Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jun 1928, p. 2

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Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15---Office 434 Indication' of Improvements to Whitby Harbor Shown; Gov't is Seeking Property i (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 12.--Indication of the fact that the Dominion Gov- ernment is taking definite action to make improvement at the Port 'Whithy harbor is seen in the fact that the government is seeking to acquire fromy the town a strip of land 40 feet wide by 35 feet deep 5 A at the south and west end of the slip. It might be recalled that last April the town council drew the attention of the department of public works to the faet that the clay bank at the end of the slip was rapidly being undermined and the lake was threatening to encroach on the extreme south end Printed All-Silk Rayons Dainty floral designs, checks and stripes, all ready for sumemr, frocks for young and old. A yard wide, worth in the regular way, 85e to $1.25 yard. Due to a special buying opportunity we re enabled to offer them to you at 4 49c per yard Hosiery, Prices and Qualities That Compel Your Attention 4 All Hosiery Sold in This Store Are Sold on the Guar- antee of Satisfaction or Money Refunded. "KARO" Pure Thread Silk as Hose In Three Qua And every one a Pure Thread Silk Hose, lities Comes in a Full Range of Colors and Sizes. OUR DOLLAR KARO HOSE Has made a decided hit. If you have not already tried them, by all means do so. Pair The next one is just a little finer grade, in texture and perfect in fitting. Sells at, pair $1.00 $1.48 Perfect A FULL-FASHIONED HOSE Then there is the best of all--the finest of silk, reinforced heel and toe, silk sole lined with lisle, giving double the wear. Special toe and heel guard. RAINBOW STRIPED HOSE Full-fashioned pure thread silk hose, good range of colors and sizes. -Pair CHIFFON HOSE Good service weight. Celanese A splendid value. Wash Silk Dresses Short and Long Sleeve Styles, Good THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1928 of Brock street. The town agreed to cede to the government this strip of land along the bank and the in. tention is to build a retaining wall. CIVIC OFFICIALS EXTINGUISH FIRE (By Staff ) Whitby, June Roane) ori of citizens do not realize that the town possesses two permanent fire men in the persoms of Engineer Herbert Pringle and Town Clerk John Frost. Yesterday morning a call was received from a local bank where clerks had set fire to some paper in the basement. The flames seented to be threatening the floor above and as the basement was soon filled with smoke it was thought best to telephone the town hall for a fire extinguisher or two. The aforesaid civie officials gladly responded and hastened to the scene of the bonfire with eatin- guishers, the blaze being put out in short order, NAME PRESIDENT OF TENNIS CLUB Gordon Whitfield Heads the Organization--Other Officers (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 12.--Mr. Gordon Whitfield was elected president of the tennis branch of the Whitby Lawn Bowling ' Tennis Club at a well attended meeting held in the councif chambers last night. Others elected included first vice presi- dent, Jack Blow; second vice presi. dent, Miss Marjorle McGillivray; secretary treasurer, Miss' Helen Hudson; grounds committee, Mr. Perry, Miss McGillivray and Joe board of directors, Mus. Goodfellow. According to announcement made by Mr. Thomas, presideht of the Bowling and Tennis Club, the ive for senior membership would be $7 for men and $5 for women, while the junior membership fee would be $3. The financing will be in charge of the board of airecwurs for this year. The directors further suggested that any person twelve years or over who would agree to play only in the restricted hours allowed with junior membership be priv leged to pay but the junior aw. This recommendation, however, did not meet with the approval of the meeting as many were of the opin- ion that those of adult age should pay senior fees. A motion was passed urging that junior member- ship be limited to persons of twelve to fourteen years inclusive while all persons fifteen years and over be required to secure a senfor mem- bership for playing privileges. Bascom; representative on the The appointment of a social con. . a ---- pa -------- = Women's Lisle Gloves For the warmer weather, all shades and 59¢ sizes. Pair ... JAPANESE TABLE CLOTHS Japanese crepes with Japanese designs, in blue, napkins to match, and they wash beautiful. Cloths 54 in. x 54 in, 93¢ 36 in. x361n. ......40c Napkins to match Oc each or 8 for Ric that like nice things, Priced from .... Come in white or sand. blouse that is proving very ular this season. Priced at JUST ARRIVED! NURSES White with roll or short collars Priced af Fu nels, Whether golf, a hlazer it's for tennis, is a necessity, Each .......;: New Arrivals on The new Coolie Silk Kimona for the ladies $4.50 , $13.95 POPULAR VESTA BLOUSES A new "$2.98 $1.95... $2.95 BLAZERS FOR SPORTS WEAR Made of fine quality striped or You Should Visit the Basement Children's Overalls, each ....--38¢c Boys' Blouses, each .....,...68¢c Boys' Sailor Suits, each ..-.. $1.29 Boys' Sailor Suits (lighter weight), CHILDRE the parent will 5 years. Each sleeveless CHILDRE In blue, vellow ( UNIFORMS Made of finest « Twa styles, most worth, bewitching cach plain flan- hoating or made Sizes 12 to 14 ye the Second Floor N'S VOILE DRESSES Dainty little frocks that both the child and be proud of-- N's CREPE DRESSES yr green. Sizes 2 to 7 years, juality materials and in the we... $8.95 styles. CHILDREN'S FUGI DRESSES Fugl Silk Dresses of all colors, Sizes 8 to 10 years Smartly reer. 92,98 . $3.48 ars, of Bargains Await Your Choice, Among Which F Women's and Pair ,...iis "Baby's Rubber Pillow Cases, each ... Silk Hose (Penmans), Pair. ...69¢ You Will ind-- critter BOR Children's Hose, .25¢ .19¢ Pants Township Council Thursday, all present, Reeve [ presiding. of as ,a grant for use of land at lo er's property tan, executive, while the matter of set- ting the hour limit for junior play- ers was also referred to the exe cutive. Mr. Whitfield acted as chairman for the meeting, while Miss Helena Richarlson was secre. tary pro temr. DOMINION STORES ACQUIRE GROCERY 'FIRM IN WHITBY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 12.--Thompson's cash grocery, Dundas street west, has sold" out to the Dominion Stores according to information received today, serious ill health on: the part of the proprietor, Mr. Thomp- son, being the reason for the sale. During his short stay in Whitby, Mr. Thompson had built wp a splendid business and earned him- self a very favorable reputation in the community. Injuries received while in service oversease during the last war are thought to be the cause of his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family will probably move to Milton and their departure will be keenly felt by an ever grow- ing circle of friends. J ---------- DARLINGTON TP. ~~ COUNCIL MEETS Much Routine Business is Transacted and Accounts Passed Regular meeting of Darlington was held on with members C. A. Wight June 7, Communications were disposed follows: John 8. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, calling attention to the Weed Control Act filed; 8. L. Squire stating that the annual Good Roads convention would be held in Regina, Sask. on September 25, 26 and 27, 1928, iled. : Arthur J. Nicholls gave notice Ahat cost of gravel from his pit in future would be 26c per load. Fil- ed. E. M. James, Toronto, not! fied Council that by Order in Council dated April 26, 1028, that road assumed on August 21, 1917, had heen reverted to the municl- pality, Filed. At two p.m. Council desolved itself into a oCurt of Revision and Appeal. After taking the oath of office the following ap- s were dealt with: Carl Bryds not properly assessed. Assessment was confirmed; Her- hert Cameron, asessment too high. Assessment confirmed. The business of the court having been completed, the regular order of business was taken up. Russell McLaughton requested tes, concession 9; $6.00 granted. Clerk was authorized to procure Revised Statutes of Ontarlo, 1827, and algo Statutes of Ontario, 1928. Clerk presented award of Township Engineer, E. M. Proctor of Toronto, which stated that he considered that the deepening, widening and otherwise improving of the ditch through Thomas Bak- was 'not required. Filed. Clerk read a letter from Thom- as Baker stating that he would appeal against the award. Coun- cil decided to take what steps are considered necessary to defend the case in order to secure justice for the Township of Darlington. Treasurer acknowledged re- ceipt of $1.37 from C. W. Souch for cement; $2.74 from Geo. A. Barow for cement, $348.72 from Township of Clarke in pay- ment of their share of debenture No. 4, 8.8. No. 1, Darlington and 8.8. No. 3, Clarke, ' Orders were drawn on Treasur- e ras folows: Road Supt. mater- jal, #8; Road Supt. repairing sidewalk, $38.20; Road Supt., sal- ary and office, $136.26; Road Supt., maintenance, $279.83; M. A. James, printing and adwt., $7.- 80; Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies, F. Storms (charity), $14.19; N. F. MacNachtap, 50 percent main- tenance of Mabel Walter, March, 31 days, $23.25; N. F. MacNach- 50 percent maintenance of Bowmanville MELBOURNE E, TURNER, Representative HIGH SCHOOL LOSE TO FRONT STREET (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 11.--With just two more games to go, the High School was defeated in the Senior Softball match here at the High Schoo) grounds by the Front Street. team. The game was not up to the general standard of the series, the brightest spot being in the eighth inning when Thurston of the Front Street bunch put a long one out by the fence to score a home rum with the bases full, In the ninth, the High School team overcame the five run lead, to tle the score. In the tenth, Thurston scored the lead rum, and Rovan, red-headed pitcher of the Front Street, held the High School from scoring. The score was 8-7, the game having run one inning over time. The line ups were: Front Street--Rovan, pitcher; Thurston, Bates, Caucilleo, Brown, Williams, Tooter, Culley and Oko, High School---James, Milson, Carruthers, Jamieson, . Jackman, Lunnpey, Colmer, Landler and Me- Donald, SOLINA ELEVEN WIN BY 3 TO 0 IN BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville, June 11,--In a re- cent game, Solina football team played their return match here at the High School grounds, The line ups were: ' Solina--goal, G. Langmaid; backs, Blanchard - and Reynolds; halfbacks, Dewell, Vice and Gibsun; outsides, Pascoe and Tink; centre, Reynolds; insides, Dewell and Tink. Bowmanville--goal, Jeffries; backs, Lobb and Price; halfs, Hop- kins, Muir and Dalton; forwaras, Brown, Shaw, Tait and Maurar, The game was well attended, and plays. In the first half, Solina scored twice, although the locals pushed hard to make a goal. De- spite their hest efforts, especially of Lobb, Solina goalie, would make a neat gave, and at the end or "tne first period, Bowmanville had yet to make their first goal. In the first of the gecond period, Solina pressed the locals, but fail- ed to score, through Jeffries fine work. The play was from then on fairly well distributed, and Lohh outshone, himself Near the end, Tink scored for Solina again, and held the home team to 3-0 to the end of the game, QUIET WEEK END (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 11,--Chief of Police 8S. Venton, reports that Bowmanville has had a quiet week- end, with no motor accidents. Trafic has heen heavy, but there have been no offenders of traffic regulations. both teams supplied some exeiting | SE ------ -- . |venor was left in the hands oi the LONDON OBSERVER ! MAKES COMMENT View Expressed on Ottawa Debate on Immi- gration London, June 12.--Commenting on the recent debate in the House of Commons at Ottawa, over the recommendations of the Canadian parliamentary committee on im- migration, the London Sunday Ob- server expresses the opinion that the debate turned rather on me competence of a minister than on {the principle of immigration pel- icy. The debate revealed, continues the Observer. fis a8 certain uneasiness | regarding the type of British im- migrant now being attractea to Canada and also regarding the means adopted to attract him. "The excellent system of ex- amining immigrants on this side is to be maintained. Dritish doe- tors wil] faithfully execute the du- ties which Canadian authorities as- sign them," says the paper however, that there prevading Sandals are France wher wood is for Expositor. being urged In as the urge in Holly- scandals.--Brartford " TOILETRIES SALE We List Here Only a Few of Our SPECIALS Electric Curling Irons Shampoo . 75¢ Klenzothir Stim- ulator and Dan- druff Remover... 85¢c Riker's Lilac $1.50 Pocket Atomizer $1.50 Narcissus Cherisette Toilet Waters ..iiviiinee 1.19 50c Georgia Rose Face Powder .... $1.25 Vacation Spe- cial Stationery.... $2.00 Lorie Enamel Compacts 25¢c Tooth Brushes ..,19 50c Riker's Milk 'of Magnesia Tooth 39 08 Don't Miss Seeing Our Counters and Windows THE REXALL STORE JURY & LOVELL King E, Simcoe 8S. Melrose Parker for Mar., 31 days, $23.25; N. F. MacNachta, 50 per- cent maintenance of Mabel Wal- ter (deceased) 25 -days, $18.75; N. F. MacNachtan, 50 percent maintenance of Melrose Parker, April, 30 days, $22.50; J. J. Smith, Advance T. S., 8.8. No, 19, $100; Noble I. Metcalf advance T.S., 8.8. No, 6, $250; Sid T. Hoar advance, T.8. 8.5. No.10, $325; A. W. Annis, advance, T.S., 8.8. No. 18, $400; Bank of Montreal, Deb. No. 2, 8.8. No. 16, $711.27; Bank of Montreal Deb. No. 4, §.8. No. 1, $1086.94. ; Council adjourned until Thurs- day, July 7, 1928, at the hour of 1 pm. Girls' Rubber Aprons ........18¢ Ladies' Rubber Aprons ......208¢c Ladies' House Dresses. . 79¢ to $3.50 Range of Colors and Sizes to Choose from. Regular $19.95 to $22.50. Every one a new style. Special for Thursday, Friday and Saturday .,.. $14.75 A week end special in Children's Rompers, each. . ..-98¢c Face Cloths, 8c each or 4 for ..28¢c China and Brass Ware Suitable for Gifts, And You Will Always find one or Two Tables of REMNANTS Black Smocks with Colored Collars Special ,:io00rirsiarrreer BUE9 Leh Valley Cross gh va Coal LASTS LONGER, GIVES LESS ASH AND GREATER HEAT Ask for the Certified Every, Ticket Girls' Khaki Dresses with Bloomers, size 6, Special ............51.39 W. R. ALLIN, TRIANGULAR SCARFS Tp. Clerk, per M.G.P. in every color imaginable, and every conceivable design. Made of crepe- de-chene. Comes in three gualites. we 98c, $1.25 ...51.98 rr Ca --.. 398 Dimity Bloomers and Slips In a 5 O Variety of Shades. SPECIAL ea C [miss y $41,600 for a four-room ext W. A. DEWLAND, Limited BER : Ld Br? Ladies' Summer Vests Cumfy cut and opera styles, made by the Watson Mfg. Co. A good value. Each ,......... Dimity Night Gowns Blue, pink and white trimmed in con- CORSETS Try it and you will Made of Pink Coutil of good quality, become 2a lightly boned, is a good fitting gar- ment, and a remarkable value 89¢ SEVEN TRUSTEES AND CHAIRMAN OF SOO SCHOOL BD. RESIGN Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., June 12. ----At the regular meeting of the School Board tomight, Chairman G. Bailey and six other members, A. McAllister, N. A. (Cowie, W. Lightfoot, George Merrifield, Thomas Peak and J. C. Noble, re- A quantity of large size mow om hand, also a complete supply ot lime and sand. "Phone 1: your or- der. H.M. Fowlds & 81 King Street West Sr -- the board. The board voted Chairman Bailey a $200 honorar- jum for his work up to this per- jod. All but one of the resigna- tions are effective tomorrow. Son Phone 91 -- um CE -- ESR

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