THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1928 NE -------- ---- Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, June 18.--Mr. Arthur Mowbray, of Manitoba, called on Mrs. G. H. Robinson, renewing old acquaintances., Mr. G. W. Mow- bray and family formerly resided where Mr. W. G. Lindsay now lives. It is 28 years since Mr. Mowbray and family moved West. This is Mr. Arthur Mowbray's first return visit. He is a very successful wheat grower in Manitoba. He married Miss Jennie Storie, daughter of Mr. J. D. Storie, of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. McClure and family motored to Rice Lake on Friday for the day. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bennett and Miss Flossie motored to Toronto for Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Grain, Messrs. Leonard Brash, Bud Rowden and Jim Smith were recent visitors with Ted Robin- son, Mr. .and Mrs. John King had friends from Toronto visiting them on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Charlie Elliott on the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Clemence and family of Whitby visited with Mrs. Huggins on Sunday, Mrs. S. Luke and family motored to Seagrave for Sunday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. Luke were: Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Baley, Mr, and Mrs. Shaw, all of Toronto; Am-- NY 5 I DODD'S y, / KIDNEY BackacHE | ADDER TROY WLI SY Si Wrinkles make you look old, Wrinkles go hand in hand with eye strain, Have your eyes correctly exam- ined and remove the wrinkles. Proper glasses may be all that you need, We furnish you with the glasses after an accurate scientific ex- amination, JURY & LOVELL'S Optical Parlors Phone 28 or 29 a -- Mrs. Collins, of Whitby; Mr, E. Luke and family and Miss Lawrence, of Oshawa. Mrs. Smit and daughter, Bernice, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stone- house. § ~ The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing family of the late Mr. Robert Morris who died June 12th at his late residence on the Kingston Road. He was in his eighty-second year, A very large crowd attended the "Decoration Services" on Sunday. The cemetery looks very pretty with all the flowers and shrubs. . ZION -- Zion, June 18.--Mr. and Mrs, F B. Glaspel are enjoying a motor trip through Western Ontario, visiting { Mr. Charlie Shore at London and | Ar. John Gerry at Windsor and com- | ing back" by the Niagara Falls to sce the illumination. : Messrs Alf Ayre and Anson Balson have gone to Ormiston and La Chute | Quebec fairs with a carload of { sheep and poultry, Mrs. Wesley McMaster and daugh- ters, Misses Annie and Jean and | son Mr. Alex McMaster, motored to | New York on Sunday, Miss Jean was a graduate nurse at the Orthopedic Hospital, Toronto, last week and now has gone to New York to take some special training, The rest of the fam- ily will return the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flintoff attended Kedron anniversary and visited with attended the anniversary at Kedron. Griffith, of Blackstock, supplied our church and gave a We will be glad at address, to dr. 2nd Mrs, Chant have the sym- pathy of the community in the death of his father, Rev. J, Chant, (grand- pa to all Zion folks), who passed Mrs. Wagar, of North Bay, and was for burial, (his {former home vears ago.) The late Mr, Chant had spent some part of each summer with his son here for the last 10 years, so a good many had become acquaint- ed with him, He was in his 91st vear. Mr. and Mrs. Chant and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Stainton attended the funeral and had tea with Rev. and Mrs,» T. H, P. Anderson, at Newburg, formerly of Zion. Rev. Mr, DeMille, of Oshawa, conducted the funeral at the grave, Mrs. Russell Robbins very kindly entertained the Ladies' Aid last Wed- nesday at her home, when a splendid crowd attended, Usual business was conducted and for roll call nearly all the members gave a short story on the life of famous women of the Bible which was very intersting, One new member joined, After the business part was over material was cut into garments to he made by next meeting for the Victor Home, Toronto. The next meeting in July is to he held at Mrs. A. T. Stain- A hountiful lunch was served Mrs. Rohbins at the. tea hour, of the visitors at the meeting Mrs. P. A. Langmaid and Berniece, Mrs, Newton Edgar and some were! Kelvin, Mrs. George Hilts and Ruth ------ -- LASTS LONGER, GIVES LESS « ) :] Lehigh Valley Cross Creek Coal yo ASH AND GREATER HEAT Ask for the Certified Stamp Upon Every Ticket Try it and you will become a satisfied Customer. Hamilton By-Product Coke, Wood, etc. lime and sand. "Phone 1 der, DON VALLEY BRICK A quantity of large size now on hand, also a complete supply of your or- and np $23 81 King Street West H.M. Fowild & Sons Phone 91 Mr. Wesley Hoskin, Several others A general exchange of ministers was held on Sunday and Rev. Mr. real good le, have Rev. My, Griffith at any time again. away at the home of his daughter, brought to Newburg, ncar Napanee, : and where his wife had been buried some ' .of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Al- hin, Bowmanville, We are always pleased to have visitors and new members. 1 wonder how many housewives were taken in on buying floor var- nish from a travelling peddlar last week, which varnish turned out to be no use at all, a great many are complaining against such a traveller. We guarantee he won't be along next year with the same line of goods, Our little boys played a game of football in Mr, A. Langmaid's field on Friday night against Solina juniors and were defeated 1-0. Jack Balsoa refereed. Quite a crowd gathered to sce+ the boys. Saturday night our regular football team played Solina at Solina community grounds and had tough luck as our lads put in two goals for Solina and nome for themselves. Too bad boys but try and do better next time. Reg Harding refereed. Solina boys will play foot- ball here on Saturday night next, a good crowd is asked for. Our ladies please provide lunch. . Miss Michael, Toronto, is visiting her cousins, Misses Mabel and Pearl Flintoff. Qinte a few from here attended the decoration ervice at the Union ceme- tery on Sunday. : . Miss Effa Balson is laid up with tonsilitis at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Oshawa. RUSE Suis SOR COURTICE Courtice, June 19.--Miss Lyla Os- borne, Toronto, was home over the week end. . Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Rundle and Miss Mary, Toronto, visited his fa- 'ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Al- bert Rundle, recently. Mrs. R. C. Shertt, Tony Hill, has been visiting relatives in Courtice, Oshawa and Toronto for a couple ot weeks, Mrs. Hugh Fitzsimmons and babe, Detroit, are guests of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brook's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langmaid and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langmaid, Osh- awa, visited with Mr, and Mrs. S. S. Brooks on Sunday. Miss Margaret Abernethy and Mrs. M. R. Courtice accompanied the Harmony Athletic Club to Orono on Friday evening Where they were pre- senting their play, "Done In Oil] and rendered several piano duets during the evening. : Sunday School session 'was held on Sunday morning with a good attend- ance. No other services during the day. Several from here 'attended the an- niversary at Maple Grove on Sun- day and Monday. : : Do not forget 'the Woman's Mis- sionary meeting to be held this W ed- nesday at Mrs. Albert Rundle's, at 230 pm. A good program will be given and a social time after. "EBENEZER Ebenezer, June 18.--Only one service was held at Ebenezer on Sunday last, and that was Sunday School at 10.30 a.m, In the absence of our superintendent, Mr. L. J. Courtice, the nv g was in charge of Mr. W. R. Cour- tice. Our, pastor, Rev, J. H, Stain- ton, was present. and took charge of the class of young people who are to join the church in the near future. Otherwise a regular Sun- day School session was held. The other services were withdrawn in favour of Maple Grove anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oke and son, Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs. William Bickle and son, Maurice, visited un Sunday with Mr. Gus Oke in Tor- onto. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held on Saturday, June 16 at the home nf the president, Mrs. Arthur Pascoe. The meeting was in charge of the group under the leadership of Miss Mary Found and a good program was giiven. A goodly number was present and a helpful and pleasant afternoon was spent, The annual picnic of the Young People's League will be held on Thursday afternoon at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. The picnic begins immediately after noon, when sports will be indulged in by all. Supper will be served at the Park. Everyone is invited to be present. Bring vour baskets and come pre- pared for a good time on Thurs- day, June 21 at Oshawa-on-the- Lake. Mrs. Walter Snider. and Miss Clara Williamson spent the week- end with the latter's sister at Til- bury. The regular monthly meeting. of the Women's Missionary Society, will be held on Wednesday after- noon, June 20, at 2.30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. A. IE. Rundle. The meeting is in charge of Mrs, Rundle's group and a good progranr is being prepared. The report ot the convention, at Lindsay will be given at this meeting. All the la- | dies are askegy to be present. Mrs. W, E. Cole, of Bowmaa- ville, is" visiting at her brothe:"s Mr. Blake Oke's. A large number from this com- munity attended anniversary ser- vices at Maple Grove on Sunday, and many visited with friends and relatives there. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound on the birth or a son. Regular services will be held at Ebenezer on Sunday next. Plan to be there for one or nore of these services. They are sure to be well worth attending. ASHBURN Ashburn, June 19.--Dave Lenny, of Myrtle, is assisting Mr. Frank Harri- son decorating, Miss Dorothy Miller attended the Graduating Exercises at Moulton La- dies' College, Toronto, last week. . Miss Gladys Appleby who is train- ing for a nurse in a Toronto hospital is :pending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Appleby. Mr. John Miller sailed for England and Scotland last week, where he ex- pects to purchase some cattle to add to Lis herd and some fancy sheep for his splendid flock. Mr. Robert Heron fine new Essex sedan. now drives a Mr. Frank Fisher has been doing some improving at his farm. Mr, Parrott was at Haliburton Assam teas are known by experts as the teas I Red fact which why ose has become so pular in Canada. For Orange Pekoe is chiefly com Assam teas, which accounts for its dis- tinctive quality and value. Every A guaranteed last weck where he had the contract of wiring a summer hotel, There passed away in Port Perry on Thursday, June 14, Ela, third daughter of the late William and El- lan Pearson. Deceased had been ill for months and was a patient suffer- er until the end came. She was well known and respected here, being a sister of Mrs. William Brash. Inter- ment took place at Burns cemetery here on Saturday afternoon, when a large cortage followed the remains as a silent token of the esteem in which she was held. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved sister here and oth- er relatives. Mr. Robert' Duff and son sold a fine team of Clydesdale horses to Mr. F. P. O'Connor who is starting up a fancy farm at Dawer Road, To- ronto, and is going in extensively for a better class of live stock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pile visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Brown, of Myrtle, last week. Teacher and pupils are working hard and making extra efforts on the last few days of school, which is a good sign that their efforts will be crowned with success at the final ex- aminations. HAMPTON Hampton, June 19--Mr, and Mrs. Rogers, of Blenheim, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thom- as Wilcox, Mr. John Spry visited his daugh- ter. Mrs. Alired Dewell, Bowmanville on Sunday. Miss Helen Virtue has returned home after a pleasant visit with To- ronto friends. Miss Melinda Potter has returned to Bowmanville after spending a week with Mrs, Gertrude Virtue. Our church is undergoing its an- nual clean-up. The young people have accepted an invitation to visit the Blackstock Young Peoples' League on the eve- ning of July 27th. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Horn, were Sunday visitors with Mr. J. B. Horn, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson vis- ited Cartwright friends on Sunday. Master Ralph Petley had the mis- fortune of breaking his collar bone recently, Quite a number from here attend- ed the anniversary services at Maple Grove on Sunday. Mr. Lockhart, of Bowmanville, oc- cupied the pulpit here on Sunday evening in the absence of our pastor who wa 'king Rev. Griffith's work at Blac tc k. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Virtue and daughter, Oshawa, visited with Mr, J. I. Virtue on Monday, The work on the mill dam is about completed, the road being open again to the public. Final arrangements were made for our S.S. anniversary at a meeting held on Monday evening. Particulars will he announced later. BETHESDA Winni- spent the Bethesda, June 10.--Miss fred Cole, ot Toronto, week end at home. Mr. Kenneth Fraser motored from Toronto and spent the week end with lus parents, Misses Esther and Mary Johns and Mr, Ralph Johns motored from Thornhill and were week end guests of J. R. R. Cole and sisters. Mr. Ward Gilbert, Toronto, visit- ed at the home of T. J. T, Cole's on Sunday. Miss Hooper and Mr. Victor Hooper, of Toronto, were week end guests of their sister, Mrs, F, A, Werry. J Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson, of Newcastle, and Miss' Hodgetts, of Mecaford, were Sunday guests of J. R. R. Cole's. Raglan, June 18.--Mr. and Mis, James Stanton, of Fenelon Falls, spent Sunday as, the guests of his sister, Mrs. Roy Moon. Mr, Cecil Hubbard went under an operation for appendicitis in the Bow- manville hospital one day last week, and we arc pleased to report he is convalescing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Will Finley, of Dun- dalk, spent the week end with her sister, Miss Susic Bray. Mr. and Mrs. James Richards and Mr, and Mrs. Hansom Richards, of Oshawa, recently visited with Harold Powell. Mr. Harry Blanchard, of Whitby, MOTHER OF TWINS HELPE ptrength, I will Ve Compound to one. 24rs. F. STATION, Box 220, Mi Ont. ; spent Sunday at his home here. Quite a number of the members of the Canadian Order of Foresters attended special services in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard and daughter Marion, spent Sunday with relatives in Bowmanville. The Sunday School will hold their | annual picnic at Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Saturday, July 7 Miss Edna McKee, oi Manchester, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Evaus. A number from our vicinity at- tended anniversary services at Ked- ron on Sunday. Mrs. Wi. Luke spent a few days in the city last weck. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Radbourne and daughter Marillya, returned to their home in Toronto after spend- ing two weeks' vacation at her fa- ther's, \WVm. Brent. Mr., Grant Wilson, of Prospect, re- cently visited his sister, Mr. Carl Avery. The Sunshine Rebekah Lodge of Oshawa, presented their play, "The Old Oaken Bucket," to an apprecia- tive audience last Thursday evening. The talent between acts was also put on- by Oshawa friends and was much enjoyed. Mrs. Talmage Taylor, of Burkctoa, | visited her father, \Wm. Brent, on] Wednesday of last week. | Misses Twila and Thelma Turner, Hazel Turson and Edith and Yansl Nevills, all of Toronto, were weck end guests of Mrs, Fred Pierson. Rev. E. Swayne will preach his | farewell sermon next Sunday evens ing before leaving for his new ap- pomntment at Frascrville, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Slute spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. John McGregor, of Scugog Island, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch, of Oshawa, visited at Robert Squelch' on Sunday. Mr. Fergus Nottingham, of Port Colborne, recently visited at J. i Nottingham's, v Mr. and Mrs. Noah Luke, of ronto, spent Sunday with Wm, L Miss Stella Wilson, of Port Perry, recently visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Gilbank is busy preparing her three pupils, Ruby Wilson, Olive Thompson and Gragt Bright, for their entrance exams. We wish them the "best of success. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Squelch, cf Buffalo, spent the week end with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Luke and Mr, and Mrs. George Luke and Mr and Mrs. Wm. Luke, attended the Luke-Venn wedding at Toronto on Saturday. To- George Quite. a number from the commun- ity attended decoration services at the Union cemetery Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Avery recently on | Tuesday cvening, when the visited relatives in Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strong, of Pur ple Hill, spent Sunday at Charli Luke's. | 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ri ter, of Columbus, Arksey, ef DBrooklin, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Avery. | Mr. and Mrs. Peck and family, of | Toronto, spent the week end at Fred Pierson's. Mr. George Athol, of Michigan, y Hall and daugh- | and Miss Helen were recent | is | visiting his Mr. ray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colgan and daughter Coleen, of Toronto, spent the week end with Miss Susie Bray. Quite a number from here attend- ed the tea and concert at Kedron on Green- wood young people presented their play, "The Eyes of Love." Mr. and Mrs David Thompson is visiting with Mr. N. Grose, of T Tonto. nephew, George o- PORT PERRY Port Perry, June 18.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobney, of Oshawa, Miss Kathleen Coombs and Mr. Allan Savage, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Collacutt. Miss Winniired Ting: v, of Oshawa spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mcintosh. : Mr. McHoull was in Peterboro for a couple of days last week, Mr. Cherrie, of Chicago, is visit- ing friends and relatives in this vi- cinity for a couple of wecks. Miss Marie Myers of Oshawa, was the guest of Mrs. Homer Robinson last week. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. A. A. Brown and Miss M. Pearson in their recent be- reavement. Mr. and Mrs. W. in Toronto last week. The 33rd Annual Convention of Ontario and Durham Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held in the United Church, Port Perry, on Thursday, June 2lst, morning and afternoon sessions. Din- ner and tea will be served by the local Union to the visiting delegates. Mrs. Wm. Pugsley, of Toronto, a past Provincial President, will be the speaker. The meetings open at 10 am. and 2 p.m. Mrs. Pugsley's ad- dress cat 3.30 pm. The public. are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. KE. Carruthers, of Balsam, visited Miss Edith Peters at Cooper's Falls, recently. Miss Hilda Wallace spent a days in Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh spent the week end with friends in Cobourg. Miss Evelyn Alexander spent Suu- day with friends in Oshawa, We regret to report that Mrs, Wn. Hooper is very ill and we hope for a speedy rccovery, Mr. and Mrs. Boynton spent the week end with {friends in Milten, Mr. Jas. Wilson had a valuable cow struck by lightning during the theunder storm last Wednesday. Miss E. Hutcheson, of Toronto, is visiting her home here for a few days. he Rev. T. A. Nind's family have arrived from Toronto and are now cttled in the Rectory. We hope they McLean were few | will be happy in their new surround- Mr. J. Marsh, of Toronto, visited ort Perry friends on Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Nicholls visited her father, Mr. Geo, Collins, last week. Pcople who want to go away for the summer are beginning to say the children need a 'change.--Atchison Globe. PAGE NINE: -- \ 1 jes For thirty-five years the favorite cereal in millions of homes ~ and still the favorite. Baked all the way through. TRISCUIT ~ a crisp, tasty wafer Made by The Canadian Shredded Woev Company, Ltd) SAYS 20 AMERICANS fe HELD IN NIGARAGUA, is ii and well treated. The prisoners were | said by Pavlevitch tor be George B, SunX | Marshall, of New York, manager of . the La Luz Mine which was raided Mexican Reports Rebel | last April, two American mine-work= Leader Prepares for Jere and 18 American marines. Offensive Estbeban Pavlevitch, a Peruvian of Jugo-Slavian descent, said that He stated that Sandino had issued a decree saving that after June 14, he would no longer respect foreign property cxcept those owned by + | Spaniards "and Latin- Americans. 'I Pavlevitch claimed that Sandino had 1 2000 well-armed and well-equipped n and expected to fight under fav- MY Grable conditions with the coming of ricans held ' | the rainy season. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Jun A representative of Me groups who has that he visited tl pital « Nic-| = araguan rebel leader \ugistor n Sandino, "and found 21 there as prisoners. Auction Sale of Used Cars 20 cars will be sold at your own price, consisting of Tourings, Sedans, Coupes, Roadsters, . and Trucks. Also will sell a number of standard 5 tube radio sets. Saturday June 23 At 2 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Terms 25 per cent. Cash. Balance on Delivery Licensed Auctioneer. Luke Motor Dundas Street West Moffats Electric Ranges ELECTRI Simcoe Stree for sale by the C SHOP t North, Oshawa, Ont. ' The bruising, battering shocks are "ironed out" The sudden crash of the tread on a stone carries more force than a kick from a mule, Pure Gum Cushions 10 Absorb Battering | Bruising Road Shocks Pure Gum Cushions at Point of Greatest Flexing Strain The average tire receives many such "kicks" in a year's run--and the strain is ALL ON [TEE CORDS,' 'GP" Gum Cushioned Tires are built to take the pun- ishing blows of the road. The pure gum bands between the cord layers absorb from chafing against feature is found in no other tire. You get more for your money in "GP" Tubes because you buy Pure Gum at the same price you pay for * compound- ed" rubber in ordinary tubes, lost longer the shocks and prevent the cords adjoining layers, . This cushion "Gutta Percha" Tires CUSHIONED A Wonderful Cushion Feature Exclusive to "GP" Tires Vulcanizing pn. Williams Service Station Cor. Prince and Bond Streets, Phone 1426 ° Sold by