been ins solvent, in order that the latte might be enabled to carry om husiness. The statement of claim} further alleged that the directors illegally, and by aets beyond the power of the fire company, used large sums of its moneys for lobbys ing at Ottawa for purposes nf ing at Ottawa for purposes if terested. : Mr. Leavens sued on behalf of himself and other shareholders of the company seeking a winding-up order against the directors of th Alexander company. The decision of the Court of King's Bench was against the Alexanders, and they were ordered to turn over all hooks assets, etc., to the liquidators, AYLMER IND, SIZE TINS 2 TOMATOES | 9c Safety SPECIALS re on Sale at These Very Low Prices . JUNE 22-TO; 28° CHOICE QUALITY, § wr such a successful cam e safest place in Ontar ves, gures, of the "Just Kids Safety Sup wh feel those Jems ate are what your children will Lies, from evory angle Mothers whose children are members The Globe for promotin, mothers to know that Furthermore, our Mana, a do your shopping, ax an Lr) matter what on our she only the low prices Hasetul te to for We want safet 0 for the! hig oh Boll Ascistants ate reads ot an dren is 1m a Loblaw store. particular es to help the children items you may Tequite, if they are Carry away, after paying Play safe and send 'your children a Loblaw Store, where Food Specialists have taken Avi MR family's The British Milk NESTLE'S CONDENSED MILK Tin 17¢ I) | | / 39 Simcoe N. - 156 Simcoe S. Store open 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. | Close Wed. at 12.30, Sat. 10 p.m, A Delicious LOBLAW'S § FRUIT Lb. 36¢ ki Lb, 32e , 21c Lunch Rolls . Wax Paper Peanuts CAKE Delicious Cherry Cake Rich Fruit and Nut Cake |} Fresh Valencia Cake :-. «ALWAYS FRESH STELNA BRAND Evaporated Milky: 53 Tins 19¢ Prepared Mustardrsencys .., Jar 13¢ Rolled Oots B% snes ,.,3 Lbs. 15¢ i Olive Butter sses srvrronre Jar 17¢ Licorice 'Allsorts TDSHes 20s s11000s 10-03. Box 20 So ~ CROSSED-FISH - SARDINES 2 Tins 29¢ REAL TASTY, ETA a 5%hets to 2 xn 1.55, 3 Rolls 10e > popsssssss » Bag ¢ Po pn Bag 12¢ Salted Peanuts soppmeprs Lb, 24¢ CHOICE RED COHOE SALMON 2 29¢ LIMIT 6 TINS TO A CUSTOMER +» Jacl § for Has a Flavor *" Salad Dressing Cooked SHIELD BRAND MAYONNAISE Mayonnaise Delight 8-oz. Jar 31c SR ea... 408. Jar, 1c Pimento Mayonnaise 8-0z. Jar 3lc idly Dressing All Its Own QUILT Bee of sessssssnss MADE FROM THE CHOICEST INGREDIENTS Tecaution to protect yore SPECIAL |, _ LIFEBUOY} Mon., DELIVERIES Tues., Thurs, 3 p.m. . Wednesday, Il am. - Fri., and fiat. Sat., I am, 3 pms 4-0z, Jar 17¢c Foil =H FINEST. QUALITY. 8-0z. Jar 28¢ Roguefort Cheese Lr ad ress | , CHEESE 8-02, Jar 24c Gruyere Cheese + > | NUGGET, SHOE POLISH Assorted Colors Tinl2¢ Soars DIAMOND CLEANSER IT CLEANS IT SCOURS 2 TINS 15¢ SPECIAL CANDIES Fruit Drops True Fruit Flavor pose, srspes Jelly Beans 555% ~- Lb, Box 19¢ Lb, Box 19¢ sonne ..Lb. Bog Ye Sai. Roll 37¢ 6c Tuna Fish rE a-- a Solids . Gruyere Cheese fF vireo PRG. 83¢ - Pkg. 37¢ I ll C woh Sh, 2 pigs. 256 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS RAISIN 2 Lbs. 23¢ Gum Drops Js = Lb, Box 15¢ pi ples Butterscotch / 16-03, Jar 20& :% 12-02. Box 16¢ p, ry Rrra 1 ar ga -- ....Jar 29¢ Gs, 2 Tins 29¢ Tin 2c she Mont' Tin 29¢ Waterglass sos mosis PENS» Tin 12¢ Sanitary Straws one» wn: Phe, 9 Sardines B75 3 Tow 0 SELL Hh GRAPE NUTS

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