THE OSHAWA DAILY TIN, 5, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1928 Mercury Slipper Hel | [For Your Vacation ; : & Full fashioned Hoss FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSIERY $1.75 ' These sharing Joke ae nade, fom Se (Het of hearty, Jervices . J on Our i ilk. jo i > , silk to t t, vi. pating 1h a py on top and a of toe-- XXX " 3 P orl able P hono- jinigrend fepes foot, fine, even-stitch fabric, and the very best o | Special ; Bg grap h C lu b At once serviceable and elegant--this smartly stylish hose will wear Delightful Service Sheer Hose, Full. ; Bi = . «and wear--and wear. A supreme quality hose at $1.95. fashioned. Reg. $1.50, ...eevirrererenee Z ; ; Colors: Atmosphere, Beechnut, Beige, Champagne, 'Vy : _ opens to-morrow with a limit= . Flesh, Kasha Beige; Mirage, Misty Morn, Nude, Parch- = "ed membership of 300. Last ment, Pearl Blush, Plaza Grey, Rifle, Rose Nude, San- . year the response was phens This very popular Summer Club dust, Shell Grey, Tawny, Zine, Black, White. omenal. We urge you to ene Atkin's Hosiery and Lingerie Shop roll early. 1% Simcoe Street South Phone 162 - ! A World's = | 0 ~~ 8) |Ea Portable wach of ev. ' eryome, Choice of black, red to Supply Your Needs{HC}) || "Camyola" . : iw Finished in black, blue ior brown fahirikoid, )! nts itself. The tired busi- new type tone arm and' reproducer, record B countryside seeks pleasure compartment for 10 records, wonderful vol- mer months and the result is Goin g On Your V ac ation iP = : ; E: : ; | : ! : | . ume and tone value unequnlled. ange and again ready to Here is a list of toilet goods you will surely need, . SPECIALS FOR MEN SPECIALS FOR LADIES '- yaway from the usual year This large tube 35¢c BATHING CAP and mily and the fishing pole, or KLENZO SHAVING CREAM, ~~ 50c PORTFOLIO OF PAPER AND 25 Ad M0 j : Value 50c and this excellent ENVELOPES, Both for 59¢ A Cy i LATHER BRUSH, value $1.25 One vial CARA NOME PERFUME, y tell : 3 ; . There never could be such Both for 2 dis. FREE, with every $2.00 box day, puts more life, energy abc tin Gentlemen's Talcum and 50c Ar POWDER bot. Gentlemen's 'Lotion for and a 15¢ Bobbed Hair Comb after shaving Both for 69c Both for . : 29¢ . » [TY since the famil expect it 86c tube Klenzo Tooth Paste and 23c GAVZETS ' y pe 4 Leather Key Container... The new Tmproved Sanitary Napkin BPECIAL PRICE DURING THIS SALE Beautiful sights and impres- J & 1 : bi TR ' i el i nr A: e to see them. There is an ury Love 1, Ltd. SAIC" 2 AT TER Sends One Home finding the suitable envir_ n- King East TWO STORES Simcoe South belo A Giving you choice of either model Ives to utilize these chances Phone 28 1 sh AhES 44 ==balance in small sums aftere--no Phone 68 interest . CREDIT | 3 | Before Going On And get the clothes you need A small payment AN ; 13 hm X ' omni balancs arranged 10 sat YOU, 3 1} ve Q Your Vacation-- New RR F&F gr } EX Visit Oshawa's At: Summer Ab ' Leading Ladies' Dresses At 8 price that enables you to save on every: dress. Silk crepe, Geor- _ mette, Flowered Crepe, Single and Double i Broadcloth, ete. Some Breasted Models in in plain colors. Dresses styles up to the min- . for any occasion 'in all ute. All wool tweeds, [// w sizes. Specially priced botany serges and fine / from worsteds, some with y two pairs' of trousers. maaan A 4] $6.50 to | £2. [AF | CAS $26.00 Sg=| $2500 | 51, BC da | AEE GLASS BROS. Ya" The "FAIR" 67 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2378 "i. ii vip | Simcoe 1.5. Phone 1173